Editorial: It?s Time for Mr-President to Resign
by Alphaville Herald on 31/07/04 at 12:39 pm
With recent revelations that AVG officer Chad Thomas voted up to 200 times in the AVG Presidential elections, David Pierce has filed a class action lawsuit vs. Mr. Thomas. We believe that this is a classical case of an underling taking a hit for the party that is ultimately responsible. In part one of this two-part editorial we make the case that the locus of responsibility must lie with Mr-President himself, that he failed to nurture the proper democratic values within his administration, and hence that he must resign. In part two, we look at the meta-game and suggest that from this vantage point as well, it is high time for Mr-President to move on.
Part I. It is time for Mr-President to resign.
1) The Chad Thomas revelations and democratic values. The admissions of Chad Thomas that he used proxy servers to vote multiple times for Mr-President are troubling on a number of levels. In the first place, it raises the natural question as to whether Mr-President was the legitimate winner of the election. Beyond that, however, it raises serious questions about the values that were inculcated within the AVG. Why was it not made clear to the officers of the AVG that democratic values were more important than just hanging onto power? Mr. Thomas tells us that he was pressured to ?do something? to help Mr-President by Jason Sim of the AVG. This suggests that it was not Mr. Thomas acting alone but a pervasive attitude within Mr-President?s administration ? an attitude that it was more important to stay in power and retain the status quo than to protect democratic values.
2) The unanswered questions about the JC Soprano involvement in the election. The Chad Thomas incident does not resolve the question of the troubling chat logs involving Mr-President and Mafioso JC Soprano, but only makes them appear more suspicious. The defense of Mr-President and Mr. Soprano was that they were only engaged in a verbal pretense that they were engaged in an election rigging scheme ? in effect a pretense within the pretense of a role playing game. This is obviously an unstable position in the best of times, but what is particularly troubling is comments from Mr. Soprano to the effect of ?we didn?t have to do that? ? in effect, they did not have to interfere with the election process because Mr-President won. But this suggests a conspiracy to the effect that if Mr. Thomas had not voted multiple time other mechanisms would have kicked in to ensure that Mr-President won the election. Even if this was pretense all the way through, the conversations are damning. No real world politician could survive the revelation of a chat log like that, joke or no joke. One does not engage in chit chat with Mafiosi about fixing elections.
3) The CIA director Alex Sanchez. For months after the revelation in the Alphaville Herald that the AVG CIA director was in fact mafia Kingpin JC Soprano, Mr. Soprano and Mr-President denied this fact. It is now clear that Mr-President knew for several months that Mr. Sanchez ? his CIA directory ? was in fact a Mafioso, did not admit this fact (thus misleading the citisims) and did nothing to remove Mr. Sanchez from this sensitive position. This is inexcusable.
4) Even in recent days there has been a pattern of questionable judgement within the AVG. In his exit letter, noted scammer Mr. President Bradley has claimed that he gave some six million simoleans to Mr-President. Members of the AVG have said they would resign if this were true. Meanwhile, the silence from Mr-President has been deafening.
5) Ultimately the most serious problems with the AVG have not been the direct actions of Mr-President, but rather the actions and words of his underlings. In the aftermath of the AVG elections his minions undertook a smear campaign against Ashley Richardson that was sexist at best, and well beyond ugly on many occasions. At times these smears emanated from the official press office of the AVG. This again demonstrates the failure to inculcate the proper democratic values in his staff, and more, the failure in inculcate the values of respect for other citisims ? including the opposition.
For these and other reasons, The Herald believes it is time for Mr-President to step down.
Part II. Meta-commentary
On the meta-level of course this is a game, and it is a game of Mr-President?s invention, but we think that the rules of his game dictate that he resign. The AVG game included many of the trappings of political life, including campaigns, elections, press conferences, and rapid response teams to handle breaking scandals. The logic of this game suggests that when a virtual scandal becomes big enough it is time to step aside. Well, a series of virtual scandals has now achieved such a level of magnitude that the rules of Mr-President?s own game dictate that he step down. It?s his game, of course, and no one can make him do it, but if he is to be honest to the game, that is the move.
More importantly maybe, we think that Mr-President did a fantastic job in setting up the AVG and playing along, and we have enjoyed playing along with him, breaking stories that are sometimes serious and sometimes downright silly (remember scorned Relina?). All along the way, Mr-President played along with great panache and made the whole game lots of fun. But we now believe it is time for Mr-President to move the game elsewhere ? or start over in a new MMORPG. He has outgrown Alphaville and TSO, and the resources of TSO severely limit the kinds of things that Mr-President can accomplish. Put another way, we think he is far too creative to be stuck in TSO.
Accordingly, we are not just encouraging Mr-President to resign his post in the AVG in Alphaville, but we are encouraging him to set up shop elsewhere. In particular, we would *love* to see him set up a new Government in Second Life. OK Pez? Think about it. And may the new games begin!
Aug 3rd, 2004
I guess the children had to go to sleep.
Aug 3rd, 2004
I am finding all of this extremely amusing. I can barley stop laughing.
drug addicts? exorcists? head spins? creepy monster faces? and so much more. too funny.
And yes Ian all the “teens” went to bed. it was after 1am when most of it stopped.
Carry on with the posting
- RB
Aug 3rd, 2004
Ashley, stop trying to make everyone else agree with you. Youre nothing but a silly child. Grow the hell up. I don’t even vote or believe in the government…please no one take offense to that. I feel sad for all the lives lost in this war and greatly appreciate everyone who puts their life on the line for us. Its just so sad that so many young lives are lost…what’s the point of war anyways? On the other hand, I think that Mr-P did a good job..hes a nice guy and kept all the kids active in game. When I used to play it gave me one more person to harrass (hehe sorry, i was only playing around).—ooh and you REALLY should ALL come to SL…except Ashley…please stay far away from SL…
Aug 3rd, 2004
Now memes, be nice.
And to everyone else in this thread…
…erm…well, what the hey…why should I interrupt this rich flow of ideas?
*pulling up chair and making popcorn*
Aug 3rd, 2004
Ok, when i post this, ive only read about half of this page. And Ashley Im not gonna hold back, heres what I think. You, like most demorcrats, are a whiny little bitches. There i said it. First off
Clinton was fucking some lady who now sells purses. . .yes he was helping the country. In Iraq, you say theres nothing to fear. Terrorists dumbshit!!! Weve had like 5 fucking videos of ppl being decapitated by terrorists in iraq!! And weps of mass destruction? WTF DO YOU THINK WAS BEING USED ON THE KURDS!!! IF YOU WATCH THE FUCKING NEWS SO MUCH YOUD KNOW THAT!A MAN KILLING INOCENT PEOPLE HAS TO BE STOPPED! Look. Maybe that Micheal Moore Douche or your parents have brainwashed you. w/e YOU CAN’T BELEIVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR. IF YOUR SO FUCKING OPEN MINDED AND WHAT NOT YOU SHOULD REALIZE THAT!!!! and i must agree, someone said this at the top, politics is full of cheating and scandals. later
o and PS If your so anti-avg, why the fuck did you run for president? i rest my case on the whiny bitch, i think your mad because you lost. Up yours, I mean seriously up yours.
Aug 3rd, 2004
LMAO!!! This is too funny man!!! Alright, it’s a new day, and i bet you this is what were gonna get out of everyone on this thread today!!
Loxee: GIMME AN A, GIMME AN S, GIMME AN H, GIMME AN L, GIMME AN E, GIMME A Y, WHAT DOES THAT SPELL??? Well, common, i’m 14, and you are all older, so you should know this one guys! Oh well, i’m off to go impersonating more people! A EHHEHEH!
Ian: Check out this site: http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2004-08-02-moore-apology_x.htm
Realist + Vermont: (They’re just gonna type a BUNCH of funny shit! lol)
Nat: Shut up, you don’t know nothing, etc. (Btw, i agree wit u Nat!)
And last but not least, Me: Well, i’m gonna say it AGAIN, SHUT THE HELL UP ASHLEY!!!, and the same to you Loxee!
Ahhh, well, like Uri said, the popcorn is ready, my footrest is out, and i’m ready for another GREAT, bound to be funny, with ALOT of obnoxious postings, Day here on this thread, brought to you by the AVH!:D
Aug 3rd, 2004
O and ashley, don’t give me any of that, I was youg and naive bullshit for running for president, we already know that, cuz hey your a whiny bitch brainwashed democratic 14 year old.
Aug 3rd, 2004
Kiss my ass Ashley, kiss my white ass
Aug 3rd, 2004
Me? Nice? Only in your wildest dreams..
Aug 3rd, 2004
LMFAO Assley, I just went to your websit, Im sure you must get this a lot, but your one ugly ass bitch, I mean fuck. Jesus tap dancing christ I think you were in a plastic surgery so you could some high smiling cheeck bones for when you decide to go into politics. Did you sue the doctor? thats a serious mal-practice suit.
(and i can comment on jesus cuz im buddhist, so don’t start about disowning the lord)
Did you and your dad like practice golfing togther with you as the target or what. Plz comment back, I really wanna know.
Aug 3rd, 2004
Vash, I think you need an anger management course.
Aug 3rd, 2004
And now I see another reason why you like kerry so much, you are both mistakes.
Aug 3rd, 2004
Kudos to Shawn:)
Well I think that Clinton did a good job with America. At least the economy. Thats about it.
Just remember, this shit happens with every damn presidential election.
Loxee, if your going to move to “FAR BETTER PLACES” then why the hell are you replying to anything.
Well the truth is we all know who is going to win.
Must I say the answer? Wait… I forgot I was dealing with TWO HUGE DUMB ASSES. OK girls pay attention… BUUUUUUUUUUUUUSH! Say it with me now.. BUUUUUUUUUUUSH! B-U-S-H! Bush. There we go now that we have that cleared up.
Aug 3rd, 2004
Tried it man, doesn’t work, and holding emotions inside can be very very painful, so i let my anti Assley an kerry emotions go w00t
Aug 3rd, 2004
Hey Everyone,
Gotta put in my morning dues on this post. I really enjoyed the chit chat last night, kept me entertained. I even enjoyed being inpersonated, cuz it didn’t make any sense. Keep the posts rolling y’all!
Aug 3rd, 2004
Aug 3rd, 2004
Great post shawn great post
Aug 3rd, 2004
Well everyone I have returned from my goodwill mission with poptarts and orange juice, this shall be an entertaining morning.
Aug 3rd, 2004
LMFAO VASH AGAIN!! AHH I LOVE THIS, So where are the 2 political exorcist 14 year old plastic surgery drama queens this morning?
Ps: Nat, glad to have you back;)!
Aug 3rd, 2004
Shawn and Vash, who are you guys? TSO or SL?
Aug 3rd, 2004
I’m TSO and SL!
TSO: In AV: ShawnRyanII
In CC: ShawnG
In DG: ShawnRyan
SL: ShawnG Bauer
Aug 3rd, 2004
As of right now only tso, but considering sl
Aug 3rd, 2004
Oh cools, me too..Mimi coral in SL..and uhm…i used to play TSO…..but its not installed at the moment lol…i was uhmm…Mimi something there, i cant remember…and uhhh some other sims.
Aug 3rd, 2004
You on SL right now Mimi?
Aug 3rd, 2004
Isnt it still down for maitenance?
Aug 3rd, 2004
*Takes computer out back and beats it with a baseball bat*
Aug 3rd, 2004
I dunno, i haven’t played in a while, i just thought i would go on right now! Yo guys, let’s get back to the whole Ashley thing LOL, Oh wait i forgot, we scared them off! Or they’re trying to get their beauty sleep……. CUZ GOD KNOWS THAT ASHLEY COULD USE SOME OF THAT… EMPHASIS on BEAUTY sleep!!
Aug 3rd, 2004
I stongly recommend that you guys wait until you hit puberty before you try SL. If you are threatened by Ashley — and clearly you are — well your little heads will explode if you venture into Club Elite. Meanwhile, can’t you guys find some r/l 14 yr old and throw gum in her hair or dip her pony tail in the inkwell or whatever little boys do these days when they have a crush on a girl.
Aug 3rd, 2004
Hey, whats Ashley’s site?
Aug 3rd, 2004
..?? ………When was the last time u were 14??? Back in the 15th Century?
Aug 3rd, 2004
Now, There are several stages of ugliness you see. Theres a
1 possibly, but only desperate
2 no
3 this kind you make fun of
4 this is just sad
5 this is where you say: Holy fuck god has a twisted sense of humor
6 (ashley) *vomits* holy fuck!!! *sirens go off*
(Rosey O’Donell Is in 6 category)
Aug 3rd, 2004
WOW That means your like… 700 YEARS OLD URI!
Aug 3rd, 2004
Uri..I’m alredy past puberty…but
Ashey still pisses me off
Aug 3rd, 2004
I tried sl for a while I was Fergie Firefly, but it wasn’t running on my computer too well cuz i have a SLOW connection. Who has a crush on those two??? Maybe they have a crush on me, since they were impersonating me.
Aug 3rd, 2004
Yay! SL is up…now back to those damn vendors! Uri…come see my clothes i made…NOW! Yea, i have a brand new comp, sony vaio with a brand new 9800 radeon or however its spelled graphics card and SL still gives me problems :\
Aug 3rd, 2004
Yes, when I was 14 chewing gum and ink hadn’t even been invented yet. we chewed on rocks and wrote by carving hieroglyphs in the mud with our bloody fingers.
Aug 3rd, 2004
uhhh the good old days?
Aug 3rd, 2004
I just LOVE older men!!!
Aug 3rd, 2004
Ashley Richardson has just logged onto TSO…. i repeat, Ashley Richardson IS awake, although were not sure whether or not shes ALIVE or DEAD! As her pictures that we received have us thinking of Dawn Of The Dead! We should have more on this coward in just a few minutes!!
Aug 3rd, 2004
LOL!!!!! *finds TSO CD and installs*
Aug 3rd, 2004
I am no longer going to fight with you people! you say your so Mature then prove it..
Hey Mimi I remember you “Mimi E”
Aug 3rd, 2004
Well guys Ashley has said no to read this forum
Aug 3rd, 2004
Loxee, don’t talk to us about maturity, and yo, i’m talking to Ashley Richardson herself on TSO right now, and it seems that she thinks of herself as: GOOD LOOKING, i asked her if she thought she was good looking and she replyed with a yes :\ And then she says to me that her BIG eyes, and her wacked out teeth. are her BEST features…… and then she adds that her hair is another…………..Well Ashley…..seriously, MAYBE in Dawn Of The Dead would you be GOOD LOOKING, and would those ”features” be your BEST…. but um….. Dude, i’m not even gonna finish this:\
Aug 3rd, 2004
I strongly second that
Aug 3rd, 2004
Throwing up the white flag, hun?
Aug 3rd, 2004
Loxee, dont be a hipocrit u just said ur no gonna talk cuz were not mature. o_O
Aug 3rd, 2004
WOOT Nataleigh!!!:):):D I’m guessing they have…and Ashley….. if you believe in it… don’t worry…. there’s always reincarnation, and hopefully in your next life, you’ll come out a little more alive!
Robert The Man
Aug 3rd, 2004
…………Wow seems the war is pretty much over in the comment section about Ashley,being mature,Loxee and Micheal moore……More at 11
Aug 3rd, 2004
Its too early in the morining to be thinking of Ashley. Last night I had a nightmare. I dreamed I was being attacked by..by….the thing. Its face was blurry at first. It was real skinny with a big head. It was coming toward me like the girl in the ring. I started to scream..I backed away….It came closer and faster…Its face was forming…It was pale…the eyes were huge and sunken….Could it be? Could it be? Yes! Yes!..IT was she…..Her skinny hands reached up and grabbed at my neck. I tried to back away but I fell in the process. She was now hoovering over me with her skinny deformed body and her big head. As her face came more into view, I could see that her eye sockets were empty. She then let out an unusually high pitched laugh and said “You wanna see my head spin?” I cried helplessly saying no..please spare me the 360. But it was too late…By the time I could even get the words out of my mouth her big head was at full speed. I closed my eyes to prevent from seeing such a horrific sight. And thats when it happened. I felt her head land on my chest as I sat on the floor…Thats when I woke up screaming. I suddenly realized that it was just a dream. The most horrible dream anyone can experience. Now I need therapy….
Aug 3rd, 2004