Archive for September, 2004
UO Player Petition: Dump Stratics
Seems as thought TSO Players aren’t the only ones who are fed up with the abuses of the Stratics Mods. I just came across the following petition asking that the UO discussion forums be moved out from under stratics control. The reasons are familiar (petition is reprinted below) and the comments by the signatories are [...]
Full StoryThe Myth of Fiction
I’m happy to report that we finally got Professor Ludlow off of his fat derrier and got some product out of him — in this case a paper titled “From Sherlock and Buffy to Klingon and Norrathian Platinum Pieces: Pretense, Contextalism, and the Myth of Fiction.” Wordy mofo ain’t he? Not sure I get the [...]
Full StoryWhy did Stratics ban Sir?

Sir sent me the emails with the pretexts under which Leah permanently banned him from Stratics, and I have to say that I ? even in my advanced state of jadedness ? I am shocked by the whole thing? But somewhat amused too. Following is the ban letter sent to the Sir. Loosen up the [...]
Full StoryTwo Parties while the Wizzards work late

Was a busy night in SL last night. Two club grand openings: One Song’s new Club Erotic, and the new Club Elite on Elite Island. But no sooner did I get done doing my paparazzi thing at those events but I was summoned back to the SimCast dev tower. Seems the latest SL update induced [...]
Full StoryBartle Mourns the Loss of Creative Freedom in MMORPGs
In a recent post on Terra Nova, game making pioneer/god Richard Bartle (d00dz, he co-wrote the first MUD) mourns the loss of creative freedom in the new MMORPGs. Why are we all giving up our creative freedom so happily? Do we all just wanna be SOE’s beyotches or is it just that we have no [...]
Full StoryGaming Open Market Hacked Again

GOM strike price. Hmm, Lindens need to do something about the deflation. As Dan Hunter has reported on Terra Nova, the Linden dollar/US dollar money exchange, Gaming Open Market, has been hacked again. Thankfully, the Lindens are working with Jamie Hale (aka Zeppi Schlegel) to rectify the situation. Obviously we are going to see a [...]
Full StoryAll I can say is … :O

Thanks to the mack of all cyber-paparzazi, Father Callahan, for this screen shot. I think the pic pretty much says it all, don’t you?
Full StoryFor the Truth…

For almost a year now, the Alphaville/Second Life Herald has resisted persistent calls for us to jump into the national political fray (frey?). But times have changed, and what with the Herald now widely recognized as perhaps the most important blog ever (and because Bloodninja has goon awol), we can no longer sit on the [...]
Full StorySecond Skin, part 5: Mistress Midnight

By Miravoir Psaltry Believe it or not this is the 5th SL skin artist we’ve talked to. Previously in this series of interviews we spoke with Chip Midnight, Santana Lumiere, and CherryBomb Hare and Kathmandu Gilman. In this installment we speak with Mistress Midnight, best known for her elegant and sensual goth skins.
Full StorySims 2 Marketing Campaign: sex sex sex sex sex

Faithful readers of the Herald know that we don’t like to discuss s-e-x, and only do so under duress, but the new advertising campaign by EA for the Sims 2 begs, pleads and grovels for attention and blogging. What we find fascinating is the conjunction of the new advertising campaign with EAs insistance that there [...]
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