Archive for January, 2005
Kremlinden Lab vs. Academic Freedom: interview with Durkheim Edelbrock
Sociology Undergrad Durkheim Edelbrock Universities and the academic profession have established policies covering the ethics of academic research. So why have the Linens established themselves as arbiters of ethical research above and beyond these policies? Good question. It might be to hide unsavory aspects of Second Life, or it might be simple pandering to SL [...]
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl: Kiki LaFollette
It’s that time of the week again: time for the lastest Post Six Grrrl! This week’s girl is Kiki LaFollette. Kiki has been in SecondLife for quite a while now, and is the owner and designer of “Hair Affair.” She also enjoys trying new things and re-experiencing things she has done in the past as [...]
Full StoryThe Herald Profile: Anshe Chung, Part 2
by Walker Spaight You don’t need money to have fun in SL.–Anshe Chung On Monday, Anshe Chung described the origins of her real-estate empire to the Herald in Part 1 of our two-part Herald profile of Second Life’s best known “business girl.” We conclude the interview today with Anshe’s thoughts on the economy of the [...]
Full StoryJeff Brown: “Video games are taking over the universe!”

EA’s Vice President for Corporate Communications, Jeff Brown JB was back in the news yesterday, this time on NPR’s Morning Edition, Jan. 25. The story was about EA and Take 2 buying up rights to sports trademarks for their video games, but clearly the highlight was Jeff saying “We see video games taking over the [...]
Full StoryThe Herald Profile: Anshe Chung
by Walker Spaight “When I was 18 I was chosen to hold Communist party speeches.”–Anshe Chung Whether you admire her, revile her, or simply scratch your head at all her “For Sale” signs, Anshe Chung is one of the most talked-about avatars in Second Life. Read the Part 1 of the SL Herald’s two-part profile [...]
Full StoryTechno-Pagan Nuptials: Simcast Island Lord Weds in Midgard
by Pat the Rat In the social event of the month, Simcast Island Lord Mystic Templar married Simone Templar (no relation) in a lovely techno-pagan ceremony on the bucolic island of Midgard. Midgard is strategically situated between the unspeakably evil Simcast Island and the wholesome hobbitesque Bedford Island and hence managed to bring together an [...]
Full StoryThe Borg Back in the News

EA’s Corporate Headquarters EA has been back in the news this month, most recently in this article in the Chicago Tribune, which talks about recent acquisitions and even quotes Ubisoft representatives as calling EA’s purchase of its shares “hostile.” Of course the big news this month is the purchase of the ESPN name – EA [...]
Full StoryWhat’s in the Stars For Your Avatar?
By Madame Katarzhinska Budzhynskyanskikova(“Madame Alphabet” to her friends) The Herald has had multiple requests to begin publishing a horoscope so that all you avatars out there can know how to behave (or misbehave) and what to look for in the next month. This horoscope is attuned to avatar birthdays and not meatspace birthdays.
Full StoryDear Avi 2
Due to popular demand and the multitude of questions coming in, Dear Abby has returned! She has decided to change her name to Avigail VanHelsing in order to appeal more to the avatars in SecondLife. Here is week number two for all you “Dear Avi” fans…
Full StoryOp-Ed: When the Game Goes Too Far
by the Teflon Don A recent incident in which three Louisiana high-school students were arrested for something called “cyber-bullying” should put the fear in some MMOG residents, as it now appears that what some groups do in-world can be considered a felony.
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