Archive for May, 2005
Fashion Show Review: Canimal (SABORLATINO)
by Chipsen Queso So, following in tradition with the Herald’s fashion show reviews, I went to the SABORLATINO fashion show this past Friday that featured the designs of Canimal Zephyr. Honestly, I think the picture above says it all. Since he is a member of their agency, Matthias asked me to review this show for [...]
Full StoryThe Mystery of Chicago 1900
The Chicago machine: Martin Magpie and Claire Glitterbuck in their world within a world within a world by Jill Mackenzie Chicago 1900, the vast new project headed by Martin Magpie and located in the Faded Reality sim, opened Friday to rave reviews from residents delighted to be transported to another time and place within the [...]
Full StoryHeard on the Hardware
A brand-new feature from a brand-new Herald stringer (who shall remain anonymous), Heard on the Hardware brings you occasional snippets from actual conversations overheard on the Grid. So prick up your ears and, if you think the Herald’s listening, sharpen your tongues… Heard in the Morris sandbox, May 3:Resident #1: Dolls freak my sister out. [...]
Full StoryFootnote-In-Mouth Disease
Neal’s brain hurts. My virtual-world name is now footnoted in a real life essay by a real life Law Professor writing about the virtual-world tabloid journalist who is also a real life Philosophy Professor. Welcome to the metaverse!
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl – JellyBean Madison
The Herald is pleased to present this week’s Post Six Grrrl – JellyBean Madison. JellyBean is co-owner of Minx Radio and ThE WhErE HoUsE. A big thank you goes out to Marilyn Murphy, the publisher of Players Magazine (available at Semang (208, 170)), who is responsible for these pictures and all of the Herald’s Post [...]
Full StoryLaunching the SLInformation Revolution
by Walker Spaight Squagmire Stravinsky at the controls of the InfoNet R4 The information revolution comes to SL this evening when The Learning Center’s own Squagmire Stravinsky unveils her newest creation, the InfoNet R4 information network, in its new and more powerful laptop edition. Squag’s launch party starts at 9pm game-time (see Find for details). [...]
Full StoryMay is Touchstone Educational Fair Month
Want to learn more about Second Life? SL’s Touchstone group is holding an educational fair on FairChang Project Island all month, showcasing various cultural and educational groups and activities from across the Grid.
Full StoryLove Affairs, Death Threats and Scandals, Oh My!
by Pat the RatHerald columnist Pat the Rat (right) with one of his many “sources” Recent comments on the Herald site have inspired the editors to send out little old me, intrepid columnist Pat the Rat, to find out what’s really going on! Keep in mind most mafia folks are tight-lipped about their business (well, [...]
Full StoryThe Geeks Are Coming!
by Budka GroshommeA fanatical group of science fiction fans in northwest Indigo sim has built some kick-ass space ships that are now poised ready to sally forth to destroy the Alliance, the Borg, or the Klingons! Or perhaps they’re just getting ready to attack the puzzling array of oversized teddy bears ranged along a bluff [...]
Full StoryHammie Blows Lid off FIC ZombiFICation Center
Free thinking SLers are converted into slaves of the Feted Inner Core (image stolen from NWN) In what is doubtless his finest work to date as a virtual journalist, Hamlet Linden of New World Notes (the House Organ of Linden Lab) broke his leash and gave the hand that feeds him a good chomping by [...]
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