Archive for May, 2005
Anshe and other Virtual Power Brokers in the LA Times
SL Power Player and Business Girl, Anshe Chung In Monday’s LA Times there was a very interesting article — entitled Virtual Power Brokers — that discussed some of the gold farmers and money traders in MMOs. Of particular interest to denizens of SL is the interviw with our friend Anshe Chung.
Full StoryJeff Brown is “Bastard of the Week”

EA’s Vice President for Corporate Communications, Jeff Brown Our good friend Jeff Brown (VP for corporate communications at EA) has scored the uncoveted “Bastard of the Week” award from Offshoring Digest. Not sure if there is an Orwell Newspeak Prize, but if there is he’s a lock to get that one too.
Full StoryNeal Stewart Departs
I am stepping down from my position at the Herald, to spend more time in-world experimenting with things like content-creation, land, events, management, porn-event-management, and government.
Full StoryLinden Lab’s Government: Under Neu Orders
In his final article for the Herald, Neal Stewart exposes Linden Lab’s secret support for Neualtenburg and a new Second Life player-run global government. Will a mysterious new sim give birth to a virtual-world utopia or a shameful miscarriage of justice? Is your freedom being voted away while you sleep?
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl – Six Kennedy
The Herald is pleased to present this week’s Post Six Grrrl – Six Kennedy. Six is Co-Manager of SFH Entertaiment. A big thank you goes out to Marilyn Murphy, the publisher of Players Magazine (available at Semang (208, 170)), who is responsible for these pictures and all of the Herald’s Post Six Grrrls. Hiya, I’m [...]
Full StoryOff the Grid with Walker Spaight: Making the Virtual Market
Fed chairman Alan Greenspan ponders the Linden-dollar exchange rate With Linden Lab still considering hiring a virtual Alan Greenspan to manage Second Life‘s economy (as Philip mentioned in a Town hall meeting some time ago), we got to thinking: If game companies hate the trade in virtual items and currency so much, instead of trying [...]
Full StoryIs Beauty Only Pixel Deep?
by Budka GroshommeKim Charlton fuels a few philosophical ponderings Can one fall in love at first sight? Could the sunset ever be as lovely as the time you first glimpsed the girl of your dreams walking along the seashore, coming toward you, a vision with flowing blonde locks and tight bodice? The sight of her [...]
Full StoryWedding: Marilyn Murphy and Fleenie Jensen
by Matthias Zander The Herald would like to congratulate Marilyn Murphy and Fleenie Jensen on their SecondLife marriage. The ceremony was this past Friday, May 7 at 7 PM game time in the Stardust sim. According to the Herald’s sources, over 200 invitations were sent out, but only 60 were able to come to the [...]
Full StoryFashion Show Review – Heart’s Desire (DoveVogue)
by Chipsen Queso My final fashion show of this four day fashion streak brings me to today’s fashion show at DoveVogue for Heart’s Desire, one of SecondLife’s most revered shoe makers. They are made by Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky. Dove Vogue, I guess, seemed like a logical choice for them because of Dove’s reputation [...]
Full StoryFashion Show Review – Escade Athel (Percision)
by Chipsen Queso Well, here it is: yet another fashion show by me! Because of Matthias’ connection to the designer featured in this show, he asked me to review this one, as well. Why does it always seem that I get the bad assignments? *le sigh* Oh well. Escade Athel by Mex Thorn is one [...]
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