DarkSide Mafia Attacks BlackHand Mafia
by Alphaville Herald on 18/07/05 at 12:04 am
by Gina Fatale
In the last two weeks a series of attacks have been planned out and executed against what is left of the BlackHand Mafia. All from the orders of Boo Cinquetti, one of the Godfathers of DSM. Mr. Cinquetti was kind enough to grant the Herald an exclusive interview and provided some pictures of the attacks.
Gina Fatale: Hello Boo the Herald got a tip your family has been bombing and raiding The BlackHand Mafia on a daily basis is this true?
Boo Cinquetti: yes it is true but it is extremely hard to find them
Gina Fatale: First begin by telling our readers what initiated the attack on BH
Boo Cinquetti: well to be honest I was being constantly harassed by them and I just had enough
Boo Cinquetti: let me say
Boo Cinquetti: my bro cowboy steed is also a gf of dsm with me
Gina Fatale: BH has always had a problem with you? and what kind of harassment have they done to you in the past can you be specific?
Boo Cinquetti: well I like Santino and Aislyn, I wouldn’t say they have a problem with me, its just that they do things i do not agree with
Boo Cinquetti: lol im sure you want to know what things
Gina Fatale: yes be specific please
Boo Cinquetti: haha ummm alright I am allied with Genovese and TBH are constantly trying to pull some jazz over there
Boo Cinquetti: that is one reason
Boo Cinquetti: another is i was shot by the Underboss of TBH
Boo Cinquetti: and 2 different times they sent a soldier to DSM to get info
Boo Cinquetti: both times he was found out
Gina Fatale: what do you think they were trying to do to DSM?
Boo Cinquetti: lol well there may be people in DSM they do not like
Boo Cinquetti: i dont think it was an attempt to hurt DSM but it was an attempt to hurt our members
Gina Fatale: But you say you were cool with the GM and GF of TBH – yet they did these things to your family? this is what caused the attack correct?
Boo Cinquetti: yanno
Boo Cinquetti: i am still friends with them
Gina Fatale: So then why attack?
Boo Cinquetti: but i will not stand by and let them do as they please and neither will Costello or Bellini
Gina Fatale: Ok so tell us when was the first bombing and how many times in the last week or so have you hit BH
Boo Cinquetti: ok we have attacked now for 3 days almost around the clock
Gina Fatale: Have they retaliated back at all?
Boo Cinquetti: not hey have not, we have yet to be attacked on our soil
Boo Cinquetti: i am in the commission
Boo Cinquetti: we are all hitting RBH together
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us who the commission is made up of for those who do not know?
The Commission.
Boo Cinquetti: Costello, Bellini and DSM
Boo Cinquetti: Genovese is my ally
Gina Fatale: What has been the reaction of BH from all these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: well i do not know they don’t seem to care since they have not hit back
Gina Fatale: Do you think that is it – that they do not care?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i can not speak for them I do not know what goes thru there minds
Gina Fatale: No I’m asking your opinion
Boo Cinquetti: in my opinion i do not think they have the right people in order to hit on a scale that we are hitting
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us what these pics show in detail, what was going on?
Boo Cinquetti: we went to there island and hit it hard
Gina Fatale: Were guns or any weapons used? Were any TBH members present during these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: Yes, we were never shot at once and people were there they just was hit so fast they could not react
Gina Fatale: and they did nothing?
Boo Cinquetti: they tried
Gina Fatale: not even say a word?
Boo Cinquetti: lol yes i saw some words
Boo Cinquetti: like wtf
Gina Fatale: DId you crash the sim?
Boo Cinquetti: well it was real laggy and hard to move
Boo Cinquetti: i do not need to carry weopons to do a hit
Boo Cinquetti: DSM has soldiers to do this
Boo Cinquetti: and they did
Boo Cinquetti: i did fire a few times
Boo Cinquetti: but for fun
Gina Fatale: Do you declare victory over TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i declared victory before we started
Boo Cinquetti: not even a challenge
Gina Fatale: So is the war over or there is more to come?
Boo Cinquetti: im sure we will hit them everyday till Santino, Cowboy and I can come to an understanding
Gina Fatale: But isnt Santino on life ban from the game?
Boo Cinquetti: well doll u have to talk to him about that I will not speak on that subject
Gina Fatale: Well we got a tip saying that may not be the case but it has not been confirmed or investigated.
Boo Cinquetti: oh isn’t boo on life ban from the game?
Gina Fatale: True
Boo Cinquetti: well there ya go
Boo Cinquetti: lmao
Gina Fatale: So what would be an acceptable agreement between the commission and TBH to end the war?
Boo Cinquetti: well for me to stop hitting TBH he needs to apologize to Kasie Costello and let up on my ally genovese
Gina Fatale: What did he do to Kasie?
Boo Cinquetti: he said a rude comment to her
Gina Fatale: Specific?
Boo Cinquetti: umm well lets say he wrote a check with his mouth and his ass can’t cash it
Boo Cinquetti: so until he cashes it we gonna continue
Gina Fatale: Any final comments to our readers and to TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: yeah to the readers kids do not do this stuff at home it is dangerous for your well being
Gina Fatale: lol
Boo Cinquetti: to Santino
Boo Cinquetti: bruhh stay cool i look forward to seeing u soon hola
Gina Fatale: ok Boo ty for the time
Reno Blaze
Jul 27th, 2005
ohhh poor gormz you lil dum fuck you never kicked my ass kid keep dreamen may be you will one day an mom i been in game i told you befor i told any one els i was giveing up the mob bs all in all you cant trust these mother fuckers back stabers an whoes all around us im a good man now with my linden girl hahahaha but to you all much love an to you gormz wtfe dont make me come afther your all hahaha for 1 you dont know my name kid an i love creepen lol
""bOo PaRkS""
Jul 27th, 2005
As fate would have it, Boo’s status appears
to be at an all-time high, perfect time to say goodbye
When I come back like Jordan, wearin the 4-5
It ain’t to play games witchu
It’s to aim at you, probably maim you
If I owe you I’m blowin you to smithereeens
Cocksucker take one for your team
Jul 27th, 2005
hhahahaa this really cant be that pussy ass bitch gorms cant it?hahaha..so tell us gorms how does it feel to be owned on your first day by me?your not tough shit homie so dont act it..come correct or dont come at all, and leave your antics for someone who gives a fuck..ps anyone want to see pics of gorms geting owned im me and no i’m not sellin these for a 100k hahaha,and how could i not mention stacy and blaydon…stacy i corrected what I said in my first post JUST FOR YOU sweety and then you go off runing your mouth…ok thats it *load glock* i’m commin to fuck belllini up..oops already has been done hahaha, blaydon remember when i questioned you as a godfather? hmmm i wonder why, mybe cause no one takes you serious?mybe that your a a pussy?oooh i see mybe its just that you really are nothing, I never met a godfather who retires then goes off in another family wow lets not even get into your rank hahaha, WHOSE THE PAPER DON NOW BLAYDON??rofl, isnt that what got you in trouble before??*sighs* succh a fucking jokeyou are blaydon…hmm who else is there..*light bulb goes off* soooo bella and mateo *grins* you do know that i won a bet on you right? hahaha the bet was for 5k will you last as a gm and gf for 4weeks at the most…hahaha and you sure didnt..oh and stacy if you ever want to get at me showing everyone fake notecards and saying i report sorry to tell you thats not going to get you anywhere, so just give up..is that frustration in my voice? naaah just a blunt..but i am hearing pussy in your voice blaydon now arent you suppose to big and bad?hahaha *sighs* your a fucking joke along with stacy..have fun when you go into the war mister CIA/FBI/SECRET SERVICE/U.S SPY w/e the fuck you claim to do kinda surprising how you havent gone anywhere..dayum i’m on a roll haha..and just ONE more thing stac i promise..I stick my nose up boos ass? naah you were already the one there..your so far up his ass that if he spits its coming out of your mouth..too bad you couldnt befriend him long enough so you could try to have dsm save you..sucks huh..anways keep my name meaning tommy/kevin/carmine out of your mouth goes for you too weekend warrior blay…and yes i was them peeps tommy the welcome area bomber and kevin we all have a bad past right?well i changed mine alot and am not the same person i was back then..i’ll admit while i was them tommy/kevin i was an ass i’ll admit to that but ey we learn from mistakes, i went to hell two times and came back..our past makes us who we are today, but the present time is we we are now.
Jul 27th, 2005
^ raw and uncut sorry for the typos
Jul 27th, 2005
Who the fuck pulled your chain skyllar, I didn’t ask you to speak to me bitch, so mind your own fuckin buisness for once big mouth! And as for you reno, your out of mafia because you got your ass owned all over sl fake ass trick, and got your sorry ass perm banned, was a great day when that happend faggot! hahaha nephew, your protecting your nephew skyllar or trying to get some ass? as for you carmine you piece of after birth fuck, have your mom and dad by you a few more accounts so I can own them all!!!! fuck you!
Jul 27th, 2005
WTF OWNING ME???? hahahahaha your a fuckin joke..I owned you sooo fuckin bad when you came back..3 accounts btw..and hmm my group didnt get taken away from me now did it gormz..the last time i searched street killas hahaha..you were not in it and Alyeska took it from you, look at this…
Sci – Fi ~ Military mix~ Cant beat us down !
BLACKROSE our sister club rocks love you all..
We are here to come together as a group. ( not to discriminate as some mafias do ) We share ideas, textures, objects and scripts.
As a Gang we protect our own. We are Street-Killaz 4 LIFE! ..umm and this is a street killa? sounds like a group for SCI Fi fuckin losers not saying that jedis dont kick ass dude, but i sure dont see fuckin jedi knights in compton fighting with light sabors hahaha..your washed up get your stanky ass out of here gormz…wanna get owned get another alt and i/m me
Gina Fatale
Jul 27th, 2005
Holy shit! this is by far the mosts posts i got on any story i have ever written for the Herald. Uri where is my raise? (and not the one in your pants) Sorry all just wanted to share that LOL!
Jul 27th, 2005
this is my last post……..i dont give two shits about what any of you think…this whole things is a fucking joke…dont ever think you have a true friend cause its the internet….we are all pixels and can seem one way one second and another the next…very and i mean very few ppl actually know me….i am soo tired of all this……many of you will forget me in a few weeks anyways…thats how done i am with all this………tootles
its been a blast……….(like slitting a writst)
Skyllar McTeague
Courtney McTeague
Razor Boffin
Terrany Leader
and so forth……………….
boo parks
Jul 28th, 2005
lmao yall funny I love you all
stacy maracas
Jul 28th, 2005
OH Carmine Carmine ….
WHERE the HELL do i Begin…well first of all……..
Carmine, or whoever u are capable of mooching an account off of THIS week, honey them so called, fake emails I made up? LOL Sorry LOVE, but ummm, ure dumbass was dorky enuff to let me put MY email down for Your acct, so ALLLL them reports u did, i got names baby, and can give them and HAVE, INCLUDING the TWO times u reported Boo…..yanno the one yo say is your GOD and all that, LMFAO
Heres the deal with you carmine, u SUCK all you can off one person and when they fed up with your hyperactive, ignorant crap u move on…..or get thrown out.
Lets see WHERE did u move on to? :ets l;ook at carmines after Bellini journey. First to TBH, to cry your tears, then to christian and Giavanni, fed him a GOOD line of shit, abdout how ummm eveyrone compares u to the God he is and all that blahbh blah, and then where did u run to next beggin to be let in the famiy? HMMMM anone else out there remember? OHHHHHHHH Corleones……..there was a few more…….
You tried to recruit from the Valentino family, got busted…..you tried to be billy bad ass when u simply arent capable, lets be honest carmZ, ull never be more than a soldier and why? Because FIFTEEN YEAR OLDS ARENT CAPABLE OF ANYTHING MORE THAT REQUIRES A BRAIN, cuz yours hasnt DEVELOPED YET!
You want me to KEEP goin about you carmz in a public place? You want me to show who you are to EVERYONE? You want to PISS ME OFF? You want to act like the child you are, then cmon baby STEP to the PLATE, cuz we can Go some rounds punk, your problem is you DONT know when to shut your mouth. Ninth grade starts soon Carmine, u wont be able to be here as much……..
Bring your threats on to me KIDDO, cuz u aint got the jack you think you do. And GUESS WHAT? I DO!……..there PLENTY more where this came from……..and if you think EVERONEEEEEEEE, and i mean EVERONE dont know ya for what u are, well HON, theres your REAL age showing again isnt it, cuz u dont know SHIT…..
You have a REAL nice evening Carmine, although, the ONLY way youll be able to still read it this time of night is if you snuck outta bed to do it cuz we both know its WAY past your bedtime, sweetheart PLEASE dont make me call your moms cell phone and tell on ya now
Keep my name outta your shit, and Ill keep you outta mine. Remember someoen ask me abotu you IM gonna tell them about you, I aint runnin around talking shit Carmyyyy, someoen ask me they gettin an EARFUL of truth tho baby…….u call it lies……but then again most KIDS dont agree with the adults now do they?
Goodnight sweetheart welllllllllllll its time to goooooooooooo……….
kids own
Jul 28th, 2005
15 yr olds dont have brains? well at least we know how to keep our pants up Unlike some dults so dont go braggin too much Stacy Bella Mo Skyllar Maybe we should rename u all to the rooster sister and yout slogan can be ANY-Cock-Will Doooooooo
stacy maracas
Jul 28th, 2005
Well there ya go “kids own” again another CHILD, thinking they know what they hell they speaking about….
Yea….im a KNOWN slyt THATS for sure….
Please, thank GOD summer vacation is ALMOST over!
*look this is me SIGNING my OWN name*
Reno Blaze
Jul 28th, 2005
hahahah lat me fix this up here. first off gg you punk ass lil bitch no matter how meny times my ass gets a life ban i all ways come back hahahah . second off you lil punk ass cock sucken mother fucker no one kickes my ass thay just report me like your lil punk ass an why i left the mob seen is becouse un like some of you mother fuckers i was all ways true to my family i dont do the family hopen shit so mother fucker when you try to post your lil bs about me kid make sure some one filled your ass in on what the fuck is realy going on you lil puss face big nose bitch now punk off to your sand box yeah an another thing why you all up on who im fucken mother fucker you might be mine who knows i fucked your mother two lil bitch HAHAHAHAHAHA
Stacy Maracas
Jul 28th, 2005
Yanno I dont think Imquitefinished, cuz I have shut the fuck uplong enuff.
Carmine,I DARE your ass to post here aguna kid, cuz YOU know what iKNow about you, DONT play games with me……..and your ophone calls of wah wah imsorry, I never belived you, cuz frankly I KNOW the punk you are.
You talk shit about Blaydon as if you actually KNOW him, lemme tell you something, what about his RANK carmine? Carmine the SOLDIER and nothing more? WHAT about it? See that is the problem with 8th graders playing games with grown ups, they dont know shit,and THINK they do, Carmine listen to me HONEY, maybe come back AFTER puberty is over? Maybe when your hormones calm down a bit, you will be able to open your eys and LOOK around a bit………..Understand something Carmine, your a pawn, your a soldier, and your a kid, NOTHING more, to ANYONE.
Blaydon serves his country for a living, something that a REALman does, and sadly gives little punk asseslike YOU the right torun your damn mouth. what do you do with your time Carmine? Hell your ass cant even stay in school…………RIGHT? RIGHT CARMINE????????????? Learn respect your truant PUNK.
Again………..DONT fuck with me……….cuz I GOT what I need to back up MY SHIT talkin…………DO YOU?????????
Okay NOW Im done………..go ahead and STEP UP Carmine…….cuz I got alot more………PLENTY. And yes Carmine, nwo Imgoing to go IN GAME, and send copiesof thememails to ALLLLLLLLLLL them people you NEVER reported, andalso make sure they know the NEW you………
Reno you was right to get away from this shit……….by the way I Miss seeing ya around, and I hope your second life KICKS ASS Reno, you are missed……….toomany friggin CHILDREN runnin around here, its turned into TSO………but dont worry SCHOOL back in session soon, you all dont ebeluve meWATCH how QUIET it gets during the hours of 8 and 3…………..cept for kids like Carmine who dont even BOTHER with school………..
IM OUT……………..
Jul 28th, 2005
w00t let the games begin
Jul 28th, 2005
Stacy has your husband fucked you or just your neighbors hmmmm.
Jul 28th, 2005
OK kid, Game fuckin on……time to come outside and play with the BIG kids……
How about we start with, [rest elided by Uri]
Jul 28th, 2005
Alright, this topic is getting to the age where I usually close them cuz the spammers catch up. I’d keep it rolling if the discussion wasn’t boring the snot out of me and if people could remember not to bring rl into it and if it wasn’t lowering everyone’s IQ by 5 points every day. But as it is, its closed. You’ll have to wait for another web gem by Gina.