DarkSide Mafia Attacks BlackHand Mafia

by Alphaville Herald on 18/07/05 at 12:04 am

by Gina Fatale

In the last two weeks a series of attacks have been planned out and executed against what is left of the BlackHand Mafia. All from the orders of Boo Cinquetti, one of the Godfathers of DSM. Mr. Cinquetti was kind enough to grant the Herald an exclusive interview and provided some pictures of the attacks.

Gina Fatale: Hello Boo the Herald got a tip your family has been bombing and raiding The BlackHand Mafia on a daily basis is this true?
Boo Cinquetti: yes it is true but it is extremely hard to find them
Gina Fatale: First begin by telling our readers what initiated the attack on BH
Boo Cinquetti: well to be honest I was being constantly harassed by them and I just had enough
Boo Cinquetti: let me say
Boo Cinquetti: my bro cowboy steed is also a gf of dsm with me
Gina Fatale: BH has always had a problem with you? and what kind of harassment have they done to you in the past can you be specific?
Boo Cinquetti: well I like Santino and Aislyn, I wouldn’t say they have a problem with me, its just that they do things i do not agree with
Boo Cinquetti: lol im sure you want to know what things
Gina Fatale: yes be specific please
Boo Cinquetti: haha ummm alright I am allied with Genovese and TBH are constantly trying to pull some jazz over there
Boo Cinquetti: that is one reason
Boo Cinquetti: another is i was shot by the Underboss of TBH
Boo Cinquetti: and 2 different times they sent a soldier to DSM to get info
Boo Cinquetti: both times he was found out
Gina Fatale: what do you think they were trying to do to DSM?
Boo Cinquetti: lol well there may be people in DSM they do not like
Boo Cinquetti: i dont think it was an attempt to hurt DSM but it was an attempt to hurt our members
Gina Fatale: But you say you were cool with the GM and GF of TBH – yet they did these things to your family? this is what caused the attack correct?
Boo Cinquetti: yanno
Boo Cinquetti: i am still friends with them
Gina Fatale: So then why attack?
Boo Cinquetti: but i will not stand by and let them do as they please and neither will Costello or Bellini
Gina Fatale: Ok so tell us when was the first bombing and how many times in the last week or so have you hit BH
Boo Cinquetti: ok we have attacked now for 3 days almost around the clock
Gina Fatale: Have they retaliated back at all?
Boo Cinquetti: not hey have not, we have yet to be attacked on our soil
Boo Cinquetti: i am in the commission
Boo Cinquetti: we are all hitting RBH together
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us who the commission is made up of for those who do not know?

The Commission.

Boo Cinquetti: Costello, Bellini and DSM
Boo Cinquetti: Genovese is my ally
Gina Fatale: What has been the reaction of BH from all these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: well i do not know they don’t seem to care since they have not hit back
Gina Fatale: Do you think that is it – that they do not care?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i can not speak for them I do not know what goes thru there minds
Gina Fatale: No I’m asking your opinion
Boo Cinquetti: in my opinion i do not think they have the right people in order to hit on a scale that we are hitting
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us what these pics show in detail, what was going on?
Boo Cinquetti: we went to there island and hit it hard
Gina Fatale: Were guns or any weapons used? Were any TBH members present during these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: Yes, we were never shot at once and people were there they just was hit so fast they could not react
Gina Fatale: and they did nothing?
Boo Cinquetti: they tried
Gina Fatale: not even say a word?
Boo Cinquetti: lol yes i saw some words
Boo Cinquetti: like wtf
Gina Fatale: DId you crash the sim?
Boo Cinquetti: well it was real laggy and hard to move
Boo Cinquetti: i do not need to carry weopons to do a hit
Boo Cinquetti: DSM has soldiers to do this
Boo Cinquetti: and they did
Boo Cinquetti: i did fire a few times
Boo Cinquetti: but for fun
Gina Fatale: Do you declare victory over TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i declared victory before we started
Boo Cinquetti: not even a challenge
Gina Fatale: So is the war over or there is more to come?
Boo Cinquetti: im sure we will hit them everyday till Santino, Cowboy and I can come to an understanding
Gina Fatale: But isnt Santino on life ban from the game?
Boo Cinquetti: well doll u have to talk to him about that I will not speak on that subject
Gina Fatale: Well we got a tip saying that may not be the case but it has not been confirmed or investigated.
Boo Cinquetti: oh isn’t boo on life ban from the game?
Gina Fatale: True
Boo Cinquetti: well there ya go
Boo Cinquetti: lmao
Gina Fatale: So what would be an acceptable agreement between the commission and TBH to end the war?
Boo Cinquetti: well for me to stop hitting TBH he needs to apologize to Kasie Costello and let up on my ally genovese
Gina Fatale: What did he do to Kasie?
Boo Cinquetti: he said a rude comment to her
Gina Fatale: Specific?
Boo Cinquetti: umm well lets say he wrote a check with his mouth and his ass can’t cash it
Boo Cinquetti: so until he cashes it we gonna continue
Gina Fatale: Any final comments to our readers and to TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: yeah to the readers kids do not do this stuff at home it is dangerous for your well being
Gina Fatale: lol
Boo Cinquetti: to Santino
Boo Cinquetti: bruhh stay cool i look forward to seeing u soon hola :)
Gina Fatale: ok Boo ty for the time

168 Responses to “DarkSide Mafia Attacks BlackHand Mafia”

  1. bryson

    Jul 24th, 2005

    more lies coming to the surface? bella you of all people know that forelli has never been a “mafia”.. forelli is a FAMILY.. for those of you that dont know the difference let me enlighten you.. a family is when everyone is shown mutual respect, no one rules with an iron fist.. theres no power trippin bullshit.. “mafia” isnt like that..

    bella wth is with the “when your a gm talk to me” we both came from forelli.. and it was NEVER like that.. ive never treated anyone that way.. so whered you pick that up? joining the forelli family was one of the best things ive ever done online.. tatum taught me everything and i have the utmost respect for her.. watch who youre steppin to

  2. Stacy maracas

    Jul 24th, 2005

    OK FIRST lets get something straight Tatum, AGAIN, as in my previous post, have NO Problem with you it was merely a question since you sign it as GM Forelli, would lead one to believe, YUP its a mafia.

    Your problems are with Bella and Mateo, so before you jump on someones SHIT, read it again, it was in NO WAY mean nor sarcastic towards you its called a QUESTION Tatum,,,,,nothing more.

    And about the trumped up notecards? UM NO CLUE what u mean I ASKED you this question before, YOU, not everyone else, u told me ure not mafia, today u signed off as GM Forelli, everyone in your family wears RANK tags, and so i ASKED a question for clarification purposes.

    Take a chill pill tatum, nobody trying to make u look bad.

    Bryson it was me who asked the question bro, just clarifying that.

    Again Tatum your beef is elsewhere, so please save it for elsewhere.

  3. Monique Calliope (Retired GM DSM)

    Jul 24th, 2005

    No smartass comment just informing the readers that have been following the story/drama….Bellini was taken back over and disbanned. Problem solved….Now we can all move on…..Cheers to world peace!

    Love to you all and you know who you are!

    And now this post dies………………………………… see you all on the flip side….POOF


  4. Cr1m Da MoSt HaTeD

    Jul 24th, 2005

    Well Well I sat back a long time ….now its my turn to bomb back now
    lets see ima start off on the top off the list……tommy ludociccio a.k.a sonny a.k.a santino a.k.a SNITCH…..you not a gangsta you just puss1e azz clown who trys to be MAFIA but really you are NOT…its a shame you rung around bombing people…..then go report then when they bomb back…..you BH b1tchs aint sh1t…..and i think we proved that already us being DSM……we RUN your click we made it clear yall aint SH1T, so yeah call your linden buddies to ban me and my fam….only proves thats all you got in ur left hand….let me spell your clicks name out for you THE B1TCH HAND MAGGOTS. fukkin snitchs….oh yeal let me not forget bout your friend mr Myles Cooper
    Subject: Message From Second Life
    Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 11:36:10 -0700 (PDT)

    Myles Cooper:
    I want u to know if i am calling the Lindens on phone to cancel your
    account now
    Myles Cooper:
    ur getting reported on telephone right now

    HAHAHAHAHAHA you snitch and i hear that your BUT BUDDIE sonny pays you to be a snitch well guess what you SNITCHED out the wrong one……cus now you going to feel my wrath ima keep bombin on you and keep calling up the lindens on me…the more you call the more i keep bombing….we can take this any way you want it you fukkin chump……..fukkin puss1es….and yall claim to be a MAFIA…..fukk south i and fukk TBH and what i said it???? what you going to do REPORT ME??? HAHAHAHA….you BOMB my family……oh trust you going to feel it back even WORST….ok who else i gotta call out hmm lets see CARLO now you see …i wasnt going to say much until you called me a n1gger HAHAHAHA you fukkin wanna be NET gangsta……i live what YOU WISH to live mofo so how you figure i’ll bust shots to your tommy hilfiger leave you dead were you stand mofo…..u think cus you talk shit to women and make others feer you oh fukkin plz……u aint shit but a WANKSTA……dont be mad cus she dont want you no more….dont be mad cus ur a REJECT…….see mommy cant save you next time….i got my mind right and im ready for war….FROM rats to snitchs i aint dumb i got 99 problems but a SL SNITCH IS 1…so when yall ready to be a “REAL MAFIA” then come BOMB ME……..you know were i be all up in SOUTH I VIP lmaoooo BLOWING IT UP be MAN and step the right way or step down….cus you got a new mofo in town,,,,and if you think you can stop me….then dont hold ur breath cus i’ll hit up every mofo until there is no PUSS1E left in your click, i admit i enjoyin lookin at my screens of blowin up south i and sic so yeah im callin you mofoz out you can only hide under lindens for so long….wanna live a gangsta life in a GAME WORLD….mofo see how really is to be gangsta in the RL world…….then come make threats to me puss1es in the RL world yall mofoz would be dead in the streets so let it be known DSM OWNZ TBH MAGGOTS hands down why dont you just ask a LINDEN im sure they’ll tell you how many times WE GOT REPORTED on HAHAHAHAHA cus WE GANGSTAAAAAAAAA we RUNNIN your shit……ps. big ups to my dsm family,and my other family much love…and to all the haters out there well you know yall can suck my d1cc HAHAHAHA im out.

  5. Johnny S

    Jul 25th, 2005

    i just wanted to say i love u all…..much love to every1 who has posted here :P

  6. Tatum ~GM Forelli~

    Jul 25th, 2005

    oh but no Stacy u never ask me this question before u bella and M made a chat when i was gone and invited bry mo boo kas sky and others, where there was a notecard showed to u by bella where i was sapose to have said Forelli was mafia which w/e anyone that knows me knows thats bs… however my son aka bryson and my sister aka Mo told u that was bs by time i got in this chat room u were cryin that u were done and disbanding Bellini at no point did u ask me shyt …… then i confronted bella about the NC and she denied it … then bry confronted u and u said oh i must misunderstood bella … misunderstood a mfing nc????? so u need to mfing chill and not try stir up bs cause i’m gettin pretty fukin tired of all these mfing games … P.S. this had nothing to do with u but for some reason u fealt the need to jump in so lets see whos the one thats lying ???? where did the NC come from or are u saying Bry is lying??? psshhh doubt that dun even go there any rate this drama bs bores me leave my kids out of ur lil fukin power trip games and i stay out of this other wise we can go again … stacy dear try keepin ur and bellas stories straight

  7. Blaydon

    Jul 25th, 2005

    Just realized….I hate Hearld, Lets drop this shit and let it die…… we’re all adults correct?????

  8. RB

    Jul 25th, 2005

    This shit is better than Jerry Springer. :D It’d help if some people discovered paragraphs tho. ;)

    - RB.

  9. B41N

    Jul 25th, 2005

    1ik3 0mg…411 i hur is BlAH BlAh BlAhhhhhhhhhh

  10. BiZaIn

    Jul 25th, 2005

    LOL@big girl pantys /hi5 for the mo mystahhhh…sorry to interupt ur stupid ass bitching…u now have the permission to go on…

  11. enough!

    Jul 25th, 2005


  12. D

    Jul 25th, 2005

    ROTF!!! I actually gotta agree with “enough!” on the part about how these posts. Yup, they gone sideways from what the orginal article was about, but DAMN, the drama we are getting to hear!

    Oh, and “enough!”? PLease come only if you plan to spend several housrs, the dwell is awesome that way! To bad you think boxes own someone!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA……….go GD funny!

  13. skyllar

    Jul 25th, 2005


  14. skyllar

    Jul 25th, 2005


  15. blondie

    Jul 25th, 2005

    so Mo were you kind enough to hand Stacey and Blay a tissue so they could wipe the shit off their noses from being so far up your ass? It’s the least you could do for them since after all they did disband Bellini per your request. But they will learn what you are like just like the rest of us do. You will eventually sleep with Blay, cuz you sleep with any man you come across in game, and then dump him and he will get pissed as will Stacey when she finds out. Just another notch in that skank belt you wear huh? Oh wait, maybe you already are sleeping with him and that’s why he did your bidding. hmmmmm! Just know Mo…to quote a famous song…One way or another, we’re gonna find ya, we’re gonna get cha get cha get cha get cha!

  16. enough

    Jul 25th, 2005


  17. skyllar

    Jul 25th, 2005

    ok in the comment about the dwell is great……..um ……in the tso day it was a pain in the ass to clean…….um in the sl days….it is a fucking button to push. so that is a very valid excuse….der

  18. enough

    Jul 25th, 2005



  19. Cr1m Da MoSt HaTeD

    Jul 25th, 2005

    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! lmaoo wow im so loving infact i should have the rss feed to my phone and the next time i get drunk or something i’ll have something to LMAOO over

  20. Monique Calliope

    Jul 25th, 2005

    Blondie grow some balls and leave your name……Neither Blay nor Stacy has their nose up my ass they just simply knew what was best for their family….and no I didn’t have to sleep with EITHER (LOL) for them to see that. They aren’t fools. They saw what was happening and did what THEY felt was best inorder to save the Bellini name. I admire them for that. I’m sure it was not easy to do but doing the right thing isn’t always easy….Props to you two!! But for the record Blay isn’t the one I want it’s Stacy gd she’s hot!!!! MMM MMM MMM how about some sisterly loveeeeeee. How’s that for Jery Springer….LMFAOOOOOOO

  21. blaydon

    Jul 25th, 2005

    BLONDIE…. i didnt even finish reading your fucking post all i know is your full of shit…. it was not MO’s request i wanted this shit ended the best way i know…. and fuck you on who mo sleeps with…. drop it bitch…. if you have more to say my name is blaydon loveless…. look me up..

  22. stacy maracas

    Jul 25th, 2005

    To Tatum, apparently YOU got the stick up YOUR ass, it was a QUESTION……jesus……..and i dont make up stories with bella, AGAINNNNNNN, YOUR issues with bella are YOUR issues, keep them THERE. Good god, u learn real fast who is for real in game DONCHA?

    Blondie……..that is really cute that you think you know what the fuck your talking about……now pull your dick outta your panties and use your real name so i can bitch slap you back to the hole you came from and the ignorance that come out of your mouth. As for me and Blay, LOL dont hate cuz he dont look nowhere else, hes got ALL he needs right where he is……..jealous?

    hm sound like

    I KNOW!

    This has turned into Jerry Springer, its a fuckin joke………all u folks CLAIM to be “for real” OKAYYYYYY….

    This is me outta here……

  23. Reno Blaze

    Jul 26th, 2005

    dam its so hard trying to be in sl an be good :(
    but any way im haveing fun watchen you all :)
    hug an kiss to senna mo an bry
    dont make me come out of hideing an act a fool

  24. RB

    Jul 26th, 2005

    I see most SL mafia or other gang people know how to fight well, but basic english skills seem to have eluded them :P

    - RB.

  25. Paparazzi

    Jul 26th, 2005

    i have screenshots of skyllar and boo fucking when he was married to kasie and she was with cowboy – give me 100k and they yours

  26. Tatum ~GM Forelli~

    Jul 26th, 2005

    U know wha Stacy I’m not gonna do this.. It wasnt a question it was sarcasm and BS insitsting Forelli is mafia depending on wut day of the week it is and who u ask,hell yea i toook offense to that ….
    Implyin anyone in Forelli evah said we were Maifa which is complete BS….
    But go ahead play ur lil innocent act I could give a fuk… and keep avoiding my question about the NC and lies to bry and myself from u can Bella when u were both confronted..
    And I Do not have a issue with Bella I had a comment for her to keep my kid out of the power tripping BS which btw had nothing to do with u or M but u both felt the need to post idiot shyt about my family…
    P.S. If being REAL means lying and basically stabbing ur friends in the back I’ll pass and stay the way I am tyvm

  27. skyllar

    Jul 26th, 2005

    hey paparazzi you dont shit about me and boo fucking…..im sorry but i dont fuck my friends men or exes….i dont date my friends exes…i have more class and respect for myself then to have to take seconds…second of all i never fucked anyone when i was with cb. BUT, i do know who that mystery woman is in that picture that you have…..lol ya she does look like me….or tries……..but if you look thats not my hair. Nice try maybe you should check your sources alil better before spilling shit from your mouth.


  28. D

    Jul 26th, 2005

    RBBBBB!!!! No hello to me? pfft! you suck!


  29. blahhhhh

    Jul 26th, 2005

    cowboy and boo are one in the same havent u figured this out yet u stupid cunts

  30. paparazzi

    Jul 26th, 2005

    i have pics of cowboy and boo and reno fucking ais while sony jerks off in the corner. 200 k

  31. boo parks

    Jul 26th, 2005

    what up yalll hahahah I love u all I have never laughed so hard in my life till I played this game..:)

  32. boo parks

    Jul 26th, 2005

    yeah ill give yall those pics for free fuck paying 100 k lol just ask me for em and they yours
    or ask cowboy he has them also
    or ask eminem he got em 2

  33. boo parks

    Jul 26th, 2005

    lol dakota

  34. skyllar

    Jul 26th, 2005

    fuck that ais juat gave me the pics and its sad that it took 3 to do the job of one………..hmmm…..anyways i put in a slide show set to music……um just im ill pass ifor free not for money or for a fuck………sorry my fuck list is too long to fit anymore in…just im me

  35. Monique Calliope

    Jul 26th, 2005

    RENO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF ARE YOU??????? WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!

  36. skyllar

    Jul 26th, 2005

    sissy i think he ran away …..but um bling bling mutha fucka

  37. ts

    Jul 26th, 2005

    dOn’t bE hAtEing On mY bOys cOwbOy an bOO, jUst cUz thEy stEAl All YOUr wOmEn thEy stIll fUn As hEll tO hAng wIt… jUst kEEp yOUr EyEs On YOUr wOmAn cUz thOsE fUcks wIll tAkE Em hAhAhA

    sUp bOYs kEEp rUnnIn thAt gAmE U knOw YOU bOth dOwn lIkE A mOthEr fUckEr!!!!!

    sEE YOU bOth rEAl sOOn!!! fEEl mE


    Jul 26th, 2005

    1. Boo is roba da matti
    2. Sony is a fuck tart BALENA testona pelata
    3. Kasie is a boccalone
    4. Aislyn is a cicciobomba
    5. Cowboy is a donnaiolo
    6. Skyllar is a donnaccia
    7. Jac is a fannullone
    8. Stacy is a guastafesta
    9. Blaydon is a leccapiedi
    10 Stormybiotch is a mettere paglia fuoco
    11 Carmine is a scemo/a
    Kids ya need to act mafia if you going to role play

  39. boo parks

    Jul 26th, 2005

    hahahaahha woooooooooooooooo

    suppp bruhhh where have u been omg man get me on yahooo fuka we gots to fill yo ass in lmao lmao dam bruhh hahhaah
    woooooo i love it welcome back lmao woooooooooo hoooo

  40. Urizenus

    Jul 26th, 2005

    et tu es un finochio. please learn to spell italian or dialect or something. And can we please retire this thread to the mafia 100+ posts about absolutely nothing graveyard? Mi dispiace, troppo grappa per me sta sera.

  41. Johnny S

    Jul 26th, 2005

    damn babies every1 of you is looking all kinds of fine tonight….. however i am missing a six pack of coke cans….anyone seen gina lately???? maybe she can find them for me :( (

  42. skyllar

    Jul 26th, 2005

    wow that hurts cause um ………….only a few of those words were spelled right and they were stupid names to call someone…wow blaydon your a toad..now go cry……..lmao

  43. BigTony Brocco

    Jul 27th, 2005

    I got banned and i dunno why :(

  44. Stacy Maracas

    Jul 27th, 2005

    LOL, okay

    I am a Wet Blanket

    Blaydon is a brown noser

    Aislyn is fat

    Kas is a Big Mouth

    Jac is a No Show

    Stormy is Flash in the pan, yet actually Mister or Mizz Mafia, if your gonna throw words why dont you use PROPER spelling and PHONICS, it is Fuoco di Paglia not Paglia Fuoco…..

    Go back to your hole, and dont hate cuz you cant play with us…….

    Your mommy is calling……….

  45. Stacy Maracas

    Jul 27th, 2005

    Whats really cute, if u actually KNEW any of these people, you could at least describe us better, IM THE fat one :-D

    I think Im the brown Noser tooo……..

    *wipes the shit off my nose AGAIN…..*

    Twinkies anyone????


  46. Monique Calliope

    Jul 27th, 2005

    RENO your MOTHER is LOOKING for YOU!!!!! I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZYYYYYYYY…you even have a room all set up at the house that Senna did for you whenever you decide to come home….We love you! Hope to see you soon!!!!

  47. DW

    Jul 27th, 2005

    OMG… A LIST! Someone made a list! Ok folks it’s offical… cause there’s a LIST!

    Damn and I didnt make the list — wait, I think I feel bad about that — wait..wait…………… oh.. naww.. it was just gas.

  48. enough

    Jul 27th, 2005

    well there is one thing right on that llist aislyn is fat that why sony cybers with cinda :O

  49. GG

    Jul 27th, 2005

    Hey Reno, when are you gonna come out of the whole you crawled in? Can’t wait to kick the shit out of you some more. Looks like you’ve working on your english anyway, I can atleast read your dumb ass comments now ya fuck!

  50. skyllar

    Jul 27th, 2005

    ok first comment is to “enough” unless you have seen rl pics of my sister aislyn you have no room to talk shit , you cant even say your fucking name coward, and i really dont think that sonnys, aislyns, or let alone anyones sexlife on sl is any of anyones fucking business. so unless you want to keep posting your weak ass comments and hide behind “enough” id learn to zip it.

    Next is for “GG” or gormz……damn how are you going to talk shit about my nephew’s (reno) english and spelling when you yourself isnt the best. Hello the kind of “whole” you crawl in is “hole”, I suppose if your going to correct someones spelling you should try spellcheck.


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