Archive for August, 2006
Ex-Governor Mark Warner reveals SL Action Figure’s Identity

Exclusive behind-the-scenes photos of politician/Nextel founder — with no SL billing information on file!by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk Mark Warner: “This is my first virtual appearance, I’m feeling a little disembodied!” Second Life turns out in style — newbs and all — to hear from former Virginia governor Mark Warner Second Life avatar [...]
Full StoryIncredibly Hostile Exchanges: A Chat With Philip Linden
by Prokofy Neva, Special to the Second Life Herald Today marks the first day of the last of the Second Life forums. As Linden Lab begins to shut down the message boards that have been home since beta to a never-ending stream of advice, sales pitches, information and vitriol, the Herald took the opportunity to [...]
Full StoryPlywood Plague Strikes TELUS Plot — Status Symbols Saved

PSFK Consultant Gunned Down, But Lives to Tell the Taleby Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk “We want to show that we are a fun brand. I’m a gamer… so I really enjoy it here… We are really here for the brand presence. Not for the virtual sales.”– Sparkle Dale, TELUS store manager. Christoesque griefer [...]
Full StorySecondCast #30: Privacy and Private Jokes
Johnny “Jazz Hands” Ming is back, with the latest episode of Second Life‘s favorite podcast, SecondCast. In Episode #30 we talk to Mark Barrett, who created the site, which has caused no small amount of controversy among SL residents. SLStats, until Mark altered the site, tracked how much time you’d spent in Second Life, [...]
Full StoryPortraits from SLCC

SL residents attempt hallway camping at SLCC in hopes of earning L$2 per 10 minutes With the Herald on a shoestring budget this year, we had little opportunity to see Hamlet get horizontal, but there were plenty of faces on display among the crowd of 400+ devoted SL residents in attendance. Without further ado, we [...]
Full StoryNegative Coordinates: Griefing in the Unverified Age

by Fiend Ludwig Nukes at the Welcome Area “There were two; flying around and shooting each other, but they wandered closer to where I was building. So I said hello and gave them tea. They started pushing me and shot me once.” So a friend wrote me recently after a particularly unfortunate incident of griefing. [...]
Full StoryLindens Hit the Bottle After SLLA Assault on American Apparel

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk Linden staffer (in dreadlocks) provides personal SL support for a potential business partner (in black and red) at American Apparel After spamming a number of the SL forums recently with demands for resident voting and consultation before major Linden decisions, SL resident Marshal Cahill told me Thursday, “We [...]
Full StoryThe Nutty Professor on TSO and the Second Jessie War
Oh baby, when will they retire that nutty professor? Herald Paparazzi caught up with him at the Computers and Philosophy conference at RPI, expounding on the history of Evangeline’s Hotel Erotica, the Sim Sorority House, the Sim Shadow Government, the Free Money for Newbies scam house, Uri’s banning from TSO, One Song, the WWIIOLers, the [...]
Full StorySL to Ditch Forums — Residents Fail to Meet Linden Quality Standards
by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk Linden Labs has announced plans to close its official forums over the next few months. Metaverse citizens braced themselves for a possible drama shortage, and there are unconfirmed reports of drama stockpiling and hoarding by some forum regulars. In a move to avert a panic-driven run on the [...]
Full StoryFeature-Length SL Documentary slated for October release
by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk. “We aren’t doing this to show what Second Life ‘plays’ like, we are here to make a documentary about what people do in it”, said Anders Ogre when I spoke with him recently. Mr. Ogre is a filmmaker creating a feature-length documentary about Second Life due to be [...]
Full Story
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