Novus Ordo Imperialis Disbands

by Urizenus Sklar on 26/11/06 at 4:54 pm

Paramilitary organizations scramble to recruit displaced NOI soldiers.

Ordos1 A victim suffers the cruel wrath of the once proud Novus Ordo Imperialis. Photo via Second Life Times.

By Case Officer, Herald Soldier of Fortune Desk

15 months ago, SLH reporter Clarence Calliope reported on the sandbox patrols of the virtual paramilitary organization, the Alliance Navy. Five months ago, SLH reporter Fiend Ludwig reported on the AN’s move to a private sim, forced in part by frivolous griefing reports and Linden ineptitude. The sandboxes have since gone unpatrolled, and unchecked griefing has been the result. In the interim, a splinter group from the AN emerged. Called the Novus Ordo Imperialis (NOI), it has itself been accused of griefing (see Simon Lambeth’s report in the Second Life Times) and has certainly been a powerful adversary to the Alliance Navy. But now the NOI has disbanded and the various paramilitary groups of Second Life are scrambling to recruit the displace members. Will this lead to more instability in the grid? An overly powerful Aliance Navy? Will a new version of NOI emerge from the ashes? Only time will tell.

For more on the complex history of the NOI, and the resulting shakeout, see below the fold.

According to the highly classified NOI handbook, recently leaked to the Herald, The Novus Ordo Imperialis was spawned by a conflict inside the Alliance Navy. Led by Shadow Keegan, a splinter group of discontent Alliance Navy members formed the Alliance Navy II. While ANII’s original intent was to overthrow the AN, over time the splinter faction began to develop its own independent missions and identity. With the help of Dirk DaSilva, the ANII purchased a sim called Venuma North, placing it North of the orginal Venuma sim (originally called Malibu). Upon settling into Venuma North, the ANII continued to grow in size.

For reasons unknown, ANII fleet admiral Shadow Keegan
was forced to step down and was replaced by Aryte Vesperia. Under Admiral Vesperia, the ANII continued to grow, and also worked to establish non-aggression protocols with the Alliance Navy, eventually leading to a peace pact between the two forces. Realizing that the original mission of the Alliance Navy II had changed radically over time, Admiral Vesperia moved to establish a new name for the military, one that suited its new mission, ideals, and home base. Thus, the Venuma Coalition was born.

According to Herald sources, this is the point at which the peace pact began to unravel. Admiral Vesperia allegedly became romantically entangled with the Alliance Navy’s Air Division Commander. The Coalition’s Marine Commander, Fladara, was reportedly enraged by this.
Consequently, Fladara pursued a personal vendetta against the Alliance Navy, breaking away and creating the Advanced Military Logistics Movement (AMLM), based out of Venuma. The Coalition and AMLM battled for a short time, ending in the surrender of Fladara’s organization. But then a series of events unfolded that were simply Shakespearean in their scope, drama, and treachery

According to our sources, Fladara persuaded Dirk DaSilva, the simulator owner, into believing that the Coalition had been betrayed by the Alliance Navy and that the members no longer supported DaSilva. DaSilva subsequently banned the coalition from Venuma North.

Taking DaSliva’s act to be one of treason, Admiral Vesperia pulled the Coalition from Venuma North and created a new organization, with a new simulator owned by the organization. Followed by the majority of the Coalition, the Novus Ordo Imperialis was founded and its members with drew from Venuma North and rejected the authority Admiral DaSilva

According to a leaked copy of the NOI mission statement, the NOI existed “to serve and protect the lands of Macaroth, as well as to provide a friendly home to soldiers of every level of experience.” It also claimed a nearly Klingon ethic: “Ordo Imperialis soldiers hold loyalty, honor, discipline, and dedication in high regard, and serve with pride and distinction. Soldiers are held to a high standard, and acknowledge this by performing their duties to the best of their ability, both on and off the battlefield.”

Reached for comment, one former NOI officer said that “the Novus Ordo was the only group that could stand up to and go toe-to-toe with the Alliance Navy…I think it would greatly interest the people of SL to know about this and about what the future may bring as the result of the fall of a great empire, one that was actually more honest, honorable, and friendly than the AN ever was.”

Why did the NOI collapse? According to sources it was the usual case of a group leader burning out on SL: “Aryte (Vesperia) just got bored of SL, and decided to shut down the NOI. He was going to leave SL entirely, but somebody talked him out of it.”

This leads to the question of where the homeless soldiers will now go. According to one source, Trevor Russel, the leader of the United Phoenix Alliance, or UPA, has decided to combine the remainder of the NOI with the UPA, although he has yet to decide on a name for this new group.

According to our source, “This should turn out to be a very interesting group, as it will combine the forces of two of the greatest threats to the AN, who might not be very happy with this outcome of the fall of the NOI.” There are also reports that Dantee Elliot of the former NOI will be the new imperator of this group, aka the new supreme leader.

The Herald will continue to keep readers apprised of this rapidly developing paramilitary drama.

56 Responses to “Novus Ordo Imperialis Disbands”

  1. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 26th, 2006

    Update: the name of the new group is the Novo Imperato Legio. Contact Trevor Russel or Dantee Elliot if you wish to join the Novo Imperato Legio.

  2. Chrischun Fassbinder

    Nov 27th, 2006

    These kind of internal breakdowns are exactly what the Cylons want to happen. After the recent waves of Copybot attacks, no doubts should exist in any avatar’s mind that they’re still out there, watching and waiting. Only thing between us and them are these well trained para-military, mafia and vigilante groups.

  3. Rob Arten

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Interesting stuff really. As an Alliance Navy Marine, I can honestly say that this event does not bother me in the slightest, a feeling that is echoed amongst many of my comrades. The NOI benefitted greatly from an alliance with the AN, and I do hope that Mr Russel does not wish to consider himself a threat to us, as all that would arise are needless hostilities for the sake of proving a point. There are more pressing matters at hand than bickering military groups.

  4. Areth Gall

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Well, I’m glad it doesn’t affect you. I’ve had AN personel shooting at me because they hate the Ordo, even though I never was a part of the Ordo.

    Here are some name corrections though.
    Simon Lameth, not Simon Lambeth, owns the Second Life Times.
    Dantee Eliot, not Dantee Elliot, is the name you are looking if you want to get in touch with the Ordo.

  5. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Bickering military group, Rob? What are military groups here for, except to fight one another, while keeping their bullets away from innocent civilians, something that the Alliance Navy does not have a very good record at doing?

  6. Jeremy Duport

    Nov 28th, 2006

    @Bruno -

    Considering you’re a sim-crashing orbiter-using griefer who has made it his mission to begin some sort of freakish retard-jihad against the alliance, I would expect you to comment on this the way you did. To be honest, for the man who was signing himself off as supreme-lord-high-bitchking-of-the-spartan-navy-that-will-crush-the-alliance-navy-lol for what, a month after joining? You uh, sort of fail. gg, kkthx. <3

  7. Commander C. Montale

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Forgiving Mr Duport’s rather emotional response, this article represents yet another poorly written response by the Herald, without running the danger of either doing some research, or proof reading their own articles.

    Once again, the Herald has demonstrated how once sided it can be with respects to its reporting, again feeling perfectly happy to sideswipe the reputation of the Alliance Navy without bothering to contact any of us for a comment.

    I find myself concerned with how many other groups and individuals you have felt it your duty to ‘report’ on.

  8. Dragnar

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Why did the Ordo fail? because it had a poor leadership to begin with, that Aryte with out given any warning what so ever just a note card that is summed up as I’m taking my sim, and kicking every one off it, and leaving SL, and not to say anything maybe because of the shadow that was left over them since they about all the land fee money I’m sure he took as well.

    when the Ordo was left homeless one of the first things they did was? you guessed it attacked the AN for what reason I have no idea, maybe because of the Ordo and all the names it went through were founded out of the hate and jealousy of the AN. The Ordo failed there attack not just because they didn’t have leader ship because they lack better training then what they where given, that there equipment was poor at best.

    The simple fact is the Ordo was big yes and they had a sim was the only thing that was going for them at all, the AN is going on 2 years if not past that mark founded in a sand box and now is one if not the best army in SL. This is because of Leader ship, better training that you could find in any other combat group, and our gear is light years ahead of any one else.

    Sure the AN has fired on Civilians at times, when they have weapons out, or have been attacking us, and yes the Civilians that don’t listen to us and get them selfs shot when they won’t take cover when we are under attack, (at least once a day)

    but that’s a lot better then the reports I’ve heard of the ordo going out of there way to attack people for what only they know, but I’m guessing just for fun.

    sure the AN has become jaded over grieffers and we suspect everyone it seems, but we normally won’t open fire until they do or that we identify them as a threat. the some times I speak of is when we have been under attack and we don’t see the person up close and don’t realize that the target is not attacking all to late, this happens in real war all the time.

    I’m not saying the AN is all powerful, or flawless, we are humans and humans make mistakes it happens it’s life, and it’s not like if you do get shot by use it’s not like it’s really going to kill you in real life, so chill out it’s a game, if you cry about dieing in a damage land then don’t go to damage land, and if you don’t know what damage land ask live help.

  9. Nanao Mahfouz

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Wow, where to start. Reading through this article gave me memories. It also made me realize why the Herald’s always been a shining beacon of inept, inconclusive, and shoddy reporting of the events and people we know of in SL.

    First, to clarify for you folks swept in by this drivel, the Alliance Navy has not moved to a private sim – even a cursory attempt at interviewing an AN member would have enlightened the reporter of this fact. We’re currently headquartered in the mainland sim Tethys. We haven’t moved in over fifteen months, and we don’t plan on releasing this base any time soon.

    Second, there are very -few- “paramilitary groups” “scrambling to recruit the displace members”. The NOI was, at it’s outset, all the way up until it’s dissolution, a social club. Out of a group of nearly 150 members, the AN determined that only 30% of them were ever combat capable- just shy of fifty at most. Those members who *were* combat capable were generally poorly trained, poorly coordinated, and poorly disciplined. At Aryte’s urging, many of these people sought out to join the Merczateers, another member of the former Big Three (AN, Mercz, NOI) combat groups in SecondLife. The AN has made no effort in actively seeking out former Ordo personnel. Simply stated, for the most part, we didn’t want them.

    Third, Shadow Keegan never left the ANII “for reasons unknown”. Shadow’s one of the few members of the AN who ever took true “ownership” of this group. He fully felt the Alliance Navy was his. He fully felt he shaped and determined how the group progressed. This same delusion carried to the Alliance Navy II. To his credit, I will state that Shadow Keegan was more dedicated to the ideals of the ANII, as misguided as they were, than anyone who served with him, before or since. What happened next was unexpected to most, but expected by those of us who knew Fladara. Shadow Keegan was deposed, simply put, and one tinpot dictator was replaced with another, who was later replaced by another when Fladara saw herself drummed out of the ANII and replaced by Aryte Vesperia.

    Fourth, this article fails to mention -anything- of the controversy surrounding the Ordo’s acquisition of Macaroth. No mention of an out-of-the-blue $1500USD donation, no mention of stolen funds from Fladara Einarmige. It speaks of shoddy and inconclusive reporting – surely the reporter should have investigated a matter such as this further before submitting the article.

    Fifth, of interesting note, which the reporter’s sources (as if attempting to validate the fact that he actually spoke to more than one person, which the quality of this article clearly indicates he did not) mention the NOI handbook. This handbook, which is not classified by any means, contained within it a rule of law which determined how members of the NOI were to conduct themselves. The AN also has a similar handbook – the Alliance Navy Field Manual – which outlines the same rules and regulations. Both groups were the original signatories of the SecondLife Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, a treaty which laid down a similar set of ground rules for other combat groups to follow in order to promote fair play and honest combat.

    On the fifth of November (those of you who happen to be British may take ironic amusement at the date) the Ordo disbanded. -Immediately- after Aryte’s withdrawal announcement, members of NOI Legion Terra, under the field command of Sly Axon, assaulted the AN base in Tethys. Freed of any ties to regulations, SLSALT or even the merest observation of the Linden Labs’ TOS, ex-Ordo personnel used autokillers, cagers, orbiters, av-flight, sim crashers – none of these things considered “honest”, “honorable”, or “friendly” by any combat group’s standards. The embarassingly poorly planned assault on Nov. 5th, which we have dubbed Sunday Strike, was the moment in which the Alliance Navy faced the worst the Ordo could muster. The AN won. Our group survives, our base in Tethys still stands. We’ve proven to our enemies that we can defeat them any time, any place, in open combat, without resorting to griefer tactics and foul play.

    Sixth, it is interesting to note that since the NOI’s dissolution, the Alliance Navy has been griefed by their former members – cages and autokillers from safe land, where by Linden TOS and SLSALT regulations, we are not allowed to retaliate. AN uniforms, armor and gear have also been subject to theft by former NOI members. Copybotting. Prim-copy scripts. Sounds like an “honorable” end to a “great empire”, doesn’t it?

    This same “honor” carries over to the new Novo Imperato Legio. Inept leadership breeds a lack of control, and Legio members have fired on AN personnel from safe land, unprovoked, on repeated occasions.

    Quality reporting you’ve done here indeed, Mister Sklar. Next time, try gathering more than one side of the story before you spew to your readers such one-sided tripe and drivel. The Novus Ordo Imperialis was never a match for the Alliance Navy, and as Nov. 5th displays, neither were they ever the shining, honorable combat group this article paints them to be.

  10. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Oh? So now I am a griefer, Jeremy? *sighs* That’s strange because I dont recall ever using nukes, orbitting weapons, or any griefer weapons on your little unprotected base. Stop being a cry baby, and blaming things on people who had nothing to do with your own problems. I also don’t see how “gg, kkthx. <3″ is an adult form of speech. In fact, its interesting that Nano brings up the SLSALT, as I have been orbitted by the AN before in Goguen, when I was building, NOT attacking. Hmm……SLSALT? Only with pepper.

    To all Alliance Navy personnel: I will be sending Ares Artizar to your base soon to collect your side of the story, so that it can be reported in a manner to give you a fair side of the conversation. Do not fire on him, as he will not be armed, although he doesnt trust you, so a non-threatening shield will be on him. He will be interviewing you, and I have made him swear on his life (He’s my cousin in RL) that he will not stir up trouble on your base.

  11. urizenus

    Nov 28th, 2006

    I can assure all that the reporting of our war correspondent Case Officer is of the highest order in this instance as it has been in every other virtual world conflict s/he has covered. I do appologize for the spelling errors, however, but I hasten to add that these errors were not the falt of Case, but rather due to the negligence of our type-setter Audry. Audry has since been dismissed from her position at the Herald, and has taken a job as Editor in Chief at the SL Blingsider, and massage therapist to Aimee Weber.

    Thank you for your attention.

  12. Alenzia Epsilon

    Nov 28th, 2006

    There are several glaring problems with this article, in that it does not consider both sides of the story, nor was there any proofreading done. I am a journalist myself, and frankly am disgusted with your shifting the blame to your “Typesetter” – there is an issue with that, because in virtual journalism, there is no typesetting – mostly a lot of cut and pasting. You need to realize that no amount of typesetting or editing can make up for a poorly written article, writers have to proofread their own work too. This is not only Audry’s issue, cut her a break.

    I am not claiming to be neutral on this issue, as I am a commanding officer within the Alliance Navy, however, such value-laden articles should be posted under “opinions” or “editorials”.

    Contrary to popular belief, news consists of hard concrete facts, or controversies. Not one-sided opinions, or feelings, or purely inflammatory remarks (sorry, FOX news). You need to give equal time, space, and coverage to both sides of an issue if you want to be considered a legitimate newspaper.

    “Always Fairly Unbalanced” does not make for legitimate news.

    The Alliance Navy is most certainly not perfect, but we aren’t the ones attacking allies with auto killers, cage orbiters, and prim copying**. The Ordo may have at one time had good intentions, and some of their members may have been quite kind and wonderful people. However, the remnants of their group are broken, bitter, angry individuals who can find joy only in the act of berating others.

    **Feel free to IM me for an image uploaded by former Ordo member Sly Axon and sent to one of our admirals in an attempt to taunt us with “copybot” created Luskwood avatars wearing “copybot” created versions of our uniforms, if you don’t believe me on that one.

  13. Urizenus

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Alenzia, your defense of Audry is galant and laudatory, but I assure you that the errors are hers and that she must pay the price. We expect the hightest standards from our employees at the herald, from the publisher Mr. Spaight all the way down to the printer’s devils who run errands for our typesetters. She had to go, but I’m sure she will thrive at the Blingsider.

  14. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Alenzia, “‘Always Fairly Unbalanced’ does not make for legitimate news” means that the people at the SL Herald enjoy what thay do, and nobody, so far as I know, is FORCED to read it! (although, it might boost the amount of readers, hmmm…..

    Anyway, the SL Herald works on principles similiar to the Howard Stern show: If you dont like it, don’t listen to/watch/read it, simple as that.

  15. Alenzia Epsilon

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Always amusing to see someone avoiding offering an actual answer, by giving a standard reply.

    I stand by my point.

  16. Urizenus

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Good sir. I would gladly respond to your point. Unforunately I am unable to locate it. Meanwhile, our house is in order. Audry has been dismissed, and that is the end of it.

  17. Avil Creeggan

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Interesting tidbit for those not privy to the history of the comment conversation:

    Now, for those that the Spartans are a unknown group (pretty much everyone who might read this):

    Full text of that notecard here:

    Copies of the notecard, and various replies from various Alliance Navy members, available on request.

    –Avil Creeggan
    E-5, Fleet Division, Alliance Navy.

  18. Fiend Ludwig

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Urizenus wrote: *Audry has been dismissed, and that is the end of it.*

    I guess I missed that memo! Poor Audry. She will be missed.

    *Fiend bussily hones his typeseting skils*

  19. Alenzia Epsilon

    Nov 28th, 2006

    That’s “Miss”. Not Sir. Just for the record.

  20. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Thanks a lot for the free advertisement, Avil! I appreciate it.

  21. Avil Creeggan

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Perhaps I wasn’t quite clear on the business with that notecard.

    *You’ll note the fact that the obtained date is Sep 20, 2006.
    *You’ll note the fact that today is Nov 28, 2006.
    *You’ll note the fact that in those 70 long days, there has been a total lack of any major action by this group, or, for that matter, any mention of it in any article of any publication, including this illustrious one.
    *You’ll note the fact that the group in question did not even EXIST until some fifteen to twenty days after that notecard was delivered.
    *You’ll note that, even now, the SPARTA group has only four visible members, doubtlessly in what will be panned off as some gross abortion of a interpretation of the principles of Sun Tzu, hiding their numbers from a superior enemy.
    *You’ll note that, at this very moment, if you ask every single remotely notable group currently opposing the Alliance Navy (The Grand Federation, Army Task Force, German Army, Belgian Special Forces, Corneria Military Division, Novo Imperato Legio), not a single one of them will recall SPARTA, with the possible exception of Martin Cord/Perway, chief in command, Army Task Force, who might remember the fateful night with a degenerate sneer.
    *You’ll note that, right now, SPARTA has not attacked a soul, made a single recruitment, shone through with a single work of what could be loosely described art, or otherwise has shown itself to even EXIST within Second Life with the exception of that notecard, the existance of the group within Search, and a number of pitiful, vague, and hilarious threats demanding instant and unconditional surrender lest we be struck down by the Mighty Fighting Spartan Forces within the amazingly quick time span of ONE YEAR. Some 8760 hours. Some 526 thousand minutes.

    Need I go on?

  22. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 28th, 2006

    Please do. I find this very entertaining.

  23. Proteus Hand

    Nov 29th, 2006

    Aryte, I know you are most likely reading this if you have not already read it.

    Your deception of so many has accumulated into the karma that you so much deserve, but by becoming a hermit, fleeing from the masses that you have betrayed, you have avoided your much needed punishment. I hope all NOI veterans read this. Know what Aryte did. He got to where he was through nothing other than flat out deception. He lied to all of you, me, and anyone he’s come in contact with. And believe me, he hasn’t left SL. You may see him online every now and then, but chances are, he has an alt. A splinter in at least every group, army, everywhere. Be wary. Be ready. Don’t fall for his lies again.

  24. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 29th, 2006

    In the short time that I knew Aryte, he seemed to me to be a very capable commander. I mean no disrespect to you, but Aryte created a group that was far more fair and just than the Alliance Navy ever was. The NOI did not spend their time walking around, talking shit about everyone else, a behavior thats common with the Alliance Navy, if you ask around. The NOI was a group that had military discipline, and yet still had a sense of fun. If Aryte did fool anybody, perhaps it was for a good reason. Maybe not. Either way, I am still loyal to the Novus Ordo Imperialis, as well as the new Novo Imperato Legio, and I always will be. There were little or no bullies in the NOI, and that is what I respect it the most for. Not just because of its power or anything like that, but because it was friendly, fair, not arrogant, and had a kickass theme: futuristic Roman.

    Hail the Imperator!

  25. Proteus Hand

    Nov 29th, 2006

    Bruno, I am not merely shouting rants of hate at the NOI. In fact, I have nothing against any of you, I have close friends that are former members of Ordo. I am directing my verbiage towards the only one who deserves it: Aryte Vesperia. In my opinion, he is maybe a few small steps up from Hitler. Think about it.

    Listen to the untold part of the story.

    You know that the ANII was created as a rebellion against AN, due to their now passive persona, and the fact that they no longer lived by a “Carpe Diem” attitude. Shadow Keegan fell for unknown reasons. But I know for a fact that he wasn’t happy about it. But around the time of Vesperia’s takeover, the Merczateers fell due to internal reasons (Christoph got pissed). Anthony Lehane informed me in a sandbox, and I brought the ragtag followers of the newly created Sky Raiders to the remenants of Adscita. While visiting, we came across a couple of apparent griefers, at this time, the Sky Raiders were mercenaries, and would do short raids for 200L$. Well, the two disgruntled griefers paid us 200L$ to raid the Alliance Navy headquarters, without giving us coordinates. (none of us knew about Tethys). So I did a search on “AN” I found several results, but one of the first ones I found was ANII. I thought this to be merely a secondary base of the Alliance Navy, and figured that being a newer base, it would have weaker defenses, so I decided to plan and launch an attack on Venuma North.

    I gathered my forces in southern Venuma, and we advanced slowly to Venuma north, setting up Stancheon turrets on the chain of islands south of the main base. Within minutes a lone trooper approaced us telling us to vacate the premises. This was a demand I just couldn’t make, and I planed a bullet between his eyes.

    Mere seconds later, I saw a swarm homing in on my position from the mainland to the North. My ragtag troops took up arms, doing their best to fight off the oncoming onslaught. We kept up a strong defense for alittle more than half a minute, but eventually our attack was thrown back on its heels.

    Later, I had a conversation with Fladara (this was before she was before her expulsion). She explained to me that they were at WAR with the Alliance Navy, and the ANII was to be renamed in the future. I offered my assistance as an effort to appologize for the mishap, and we formed an alliance between the Sky Raiders and the ANII after an official conversation between myself and Aryte.

    Aryte and I had a deal, I don’t know if he told you that or not, but the deal was as follows: The Alliance Navy II shall provide the Sky Raiders with a strong shelter, weapons, and training, in exchange for their ability to attack anonymously, using whatever unorthodox tactics necessary,
    without staining Aryte’s name, along with the addition to about 50 soldiers to the ANII’s fighting force.

    We held up our end of the bargain- they seldom let us too far inside their base. In fact, we got no training whatsoever, along with absolutely no equipment, not even any information on WHERE to get equipment for ourselves. The Sky Raiders were most often seen mundanely patrolling Malibu for hours at a time, only to be falsely accused of attacking ANII troops.

    I decided that the only way that I was to get the much needed information was to join the newly named Venuma Coalition, and get the information out myself. I signed up as a Coalition Cadet, only to realize that the Sky Raiders were now comepletely under the thrall of the Venuma Top-Brass.

    At the time, I had much appreciation for former Merczateers, and had enlisted the help of Petrach Montagne, a soldier claiming to be a former Mercz elite. My plans were to assess his skills quickly, then bump him up to a high rank, due to his apparently strong tactical education. I told him my plans of “leeching” the information out of the VC’s ranks and feeding it to my starving army. He seemed to agree. I slept on it, and upon awakening in the morning, I found the alliance severed, my friendship with Aryte gone, and Venuma troops moving towards our small 512 parcel of land in Samoa. If it weren’t for a surpirse arrival of the Shadow Army, I don’t think we would have held them off as long as we did, but I eventually was forced to ban them from our land, due to the iminent sim crash only seconds away.

    It took minutes after the shock to realize that Petrach had betrayed me, and in an ironic twist, leeched information from the Sky Raiders, and fed it to Aryte. (Either that, or Petrach and Aryte are one in the same altogether, which means Aryte is dealing with Anthony Lehane privately behind the crates in the airfield on Mercz base.)

    Eventually, we reestablished neutrality (Aryte and I still wanted to be friends at least, but he wasn’t letting a single Sky Raider back on base). However, his troops still didn’t hold the same nostalgic neutrality, and I began to think that he didn’t either (yet another elaborate lie he fabricated?). After a few months, I had relocated the Sky Raiders, choosing a less laggy location, and forming a new alliance with the Shadow Army. (Aside from revealing my intentions to Petrach, thi was the biggest mistake I have ever made.) It didn’t take me much more than a day to realize that the Shadow Army was a barrel full of the worst kinds of griefers ever spawned. And during the release of SLSALT, and of course my signing of the document, I was pigeonholed as a world-class hypocrite.

    During this time, I began to brood over the Venuma Coalition’s abrasive actions towards me, and decided to amass a new, larger invasion force than ever before, to once and for all silence my anger.
    Upon arrival in Venuma North however, I did not find Aryte. I found hardly any traces of the former military, naught but a name, and the new leader was none other than Griffin Yeats!

    He informed me that the VC had broken due to land issues, and had formed a new group called Novus Ordo Imperialis, and was allies with the AN, due to reasons you obviously now know. And thus, I became allies with the new Venuma Coalition, who later changed their name to MDF (Malibu Defense Force) after about a week or so, Ordo and AN attacked Venuma North. MDF, the Luftwaffen, and the Sky Raiders valiantly defended Venuma North, we also noticed how Ordo used greifing tools like the fireball that follows avatars, slowly killing them, yet I was accused of greifing!

    Later I devised an incredibly elaborate plan to infiltrate Macaroth’s tactical nightmare of a structure, and drop not only Sky Raiders, but MDF warriors as well, into the heart of Macaroth. But lo and behold! Aryte had a spy bugging in on that session as well, because about a day later, I decided to give up Sky Raiders and start over as a Merczateer, however, Anthony Lehane presented logs to me, hindering my entrance until I was on good terms with the Imperialis.

    I accomplished this, but I never swallowed my pride, and I will never forget the betrayal, nor the drama that Aryte created every moment of his existence.

    You say that if he lied, it was for a good reason? Maybe? Some say Ghengis Khan was wonderful for uniting the clans of Mongolia and becoming one of the single most powerful forces in Asia, but others note him as evil for killing his kin in cold blood.

    You decide, now that you have the full story. I have no secrets. I have very little to lose.

  26. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 29th, 2006

    Wow. This story is much better than the fall of the NOI. Hell, this definitely outperforms the fall of the NOI. This story is also so incredible that I believe it, no way you could have made all this up. Changes my mind, thats for sure. SLSALT…..where was the AN when the Ordo was using these griefing weapons? Turning a blind eye? Believable. Nice work, Proteus.

  27. Urizenus

    Nov 29th, 2006

    Proteus, that was an outstanding, epic, tale. It was like reading Thucydides or Pindar, only interesting. You should write up the whole history of these affairs. I’m sure the Herald would be happy to publish it in installments.

  28. Proteus Hand

    Nov 30th, 2006

    Well, I’m afraid thats one of the few dramatic tales I have….. that was my entire summer right there.
    I appreciate the comments though! Then again, anything can happen.

  29. Proteus Hand

    Nov 30th, 2006

    If anyone wants the full story, please contact me in secondlife or via email.

  30. Rob Arten

    Nov 30th, 2006

    I would just like to add a minor point, but wasn’t the AN accused of controlling its allies by Ares Artizar? That is odd, as a quote from the bottom of his very notecard states:

    “How many of (the AN’s) enemies are under Sparta’s -CONTROL-? 1/3.”

    Now, I believe someone mentioned hypocrites, but they must have left one out…

  31. Rob Arten

    Nov 30th, 2006

    oh, and a slight edit on that, the Persian King asked the Spartans to surrender, which is not what the AN is asking for in the given example. This example is on par with the King asking “Could you not wear that magic shield which stops damage?”, and tbh I think the Spartans would comply, having been a very honourable fighting force.

    So please do not liken yourselves to the Spartans, Mr Artizar, you share none of their honour (or, for that matter, fighting skill).

  32. Rob Arten

    Nov 30th, 2006

    oh, and a slight edit on that, the Persian King asked the Spartans to surrender, which is not what the AN is asking for in the given example. This example is on par with the King asking “Could you not wear that magic shield which stops damage?”, and tbh I think the Spartans would comply, having been a very honourable fighting force.

    So please do not liken yourselves to the Spartans, Mr Artizar, you share none of their honour (or, for that matter, fighting skill).

  33. Rob Arten

    Nov 30th, 2006

    shit, sorry for the double post

  34. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 30th, 2006

    Mr. Arten, as you have not seen any SL Spartans fight, it is unlikely that you can make such an assumption without being false. Ares Artizar created that document of his own free will, and does not always make sense in it. Also, the Spartans were not always as “honorable” as you would perceive. Remember, the Spartans existed long before any of us, and the ways and ethics of that time were very different from our present day ways and ethics. For instance, it might interest you to know that the Spartan were taught from birth to cheat and accomplish their goals by any means necessary. This is seen by how they were taught as children to fend by themselves, which was accomplished by not giving them enough food and clothing to survive on their own. The children had to steal from merchants (who were in Sparta), in order to provide for themselves. Is stealing seen as an honorable act by todays society? Absolutely not. HOWEVER, this training was intended to make the Spartans stringer as well as smarter, as merchants knew these children were about, and had to be outwitted or out-muscled in order for the children to provide themselves with what they needed. If the Spartans had access to “magic shields” I would think they would use them, as the Spartans were attempting to hold back the Persians from invading Greece. If you are going to insult, please do it properly, Mr. Arten-with research.

  35. Harlequin Salome

    Nov 30th, 2006

    The spartans also, during the Pelopensian war, asked for the bravest of helots to come and be heroes. The 2000 helots… serfs, basically… answered the call. They were paraded around as examples of bravery, then slaughtered in secret lest they rise up against Sparta. Being executed in those days meant you had your hands and feet bound, then had your throat slit.
    Your Sparta has claimed to have spies. Quite unlike your idealized sparta.

    Your Sparta uses half rate ships with tech stolen from old AN ships. Theft. Not very honorable, though we couldn’t care less since those ships are junk anyways.

    Your Sparta hides behind shields and runs when confronted.
    You accuse us of controlling allies, whereas we simply do as any other group in SL, we protect our best interests. You want us to be apologetic for being able to do so better than anyone else. My response? Too bad.

    You don’t wish to become the AN’s problem, don’t do anything to bother us. Its really simple. You misunderstand the AN at its most fundemental level, you misunderstand what SLSALT is, you pretty much mistunderstand what Second Life combat is.

    You want to be apart from the AN? Fine, just go away. We don’t care, Bruno, and if you crawled back under the rock you came out from, and returned to defiling the Spartans (Though they were pretty disturbed folks… I have a friend who is a historian and a PhD, expert on Sparta, who has some *really* frightening tales of the sickness endemic into that society) in the privacy of your own head, we’d be happy.
    Don’t bother us, we don’t bother you. *shrugs* Not hard.


  36. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 30th, 2006

    Sorry Mr. Salome, but you have no idea what you are talking about. Our ships? You have seen none of them. Second, why do you bother whining about that we have shields when you have phantom ammo? The shields are for protection against newb griefer groups. Also, you fail to realize that the Spartans of SL fight only in the name and honor codes of Sparta of ancient Greece, we do not fight as thye did, in formations and using spears, bows, swords, and the like. Because of this, I am free to tweak my group as I see fit, thank you very much. Also, please stop threatening me with the pointless “you dont want to make an enemy of us,” as death in SL is not permanent, therefore I and all of your enemies need not have any fear of death in SL. I do not seek you to be apologetic, I simply dont like your snobby, arrogant attitude. A true warrior is humble, and does not spend his days like you, parading around and saying you are the best, and all other groups fear us. People dont pay good money every month to Linden Labs to be part of groups that are fearful of the Alliance Navy.

    Ares Artizar has sent your “interview” that he attempted to conduct with you, to one of the Herald reporters. You whined about not having a represented side in the article? The one you gave Ares clearly shows my point: Arrogance is the highest ability you have, Harlequin.

  37. Bruno Ziskey

    Nov 30th, 2006

    As for the helots, Harlequin, they were conquered people to begin with. The Spartans never let slaves have the level in society that Spartiates (natural born citizens, Harlequin) had, so I fail to see why you bring that point up.

    Spartan boys, while growing up in the training that I explained to Mr. Arten, would go around and kill the Helots to make sure they stayed in line. As I said, the Spartans of SL fight in the warrior side of ancient Sparta, we dont take its other, more sick sides.

  38. Proteus Hand

    Dec 1st, 2006

    Bruno, remember, even though I have become a military advisor, it is because I am a mercenary, and I would like a chance to create a name for myself, possibly start over. I assure you, and all AN personel, I , nor any member of the Tactical Vikings Mercenary Force have created an allied standpoint within SL. As mercenaries we have neither allies nor enemies, and will do what we are paid to do, no questions asked. However, I will continue to aid Sparta to the point where its feet are off of the ground, and you have some force at your back. I still remain a Merczateer, and I don’t plan on it changing any time soon. TVMF is just a way for me to make money.

  39. Bruno Ziskey

    Dec 1st, 2006

    No worries, Proteus, I fully understand.

  40. Avil Creeggan

    Dec 1st, 2006

    Three points:

    1. No one has seen the Spartans fight becaue SPARTA, despite all it’s pomp and bragging and circumstance, has yet to make a physical attack on a single military within Second Life.

    2. Arez Artizar showed off the pride of the SPARTA Fleet a month or so after that document was crafted. It was a ship design seven months prior from the Grand Federation, colored a pale white, with the black-background SPARTA SKULL FLEET logo randomly painted on the side, along with a healthy dose of various levels of shine. I’ve seen better in the sandboxes.

    3. I find it hilarious you tout the superiority of the Spartan forces while instructing a commanding officer of your group, declared hostile against us, to come and conduct a “completely neutral interview”.

    Perhaps someone would give a damn about your claims and ideals and how Harlequin is the embodiment of the Ignorant and Arrogant Man if you could provide the slightest showing of proof, from your own group or, for that matter, any other group in Second Life, that the Alliance Navy isn’t the top dog as far as SL military goes in time established, fighting capability, et al

  41. Bruno Ziskey

    Dec 1st, 2006

    I dont remember any ship attacking your base, Avil-it was very likely only a prototype that Ares was testing. Since its not part of our still-under construction fleet, I can safely assume that it did not meet Ares’ expectations and was scrapped after its tesing on your base. By the way, how did you like the little attack on your base tonight? A pity there was so much lag, it would have been much more entertaining without it.

  42. Aryte Vesperia

    Dec 11th, 2006

    Oh me, oh my! The firestorm, it does so amuse me. By golly, folks, I didn’t realize I had become so infamous so quickly. Even in closing the Ordo, I’ve somehow elevated the inherent hate that some of you have for me. Joyous!

    You’re perverting this situation so widely that it simply leaves me in giggles. Please. This is the sort of stupidity that drove me towards closing the Ordo in the first place. The seriousness that is invested into a game, a game, is just plain remarkable.

    Give it a rest. Move on. Seek therapy, in some cases.

    The mere fact the Alliance Navy expends, and expended so much energy in despising the Ordo (and my own) existence serves only to prove I was doing something right. Go ahead, label me a griefer or whatever you wish. It doesn’t change anything. I don’t care what the Alliance Navy, or anyone else thinks about me, or what was my group.

    And, quite frankly, any of the core members of the Ordo (whom are supposedly untrained, but won every bout of Deathmatch isle versus the AN, lol GG Dragnar) don’t give a darn what you all think either.

    But hey, keep prattling. Whatever makes you feel better.

  43. Aryte Vesperia

    Dec 11th, 2006

    . . By the way, the handbook was on a dispensor outside our headquarters.

    That’s not very classified.

    Ha ha.

  44. Proteus Hand

    Dec 13th, 2006

    Sorry folks, apparently I had Aryte wrong…. um… yeah, I talked with him in SL. Turns out Harlequin is right… I’m paranoid as hell….

    please accept my appology

  45. Proteus Hand

    Dec 13th, 2006

    Oh, and by the way, lay off SPARTA for awhile, they’re a fresh group, AN, are you so insecure that you have to go out of your way to demoralize groups like SPARTA? why not do something worth your time?! Develop new and more effective equipment, fix that lag issue you have in Tethys. Do something productive.

    If AN is that insecure, don’t show it off by acting like that. It’s a beacon for groups like Novo Imperato Legio, showing that it would take them less than 12 minutes to have all of your heads on a pike.

  46. Avil Creeggan

    Feb 25th, 2007

    Indeed, it simply left Aryte Vesperia in giggles as he was plotting to return to Second Life not even a month later, at the head of Titan Industries, now based in Ratin, failing as they go with the likes of Timmahy Widget and Sly Axon.


  47. Jeremy Duport

    Feb 25th, 2007


  48. Proteus Hand

    Mar 5th, 2007

    Yup, somebody convinced him to stay….
    Personally, I think he did it to get some lulz out of the AN, but that’s just my guess.

  49. Vallen Murdock

    Apr 6th, 2007

    Titan Industries. Best weapon store out there. Tons of products that suit everyones needs. Everyone should shop here.

  50. The Griff (Sergeant Griffith)

    Apr 9th, 2007

    “…grid? An overly powerful Alliance Navy?”

    No, I can guarantee it will NOT result in an overly powerful AN.

    AN’s mostly talk instead of walk. I do admit, there are a FEW AN members who can really do damage, but their main forces are like a bunch of guys with blow darts charging a United States Special Forces team, with the Spec. Ops in a fortified line/bunker/etc, and the guy charging LOTR style at the front of the fortification.

    Yes, the AN IS a force to be reckoned with, but mainly because they sit behind several layers of walls and fire phantoms at attackers while defending their base in probably some of the most laggiest sims SL will see, and on the offence, the AN has even been known to fire from safe land, but that doesn’t happen much. They usually send a squadron of Razors in to drop bombs and other explosives on the enemy base, then send a few marines in to attack after the bulk of the enemy was killed in the bombs. The Marines sent in are often massacred like cows in a slaughterhouse.

    I recently took their base with the assistance of TWO Federaiton Phase 3 Cadets. We fought alot of AN’s high command, but we broke into the facility. The sim crashed, and eventually AN had to nuke their own base to get us out.

    Also, 2 Federation rangers and a Federation Major all took down an AN force of at LEAST 30, no exaggerations.

    I don’t think there is a “Overly powerful Alliance Navy” coming into SL. And if there is, then we’ll be ready for them.

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