Archive for March, 2007
Here Come the Kossacks!
Hijinks and Revelry at the YearlyKos Convention, Now Coming to an SL Island Near You! If you are at all involved in progressive politics you will know about the Daily Kos website. Employing an interesting AJAX powered social media software in which diary entries can be promoted to the main thread and in which comments [...]
Full StoryThe Tale of the Duke and The Hunt
as told by Morgdah Graves[This story is told around the campfires in Avilion - the Editrix] There was this Duke of a large parcel of land, he had servants, slaves,women at his beck and call. He was known to be the hunter of all hunters.His great hall was full of trophiesThe trophies were of many [...]
Full StoryCrowd Sourced Fun at the Herald!
by Onder Skall Game Set Watch recently posted “Perpetuating Game Naming Stereotypes For Fun/Profit“. It was a contest to come up with the world’s most stereotypical game name. The results were pretty awesome. I think “WWII: World War II” was my favorite. Of course, these things never stay contained, and soon Kotaku commenters were coming [...]
Full StoryOn Board the Endeavour
[Editor's Note: The Herald HQ occupies a landlocked plot in Second Life's Hyperborea sim, so it was with great surprise that we found washed up on our non-existent shoreline a waterlogged book, in the pages of which we found a sketch of Tiny Newt's barque, the Endeavour, as well as the scrap of a diagram [...]
Full StorySearching for Nirvana
God and the weather (channel) in Second Life by Jimbo Quality, on temporary assignment to the Herald spirituality extreme sports desk Jimbo Quality and friend [Editor’s Note: We had hoped feared that correspondent Jimbo Quality had been lost forever in his ramblings around the grid, until we received the following dispatch, scribbled on cocktail napkins [...]
Full StoryGoons’ Ban Game – SL Relay for Life Fund Raising
Public invited to purchase words that may not be spoken – for charity0h d4mn 1t 1 h4t3 l33t sp34k by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk careful what you say Some of those that frequent Baku sim or hang with the W-Hat goons are known for a willingness to push the limits of community tolerance up [...]
Full StoryBig Business Ads Blight Second Life
Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Virtual Estate and Inworld Business Remember how Philip Linden used to tell us that big business would never put up billboards in Second Life? That these wealthy corporations coming into SL wouldn’t be *need* to put up billboards because they’d just stay on their own islands? Remember how he said in [...]
Full StoryShock! Video Celebrating Cyber-terrorism Wins Second Prize in Fox Sponsored Contest
Just a few weeks ago, Fox News was lamenting the virtual terrorism (and ageplay) in Second Life and calling upon Democratic Presidential candidate John Edward Edwards to condemn it. Today, Fox sub-sub-sub-sub- division Fox Atomic celebrates those exact very same cyber-terrorists by honoring a griefer-made machinima video celebrating Toronto-based griefer Plastic Duck. More shocking still: [...]
Full StorySilk Fussbudget – Post 6 Grrrl
[Editrix’s note: From icy and angelic to red hot and demonic - and everything in between - this week Silk Fussbudget is our Post 6 Grrrl. Silk’s fantasy came true when Marilyn Murphy - publisher of Players, SL’s in-world erotic magazine, selected her for one of Marilyn’s legendary artistic photographic essays. After seeing three of [...]
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