Archive for March, 2007

Bad Business

Kids playing “Better Business Bureau” always picture themselves as the chair of the board. Prokofy Neva, Consumer Watch Goddamn, here we go again. Yet another stupid, misinformed attempt to create a “Better Business Bureau”. And yet another “ratings” system that styles itself as a “Better Business Bureau” even though, unlike a better system,, it [...]

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Dark Siders Rejoice: Beyond the Void Announces Tour of SL Goth Clubs

by Nolan Void, Dark Places Bureau Beyond the Void Announces an in-world Concert Tour. Enough with the sensitive new age guys stumming their little guitars and whining about a little lag. Away with posers like Ben Folds and phakers like Jay-Z. Screw the losers pining away for that glorified wet dream for accountants known as [...]

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Is LL Breaking Inworld Business?

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Broken Toys Repair & Doll Hospital Three things came together today that sent a number of inworld business people thinking clearly: the Lindens are breaking inworld business because they don’t need it anymore. Or…are they? They don’t need the handful of “positive Linden flow” inworld businesses that used to make [...]

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SL Full?

Please take a number and go window shopping at one of LL’s favorite web sites by Anechoic Nicole, staff writer we hope you like jammin’, too. Some of those hoping to join Second Life yesterday were sorely disappointed with the results of pushing the “Join Now” button on the Second Life Website. Instead of walking [...]

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Kelly Linden’s Naked Beta Grid Romp

Linden staffers go naked in PG-rated beta grid wednesday – better skies and rain in forecast by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk No clothes on the PG-rated beta grid wednesday Kharma Dharma reported wednesday, “I logged into the beta grid about 45 mins ago to see what was happening and 99% of the avatars there [...]

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Pathfinder Linden Levels Up?

By Prokofy Neva, Kremlindenologist Photo swiped from Pathfinder’s site. Some odd news today: Pathfinder is moved out of Linden Lab’s Community Team and is slated to open up LL’s new Boston office, where he will continue to serve as “evangelist and general resource” to the educator community, reports Blue Linden. We’ll leave for another day [...]

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Second Life Is All About Sex

Hard to believe – but true! by Onder Skall Linden Labs recently hosted a party at the GDC because, as we all know, Second Life is in dire need of new residents and just doesn’t get enough press. Drawn in by the offer of free food and booze, the press was notified that Linden Lab [...]

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Fashion Challenge – Men on a Low-L$ Budget

If all else fails, nothing says tough like playin’ in the buff by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Okay, okay, guys. I finally understand your lament. After playing about an hour as a male searching for good, cheap clothing… THERE ISN’T ANY. We’re working on a basically free budget here, since men’s clothing is either $1L [...]

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Can U Kaneva?

At the mall in Kaneva, this is about as risque as the public content gets in the WA. By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Worlds, Planets, Universes, Metaverses, and Virtual Estate Galaxies with NPC Land Barons So I finally get an invite to this much-anticipated Kaneva beta virtual world, even though I had only like a [...]

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Julian Lombardi: Second Life’s Technical Problems “Inevitable”

Second Life not Scalable? Image stolen from Lombardi’s blog.Julian Lombardi, one of the six original architects of Croquet and executive director of the Croquet Consortium AND the original designer of ViOS (Visual internet Operating System) has posted a rather sobering assessment of the scalability prospects for Second Life. Lombardi observes that ViOS went though similar [...]

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