Griefer U
by prokofy on 22/04/07 at 10:48 pm
By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Community Affairs
The Herald has been deluged lately with indignant complaints about weird goon goings-on in what is supposed to be an educational sim, Woodbury University. As usually with all the Eddie Haskelling and word-salad alibi-Ike sort of stuff involved, it’s hard to get at the truth — and as Uri always says, we’ll have to hope it emerges in the comments.
If you blinked, you missed it, but on April 12, the Lindens’ police blotter had this note:
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2007
Violation: Community Standards: Harassment, Soliciting Abuse
Region: Woodbury University
Description: Organizing abusive attacks on regions.
Action taken: Suspended 3 days.
In fact, oddly, googling the terms “Woodbury University” and “Second Life” gives you that police blotter item first, then somebody’s blog about visiting the island campus, and little else. This lack of hard information about the strange edu sim has spawned a persisent rumour that the U.S. government has funded this RL university, located in…Burbank, California (nee-noo, nee-noo, LL is in California!) to create a fake griefer group and launch simulated terror attacks on the unsuspecting SL population to study responses.
Our stringer, Aging Hippie Random Unsung, the Eternal Student, went out to Woodbury last night and came up with a different diagnosis. After being challenged by notorious Patriotic Nigras griefer Mudlips, on security detail but unable to boot anyone, Random concluded: “I figure the professor who bought this sim is on leave, and the Trustifarians have taken over,” he said.
When he arrived at the sim, it was being rebuilt, evidently after a griefer trashed it and caused what one source says was close to $1000 US worth of damage (?).
A hodge-podge collection of kids in motley uniforms and costumes of different genres greeted him, and despite the title “Woodland Security,” didn’t have the ability to eject Unsung on sight.
A frequent flyer griefer of the Ravenglass sims was seen in mufti sporting the faux “security” title, and it was either that the inmates had taken over the asylum, Unsung concluded, or the manager, one Tizzers Foxchange, described as “Woodbury Admin,” figured that the best way to guard a sim from griefers like the Patriotic Nigras in Second Life, was to hire the PNs as your security goons. Great concept!
Tizzers seemed very eager, while the others were word-salading and free-associating and clanging, to show that she has an exemplary record with LL, and does not engage in, or condone griefing. But we’ve seen it all in SL, and we know that one of the first things griefers do is make all these plausible-deniability groups like “Concerned Griefers of America” or go and donate to the cause of fighting cancer via the American Cancer Society to try to cleanse their tarnished image.
An avatar named MC Fizgig is described as the “Woodbury Professor” but there is almost no activity showing on his avatar, i.e. no picture, comments, First Life info, groups except “Woodbury” itself. So he may be AFK, and not realizing what’s happening, and not at all have a gig with the Dept. of Homeland Security — or he could have invented the PNs to test stuff. Who knows?
The Lindens used to have strict rules for any researchers coming into SL to study people, but with the corporate invasion and marketing explosion, all of that’s been thrown overboard, in part due to the bitching of the Herald about oppression of academic freedom. So it’s not known if there is anything remotely like this experiment claimed, or if LL knows anything about it. It is likely that Woodbury got the usual educational non-profit discount, however, of $150 for the sim instead of $195 (or a discount off the new tier of $295).
The rag-tag ranks of security at Woodbury consisted of one avatar running around crying “Sieg Heil!”, goose-stepping, and making “Heil Hitler” type of salutes in her Nazi regalia; another strange cat semi-dressed with a fez covering his private parts, and various other “hello kitty” sorts of avatars. If anybody interested in researching this chaos further, contact me for the chat logs.
By her own admission, Tizzers regularly reads 4chan’s site, which she described neutrally as a site for “Japanese image preservation” or some such nonsense, though everyone knows that it is Griefer Central for some of the worst marauders of SL. I’m not going to have to prove this in just a minute; watch the comments fill up with the worst kind of crap. Tizzers is also in some of the classic /b/tard groups like “Gay 4 Philip”.
Somebody needs to write Woodbury’s Board of Trustees or President and complain about these goose-stepping griefers who have indeed caused a lot of damage and lost business and down-time in SL for a number of sims — though the facts there aren’t confirmed, either, and it is hard to know who’s snowing whom on all this. The Lindens prove curiously unable to stop this, though rumour has it that they cull the PN alts every once in awhile and also infiltrate their groups to see what they’re doing.
I might add that if Homeland Security or for that matter any other government or university agency wishes to study simulated terrorism in SL, they don’t need to buy an island or have a special campus. Just come fly around the mainland with us on Governor Linden’s Estate : )
Apr 22nd, 2007
First off, I couldn’t have confronted anyone, seeing as how I’m permabanned from the game. I’m mostly a PR guy and raid organizer at the moment. In-game operations are handled by others. Not going to comment on the WU thing because of this.
And second, the trustifarians haven’t taken over, only the pastafarians.
“The Lindens prove curiously unable to stop this, though rumour has it that they cull the PN alts every once in awhile and also infiltrate their groups to see what they’re doing.”
Of course they can’t, they can’t stop us period. Infiltration is left to the individual groups such as the furries and such, and usually they’re outed within a week. We have higher echelons that things are planned in, and we’ve done a lot more security work internally.
Third, 4chan and its affiliates are no longer associated with PN. Our members comprise a wide range of Anonymous, not just *channers, and so it’s unfair to say “omg someone reeds 4chan b& b& b&”
(p.s: we’re not goons)
(p.p.s: a “strange cat” is fine too)
love and kisses,
Apr 22nd, 2007
i herd u leik mudkipz
Apr 22nd, 2007
Hi, I’m the “strange cat semi-dressed with a fez covering his private parts” in the pic and I’d just like to say thanks again for the t-shirt prokofy I now make sure to roam the grid fully clothed with it as per your advice. Also, what do you have against fezzes on my crotch?
Apr 22nd, 2007
Actually, we are a division of the United States Army, as part of Operation CYBERSTOMP, an unannounced security test by the Department of Defense.
Hazim Gazov, Head of Voter 5, Griefer at Large
Apr 22nd, 2007
Oh come on prok, I was there and I’m not a griefer, don’t be so silly. Also, I am plastic duck.
Hazim Gazov
Apr 22nd, 2007
Also, his name is mudkips, and we’re allowed in there. You’re hilariously mis-informed as per usual.
John Grinmanson
Apr 22nd, 2007
I’ve been authorized to tell you this by my superiors due to the above leak.
CYBERSTOMP stands for Controlled Yearly Ballistics Engineering Research and Simulated Training Operations in Metaverse-based Positions, a U.S. Government plan to institute ballistic tests vis-a-vis simulated physics engines. As traditional engines and platforms do not give us the flexibility we need mixed with adequate socialization and coordination, we have chosen Second Life as the best solution.
Second Lieutenant John Grinmanson
Operating out of Mootxico
16th Airborne Dvn
Apr 22nd, 2007
Just to correct you, Prok:
The “strange cat” is what’s known as a Giko head. I’m not sure of exact origin, but given the face… it’s a Japanese thing.
Secondly, the guy with the Giko head is wearing a Hard Gay outfit – also a Japanese thing. Look it up on Google for a laugh or two.
Now, on an unrelated topic; did you know that the “JLU” or “Justice League Unlimited” (as I believe their full name is) group actually aggressively attacked the Woodbury University sim?
Yes, the JLU actually attacked Woodbury. The /b/-tards there defended themselves (They were not active in any griefing activities), but only after being attacked and orbited by “Justice” League members. Lindens were then called to the scene, by the JLU, and /b/-tards and innocent bystanders were banned from Second Life – including Tizzers. However, she was lucky, getting off with a temporary suspension while the Lindens looked over her account for God knows what.
While at this time I cannot confirm, nor deny, that we were hired by CYBERSTOMP; I can say that I appreciate what they’re doing and look forward to their results.
University Update
Apr 23rd, 2007
Griefer U
Apr 23rd, 2007
Prokofy if you think that 4chan is nothing but griefer central than I don’t think you “get” 4chan
Hazim Gazov
Apr 23rd, 2007
the worst kind of crap is above the comments. >_<
some guy
Apr 23rd, 2007
hey. im the Pyramid Head guy wearing the fez in the back. when you came to Woodbury, i was appalled on how some of the people there decided to treat you, our guest with with such disrespect. and was attempting to get Tizzers to do something about it.also LL (linden Labs) and the JLU (justice league unlimited) have both “visited” our sim and know what we do on a regular basis. also, try to get more information before “judging” people. mixing rumors with fact and fiction causes more rumors to spread. next time, try to find out what is fact and what is fiction.
this is a word to everyone. go to 4chan before making any more allegations towards it. instead of hearing what others have to say. find out yourself.actually. do that with everything thing you do, you will become much wiser and understand the world better.your mis-information will lead to everyones downfall.
The Voice of Reason
Apr 23rd, 2007
Yeah. The *chan boards and Encyclopedia Dramatica are also full of threats, slander, and child pornography, so you’d better listen to these guys, folks. It’s not all about griefing. :-/
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 23rd, 2007
Hi Prokofy! I’m flattered you included me in your screenshot – I’m the little blonde nun.
Thanks for making me feel special!
Apr 23rd, 2007
Oh hay guys that was me in the nazi regalia and goose stepping I’m so cool I’m famous now.
Apr 23rd, 2007
Apr 23rd, 2007
lol penis lookalike a man amirite?
Hazim Gazov
Apr 23rd, 2007
The Voice of Reason, you forgot scat porn and pictures of cats.
Anyhow, the JLU ain’t all that bad, but yes, they did come in and harass us before the sim got deleted. Orbiting and attacking? Probably not, that was probably another /b/tard being a dick. Unfortunately I can’t really say much about the whole affair because somehow I was banned from the sim when I dressed up as a 7m robot and claimed to be more powerful than the JLU.
Hazim Gazov
Apr 23rd, 2007
Also, FYI, Random Unsung = Prokofy’s alt that she use to get by bans so she can interview
Prokofy Neva
Apr 23rd, 2007
I don’t know Random Unsung. We’ve never been properly introduced. I imagine it’s because we’re never online at the same time.
John Endwahl
Apr 23rd, 2007
Oh Good. A new place to test the Super Woodchuck.
Apr 23rd, 2007
lol YTMND steals stuff amirite gaiz?
why bother
Apr 23rd, 2007
Not ALL the channers may be rotten, at least 90% are. The ones that go about what they do and don’t run around invading are fine. I love how you guys play all innocent trying to deflect everything on another group. Obviously the Lindens found SOMETHING at Woodbury and they closed the place down for awhile. Anyone who was banned, well the Lindens are justified in banning them since they more than likely have dirt on them. Another thing alot of you channers and PN whine and complain when you’re banned, well you clicked that little “Agree” button on the TOS when you signed up (or made one of your thousands of alts). Break the TOS well guess what, LL has the right to b& you.
The guilty cry foul and feign innocence whenever they get caught.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 23rd, 2007
“The rag-tag ranks of security at Woodbury consisted of one avatar running around crying “Sieg Heil!”, goose-stepping, and making “Heil Hitler” type of salutes in her Nazi regalia”
Her outfit had no Nazi emblems on it, and was actually closer to the Kaiser uniforms of the first world war rather than the Nazi uniforms of the second.
Tizzers Foxchase
Apr 23rd, 2007
My dear Prokofy, let me begin by expressing my wholehearted thanks for giving me the greatest chuckle of my life with your cute little tabloid article. Please take a moment and allow me to clear up the multitude of misconceptions and blatant liable you have conveyed to the Second Life community about our school.
Woodbury University is a privately funded, non-profit school founded in 1884 by Francis Chute Woodbury. I must admit I am not a professing historian, but I am pretty sure the government was not funding the study of virtual online terrorism in the late 19th century.
The Woodbury University sim was brought online for the sole purpose of creating a virtual environment in which the students of Media, Culture, and Design at the real life university could freely express their art and viewpoints under the protection of the 1st amendment of the constitution.
Aside from being a joint project of the class CO 3714 “Virtual Worlds”, the sim also served as a place where others interested in studying virtual societies and memes could freely express their culture in our public sandbox. Enter was originally an anonymous image board created for the appreciation of the Japanese culture. Interestingly enough, the site has spawned its own culture and set of memes which thousands of people across the e-globe identify with. Essentially we have become the nation of the internet. Woodbury, being a place of virtual culture studies, naturally allowed the expression of these memes in their public sandbox.
Unfortunately, the internet can become an ugly place. As public users began filling our sandbox with items, certain avatars began freely distributing sim crashing technology (GD, Doomsday, etc). This lead to a deluge of griefers constantly hammering the sim with these tools.
We did not lose $1000 USD, but we did lose quite a bit of Linden dollars and countless hours invested in the creation of our original campus. Thanks Linden Labs, you’re the best!
Most of you know of an anti-terrorist group in Second Life known as the Justice League. The Patriotic Nigras have repeatedly expressed their distain for this group, because they are very good at what they do, catching griefers and reporting them to be banned. There is a rumor going around that the JLU allegedly attacked Woodbury, and I can say this is definitely not the case. Due to a series of miscommunications and assumptions (as verified by JLU officer Carigorp Matzerath), the JLU accidently reported Woodbury University as the primary headquarters of the Patriotic Nigras. This is the event which caused the sim to be taken offline for 3 days and completely deleted by the Lindens.
I am not going to hold anything against the JLU, because they were simply doing what they do. It’s a shame innocent people were hurt in the process.
All that aside, the Woodbury community has endorsed the following principles to guide its educational practices:
-Social Responsibility
-Innovation and Creativity
-The Integrated Student
-Academic Quality
Just as you have stated in your article, the Woodbury University virtual staff does engage in, or condone griefing. I am more than willing to answer any questions you may have regarding the university. Please don’t hesitate to send me an IM in Second Life.
-Tizzers Foxchase
Apr 23rd, 2007
Apparently I was mistaken about the JLU situation; I apologize.
I was not personally present at WU when whatever happened happened; all I heard was from friends that Lindens had showed up and people were being banned. I had heard something about JLU members and orbiting, but it’s entirely likely (and it seems) that I was mistaken.
That doesn’t mean I’m going to suddenly start liking the Justice League, however. Something about them just rubs me the wrong way. But that, I suppose is irrelevant.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 23rd, 2007
Your comments about 4chan are completely at odds with everything the independent press, including the Herald, has been reporting for ages. And your close association with these /b/tards, which you’ve apparently made your “Woodbury Security” completely beg the question of your claims not to be sponsoring griefing.
What we need to have here is *the professor* or other university administrator come forward, *not the students* or the little griefer pals they’ve picked up in the sandbox. Anyone can fly into a sim and claim to be “studying” and “be a student” and claim to be “bringing justice” or “not griefing”. But it’s clear there is no adult supervision in this sim and a lot of tall tales being told.
The professor said to be in charge of this class isn’t in evidence and almost nothing is shown of his work on Google other than a slight reference to a paper involving “Hypercapitalism” and participation in a conference in Russia. It’s hard to know what, if anything, he actually has to do with this island, which is now populated by the Patriotic Nigras, v-5, and others, whatever the Lindens action, and whatever the Justice League’s action.
We’re dealing with griefers who include as part of their menu constantly lying, distracting, dissembling, feinting, posing, displacing, etc. All known tactics.
A relatively more neutral article on Wikipedia about this 4chan can be seen here, indicating serious allegations of child pornography and griefing related to this site, which is really tendentiously described by you as merely ‘about images’.
In any event, I want to take this opportunity to note that Hazim Gazov, a repeated griefer of me personally and my rentals, posted a notice on my blog that the Virginia Tech memorial on Kula was griefed and destroyed. I am told that the Prokofy puppet that Hazim and other Voter 5 griefers use in such attacks was used. This prompted FlipperPA, who is an idiot, to claim that I was involved in this attack, although everybody knows, for more than a year, W-hat and v-5 have been launching griefing attacks using my image and puppets and objects as a spoof.
Of course I had nothing whatsoever to do with this awful attack, whatever my critique of buridan, and would never do such a thing, ever. I can only point out that images of me and puppets and such continue to be used by both Voter 5 and by Second Citizen as a form of griefing and intimidation of me and a distraction and confusion of others when griefing sims.
That you’ve accorded such a well-known griefer who would even brag about such a despicable thing as griefing the Virginia Tech memorial on my blog, even the title “Woodbury Security” completely gives the lie to your fake presentation here.
Prokofy Neva
Tizzers Foxchase
Apr 23rd, 2007
If you have issues with specific members of the “Woodbury Security” group, please come to me about it like a mature and reasonable person. There is no need to make it national news. (As you so seemingly have done.)
Those in the group were specifically invited because they OFFERED to help rebuild the campus which was deleted last week. They have all been a tremendous help to me, and I owe them many thanks for that. Although there may be a few delinquent members in the group, I am not always online to police them 24 hours a day. If there is a problem, I will personally remove that person from the group and ban them from Woodbury. There is no “lie” or “fake presentation.” Antisocial behavior will not be tolerated on my watch.
Maximilian Goldflake
Apr 23rd, 2007
This whole situation reminds me of the Stones hiring the Hell’s Angels for security at Altamont. Maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time but nothing good can come of it.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 23rd, 2007
What you have to realize is that your little efforts to draw people into side meetings, private understandings, etc. just doesn’t fly.
This *is* national news. Why? Because this is supposed to be an educational sim, and a sim that was purchased at a discount for educational activity. Instead, it seems like it has been hijacked by a gang of thugs — and thugs we all know well.
I don’t at all buy the theory some have that you are naive and clueless. Oh, no. You know *exactly* what you are doing with this Eddie Haskell routine.
Hire THESE people because they “want to help” and “maintain security”? Hello?! I don’t know anything much about the Justice League, but I seem to recall they’re the people who have generally deterred the goons, not griefed others — but more knowledgeable people can make comments.
Here we go again with the age-old alibi, the Huns Valen Variation, which says, ‘Oh, they’re just a bunch of fun-loving dudes, oh, sure, some of them get a little overactive some times but don’t let a few apples spoil the barrel.”
Well, um, no. This is all of a piece, front and back. YOU are in on it. THEY are in on it. It’s a shame. It’s a phony about 3 ways from Sunday. We can all see through it.
The idea that you can’t fathom that some of the people in this group already have well documented records as griefers, that one of them I’ve just explained is related to the griefing of the Virginia Tech memorial, is just too preposterous. It’s just the usual methods of the goons, that’s all.
The entire thing is crooked. And removing one would not help, because it’s a *group* – a group that replaces any of its members with fresh alts in a heartbeat, and lives because the groups live and you won’t face those facts. Furthermore, I have no doubt that if people came to you fresh from their griefing incidents from other sims, even with chat logs or photos you’d say, why, they were only helpful on my sim, and I can’t very well ban somebody who is *helpful* now, can I?
This is the face of Leninist cyberterrorism. It’s good for people to get a better look at it because they’ll be seeing a lot more of it and they need to understand it and devise ways to work around it.
Helpful terrorists who come back and rebuild in order to reinfiltrate and the set up the next attack. Done all the time!
Tizzers, we’ve got your number here. Still waiting for a grown-up to show up here.
Tizzers Foxchase
Apr 23rd, 2007
It is truly sad how blinded you are by your own holy crusade of finger pointing and whistle-blowing, Prokofy.
I invite anybody reading this article to stop by the Woodbury University Campus in Second Life and experience the “The face of Leninist cyberterrorism.” You will most likely find a group of bored students wandering about the streets in their silly costumes.
Second Life: Serious Business.
Hazim Gazov
Apr 23rd, 2007
To my favourite delusional fucktard
“s’okay prokofy, it’s been griefed to bits now, you can wipe it from your memory.”
I don’t see how that implies that I did anything, I was merely pointing out that it was sure to have been griefed due to vtech’s meme status.
I haven’t even worn the puppet in ages, and I gave a few full perm puppets out in Baku a while ago, why the hell is it my problem what they’re used for or who they go to?
Along with the alleged ‘repeated attacks’, Prokofy is claiming I constantly send her forced TPs, which isn’t the case. I do believe I sent two about a month ago.
5 minutes after Voter 5 was formed you claimed it was filled with malicious notecarders, griefers, people who send forced TPs, etc. What I’d like to see some solid evidence from you that Voter 5 has been repeatedly griefing you (I assure you, I have better weapons than simple particle or notecard spammers), only then will I apologize to her highness.
If you had any idea what my actual motives were, you’d keep your trap shut and keep on bitching about the ESC button sticking, the FICus needing water, and kids walking on your e-lawn.
On the subject of the JLU, I have a partial chatlog right here and it seems someone was spamming an “SDI Defense” texture. I don’t think any /b/tards have a weapon like that because I have just about every weapon pack they’ve made. To sum up what I heard when I was there, “talking to Lindens, gtfo, muting now kthx.” Honestly, it was handled badly by both parties. JLU comes in and gets everyone riled up with their threats of reports and bannings, everyone craps their pants and starts orbiting everyone, Lindens randomly ban people from the sim, and the Lindens close the place down and delete everything.
I hope that in the future, situations like this will be handled better, this includes the anti griefer spec-ops who sometimes show up to cage people when I’m visiting baku. How this helps stop griefers, I haven’t the faintest idea.
-Hazim Gazov, Griefer at Lawl
P.S. I am Plastic Duck
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 23rd, 2007
As a “Woodbury Security” Member and self-professed /b/tard, I can say that Tizzers’ words are entire truth.
The Woodbury group is presently comprised of several students and people like me, who have offered their hands to help rebuild the sim after its entirely criminal destruction by the Lindens on April 12th.
Woodbury University is not a ‘base of operations’ to the PN. It was not used by them to plan attacks on other sims, never was, and never will be.
A large number of PN members are 4chan users, and were attracted to the original incarnation of the sim by what I can only describe as a ‘shrine’ to /b/ – a large area full of models and images of various 4chan-spawned memes: In short, a 4chan museum.
Ofcourse, JLU and various other groups spend a lot of time infiltrating /b/ groups, and when they got wind of the /b/ shrine they saw fit to come along and cause havoc. Somewhere the line JLU wound up in the belief that Woodbury was PN stronghold rather than just a university-owned sim with a /b/ shrine hidden away inside it.
Mass ‘griefing’ ensued as the 4channers and their enemies fought inside the sim, JLU did their usual flood of abuse reports, Linden Labs came along and deleted the whole sim.
Some of those 4channers, and indeed, some PN members have expressed their sadness and also anger at what came to pass in Woodbury on that day – PN in particular were especially upset as they couldn’t help but feel that it was their presence which had unintentionally brought such trouble to Tizzers’ doorstep.
As such, it should come as no suprise that members of various /b/ groups have been eager to offer their support to Tizzers.
Your ill-informed words here, Prokofy, do nothing but slander and defame an innocent student and a university professor who had nothing to do with, and no control over the events of april 12th.
Hazim Gazov
Apr 23rd, 2007
Carigorp Matzerath
Apr 23rd, 2007
My name is Carigorp Matzerath. I am both an officer of the JLU and a self proclaimed /b/tard. Yes, there are those out there that are both. Few, but we are around. I have been closely following the PN case since it originated. I can attest from experience that /b/tard does NOT equal griefer, and it definitely does NOT equal PN. In fact, by now, the PN have members originating from anonymous all over the web, including mygot, ytmnd, and even w-hat. Do you presume that everyone who frequents these sites and groups are PN? This would be an absurd assumption as the PN don’t have nearly enough members to fulfill this.
As for Tizzers’ claims about 4chan, they are completely accurate. 4chan is an image board. Always has been and always will be. Sure, uncouth things have spawned from it, but it is hardly fair to wrap all /b/tards up together. Prokofy, you claim that Tizzers claims are against what news articles report. Of course they are. News articles are entertainment. Writing about /b/tards that are just normal every day people that get a few “lulz” from making fun of images on an image board doesn’t get you readers. Reporting on child pornography and raids does.
/b/tards all over SL are discriminated against because of the stigma left by the MINORITY of /b/tards. This is not right, but it is the harsh truth. I personally applaud Tizzers for building a safe haven for /b/tards. At least there can be one place in SL where /b/tards are safe from public scrutiny.
I assure you, the JLU is a legit organization and we clear out the PN problem, but Tizzers is not part of that problem. Also, she has made it clear that the JLU and anyone else is free to report griefers to her, and she will promptly ban and eject them.
Don’t misinterpret me. I don’t write this as a sympathizer so much as someone who is well informed on the subject and has actually done some solid research.
FWord Utorid
Apr 23rd, 2007
“I might add that if Homeland Security or for that matter any other government or university agency wishes to study simulated terrorism in SL, they don’t need to buy an island or have a special campus. Just come fly around the mainland with us on Governor Linden’s Estate”
Or pretend to be a Linden, and read the Herald
Hazim Gazov
Apr 23rd, 2007
You: I wonder if prok is finished her writeup on how I’m a terrible griefer yet
^at this point, no, she wasn’t
You: seriously though, I’ve yet to see something that she can’t compare to russian politics
^this is true
Random Unsung: yes but you must have infiltrated them with your Leninist cult.
^surely not Prokofy Neva’s alt, SURELY.
Please note that Random Unsung is also high up in Ravenglass rentals (even though they’ve supposedly never met), and Prokofy refers anyone in the group who needs general help to Random. Random also seems to show up in the last spot prokofy was when she gets banned from different parcels. Hmmmmm, that’s a doozie of a lie you got there prok.
Apr 23rd, 2007
lol Prokofy Neva fat crazy cat lady 4 lyfe amirite?
Apr 23rd, 2007
Ah just like Prok and the Herald.. always late to the party. Dumbasses. You’re not even real journalists. You’re all pathetic.
Moot Kappler
Apr 23rd, 2007
I’m not mudkips anonymous. I’ve made this clear.
Also, profoky. . .
MG John DeFreitas III
Apr 23rd, 2007
Hello, I am here to refute the claims of Operation CYBERSTOMP. The allegations simply aren’t true, and for those alleging CYBERSTOMP: itty bitty baby boat. You should know what this means.
MG John DeFreitas III
Apr 23rd, 2007
4chan has some deplorable crap, including many offensive pictures. Many of these are considered a category known as “eyerape,” purposely to be offensive. These images are allowed and intended for the viewer to be disgusted by. This is the kind of horrible you should focus on, if anything. 4chan does not allow child pornography, unlike the common use of CP as a useful shortcut for the phrase would suggest. CP is used largely as a joke, another meme in a way regarding pedophiles as heinous filth, which is a *chan-wide doctrine. The same goes for any pictures that are considered illegal, and the are promptly deleted, leaving the user with a big ol’ b&.
Woodbury University, which got punished for mere speculation, is not some kind of griefer central, it is a place to have a museum of memes, in-jokes, and gibberish. These pieces are well-documented elsewhere and have been brought to SL to share. The PN or any other griefer group as well know would be foolish to make their planning headquarters within SL, where their conversations can be monitored by their “enemies.” This should be obvious.
So hanging in Woodbury and being a /b/tard are as unrelated as being in Woodbury and being a PN. There’s no correlation so just STFU and quit the wild speculating.
so what
Apr 23rd, 2007
PN and /b/tards go hand in hand in most cases. PN are derived from the /b/tards memes. You invite one you get the other if you like it or not. Many /b/tards cheer and support PN. Many /b/tards go along on PN raids to watch. Tizzers comments show that she is a PN sympathizer.
Someone made a good point. /b/tards are not pedofiles but their large amount of eye raep imagery used for shock value or what not should bring them into question. Also many of the /b/tards made light of the recent Vtech tragedy even going so far as to visit many inworld memorials to spew sick jokes and imagery.
Majority of /b/s may not raid, but that doesn’t excuse many of the degenerates that reside in /b/.
Apr 23rd, 2007
You have just entered the very heart, soul, and life force of the internet. this is a place beyond sanity, wild and untamed. there is nothing new here. “new” content on 4chan is not found; it is created from old material. every interesting, offensive, shocking, or debate inspiring topic youve seen elsewhere has been posted here ad infinitum. we are the reason for “not safe for work”. we are the anonymous army. cross us and you will fail. anonymous is everywhere. you depend on us every day. we bag your groceries, we fix your computers. anonymous sees you before you see him. sitting at desks around the world right now is a nameless, faceless, unforgiving mafia composed of the best of the best.
We are legion and we do not forgive. The internets is ours.
Apr 23rd, 2007
If you’re reading this, then congratulations! You have just met the next form of social evolution on the Internet.
To some, we will be their greatest enemy. Spoiling their fun and doing everything in our power to ruin all they hold dear.
To others, their greatest friend and ally, always willing to make them laugh.
How you react will decide your fate.
As the internet has grown in popularity, a disturbing phenomenon has occurred: Everyone thinks they they are SPECIAL.
A special little snowflake handcrafted by God to make the world a better place. Sites like Livejournal, DeviantArt, Myspace, Habbo, and now SecondLife have all helped to support this idea of individuality.
We have news for you… You aren’t special.
You aren’t unique. You may not even have the destiny of making a living room a better place to be, let alone the world.
You are a mindless horde of filth, traversing the universe on a small ball of dirt. A speck upon a speck in the vastness of existance.
We are here to remind you of this.
We have embraced our deindividuality. We have embraced the filth. We have embraced our smallness as human animals. And we are going to show you what it’s like. We will take all of the filth in the world; images you never want to see, stories you never want to hear, memories you never want to see again, we will bring it all into the light of day and laugh at it as you run screaming, trying not to vomit.
We cannot be stopped. We have no leader. We have no true names. We are Anonymous, and our numbers are vast. We are everywhere, and we never forgive.
Wherever someone takes themselves too seriously, we will be there. Wherever someone has an inflated ego, we will be there. Wherever someone screams of fursecution, we will be there. Wherever someone forgets that a game isn’t important, we will be there. Wherever anyone puts themself above common sense, or puts fantasy before reality, we will be there to tear their lives apart.
After all, what is a man? A miserable pile of secrets. We will expose your secrets, force you to face your demons, and demand you listen to your own stupidity.
We will do it through madness. And we will remove you from the high place you have built yourself.
Deflate your egos, get off your high-horses, and stop your yiffing. The Patriotic Nigras are coming.
United as one, divided by zero. We are Anonymous, We are legion, We do not forgive.
Hazim Gazov
Apr 23rd, 2007
>> PN and /b/tards go hand in hand in most cases.
>> PN are derived from the /b/tards memes.
They’re derived from memes from several different communities, not just /b/’s
>> You invite one you get the other if you like it or not.
Not really, no.
>> Many /b/tards cheer and support PN. Many /b/tards go along on PN raids to watch.
not really, the ones that go are usually PNs that just aren’t griefing at the moment.
>> Tizzers comments show that she is a PN sympathizer.
/b/ sympathizer.
>> Someone made a good point. /b/tards are not pedofiles but their large amount of eye raep imagery used for shock value or what not should bring them into question.
Really? I actually look at that stuff for laughs
>> Also many of the /b/tards made light of the recent Vtech tragedy even going so far as to visit many inworld memorials to spew sick jokes and imagery.
many PN alts
>> Majority of /b/s may not raid, but that doesn’t excuse many of the degenerates that reside in /b/.
Oh, so because some /b/tards raid, let’s just keep them under close scrutiny and annoy them until they all stop. Way to go, Hal Turner.
Ordinal Malaprop
Apr 23rd, 2007
> We are here to remind you of this. We have embraced our deindividuality. We have embraced the filth. We have embraced our smallness as human animals. And we are going to show you what it’s like.
Please tell me no real person posted this.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 23rd, 2007
>Please tell me no real person posted this.
It is copy/pasted from
It is their own words about themselves.
and what
Apr 23rd, 2007
>>Really? I actually look at that stuff for laughs
So you find humor in seeing a cat’s head being stomped in by a woman in high heels until it’s dead. Oh that must be hilarious.
>>many PN alts
Odd, I saw many older accounts harassing a a Vtech memorial and we all know PNs can’t keep an account for a few weeks or a few days. Some of these people had the “Woodbury University” group in their profiles and were using many known /b/ memes.
>> Oh, so because some /b/tards raid, let’s just keep them under close scrutiny and annoy them until they all stop. Way to go, Hal Turner.
This goes well beyond Second Life, and as you brought up with Hal Turner even spills into the real world now. Maybe you guys really should start cleaning yourselves up and maybe you wouldn’t be under so much scrutiny. By the way I don’t condone Hal Turner’s shithead antics but many of you anon aren’t helping by goading him on and hiding behind your “just cause” just to get some laughs.
All you anon seem to care about lately is getting sympathy points and getting in the headlines anywhere. You yourselves have lost what /b/, 4chan, or whatever was about in the first place. Don’t cry know because you are mostly reviled around the internet for crap you did in the past and are now trying to clean the crap you tracked everywhere from your boots.
Ordinal Malaprop
Apr 23rd, 2007
> It is copy/pasted from
> It is their own words about themselves.
I know. It’s the most unutterably pretentious sub-Palahniuk crap. I was just hoping that someone would disown it. You’ve ruined that now. It’s your fault.