Griefer U

by prokofy on 22/04/07 at 10:48 pm


By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Community Affairs

The Herald has been deluged lately with indignant complaints about weird goon goings-on in what is supposed to be an educational sim, Woodbury University. As usually with all the Eddie Haskelling and word-salad alibi-Ike sort of stuff involved, it’s hard to get at the truth — and as Uri always says, we’ll have to hope it emerges in the comments.

If you blinked, you missed it, but on April 12, the Lindens’ police blotter had this note:

Date: Thursday, April 12, 2007
Violation: Community Standards: Harassment, Soliciting Abuse
Region: Woodbury University
Description: Organizing abusive attacks on regions.
Action taken: Suspended 3 days.

In fact, oddly, googling the terms “Woodbury University” and “Second Life” gives you that police blotter item first, then somebody’s blog about visiting the island campus, and little else. This lack of hard information about the strange edu sim has spawned a persisent rumour that the U.S. government has funded this RL university, located in…Burbank, California (nee-noo, nee-noo, LL is in California!) to create a fake griefer group and launch simulated terror attacks on the unsuspecting SL population to study responses.

Our stringer, Aging Hippie Random Unsung, the Eternal Student, went out to Woodbury last night and came up with a different diagnosis. After being challenged by notorious Patriotic Nigras griefer Mudlips, on security detail but unable to boot anyone, Random concluded: “I figure the professor who bought this sim is on leave, and the Trustifarians have taken over,” he said.


When he arrived at the sim, it was being rebuilt, evidently after a griefer trashed it and caused what one source says was close to $1000 US worth of damage (?).

A hodge-podge collection of kids in motley uniforms and costumes of different genres greeted him, and despite the title “Woodland Security,” didn’t have the ability to eject Unsung on sight.

A frequent flyer griefer of the Ravenglass sims was seen in mufti sporting the faux “security” title, and it was either that the inmates had taken over the asylum, Unsung concluded, or the manager, one Tizzers Foxchange, described as “Woodbury Admin,” figured that the best way to guard a sim from griefers like the Patriotic Nigras in Second Life, was to hire the PNs as your security goons. Great concept!


Tizzers seemed very eager, while the others were word-salading and free-associating and clanging, to show that she has an exemplary record with LL, and does not engage in, or condone griefing. But we’ve seen it all in SL, and we know that one of the first things griefers do is make all these plausible-deniability groups like “Concerned Griefers of America” or go and donate to the cause of fighting cancer via the American Cancer Society to try to cleanse their tarnished image.

An avatar named MC Fizgig is described as the “Woodbury Professor” but there is almost no activity showing on his avatar, i.e. no picture, comments, First Life info, groups except “Woodbury” itself. So he may be AFK, and not realizing what’s happening, and not at all have a gig with the Dept. of Homeland Security — or he could have invented the PNs to test stuff. Who knows?

The Lindens used to have strict rules for any researchers coming into SL to study people, but with the corporate invasion and marketing explosion, all of that’s been thrown overboard, in part due to the bitching of the Herald about oppression of academic freedom. So it’s not known if there is anything remotely like this experiment claimed, or if LL knows anything about it. It is likely that Woodbury got the usual educational non-profit discount, however, of $150 for the sim instead of $195 (or a discount off the new tier of $295).

The rag-tag ranks of security at Woodbury consisted of one avatar running around crying “Sieg Heil!”, goose-stepping, and making “Heil Hitler” type of salutes in her Nazi regalia; another strange cat semi-dressed with a fez covering his private parts, and various other “hello kitty” sorts of avatars. If anybody interested in researching this chaos further, contact me for the chat logs.

By her own admission, Tizzers regularly reads 4chan’s site, which she described neutrally as a site for “Japanese image preservation” or some such nonsense, though everyone knows that it is Griefer Central for some of the worst marauders of SL. I’m not going to have to prove this in just a minute; watch the comments fill up with the worst kind of crap. Tizzers is also in some of the classic /b/tard groups like “Gay 4 Philip”.


Somebody needs to write Woodbury’s Board of Trustees or President and complain about these goose-stepping griefers who have indeed caused a lot of damage and lost business and down-time in SL for a number of sims — though the facts there aren’t confirmed, either, and it is hard to know who’s snowing whom on all this. The Lindens prove curiously unable to stop this, though rumour has it that they cull the PN alts every once in awhile and also infiltrate their groups to see what they’re doing.

I might add that if Homeland Security or for that matter any other government or university agency wishes to study simulated terrorism in SL, they don’t need to buy an island or have a special campus. Just come fly around the mainland with us on Governor Linden’s Estate : )

224 Responses to “Griefer U”

  1. Amused

    Apr 25th, 2007

    This is brilliant. Prokofy, I hope you realize that with this article you have just completely obliterated any journalistic reputability you might have had. You’re only making a fool of yourself. Next time get your facts straight before causing drama.

  2. Bridget

    Apr 25th, 2007

    LOL WUT journalistic reputability?If”it”(do not know if male or female)ever had any.

  3. Bridget

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Oh yeah bitch I told you to credit Penny Patton for my nazi regalia if you were writing about us,you filthy leninist liar.

  4. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 25th, 2007

    This is brilliant. Prokofy, I hope you realize that with this article you have just completely obliterated any journalistic reputability you might have had. You’re only making a fool of yourself. Next time get your facts straight before causing drama.

    Hi, Amused. My journalistic credibility and reputation stands firm. There aren’t any facts that aren’t “straight” here.

    I reported them accurately:

    o a number of people are concerned about reports of griefing coming out of Woodbury U and have even contacted the Herald in indignation — there’s a public sense that educational projects in SL shouldn’t involve griefing groups

    o there is a police blotter report the Lindens have published involving a 3-day suspension and the island itself apparently was even seized or made no access

    o little information is available from Googling or trying to read the university’s websites about its digital arts program

    o a reporter who went to engage the rag-tag bunch in their wild uniforms and wierd antics found them to be doing the usual chat and word-salading and self-justification for which w-hat/v-5 etc are famous

    o Tizzers, by her own admission, was an admirer of 4chan, which she described in a way that any outside reporter would see as biased, calling it merely a site for “Japanese images” (!).

    o the notion was expressed that far from being any US-government sponsored experiment, as some had surmised, or been told as a hoax, it seemed more like a “cats will play while mouse is away” sort of situation *cough*.

    o the fact was noted that the exact same avatar responsible for documented griefing of sims in Ravenglass was evident here as “Woodbury Admin”.

    o a call for higher-ups at Woodbury to investigate this was made, and the ritualistic handwringing about the Lindens once again “doing nothing” was made.

    o a prediction was made that as per usual, the goons would go wild with lots of harassment, lying, and word-salading in the comments.

    In short, absolutely nothing inaccurate here whatsoever.

    As Tizzers got deeper into justifying herself, in comments, I continued to make the obvious point: she’s in on it.

    I would have to surmise the professor is in on it too, from what I have seen.

  5. Tizzers Foxchase

    Apr 25th, 2007

    “o Tizzers, by her own admission, was an admirer of 4chan, which she described in a way that any outside reporter would see as biased, calling it merely a site for “Japanese images” (!).”

    If you really want to get technical about it, I said:

    [23:51] Tizzers Foxchase: It is an anonymous imageboard for the appreciation of Japanese culture.

    Which is reflected in the Wikipedia description of 4chan:

    “4chan (Japanese: Yotsuba, lit. “four leaves” Channel) is an English language imageboard, based on the Japanese imageboard Futaba Channel. On 4chan, many pictures (generally related to anime, manga and popular media) are posted and discussed.”

    Anime, manga, and cosplay are all very predominant icons of modern Japanese culture. If you took 20 minutes to browse 4chan, you’d see that there are quite a few intellectual discussions in the sub-boards.

    “As Tizzers got deeper into justifying herself, in comments, I continued to make the obvious point: she’s in on it.”

    Prokofy I don’t need to justify myself. So long as we are not violating the TOS, we have nothing to worry about. Also why should Dr. Clift be punished as a sim owner because of the people visiting his sim? Maybe PN should go hang out at IntLibbers sim so he can be framed and banned for housing them. Jesus Christ this is ridiculous.

  6. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Here’s the SLNN story link from April 14. I can’t be sure any of this is true. I think it’s likely the PNs or something like that launched a rumour about this big grid attack, and the rumour itself was the attack, making everybody prepare for it. But then others say, no, the Lindens did really disable an attack. I’ve heard versions of this story, but cannot verify it.

    and I think the development of this story as a whole is a classic case in how conventional journalism cannot possibly hope to “cover” it in any normal way. Yet virtual journalists can’t do much with it, either.

    The methods being used by the griefers are well known to me, however.

  7. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 25th, 2007

    >Prokofy I don’t need to justify myself. So long as we are not violating the TOS, we have nothing to worry about. Also why should Dr. Clift be punished as a sim owner because of the people visiting his sim? Maybe PN should go hang out at IntLibbers sim so he can be framed and banned for housing them. Jesus Christ this is ridiculous

    1. We have no evidence that you aren’t violating the TOS. The Lindens will have to determine that. Grid attacks were planned and executed, and it seems likely that the usual suspects will play the usual distraction and denial games and you, by taking the suspects, who are also known griefers in other areas, and making them “Woodbury Security,” are vulnerable to charges of aiding and abetting them.

    2. Um, I guess I’m not at all impressed with Dr. Clift’s desire to give voice to students charged with griefing, to knock the free press, and I’m not at all impressed with your desire to disassociate him from said students and shield him from any responsibility (!). That’s not how normal professors and students act. I realize it’s part of your shtick to wear down those sorts of normal behaviour patterns and expectations, but in fact, a real professor would be running, not walking, to clean this kind of situation up and save his university from any kind of bad press.

    3. So you admit these people are the PNs? And are you aware of the document bannable offenses in which these people are involved?

    4. Your description of 4chan, again, is tendentious, and a whitewash, to the naked, untrained eye. Rewording it or citing Wikipedia can’t distract from THAT fact.

    In short, summer school may be required for you, to bring up your grades in those all-important propaganda and subversion courses you slept through in training camp!

  8. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Later it will be said that Woodbury is where it all began. Watch Woodbury, carefully!

  9. cickmy lunt

    Apr 25th, 2007

    wait you sent that to a real professor? oh to be a fly on his wall…
    also you miscountenanced again

  10. Reality

    Apr 25th, 2007

    A real professor has better things to do than to worry about what amounts to some piddly little checkout line tabloid rag.

  11. O RLY

    Apr 25th, 2007


    Woodbury’s School of Media, Culture, & Design (MCD) was initially created with two co-directors, Dori Littell-Herrick and Dr. Eddie Clift. It has since adopted a governance model based on the principles of dynamic governance which eliminates the need for co-directors by ensuring adequate representation of all programs in the decision-making process. As a consequence, Dori Littell-Herrick has been named director of the school and Dr. Clift will serve as its deputy director, rotating into the directorship in 2008.

    Looks like this Dr. Clift is more than a professor.

  12. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 25th, 2007

    >Looks like this Dr. Clift is more than a professor.’

    Looks like he’d fit in perfectly with the Linden Love Machine concept.

  13. harlequin salome

    Apr 25th, 2007

    I find the argument that “You take this too seriously” amusing. SL is one of the most powerful tools for communication, creation, and social networking ever created. You don’t want to take it seriously? Fine,then go do your own thing. However I highly doubt irl you’d go into an office building and disrupt because the people inside “were too serious”. It seems to me that oft times the griefers that claim to be trying to make some big point are just crying for attention in a medium that they know can’t actually enforce any sorts of rulings. There are no fines, no jail time. And its the lack of the threat of retaliation that goads these people on to make their “points”, that ofttimes are simply the internet equivalent of running around screaming “Look at me, I’m important!”

    If you don’t like how serious some people take things, then go do something else. Let those who wish to take things seriously and strive to create and accomplish things do so.

  14. John Endwahl

    Apr 25th, 2007

    If Dr. Clift fails to see the gravity of what’s going on at his sim, simply go over his head. Kenneth Nielsen is the president of Woodbury.

    But first, go to one of a number of PN’s arms caches (I would think their use of the paperboy & co sim is public knowledge at this point) and take screenshots of what is available in the vendor cubes PN has placed there. This includes particle spammers featuring images of scat porn, animal cruelty and racist images, various push guns and anti-push devices, and, indeed, the now disabled “Grid Destroyer” mentioned in the SLNN article.

    Make lots of color printouts to show Mr. Nielsen. Inform him that other parties use SL for business and that WU may become liable for anything the PN does.

    All academic administrators are intensely risk-averse; no matter how “enlightened” Clift may pose himself as, he’ll get his plug pulled.

  15. Joker|The_Immortal|

    Apr 25th, 2007

    “”SL is one of the most powerful tools for communication, creation, and social networking ever created. You don’t want to take it seriously? Fine,then go do your own thing. However I highly doubt irl you’d go into an office building and disrupt because the people inside “were too serious”.”"
    according to multiple websites (like this one) only 10%-17% of the world have Internet. just thought I’d share that.

    lets say N.America has 250 million citizens with internet access. (keep in mind this is only north America.)
    and Second Life has say… 6 million registered users (keep in mind some people have 2 or three accounts sometimes as many as 5. Don’t forget bots either. these are also one time users and retirees.)
    Mathematics tells us that:
    6mil/250mil*100= 2.4% (Thats assuming that everyone in Second Life is a North American

    lets take the 1.1 billion users that can connect in the entire world
    5mil/1.1bil*100= .4% (Thats about the population of Minnesota. Or the Atlanta and the metro area. keep in mind this is EVERY Account. Thats also assuming that every bum who can hop on the internet can operate Second Life’s functions.. Including your grandparents with Alzheimer’s.)


  16. Anonymous

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Make lots of color printouts to show Mr. Nielsen. Inform him that other parties use SL for business and that WU may become liable for anything the PN does.

    All academic administrators are intensely risk-averse; no matter how “enlightened” Clift may pose himself as, he’ll get his plug pulled.

    liable for what? Who’s gonna press charges? Some vague lawyer? The Lindens? you realize that a case like this will get laughed out of court don’t you? Even the Lindens admit that the Economy in Second Life is fucked. To think that the lawyer could PROVE with EVIDENCE that he lost money due to Clift or even Woodbury University SPECIFICALLY is simply lunacy.

    Go play with your space monies. blow them on casino’s (which the FBI keeps eying for illegal gambling) or better yet go blow them on some fake date in-world. (at least you’d look like you have some sort of a girlfriend then, even if she’s probably a man.)

  17. Anonymous

    Apr 25th, 2007

    “”Later it will be said that Prokofy is where it all began. Prokofy Neva, carefully!”"

  18. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    >>Hazim Gazov griefed the Virginia Tech memorial, along with some of these other people. All this word-saladry completely obscures that obvious fact.

    “Obvious facts” are usually acompanied by some PROOF rather than speculation by a crazy cat lady, care to show some?

    >>The fact was noted that the exact same avatar responsible for documented griefing of sims in Ravenglass was evident here as “Woodbury Admin”.

    Who? What did they do and where are these documents?

    >>a prediction was made that as per usual, the goons would go wild with lots of harassment, lying, and word-salading in the comments.

    Oh lawdy Prokofy, /b/tards AREN’T goons, /b/tards and goons are damn near mortal enemies.

    >>As Tizzers got deeper into justifying herself, in comments, I continued to make the obvious point: she’s in on it.

    How the hell did she prove that? Tizzers is one of the people Fizgig left in charge of WU and she doesn’t want your baseless “facts” giving WU a bad name.

    >>I think it’s likely the PNs or something like that launched a rumour about this big grid attack, and the rumour itself was the attack, making everybody prepare for it. But then others say, no, the Lindens did really disable an attack. I’ve heard versions of this story, but cannot verify it.

    I’ve seen several version of said weapon in action, it was real, the lindens deleted the bullets and ereased most of the script.

    >>Your description of 4chan, again, is tendentious, and a whitewash, to the naked, untrained eye. Rewording it or citing Wikipedia can’t distract from THAT fact.

    4chan is a board for posting images, nothing more, nothing less.

    >>In short, summer school may be required for you, to bring up your grades in those all-important propaganda and subversion courses you slept through in training camp!

    Training for what? Even IF everyone was a griefer, griefing isn’t all that hard.

    >>Later it will be said that Woodbury is where it all began. Watch Woodbury, carefully!

    No need, the JLU, anti-griefing groups, armies, and lindens are there constanly, we have nothing to hide.

  19. mootykips

    Apr 25th, 2007

    OS’s failure was real, sure, but it also worked nicely as a test for spies in the org, as well as a question of how quickly LL would react.

    You’ll see more OS-like operations in the future, but you won’t be able to do shit about them anymore. ;)

  20. mootykips

    Apr 25th, 2007

    “I find the argument that “You take this too seriously” amusing. SL is one of the most powerful tools for communication, creation, and social networking ever created.”

    No, you idiot, it’s not; it’s a cybersex simulator. The whole “OMG POWERFUL METAVERSE ENVIRONMENT, INTARNET 3.0″ shit doesn’t stand up to the fact that nobody is anywhere but Help Island and the sex clubs.

  21. Sn4X15

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Anyone want popcorn?

  22. MachineCode

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Yeah, powerful communication platform my ass. I really enjoy walking through the metropolis of expensive vendors, buildings grand and extravagant, yet completely devoid of life, deserted as if art were undesirable. Meanwhile, in the hasty design and warehouse style of the freebies sim lurk dozens of people perusing the junk there and asking “WEAR IS CABRON ROD!!!!!11″

    lol, internet.

  23. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Don’t forget the people who randomly wander around the grid wearing a lame freebie penis and nothing but.

  24. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Hell yeah I want some popcorn! Shot butter from ur pen0r?

  25. Sn4X15

    Apr 25th, 2007

    yse, or you can have a big mug of TubGirl’s hot chocolate.

  26. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    That too please, but on second thought, no butter, I’m on a diet. I’ll use “I can’t believe it’s not mud” spread instead.

  27. burning the wrong person

    Apr 25th, 2007

    >>OS’s failure was real, sure, but it also worked nicely as a test for spies in the org, as well as a question of how quickly LL would react.

    >>You’ll see more OS-like operations in the future, but you won’t be able to do shit about them anymore. ;)

    Oh look. More bullshit from Mudkips Acronym now calling himself Mootykips. Yes listen to every point this guy says since he contributes to the delinquency of minors and uses them like canon fodder.

    Yes listen to this guy. You know what really, maybe you should start pointing your ire at him. He’s the one behind the PN. He’s the one and his little “e-terriost” group that used Woodbury University’s sim as a cover and unfortunately took Tizzers for a ride. Regardless of the heated debate about /b/tards is, alot of them are alright and decent people, and you know what, Mootykips here used them all too to cover the PNs ass. I think it’s time to give Tizzers and Woodbury the benefit of the doubt, yet watch them under a microscope. They were used, but they didn’t really act to stop the PN, now they have an oppurnity to redeem themselves…so let them, see what Tizzers, Woodbury, the average /b/tards, do THEN judge them if they do all this crap all over again.

    Now for ‘kips here, ‘kippy boy the fuktard full of himself. He should be the one that everyone so be yelling at and should be legally responsible for any damage he does (as well as various other cyber-crimes, this guy is a real winner). Mootykips, the PN self proclaimed leader. If anything happens to Woodbury I think that Tizzers and the University should come down and this guy hard.

    Remember folks. The Patriotic Nigras here are the shitheads that caused this whole Woodbury mess and many many more SL messes. They used people and ran away like the cowards they leaving the people they used to clean up the mess and take the heat.

    You can’t hide forever Mootkips, one false step and you’ll really know what being party v& is like.

  28. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Yes, let us catch this “mootykips” and put him and his muddy lips behind bars. I think a Gorean sim might have a few cells free.

  29. mootykips

    Apr 25th, 2007

    go back to bed intLib

  30. Carigorp Matzerath

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Uh oh, burning the wrong person. You expressed an opinion differing from Prokofy’s. CONSPIRACY! YOU MUST BE IN ON IT! YOU WANT TO DESTROY THE FABRIC OF OUR VIRTUAL WORLD BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY MAKE ACCURATE STATEMENTS!!!

    Seriously. The PN have used and abused people all over the grid. It is ONLY because the inhabitants of Woodbury had some sort of /b/tard affiliation that people started pointing fingers at them. There are so many places the PNs have squatted on other people’s land. You have a huge job to do Prokofy. You need to go find any sim the PN have ever used for a base and try to get the land owners taken off the grid.

    If you have a problem with any of the Woodbury staff, address it with Tizzers along with some line of proof showing that it happened, and that person will be promply removed.

    As for the professor, he did the wisest thing he could possibly do by blowing you off. You are a tabloid writer. He knew that you would twist his words and take them out of context to fill your own agenda. Honestly, you have not stopped to entertain any other opinion other than your own for even one second. Real journalists report on all opinions of a situation and remain objective. You have done far from that.

    Read these comments. You are deplorable “journalist”, and I use that term loosely, with no objectivity, and everyone knows it. Honestly, the only reason people read your stuff now is because they either find it entertaining to watch you make a fool of yourself or because they just don’t know enough about you yet.

  31. Murderfiend Juutlainen

    Apr 25th, 2007

    “I find the argument that “You take this too seriously” amusing. SL is one of the most powerful tools for communication, creation, and social networking ever created.”

    “”No, you idiot, it’s not; it’s a cybersex simulator. The whole “OMG POWERFUL METAVERSE ENVIRONMENT, INTARNET 3.0″ shit doesn’t stand up to the fact that nobody is anywhere but Help Island and the sex clubs”"


    Seriously, Prokkie, you can’t troll a troll. See, I’m agreeing with you and invalidating your theories at the same time with that single Psuedo-Koan up there. Don’t bother responding, I won’t be listening.

    Because the ZOMG REAL TRUTH is that you are a failure in First and Second life alike, a third-rate hack who resembles a four-legged beast. I pity your daughter and any co-workers you might have, as well as your uneaten cats. That is your conspiracy, that is what you seek to cover up in SL, the fact you are a bitter old woman from an irresponsible and foolishly idealistic generation that failed miserably at it’s self-appointed task. Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill-needs a savior such as you. You have no credibility whatsoever among anyone in second life and it confuses me why you continue to carry out your quixotic quest, except as a pathetic attempt to justify your wretched existance.

    No doubt Prokofy will attempt to answer my statement and make an even bigger ass out of herself, proving me right in assuming her a sad waste of space. One final thought : Griefers are so hated by their ‘victims’, when the truth is that Griefer attacks and to a lesser extent the antics of Troll Artists (Performance Art and Trolling are now as one, just look at the Yes-Men if you don’t believe me) is all that is really keeping a lot of these communities from self-destructing. Especially Furries, who are mostly closet drama addicts. Without an outside threat, they always return to their infighting.

    Lawl. I’m off to Mootxico, bitches.

  32. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Murderfiend… I WANT you…. SOOO BAAAAAAAD….

  33. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    >>Especially Furries, who are mostly closet drama addicts. Without an outside threat, they always return to their infighting.

    EXACTLY, I don’t really have anything against furries, but they seem to hate me for some undefined reason. Looking at my banlink log, I’m banned for reason “pn”. wtf? I’ve never been to rainbow tiger. Now you know why /b/tards usually call furries “the drama”.

  34. Bridget

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Why are people still giving this pathetic piece of eye filth prokofy calls “Journalism” Life?This whole thing is a big joke.

  35. Kerian Bunin

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Hazim: The officer role of voter 5 isn’t hidden. It just is annoying as fuck that you make these Voter 5 and cult of the dead k\o\w groups, when you weren’t part of v5 and don’t even know k\o\w.

  36. Hazim Gazov

    Apr 25th, 2007

    Kerian, I honestly have no idea why I wasted 100L on forming kult dead k\o\w, I was bored, I was a noobie, I had a plastic duck av, I went for it. Voter 5 has nothing to do with Voted 5, I’m not trying to say I was in Voted 5, I’m not trying to look cool, that’s not the point at all. I have talked to k\o\w a little and know that a lot of what prokofy claims he’s done never happened (though I’d guessed that anyways), though he did phone her house, I’d doubt that he’s stalking her. Voter 5 is my own joke, it has to do with a well known quote from Prokofy and something you don’t know about. Please don’t waste energy being so annoyed when you don’t know me, and honestly, I don’t know you either.

  37. NigrasOnMyLawn

    Apr 26th, 2007

    Heil Hitler

  38. Anonylol

    Apr 28th, 2007

    Hay gaiz, i gots my tinfoil hat, can I joins in the megas importants conspiracy theories?


    Also, smoked cheeses.

  39. mootykips

    May 4th, 2007

    WU and PN are now enemies, so this makes this article seem somewhat..Moot, am I right?

  40. Tizzers Foxchase

    May 5th, 2007

    Mooty you are seriously mentally ill. Before you go waging war maybe you should get your facts straight.

    I am by NO means a JLU supporter. I befriended Carigorp because he helped keep the second Woodbury alive. He has been an invaluable ambassador, and is one if the main reasons the shrine still exists today. Aside from that, he is a moderator of the Woodbury group, which puts ME at risk if his account has been compromised.

    Thursday night I started getting strange IMs from Cari. I asked one of his buddies if he knew if it was actually Cari (He may have been drunk or something).

    Come to find out, this friend of his calls in the JLU and they go completely nuts. That was not my intention. In fact that person that messaged me from Cari’s account didn’t even state who they were. How do I know it wasn’t some random hacker psychopath?

    So dammit, stop pointing fingers and making it like I’m some kind of terrible person, traitor, etc. I stuck my neck out and went through a lot of crap to give you people a home. In return you notecard bomb me and shun me?

    At least there are still reasonable people that exist in this world. Thank you Nexis, Hazim, Treb, Rale, Dave.

    United by one, divided by zero.

    -Tiz Out

  41. Wow Macro Script

    May 5th, 2007

    Wow Macro Script

    Ive Researched some Macros from the WOW Site and here'

  42. Prokofy Neva

    May 5th, 2007

    Tizzers, could you, uh, explain why your pal Hazim Gazov is now gone from the People list if in fact he is the innocent thing you claim?

  43. mootykips

    May 5th, 2007

    …so you befriended a guy that had been spying on and lying to us for the last, oh, three months? And I’m not supposed to be fucking angry with you? Hell, maybe you were in on it too, I know you said you now want to join the JLU, don’t play the “I was on your side all along” card. None of this would have happened had Bima/Carigorp simply left PN at any time. He continued to lie to us and when we figured that out we screwed up his shit. You were the one who “declared war” on us, and I’m sure as hell not calling that off in the short term. Enjoy your Freebie Warehouse notecards. I’m sure your JLU and Linden friends are too.

  44. Tizzers Foxchase

    May 6th, 2007

    Prokofy stay out of this. Hazim is still in the Woodbury Road Crew group.


    I’m not even going to defend myself anymore. The point is, I considered you a friend, and you went crazy on me. I just want you to know that no matter how much you hate me, you always have a home at the shrine.


  45. Prokofy Neva

    May 6th, 2007

    Moot, I want your cock inside me

  46. mootykips

    May 6th, 2007

    get in line

  47. burning the wrong person

    May 6th, 2007

    The shrine will soon be gone for good soon so you two little lovebirds can argue all you want.

    Tizzers, playing BOTH sides is now starting to unravel on you. Nobody likes a fence sitter or one who tries to play sides against each other so they can storm in after the battle is done and claim victory for themselves. Your act is starting to fall apart.

    Mootykips, you have no idea how many sleeping giants you just woke up. You lit a fire under the Lindens and now they are itching to come down on you and PN hard for your recent little actions. The PN have just shot themselves hard. Also Mootykips, along with your buddy Nexis, are very close to being party v& by the FBI. Much closer than you think. You both seem to laugh this off every time it’s brought up, keep laughing.

  48. burning the wrong person

    May 6th, 2007

    Also, Hazim was caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing. Hence why he vanished from search. Hazim has a vast record as a serial griefer, it all just finally caught up to him.

  49. mootykips

    May 6th, 2007

    I can see it now, intBlubber: “mootykips, on the counts of felony attempted notecard spam, harassing sexual deviants, and firing Arnold Schwarzenegger cubes, how do you plead?”
    “Uh, not guilty, I’ve been IP banned the last two months.”

  50. burning the wrong person

    May 6th, 2007

    Wrong. There’s evidence that you’ve been in SL recently Mootykips IP ban or not. By the way this is has nothing to do with just SL and your pathetic antics in SL, it goes much beyond and outside the “game.” Ask Nexis now that he’s trying to go underground and put on a clean image, won’t work. Your double talk and such Mootykips, won’t work. I like how two people are not even 21 yet think they are untouchable.

    All I can say is just keep on doing what you’re doing. Have fun, enjoy it.

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