updated: We didn’t Want You to Know This, But Agitators Will Be Banned
by Alphaville Herald on 01/04/07 at 10:37 pm
Op/Ed by Urizenus Sklar
Most people in the Second Life infosphere have heard that SL agitator and SL Herald contributor Prokofy Neva has been banned from the Second Life Community Convention in Chicago. The exchanges between Prok and the FIC have been pretty off the hook (on both sides), so we can understand why some people don’t want her there, but the step from not wanting to banning is a very unsettling step for what advertises itself as a “community convention.” The justification being offered does nothing to make the decision less troubling. In a post to Second Citizen, our friend FlipperPA Peregrine first says that the organizers didn’t intend to make Prok’s banning public, and then offers up a justification that establishes a dangerous precedent that really needs to be rethought.
The SLCC attorney, who’s legal opinion I respect much more than anyone (he’s with Buchanan Ingersoll), said it would be wise to avoid any situation in which such an agitator, who loves to push peoples’ buttons, is allowed in a room with those she agitates, especially since conventions such as these include alcohol.[emphasis mine]
The idea that the banning would be secret is troubling enough, but the notion that it is unwise to have an agitator in a space where the agitated are present is in effect a prescription for insulating people from anyone who provokes them. The subtext seems to be that the real concern is that with alchohol being served there is some danger this agitator could be harmed by the other participants. That isn’t grounds for banning the agitator, it is grounds for either not serving alchohol or hiring adequate security to keep thin skinned drunks from harming Prokofy.
Beyond the precedent, it seems absurd to me that the Second Life Community Convention cannot tolerate the presence of a 50 year old woman who works for the United Nations and just last weekend was a speaker at Columbia University.
I call on Flip and the other organizers to think carefully about the precedent being established, and also about the broader philosophical implications of the decision. As it stands, the decision and justification appears positively Orwellian.
update: A statement from SLCC’s Randy Moss says that no one will be banned: http://slcc2007.wordpress.com/2007/04/02/registration-will-be-open-to-all/
(Flip’s statement is below the fold.)
As I’ve pointed out several times before:(1) It wasn’t our intention to make this public. Chances are, she would have boycotted again, and if she had registered, we would have tried to handle it quietly, politely declining her registration.
(2) Last year, our biggest day of registration was the day after she announced her boycott, with many registrants remarking that they would now attend since Prokofy would not be present. She really does intimidate a lot of people; not everyone can easily shrug her off.
(3) The SLCC attorney, who’s legal opinion I respect much more than anyone (he’s with Buchanan Ingersoll), said it would be wise to avoid any situation in which such an agitator, who loves to push peoples’ buttons, is allowed in a room with those she agitates, especially since conventions such as these include alcohol.
(4) Verbally assaulting Kendra at SLCC1, while Kendra was minding her own business eating lunch, is what I would consider absolutely impolite and unacceptable behavior. While the cross against Aimee and I was really funny – I kept laughing – verbally assaulting people in RL like she does in virtual spaces is NOT acceptable.
Prok’s been trying to tone down and mainstream her image lately, which I applaud. One day, hopefully, her behavior will be actually socially acceptable (just look how few blog entries she’s made lately). That still doesn’t forgive the years she’s spent trying to harm people by being a lying curmudgeon.
Lewis Nerd
Apr 8th, 2007
A “phobia” is a fear of something.
I do not fear homosexuals.
And I most certainly do not fear a jumped up little prick like you. All mouth and no trousers.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 8th, 2007
You’re terrified of gay people. It’s hysterical.
So much for having a life away from the computer, huh?
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 8th, 2007
Oh, and, go back to Stratics you hypocrite where you can’t call people “pricks.” What trash.
Apr 8th, 2007
Wow, how Christian of you to call someone a prick and an asshole on Easter Lewis.
You really ought be ashamed of yourself.
Lewis Nerd
Apr 8th, 2007
Show me where I have expressed any fear of gay people. I don’t dislike gay people – I dislike the act. Big, big difference.
But you are so closed minded you can’t possibly see past that and need to play the sympathy card all the time, and say that people dislike you because you are gay.
It wouldn’t matter to me if you were black, white, gay, straight, purple of haemaphrodite – you’d still be the same total asshole to me, getting the same response if you posted what you already have. The only reason I know you are gay is because you display it on your profile for all to see.
I think you’ll find that, in this little discource, YOU are the one who raised your sexual preference, and used it to accuse me of something, instead of me putting you down for it.
By the way, on the Stratics Second Life site we allow each user to disable the profanity filter should they choose to, so if you wished to use the word ‘prick’ in a post, as long as you did not seriously violate the rest of the terms of service, I see no reason for a post to be removed for profanity alone (unless you were circumventing the filter of course).
But then again, I don’t think you could handle a real forum with intelligent discussion and some standards.
Lewis Nerd
Apr 8th, 2007
Mark, what has the date got to do with anything? What has my faith got to do with anything? Absolutely nothing, that’s what.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 8th, 2007
Lewis, you were suspended/warned from the official forum because you said AIDS and HIV were sent by God to punish gays and people who have sex outside of marriage. Get over yourself.
Lewis Nerd
Apr 8th, 2007
Very interesting that you seem to have knowledge of information that Linden Lab have refused to give me.
Or is it simply that you’re pulling it out of your arse again, trying to discredit someone?
I hsve nothing to get over, but I do have a bed to go to.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 8th, 2007
I know what comment got you resolutely abuse reported in the space of a few seconds. It’s pretty easy to put two-and-two together.
Apr 8th, 2007
Because you’re always reminding us what a good Christian you are, Lewis.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 8th, 2007
>Do you think it’s appropriate for Prokofy to call me a rapist on her blog and link to my personal website with my real life name? Do you think it’s appropriate for Prokofy to lie and claim I photographed her door when all I did was send her a link that someone else sent me when they were trying to pump me for information?
I’ve never called Joshua a “rapist” — I’ve called him a psychopath. I never shirk from calling people what they are. Joshua is a psychopath, and I’ve never put anything on my blog of this nature, nor has Typepad removed it, nor have I linked to his real-life web site. This is all just a big hoax that he continues to perpetruate to gain sympathy.
I’ve also never claimed that Joshua photographed my door. He passed around a link to a picture of my door, to intimidate me. That is well documented. The Lindens know it, and he knows it. No need to exaggerate something that is already bad enough. His claim he was just passing this on to the Lindens is hollow; he can’t come up with a name of a Linden that he actually gave this too ostensibly.
Joshua also remains curiously silent about his regular reports on his “sightings” of me. And his forcing of himself on me and even extending his clammy paw unsolicited. Yes, he’s a creepy stalker, and I’m happy to keep repeating this as many times as it takes to rebut it.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 8th, 2007
Apr 8th, 2007
“Joshua has defaced my picture by taking busts made from my RL picture and done obscene things with them”
OH NO OBSCENE THINGS. Did he draw giant penises on them and laugh or something?
“and also stalked me in RL by posting his “sitings” of me, passing around a picture of my door, and forcing himself on me at a large meeting in which anyone who didnt’ wish to encounter someone else could safely ignore them. He forced himself on me by first compelling me to shake his creepy little hand, then announcing that he was Joshua Nightshade. That’s just creepy creepy stalky stuff.”
No, it’s fucking hilarious. If I’ve got some e-drama going on and someone hates my guts, then I went to somewhere they were at and started talking with them then announced I was who I was, I’d be laughing my ass off. It’s your own fault for taking the internet so seriously.
I have no idea what this e-drama about, being simply an impartial “internet terrorist and extortionist” and “FBI agent” (at least that’s what intLibber Blubbigan said, perhaps I’m just flattering myself, cause he makes up a lot of bullshit) newbie to CyberSexond Life but Joshua: I suspect you’re talking to a wall. A really bitchy, butthurt, middle-aged wall, but a wall nonetheless. Also that wall is a transgendered e-psychiatrist who practices the art of diagnoses in e-psychopathology. (and bitches about [his? her? who knows] “picture being defaced and being obscenitized” or whatever. Welcome to the Internet, have a shitty stay.) So that wall isn’t going to change, I guess, unless you maybe yell at it a lot and kick it a couple times. Then you might be able to hang a pretty picture on it. But irregardless, I recommend you stop attempting to rationally discuss things with psychos.
Jorus Xi
Apr 8th, 2007
Maybe I’m a bit weird, but usually when you meet someone you don’t know its polite to shake hands. I hardly see that as “forcing yourself on someone”.
For instance my online dislike of Mulch is rather well known, that won’t stop me from shaking his hand at SLCC or even buying him a beer. Pretty much the same deal with Josh, at any given moment I really want to strangle his ass (not really just base emotion) to shut him up. I’ll shake his hand and introduce myself. Won’t hang out with him as I don’t really WANT to, but just an introduction? Nothing rude about it.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 8th, 2007
Awe Jorus, you know you :wub: me.
Gorean Furry
Apr 9th, 2007
Hidden camera footage of Prokofy Neva reading the Second Life Forums:
Apr 9th, 2007
As we now approach post #300 in this thread, I thought I could save everyone a lot of time if I automated the process. So, for the next 300 posts, I suggest we simply use the following context free phrase structure grammar to automate the process.
S –> NP VP
S –> AP (and VP/AP)
NP –> {Prokofy, Joshua, Aimee, Coco}
VP –> VP (and VP/AP)
VP –> V me
AP –> AP (Who AP)
AP –> {is mentally ill, is a felching blowtard, has a leprous soul, is a chat log forger, is sick, has a diseased mind, is retarded, is insane, is dishonest, is a liar, is a retard, is a fucktard, is a griefer}
V –> {raped, stalked}
Examples of sentences this grammar generates:
Prokofy is mentally ill and a felching blowtard who is retarded and is insane.
Coco is is a retard is a chat log forger.
Joshua is sick and a felching blowtard who stalked me and raped me and has a leprous soul.
See, now we can all go back to our day jobs!
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
Urizenus, I note you conspicuously left yourself out of that list. :p
reeneebob Birmingham
Apr 9th, 2007
Personally Josh? I love how sending the picture of her door that you received FROM SOMEONE ELSE to a Linden and to Coco to warn Prok has turned into ‘passing it around to intimidate’ her.
Funny, seems to me you passed it around to one person who will warn Prok and another who can ban the picture taker.
Last time you’ll do Prok a favour, I bet?
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
I also don’t get where she thinks the intention was to intimidate her at all. Duh, Prokofy, I already explained this. He never sent it to you because he wanted information ABOUT you from ME. He wasn’t interested in using the photograph to get under your skin.
But keep lying. It’s what you’re good at. Not.
Apr 9th, 2007
Josh, the beauty of my grammar is that you can add to it. Just ad Uri to the Noun Phrase set. I only left myself off because I’ve been more or less missing out on all the fun in this thread. But no reason I can’t be in the thick of the next 300 posts, just so I don’t have to read and comment on them. I’m gonna automate and forget.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
Thanks for turning the moderation off.
Jorus Xi
Apr 9th, 2007
“Awe Jorus, you know you :wub: me.
Josh your the only person at SC that I’ve ever put on ignore. It has passed for now, but at the time you were flooding the forums with so much chaffe posting I couldn’t actually read anything but
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
I consider myself skilled then.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 9th, 2007
Shame on your, Uri. You’re unable to condemn what you know is wrong: when people come out of Second Life and call you at home to stalk you; when they stalk you in RL on the street and report sightings of you; when they grab a picture of your door and circulate it to intimidate you. You were oh-so-keen to monitor and report abuses of everybody else in TSO and SL, but when your own reporter is harassed, all you can do is laugh and make up Chomskian transactional grammar formulas.
I’m really disgusted by your failure to understand what’s at issue here: the right of people not to be molested by asshole fucktards from Second Life who stalk them into real life. You seem to find this impossible to understand, or sympathize with. Perhaps you blame the victim. Perhaps you think it’s something I bring on myself, or I deserve. It really devalues you in my eyes, Uri, as much as I’ve always looked to you for leadership. You know it’s wrong for people to do this. Yet you can’t bring yourself to condemn it. You can make some of this shit recede if you just exercise leadership. But instead you treat it as a big gag. You minimize it, you ridicule it as a rant. Shame on you!
Jorus, you certainly aren’t here on any errand of mercy, as you are one of the many in this thread from Second Citizen.
When someone who you know wants nothing to do with you comes up and deliberately forces their hand on you to shake, and has someone set up to say, “Here’s someone who wants to meet you,” and you have no idea who it is, they are imposing themselves on you. They take advantage of your good will, which is to automatically shake any hand extended. Telling them AFTER the fact for shock value is just sick. And that’s what vindictive little fucktards like Joshua do.
What vindictive little fucktards like Joshua ALSO do is suddenly interrupt their regularly-scheduled stalking with a fake do-good act calculated both to menace and throw their victim off balance, and keep people baffled and bamboozled about their nature. We know EXACTLY what was up with THAT one.
So suddenly, gosh, Joshua who has already been stalking me and defacing my picture develops a conscience *cough* and takes a link to a picture of my real-life door, for fuck’s sake, and menaces me further by sending it to me via Cocoanut, even making up a whole story around it.
Evidently he’s gotten Plastic Duck to join in his folie a deux now, because all of a sudden Plastic Duck, goons, and Joshua now all cooperate on the griefer hotline and compare notes about my door, and who will take pictures of it, and who will do a faux good-Samaritan act with it, pretending to “warn” me about a stalker — which *is stalking itself*. DUH.
A genuine person dealing with this would alert a Linden and that would be the end of it. This endless justification, minimalizing, word-salading, and Haskelling are just huge distractions from the bad deeds of a creepy stalker.
Creepy stalkers exist in the world because men like Peter Ludlow and Mark Wallace will not stand up to them, and simply condemn them, without any fancy flourishes, but just with the straight message that needs to be delivered: you don’t stalk people, you don’t intimidate them with pictures of their door, you don’t bring their RL pictures off the Herald (!) and deface them and grief people with them inworld. It’s wrong.
Gorean Furry
Apr 9th, 2007
We hereby CONDEMN Prokofy Neva for CRIMES against sanity, reality and good taste. You are hereby ROUNDLY CONDEMNED and DISGRACED and told to STFU.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
You’re such a hypocritical idiot.
Artemis Fate
Apr 9th, 2007
“I’m really disgusted by your failure to understand what’s at issue here: the right of people not to be molested by asshole fucktards from Second Life who stalk them into real life. You seem to find this impossible to understand, or sympathize with. Perhaps you blame the victim. Perhaps you think it’s something I bring on myself, or I deserve. It really devalues you in my eyes, Uri, as much as I’ve always looked to you for leadership. You know it’s wrong for people to do this. Yet you can’t bring yourself to condemn it.”
Or maybe, he, as stated, knows you’re nothing more than a “crazy cat lady” who develops complex conspiracy theories and rants endlessly about it, but knows that your side-show act brings in the readers who come to debate your outright lies (and hopefully, to him, read a few other articles and keep coming back), and so he comes around every now and then to poke a bit of fun at you and the monster you created’s expense, saying to everyone else “Hey, i’m laughing at Prokofy too, let’s all just poke him with a stick and laugh together”.
What you seem to fail to recognize, is that no one takes your beliefs seriously, besides maybe Coco and a few new people who don’t know any better. Everyone else knows you’re full of nothing but shit and hatred.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 9th, 2007
How’s college, Artemis? Do you think you’ll get a job?
Apr 9th, 2007
No Art, that isn’t the point. First, in general, Prok makes a number of valid points that no one else seems to be making. Example: the observation that “open source” is not really all that open, since it is only open to the technical elite that, as it were, know the secret handshakes. There is a lot of fluff and hype that blows out of silicon valley and which is not given any sort of critical evaluation. Prok is a rare critic of this valley ideology.
On the FIC, Prok is correct that there is such, just as there is in every social network — a point emphasized by Clay Shirkey too. You may not like the way that Prok points this out, but there is a deep truth to what is said.
I was just thinking earlier today how much I learn from Prok’s posts when I focus on the central message.
All that having been said, it is not productive for Prok or Joshua or anyone else to be trading charges in the comment section of a blog for 300+ posts. It is not resolving anything. If there is a real stalking issue, people should go to court. As I said before…
i) this blog is not a court of law. We have no rules of evidence in place, nor do we have judges or an impartial jury in place. So making serious charges is a waste of time. If you have a real life beef with someone, take it to a real life court.
ii) this blog is not a hospital psychiatric ward, so we are not in a position to judge whether people are crazy, or cat ladies, or sick, or anything else. Nor, if we were psychiatric professionals would we off diagnoses or courses of treatment over a blog. And finally, if we *could* diagnose someone as mentally ill we would not toss around such a diagnosis as an insult.
So…I’ve offered a way to automate the continued fruitless charges.
This isn’t about who I think is right or wrong. It’s about the fact that no one is making one shred of progress by making these charges.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
While Prokofy once often managed to raise good points even if executed badly, more and more her good points are lost in the sea of paranoia and personal attacks. Right now she’s busy declaring Cory Edo should FUCK OFF in caps, no less, because she can’t be bothered to opt-out of their search engine.
And then,
“How’s college, Artemis? Do you think you’ll get a job?”
Aw, is Prokofy lashing out because she was expelled for calling her dean a Bolshevik displacer?
Artemis Fate
Apr 9th, 2007
“Example: the observation that “open source” is not really all that open, since it is only open to the technical elite that, as it were, know the secret handshakes.”
Source code downloads available to everyone, found in roughly 20 seconds prompting google for “Second Life” “open source” and download:
So, I guess it isn’t only open to the technical elite, unless by technical elite you mean “people who know how to use google/internet/keyboard/magical box that grants wishes”. Unless of course you mean that it’s only useful to people who know how to code, which is beyond ridiculous. Of course you have to know how to code. Does Prokofy scream tekki-wikki at his house everytime he wants to put up a picture and finds he needs to know how to use a hammer and nails? They open sourced code, is it so surprising, so much of a conspiracy theory, that you need to know how to CODE to edit CODE?
“On the FIC, Prok is correct that there is such, just as there is in every social network — a point emphasized by Clay Shirkey too. You may not like the way that Prok points this out, but there is a deep truth to what is said.”
I don’t think anyone is doubting that there are fashionable popular crowds in SL, that’s basic high school clique sociology. From what I understand, FIC stands for Feted Inner Core, not Fashionable In Crowd.
What Prokofy is saying is that this so-called FIC, to use the high school example, is a large crowd of people who’s membership seems to be closely alligned on whether or not they agree with Prokofy, and that they have close ties to the Principal and Administration of the school, and can pull the strings to get people kicked out of school, and all seem to be dedicated to thwarting Prokofy’s plans for justice and a better SL.
Prokofy blames getting banned off the forums and the linden blog on his tendancy to tell the “truth” about the FIC, when what he clearly fails to realize is that he is perfectly capable of getting himself kicked out of these places for his enthusiastic personal attacks, threats, and overall trolling and flaming.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
Artemis, make out with me right now please.
Apr 9th, 2007
Yes. Please go and make out somewhere ELSE.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
Coco, sod off.
Apr 9th, 2007
Art, I’m not asking you to agree, I’m telling you what I value in Prok’s posts.
This isn’t the time or the place to debate these points, but just for the record, Prok and I understand that the source code is *available*, and it does not surprise us that the only people that can do something with it are those who can read and cut code. The *point* is that in a domain where the people who control the code in effect are writing the laws (cf Lessig’s _Code as Law_) it is hardly some utopian fantasy world that gets ushered in when the laws are written by an unelected technical elite with little or no training in ethics, good government, political theory, dispute resolution, or really anything else that might be valuable in constructing the foundations of society. And the situation is made worse by the fact that the laws and principles being coded into the fabric of the world are not transparent to the people who are subject to them *and* via processes that are utterly obscure.
Of course anyone who challenges this is ridiculed and called crazy and insane and a cat lady or whatever, but the critique is absolutely positively valid and important and I am grateful that there are people like Prok who can stand up to the ridicule and make the argument.
It’s too bad that Prok gets sucked into these meaningless personal disputes with people like Josh. It dilutes the message, makes it look shrill and personal, and gives people like you the opening to attack Prok ad hominem. I’m quite sure that Prok is baited into these disputes for precisely these reasons — people can use the personal disputes as excuses to dismiss the valid concerns. Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can do about it. As long as Prok keeps taking the bait people will keep baiting him.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
Uh, pardon me?
I didn’t “bait” anything; I never asked Prokofy to mention the door, the busts, the phone calls, any of the myriad things above there. If my name hadn’t been pulled into this, I wouldn’t be posting right here. How very offensive for you to proclaim otherwise.
Look over this page; it’s all Prokofy lying and distorting something followed by me correcting it. That’s not me baiting her.
You’re supposedly a journalist? Where’d you learn reading comprehension?
Apr 9th, 2007
I didn’t say you did, Josh. Read again:
“It’s too bad that Prok gets sucked into these meaningless personal disputes with people like Josh. It dilutes the message, makes it look shrill and personal, and gives people like you the opening to attack Prok ad hominem. I’m quite sure that Prok is baited into these disputes for precisely these reasons”
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 9th, 2007
Urizenus, come on. How else am I supposed to read that. It sounds -exactly- like you’re accusing me of baiting Prokofy.
Artemis Fate
Apr 9th, 2007
“The *point* is that in a domain where the people who control the code in effect are writing the laws (cf Lessig’s _Code as Law_) it is hardly some utopian fantasy world that gets ushered in when the laws are written by an unelected technical elite with little or no training in ethics, good government, political theory, dispute resolution, or really anything else that might be valuable in constructing the foundations of society.”
Uh….no they don’t. What the Open Source allows you to do is change the viewer, not change the world. Any changes you make to the viewer are only available to those who download and use the viewers.
So i’m still confused as to how “the observation that “open source” is not really all that open, since it is only open to the technical elite that, as it were, know the secret handshakes.” fits into anything Prokofy is saying.
“Of course anyone who challenges this is ridiculed and called crazy and insane and a cat lady or whatever, but the critique is absolutely positively valid and important and I am grateful that there are people like Prok who can stand up to the ridicule and make the argument.”
I can’t speak for other people, but i’ve always argued Prokofy directly on the points initially, only when he has no point, or when he does his trademarked “lalalala i’m not listening!” form of typing and I have to repeat myself over and over, do I start getting irritated and resorting to more direct ridicule.
“It’s too bad that Prok gets sucked into these meaningless personal disputes with people like Josh.”
Saying he gets “sucked into” them, insinuates that he is an innocent victim, which anyone looking at the history of his threats and lies would see that Prokofy is almost always the person starting any personal conflict, because it seems to be extremely hard for him to hold a debate without personally attacking the subject. Even when he just started posting on the old forums he was calling people pigheaded fuckers.
But I understand the secrecy, the freak-show can’t know he’s the side-show freak attraction, or he might leave and go back to his blog.
Apr 9th, 2007
Josh, stop trying to bait me.
Art, the point about open source is a point about the open source project generally and not just the open sourcing of the SL client.
As for Prok, he’s here for the signal not the noise. I’m sorry that you don’t find the signal compelling. I do.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Prokofy generates more noise than a thousand “baiters” combined.
Alexandra Serrati
Apr 10th, 2007
Regarding Open Source/Free Software in general there seems to be a bit of semantic confusion. Freedom or openness does not equal direct usability.
To give you an example: There is this really clever guy who does my taxes, and he manages to have me pay less than i would do on my own. Tax laws are obviously much more accesible to him than to me. However there is neither a law nor a custom that would stop me from aquiring a similar qualification myself. I just would need a lot of spare time to do this. Since i do not have the time i pay said guy for it.
On the other hand C/C++-code is much more accessible to me, than to most people, because i happen to have learned programming and had enough opportunity to practice it. There is however neither law nor custom that would stop you from aquiring the skills to work directly with the code. Furthermore and more important, there is neither law nor custom that would stop you from adapting free software in any way it suits you. If you do not have the time to learn it yourself, you can always pay someone who has the needed skills to do it for you. Closed source software will not allow you to this simply because you lack the source code. Several variations of open source software will not allow you to do this because they are under a license that restricts in what way you can use the source code or a program compiled from this source code.
Apr 10th, 2007
I’m still trying to figure out how holding out one’s hand to shake — even if it is “clammy” — counts as some kind of stalking.
Also, Prok, if you “don’t go up to strange people and introduce myself,” who do you introduce yourself to? Do you only introduce yourself to people you already know, and if so, uh, why?
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
In Prokofy’s world, attending an event that I was invited to and she showed up at counts as premeditated stalking. That’s also a world where a cordial greeting is obviously an insidious attempt by myself to poison her through the sweat glands of my palm.
Whatever clamminess she felt most assuredly didn’t come from me.
Arahan Claveau
Apr 10th, 2007
“Both Josh and Arahan are disturbed psychopaths acting out on forums. Anyone can see that.”
False. A more accurate statement would be :
“Both Josh and Arahan are extremely attractive and have enormous penises. Anyone can see that.”
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
SunShine Kukulcan
Apr 10th, 2007
I did say that. And I apologize. What I should have said is…well,what does it matter now? I learned since then not to become agitated at either you or Prok’s particular brand of fuzzy logic. And being a medical professional does not preclude me from thinking some people are screaming assholes and need to be culled from the herd.
I sincerely think at times you have a head on your shoulders and can bring insights to this thread. But when you become a Prok puppet and mouthpiece, you will open yourself to a barrage of comments and garbage such as I posted to you before.
I am sorry that I told you to die in a fire. Now please leave me the fuck out of your drama.
Simondo Nebestanka
Apr 11th, 2007
Dear Uri,
Sincerely, thank you for making it worth reading this far down the page. My eyeballs were starting to bleed. The message in your re-engagement in the thread has made me feel that your original point, way up there, was worth making.
“In years to come, some people may look back and be ashamed of their behaviour here.” – Simondo Nebestanka, April 11 2007.
That fellow, even though not qualified to make such a broad statement, sums things up quite well I feel. I may have taken his words out of context, as he was reacting to being hit with a parking ticket AND an overdue video fine on the same day, but yes, he’s on the right track there.