Former JLU Member Speaks Out
by Alphaville Herald on 04/08/07 at 6:04 pm
anti-griefer Justice League Unlimited threatens privacy and act like griefers
by Nikola Shirakawa ex-JLU member
The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which – Animal Farm
Many people on SL have run into this group. The Justice League Unlimited – or JLU – has become one of the most well-known anti-griefer groups in the metaverse. Perception of the JLU differs depending on who you ask. Residents that have requested JLU help say they are every bit the superheroes they role play. The alleged goons and griefers such as the “Patriotic Nigras” – or PN – claim the JLU are sim-crashers that fire doomsday weapons at their enemies. Some land owners, such as Artemis Fate, say the JLU are a detriment to peace on the grid.
Before serious discussion about the JLU can be undertaken, it is important to know that not all of their actions are entirely public, and some of these shady choices could paint a very different picture indeed. To the public, they just swoop in to distress calls, talk down a griefer, or, in the most extreme cases, they call down the Lindens. Nothing wrong with that, right? But these are just the actions the public sees. What goes on when they retreat to their locked down sim, Asimov Park, the real story begins.
the JLU database never forgets
Let’s start by discussing the JLU Brainiac device. This little bot, attached to their avatars, connects to an external database that maintains a running record of avatars they have come in contact with. And I mean every avatar. Part of the script in their equipment automatically records the names of every Second Life resident, griefer, civilian, or even Linden. That’s right, if you’ve been next to them, they have your user name, and a unique key that acts on a similar level to that used by the Lindens to issue permabans.
An analysis of the script identifies the website,, where this key is obtained. That’s right, the JLU contacts the the W-Hat site to connect names with unique keys. Who gave them permission to collect screen names and keys like this? And what do they use this information for? Among other things, residents they have categorized as griefers, be they known PN alts, or just newbies who did not yet understand shooting people was against the rules, are scanned for at all times. If, by coincidence, one of these newbie shooters walks within range of a JLU member, the JLU member is immediately informed of this presence. Right to privacy? Not when the JLU is around.
Speaking of privacy, consider the JLU campaign against the PNs. Many feel the PN kids are a bad element, responsible for harassing users and crashing sims. With this as justification it seems the JLU sees no problem with its own sort of harassment, and more. On the external Brainiac database, there is a veritable treasure trove of personal information, especially when it comes to two of the PN leaders, N3X15 and mootykips. The JLU has currently on file for both of them, real life names, addresses, phone numbers, and ISP’s. For mootykips, they even have a photograph. This information is freely accessible to their group. As justification, the JLU says that one of their members, Kara Timtam, had her information spread on the PN boards. Talk about fighting griefing with griefing. It must be said that they have not personally contacted either of these people, but Kalel Venkman has confessed to harassing Verizon, N3X15′s service provider, in an attempt to shut him out of the Internet. Going beyond this to the PN as a whole, the JLU routinely listens to their IRC channels, and their Ventrilo and Skype channels, as well as every website they can find connected to the PN in the slightest way.
Of course, these kinds of wiretaps and information data mining without a warrant is more than reminiscent of the much derided Patriot Act. But there is one difference. The Patriot Act is used by sworn officers of the law, with a little thing called a badge. They have been granted the authority to do so by the an RL government. Who gave this authority to a bunch of roleplay superhero wannabes? When you have contact with a police officer, you have a right to get their badge number, and they can be reported to higher authorities. What does the JLU have? A bunch of comic book avatars, and self-appointed power. That’s right. They were given their power by themselves. When asked about the legality of these actions, Kalel Venkman said. “I’ve thought about that too, but I really want to get these guys, and I think you do too.”
It seems that Mootykips obtained information directly off of Venkman’s public web page, including, free to the world, an online resume, a photograph, and a contact number. This information was of course posted to the PN’s own wiki, and the Encyclopedia Dramatica for a short while. But as of recently, in an attempt to scare these children, Venkman has redirected the link to his online resume to the Department of Justice’s Computer Crimes reporting page. When it comes to dealing with the kiddies, Venkman is all for violating privacy, scanning the whois domain information. But when it comes to his public web page, obtaining documents he leaves open to the public is suddenly the most unforgivable crime. And that my friends, is the definition of hypocrisy. It seems Jor-El left one thing out of his teachings. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
young superman
Kalel Venkman signed up to Second Life midway through 2006. One of his earliest actions was to join a roleplaying group, the JLA, or Justice League of America. Right away, he wanted to be Superman, and set out to do just that. Shortly after, within a few weeks, according to Kalel’s own account, he and others were co-opted into being real superheroes, dealing with griefers. Most of this old JLA group obviously was not interested in such past times. What was the right action in this case? That’s right, kick them out, and hide the group, so no one could ever use it again for role playing, and create a new group just for anti-griefing. Several months later, some newbies who were not approved for Kalel’s standards to use the name of Justice League created their own JLU group. Once again Kalel began conniving the people into his group for the purposes of shutting the other down. This led to Kalel and a few of his flunkies singlehandedly creating every single possible Justice League Derivative and hiding them away, so no one else could be Justice League. Why? So no one hurts their good name. Never mind that not one of the JLU is a DC employee or affiliate. Sure, they are all flagrant copyright violators, but they have a duty to make sure no other comic book fans that they may dislike use their good name.
Green Lantern Core scorned
This hatred of competition has even spread to older more established groups such as the Green Lantern Core led by Cid Jacobs. Kalel has expressed designs on creating his own power rings to drive out the GLC. There is already a hidden group title in the JLU known as JLU Green Lantern. The JLU’s most recent development, the multi-tool known as Solaris, was explicitly mentioned as competition to the GLC power rings, with Kalel on record as saying “Keep in mind, this is more progress than the GLC’s rings have had in six months”. On the Brainiac wiki, there are dozens of archived GLC internal documents, including the groups parliamentary decisions and the operating manual for the power rings. It should come as little surprise, then, that the JLU is not on the GLC’s approved Green Lantern group list.
database-assisted shopping for Linden justice
Venkman clearly has desires for the JLU to become the Linden’s official police force. Brainiac’s functions as of May, 2007 have the ability to keep tabs on Lindens. At a glance, the JLU has the ability to see which Lindens are online, without even being connected to the grid. In addition, they actually rank the Lindens on said database, choosing to pester those they feel are most likely to respond to them. Basically, to the Lindens that chose to not recognize their self-appointed authority, they are not good Lindens, and as such must blackballed for “unreliability”.
This blackballing to those that don’t recognize the fictional authority of the Justice League has even spread to large landowners such as Artemis Fate. Artemis Fate, who is in charge of the popular destination Nexus Prime among others, took offense at the JLU dealing with griefers in her territory. After she told me she would not tolerate anti-griefer forces, I immediately told Kalel that we were not to go there. Kalel of course, could not accept this, and had to force his views onto Artemis, who of course, was not reciprocal. This policy of intruding onto sims where they have not been invited has led to such events as a mass banning of JLU members from a Gorean sim last April. One of he newest features of SL has been to allow forwarding of Abuse Reports to Estate Managers on private islands, in lieu of forwarding to the Lindens. Rather than respect the wishes of the Estate Managers that have this policy in place, Kalel has ordered all JLU to retreat to JLU territory to file Abuse Reports.
“The problem with anti-griefers,” says Artemis Fate. “is they always turn into griefers themselves.”
While it is true that the JLU has never fired an orbiter, or a doomsday weapon, that does not mean they have not carried out similar actions. Take the case of Loki Buaku. Loki Buaku quickly made himself an enemy of the JLU, and as such, made it his mission to take them out. He did not undertake this mission by grabbing a gun and shooting up any JLU he could find, but by creating groups and spreading propaganda against them. Not against the ToS in the slightest. But this did not stop the JLU from acting against him. Upon finding his RP character was supposedly 15 years old, Kalel led a charge of JLU members to fire off Abuse Report after Abuse Report against him for this unforgivable grievance.
JLU swarming Woodbury University
This vendetta behavior has even spread to sim owners. Take the case of Woodbury University. This sim, as you may know, was shut down by the Lindens for being a griefer base. What most people are not aware of, however is this was largely a charge lobbied by the JLU.
Within two days of learning of the site’s existence, the JLU was there in force to examine the site. Calls were made by Kalel to MichaelFrancis Linden, a Linden in personal contact with Venkman. Official JLU policies included swarming all places where their griefers were seen, and spying on their chat channels. Sometimes, they even went as far as dropping large invisible prims on the property to keep the greifers from entering their own builds. Keep in mind, this was not just in a sandbox that they happened to be, this was private property under the ownership of the so called greifers, and the JLU were the encroachers in this case. Not that private property holds much weight to Venkman and the JLU.
does the end justify the means?
After seeing the full extent of the executive decisions and behaviors of the JLU, can much of a difference between them and the griefers they oppose actually be found? Their eye for an eye, fire with fire tactics, end up bearing little distinction form greifing itself. In the end, does the end really justify the means. Is it worth throwing away and sense of constitutionality, legality, privacy, or free expression, just to stop the grefiers? The majority of SL citizens have never seen a PN face to face. They have no real need for the superheroes in their day to day lives. But I’m willing to bet that a large chunk of them might have an issue with being in a database without their permission. I’d be willing to bet there’s quite a few people out there who would love to roleplay as Superman, or Batman, or Wonder Woman. There are even people that disagree with the JLU’s actions on a political basis. But if the JLU had their say, all of these groups would be silenced, and stricken from the grid. Does the L in JLU stand for Lords?
Aug 4th, 2007
Ive known this for maybe 6 months now, nothing new
In b4 JLU use sockpuppets to try to disprove this
Aug 4th, 2007
For reference, the mootykips photo is of Jake Brahm (LOL). See Encyclopedia Dramatica’s article on the JLU for more.
Aug 4th, 2007
Oh wow. It took you guys THIS LONG to even find this out? Thats a damn shame. No don’t look at the JLU as griefers. Always point at the black man for your problems. >:3
Aug 4th, 2007
“This information was of course posted to the PN’s own wiki, and the Encyclopedia Dramatica for a short while.”
Why do you guys think we own a lot of shit on the interwebz? Anon is hueg liek xbox, and the PN is only a very small piece of hueg xbox.
ED is just a very lulz friend of ours. Nothing else and they were liek “Oh hay pls moar information about teh PN enemies called JLU?” and we replied “LOL K!”.
Also JLU wiki posted information (which VERY false) about the PN themselve even BEFORE we even posted info on them in the ED article about them.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 4th, 2007
Stop that right there, kid. I was the one who posted the information, and I did so while I posted it to other non-griefer sites such as this and various land owners. The PN didn’t “shoop” the JLU, they were given the information by me, and I’m not in the group. And the same information, I will gladly give to anyone in SL who wants to IM me in world, as I do this to make the grid safer, not to help griefers.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 4th, 2007
Oops, ignore part of my last comment. I misunderstood the passage this kid was referring to. I gave the member list, not Kalel’s personal information. I refuse to actually condone the theft of real lfie information, and informed Venkman of it. I onyl included it in here for the hypocritical aspect of condemning the PN for using the same tactics they themselves use.
Dire Allen
Aug 4th, 2007
And the Lindens are fully aware of the JLU’s practices? I’d day you can’t just accuse these super hero wannabes without looking at Linden Labs as well. They’re just as wrong for letting it go on, than the persons committing the acts. I’d like to believe that these sort of actions are illegal. But something tells me I could be wrong. It seems if you have anything on the internet these days, it’s up for grabs to whoever has the smarts to find it first(ie: home address, phone number, name, age, etc). And if you run a website, your information is easily accessable.
I’ve had many run-ins with these dorks. So now I’m curious to know if I’m in their stalker database.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 4th, 2007
Linden Labs, to my knowledge, is not fully aware of what they do. This is largely due to the fact that Kalel hosts thier database off his own website. I do know, that, if you have had run-ins with them as you say, then you are in their database in some fashion.
Kalel Venkman
Aug 4th, 2007
For an “expose”, Nikola is awfully thin on facts – especially surprising considering how much time he spent in the League, and how much access he had to the actual information.
For example, the picture of Mudkips he says we have has been repeatedly corrected by the PN themselves as being that of Jake Brahm, a 22 year old from Wauwatosa arrested for threatening to bomb NFL games – never mind that he hadn’t even gotten the location of the games he was going to bomb right in the first place.
We all knew about the error, except Nikola, apparently. Considering how often the PN like to point this out, it strikes me as odd that he didn’t know this – unless he were simply choosing to ignore the fact – or his intent to mislead?
About the agent keys – the function calls in LSL is llSensor() and llSensorRepeat().
Nikola wants you to think that gathering keys is a big deal, but getting your key happens every time you use a vending machine in Second Life, or sit on a chair. SLExchange couldn’t function at all if it didn’t. Who gave us permission to collect keys? The Lindens did – just like everybody else in Second Life. It’s in LSL, the Linden Scripting Language, that Linden Lab gave to everyone. Nikola himself knowingly wore one of these key collection devices for months, collecting the keys of everyone he met.
The blackballing issue is an interesting one – we don’t rate Lindens for how much we don’t like them – we note how helpful they are. And as far as Artemis Fate goes, we had one issue months ago and I IM’ed Artemis to personally apologize – the “blackballing” was the League promising never to visit Nexus Prime in a response to a trouble alert again, because she didn’t want us doing it. How is going out of your way to make somebody happy “blackballing” them? I hasten to point out, by the way, that the person whose behavior upset Artemis in the first place was – you guessed it – the person on the scene: Nikola Shirakawa.
In the interests of full disclosure, we were also asked by the operators of the sim called “Aqua” not to respond to trouble calls there, and we have always honored that as well, as we honor the sovereign rights of every land or estate owner.
The Green Lantern issue’s a good one too – Cid Jacobs, leader of the Green Lanterns, has an account on the BrainiacWiki, and he’s been helping us correct and update our information and known history of the Green Lanterns, and has been very helpful in that regard. The Green Lanterns took us under their wing when we first started out, and we have reciprocated by sharing technology and resources with them. I have to say, they could have turned their backs on us, but they didn’t. They’re a great group with a positively luminous reputation, and the bond between the two groups is unshakable. In fact, I’ve literally lost count of how many members of the League are also members of the Green Lantern Core. Saying that we’ve got something against the Core would be like saying we’ve got something against ourselves.
Now let’s look at Loki Buaku – Loki was a very busy scam artist, always conning money out of people. We caught him once trying to extort money from the Bank of Ginko. The reason he was eventually permabanned was because he had racked up so many abuse reports from so many different people that Linden Lab finally just pulled the plug. Yes, the League played a part in that – but only the Lindens can remove somebody from game, and only if the abuse reports turn out to be backed up by the database evidence. You can’t just make something up and get somebody banned. It actually has to be TRUE. And he wasn’t roleplaying a fifteen year old, as it turns out – he actually WAS 15.
We are the witnesses. We report what we see. Judgement of that information is performed by the Lindens, and it is they who take action. Except, of course, in the case of disputes internal to groups in Second Life – for those, the people who run the group have full discretion. This is what happened at Woodbury – we reported what information we had, but it is common to assume that Lindens will believe what you tell them. If that were true, Second Life would have ground to a standstill years ago. Abuse reports are checked against sim chat logs, inventory transfers, and the contents of people’s inventories – information accessible only to Lindens. Nothing the League could have done would have changed any of the actual facts and evidence present at the time. We are citizens, like the rest of you.
The League chose to terminate Nikola’s participation in the League after discovering that he had been leaking information to the PN on a routine basis – things that he was told in confidence. We trusted him, and he proved that that trust was sorely misplaced. He did tell us everything he’d done in the end – but only after several attempts to lay the blame on various of his teammates failed, due to a large body of evidence that showed that he, and only he, could have been the culprit. He paints himself as a hero of the people, but in the end, he had to be cornered into telling the truth.
As a result Nikola’s notecard spamming and libelous statements, I have discovered many friends and supporters now that previously I did not know I had, and many new inter-group liaisons have been formed. While this episode has been noteworthy, it is heartening to know that it has strengthened, rather than diminished, the fabric of the society of which the League – and I – are so proud to be a part.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 4th, 2007
“”For example, the picture of Mudkips he says we have has been repeatedly corrected by the PN themselves as being that of Jake Brahm, a 22 year old from Wauwatosa arrested for threatening to bomb NFL games – never mind that he hadn’t even gotten the location of the games he was going to bomb right in the first place.”"
His photograph is on Mudkips’ page why then? No i don’t know all about the PN, because, NEWS FLASH, I’m not one of them! All i know is what I have seen, and I see a photograph on that page, what am I going to assume? Besides, does the same hold true for the photograph of Tizzers Foxchase? Or any of the rest of the RL info on the PN you gathered?
“”Nikola wants you to think that gathering keys is a big deal, but getting your key happens every time you use a vending machine in Second Life, or sit on a chair. SLExchange couldn’t function at all if it didn’t. Who gave us permission to collect keys? The Lindens did – just like everybody else in Second Life. It’s in LSL, the Linden Scripting Language, that Linden Lab gave to everyone. Nikola himself knowingly wore one of these key collection devices for months, collecting the keys of everyone he met.”"
-I will freely acknowledge my error here. I once again, was just going on what I saw. I had never saw the w-hat key in another object, but, having it pointed out to me, I would say this charge is indeed wrong. Hey, even the best of us can make mistakes right?
“”The blackballing issue is an interesting one – we don’t rate Lindens for how much we don’t like them – we note how helpful they are. And as far as Artemis Fate goes, we had one issue months ago and I IM’ed Artemis to personally apologize – the “blackballing” was the League promising never to visit Nexus Prime in a response to a trouble alert again, because she didn’t want us doing it. How is going out of your way to make somebody happy “blackballing” them? I hasten to point out, by the way, that the person whose behavior upset Artemis in the first place was – you guessed it – the person on the scene: Nikola Shirakawa.”"
-From I’ve heard from both you and her, this is not true. I did cause some dispute with her, but that was more because I was the first JLU person she’s seen in Nexus Prime. I immediately informed Kalel of everything she told me, and he immediately refused to believe she said no to him, and insisted on trying himself. I told him she said no shields and such, and he said, well that’s not the way we do things. We have a right to wear shields. Artemis did not ban JLU from exploring Nexus Prime, just form operating on Kalel’s terms. In addition, I have apologized to her, and she was one of the first people I spoke to regarding this article. Also, I would like to point out just what my behavior was, as it was League Policy, and endorsed by Kalel. I ordered a shooter to stop shooting, then insisted on demoing League Tools, such as the Blindsphere and the shields. Artemis was right to speak out against my behavior, just as she is right today to keep JLU business out of Nexus.
“”In the interests of full disclosure, we were also asked by the operators of the sim called “Aqua” not to respond to trouble calls there, and we have always honored that as well, as we honor the sovereign rights of every land or estate owner.”"
Like the Gorean JLU massbanning incident last April?
“”The Green Lantern issue’s a good one too – Cid Jacobs, leader of the Green Lanterns, has an account on the BrainiacWiki, and he’s been helping us correct and update our information and known history of the Green Lanterns, and has been very helpful in that regard. The Green Lanterns took us under their wing when we first started out, and we have reciprocated by sharing technology and resources with them. I have to say, they could have turned their backs on us, but they didn’t. They’re a great group with a positively luminous reputation, and the bond between the two groups is unshakable. In fact, I’ve literally lost count of how many members of the League are also members of the Green Lantern Core. Saying that we’ve got something against the Core would be like saying we’ve got something against ourselves.”"
But have you shown him the chat transcripts in world, such as the meeting logs, where you expressed a desire to absorb the GLC, or the debut of Solaris, where, like several other times, you felt fit to bahs the GLC’s own technology, by showing your superiority? And bringing up the number of GLC in the JLU is a bad thing for you to discuss? All that is showing is that you are succeeding in your goals.Does Cid known about the JLU Green Lantern title?
“”Now let’s look at Loki Buaku – Loki was a very busy scam artist, always conning money out of people. We caught him once trying to extort money from the Bank of Ginko. The reason he was eventually permabanned was because he had racked up so many abuse reports from so many different people that Linden Lab finally just pulled the plug. Yes, the League played a part in that – but only the Lindens can remove somebody from game, and only if the abuse reports turn out to be backed up by the database evidence. You can’t just make something up and get somebody banned. It actually has to be TRUE. And he wasn’t roleplaying a fifteen year old, as it turns out – he actually WAS 15.”"
The same profile above it said he was 18. In addition, the entire profile was an RP profile, describing his Nexus Prime character. You said, and I quote. “It doesn’t matter if it’s true.” And is it not odd that most of those abuse reports came from the routine JLU practice of “Abuse Report Swarming”, in which you get as many JLU as possible to file abuse reports just to artificially drive up that number towards permabanning?
“”We are the witnesses. We report what we see. Judgement of that information is performed by the Lindens, and it is they who take action. Except, of course, in the case of disputes internal to groups in Second Life – for those, the people who run the group have full discretion. This is what happened at Woodbury – we reported what information we had, but it is common to assume that Lindens will believe what you tell them. If that were true, Second Life would have ground to a standstill years ago. Abuse reports are checked against sim chat logs, inventory transfers, and the contents of people’s inventories – information accessible only to Lindens. Nothing the League could have done would have changed any of the actual facts and evidence present at the time. We are citizens, like the rest of you.”"
What you see by digging through somebody’s garbage, tapping into their phonelines, etc? Furthermore, who filed the abuse reports against Woodbury? Who went out of their way, or even knew it was the PN spot? How many JLU people went there, knowing it was /b/ territory? And jsut how did Tizzers Foxchase’s photo just happen to be seen there?
“”The League chose to terminate Nikola’s participation in the League after discovering that he had been leaking information to the PN on a routine basis – things that he was told in confidence. We trusted him, and he proved that that trust was sorely misplaced. He did tell us everything he’d done in the end – but only after several attempts to lay the blame on various of his teammates failed, due to a large body of evidence that showed that he, and only he, could have been the culprit. He paints himself as a hero of the people, but in the end, he had to be cornered into telling the truth.”"
Routine basis? Not true in the slightest. I have made it clear on several occasions I view their group, as with most of the channers, to be little more than deviants, ranked below even such scum as the Ku Klux Klan! Kalel has tried to push this lie around so many times, i have begun to speak with an attorney regarding slander proceedings. He had me on Banlink, claiming I was some Buddha kid, which was false. Even after being told this, he began to twist the reply around a thousand ways from Sunday to make it still look like I was a terrible griefer in need of permabanning. Finally, after an earlier draft of this very article was posted there, no less than four people including Travis Lambert himself recognized this was not true, only then did Kalel finally remove my name. Let me break down his false charges:
1. I am a PN by the name of Buddha. Patently false, never logged into thier IRC. I’m nto a wiretapper, unlike some self-appointed Lords.
2. I have been permabanned. IM me in world, and you can see for yourself this is false.
3. I have published RL information, violating disclosure. All i ever “leaked” was a member list, and a page and password to their wiki, which had a secondary password I refused to give out just to prevent RL info on some of the JLU’s good people like Rainey or Sen possibly getting into PN hands.
4. I am a PN in some way. Look at my age in world. I have been on SL longer than 3/4 of the JLU, Kalel included. I was on SL before even the /b/ groups first appeared. And I have never so much as received a warning from Linden Labs about my conduct.
“”As a result Nikola’s notecard spamming and libelous statements, I have discovered many friends and supporters now that previously I did not know I had, and many new inter-group liaisons have been formed. While this episode has been noteworthy, it is heartening to know that it has strengthened, rather than diminished, the fabric of the society of which the League – and I – are so proud to be a part.”"
Libelous? Funny how you can say that after spreading this horrendous lie that I am in the PN just because i am your enemy. There are good people on SL that don’t like you, and don’t want you. I’ve seen them. Are we all just PN spies? People like Yiffy Yaffle, one of the most beloved furry residents on the grid, and Banlink member. People like Maldavius Figtree, who you kicked out because he locked you out of his own anti-PN objects and campaign. I’d like to point out that Yiffy’s been on since 2004, and I was on six months before Kalel showed up. So was it our master plan, to play a game for that long just waiting to burn you, Mister Venkman? We did nothing wrong, nothing to be banned from SL for. That is, nothing except angering King Kal-El.
Aug 4th, 2007
Oh lawdy lawdy lawd. All of this drama is now going to be copypastad into the ED article.
Oh btw Kalel, you guys stop scam artist eh? Ok what about all those people who post Child Porn in their sims? You never go there…..hmmmmm is someone hiding a secret from the world that he’s a child pedophile?
Kalel Venkman
Aug 4th, 2007
As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, Nikola has taken the definition of vendetta to a whole new level. Elaborate invention is certainly no proof of anything, Niko. “Digging through people’s garbage, tapping their phonelines” indeed.
Oh, and please detail this Gorean mass banning. I’d be interested in hearing that account, as it will be a wonderful example of your creative writing skills. I appreciate your honesty in conceding certain points, that shows that logical thought processes are at work, but please don’t insult us by inventing things out of whole cloth.
And Maldavius, we had to ask him to leave not because we had personal issues with him, but because he admitted to destroying the build at Woodbury University in front of the entire group. How could we, in good conscience, allow such an act to go unchallenged?
In all seriousness, Niko, while you were ejected from the League for improper conduct, and while I understand you’re upset, don’t you think we had a right to be upset at you breaking your word to us in such a way, and then lying to try to get out of it once you’d been found out?
You posted information on what we were doing about the PN to the chan boards, and blamed Sneakers Grumiaux for it.
You posted login information to the BrainiacWiki, and blamed Gawyn Philbin for it.
We have no idea what else you might have leaked, or when, but there’s a pattern here – every time the League did something you didn’t like, you set yourself above the League and tried to take bits of it apart. These are not the actions of a civilized man. We converse, we communicate, we dissent, and we come to agreements. That’s how the League does things. Did you think that you, and you alone, know better than all of us, what’s best for Second Life? Doesn’t that make you the very thing you accuse me of being?
Additionally, the connection between you and BCBUDDHA, later found to be erroneous, as you and I discussed in private IM, would not have been public knowledge at all had you not posted it here, by the way – up until this moment, that information existed no where else. You are really acting in your own worst interests here, Nikola. You need to slow down and think a while.
Your arguments, while empassioned, are entirely self-serving. Because you couldn’t surreptitiously control the League’s actions to suit your own singular goals, you now seek to destroy it. This is plain to all who read them, and you’re really not – NOT – helping yourself by publically embarrassing yourself in this way.
Sean Petit
Aug 4th, 2007
Is this the same Nikola Shirakawa who after getting ejected from the JLU for cause formed his own lil’ group named “Justice League, Unlimited” (note the clever differentiating comma) using a misappropriated logo from the group he had just been booted from? There’s a whole lot of armchair psychoanalysis that I could dive into, but this is the Herald and I’ve already used too many big words for one post.
Full Disclosure: I’m a JLU Officer
Aug 4th, 2007
Um, Kalel? Considering that a person with rather intimate knowledge of Linden Lab’s systems (or someone with too much free time on their hands) can do quite a bit of damage if they manage to get an Avatar’s Key …. I’d have to call bullocks on collecting Avatar Keys being no big deal.
You are not the Second Life Exchange, you are not a resident vendor system – you are a resident gathering information that would never have been willfully given to you.
Frankly I do not give a damn if you do it to real griefers – keep everyone else out of it.
Allana Dion
Aug 4th, 2007
Wait, hold on. We’re talking about guys in tights running around playing comic book super heros right? My kid grew out of that around the time he discovered girls.
May I offer a suggestion guys … perhaps.
Aug 5th, 2007
We are sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled JLU-attempt to run and cover their asses for being complete self-serving pricks, with the following message:
You can’t stop PN, and you’ve only further proven that you’re all a bunch of elitists in your attempts to do so.
PN is the resistance to the retardedness that has permeated Second Life at its very core, of which you belong.
Long live PN.
Aug 5th, 2007
It was a figure of speech. Listening to their private IRC, thier ventrilo, their skype is not exactly wiretapping, and going through thier wiki isnt exactly dumpster diving, but its not far off.
In April, roughly, you sent out a signal from a Gorean sim that the PN were bombing. When the JLU showed up, most of us, especially those of us with female avatars, were banned alongside the PN attackers. Off my head, I think Rainey was there, Fenix, I know Sen was there, and I was banned from there as well.
But according to your wiki, it was also due to the fact that Maladvius cut you out of the loop with regards to IntLibber’s campaign, and the fact that Maldavius began hiring PN turncoats for part of Ng Security.
I posted the outer log in, which did not give an inner password to actually access any information. Furthermore, you ejected me before I mentioned Gawyn. Furthermore, it was not to weasel out of trouble. It was Restitution, for your outing of the PN from thier own group, for your deceit which that very week you ordered em to do, to spread lies to them. Well, Spreading lies doesn’t feel so good when you’re the victim does it Mister Venkman.
I never blamed Sneakers for anything. You kicked him out, then told me he was guilty. I never edited his wiki entry, nor did I post evidence saying he was guilty. That was all you buddy boy, the same as with Neon Serge.
I didn’t leak anything else. You don’t know because it doesn’t exist. Taking military action against the flying spaghetti monsters just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I didn’t set myself above the League. I simply did what I could to help those who pit themselves against you. People who you may call your allies, but disagree horribly with your methods. As for calling em uncivilized, I have not begun swearing or making personal attacks against those faithful to you. And you had ample warning ahead of time to change your ways, Venkman. I told you, as did so many other people, that you had no right to harvest ip addresses, or to harvest real life information, or to play the spy game. I asked just how it was constitutional in the slightest, and you told me you knew, but “I really want to get these guys, and I think you do too, Nikola.” And no, I don’t know what’s best for Second Life. But the approval I have received from so many people tells me I’m on the right track.
Your fraudulent PN charge against me would not have been public knowledge? Bullshit. Blazingsonic Tank came to me last night, asking me if I was a PN. When I asked her where she heard this lie, I was told Hunter Talon said it. She also said she couldn’t get a straight answer out of you or him, and I’m more than inclined to believe her.
I am not mad in the slightest that I was expelled from the JLU. I have spoken with a few rather prominent people who have told you to change your ways, but you refuse to listen to them. People who I acknowledge know far more than I do. I’m not mad, because you did the right thing in expelling an enemy from your group. But I’m not alone in my opinions. You’re the one who’s embarassing yourself. Your little Banlink fiasco should attest to that. And I really don’t care about helping myself. I’m not even sure I’ll be around in a few months. I post what IO do, and I tell what I know because People far wiser than either of us thank me. Many of them won’t come forward, because they don’t want thier group members to suffer for thier opinions. Stoop to such low levels as calling em uncivilized, or in Sen’s words “Fuck you and the horse your rode in on.” in response to charges against you, and I am not the one who will be embarassed.
Aug 5th, 2007
Sean, I created the Justice League, Unlimited as a roleplaying group. I used the textures in my library as I am working on more appropriate ones, but they will take time. I have turned away many members who applied, thinking this was an anti-greifer force, because it will not be, not ever. I happen to like roleplaying with DC heroes, and quite a few people do too. Besides, as I’ve said before, why do you guys get to decide who does what with copyrights you do not own?
Reg Baxter
Aug 5th, 2007
- this was posted above “Considering that a person with rather intimate knowledge of Linden Lab’s systems (or someone with too much free time on their hands) can do quite a bit of damage if they manage to get an Avatar’s Key”
That is totally and completely false. I have no affiliation here on any side in fact this whole justice league and pn thing is rather silly. But to say an avatars key can help to cause damage of any kind whatsoever is idiotic to the max. Your key is obtainable by hundreds of different methods that occur daily thousands of times daily,( among the whole population that is). Plus the fact that every prim created has a key makes statement so patiently false, it labels the writer (who’s post is an anon tag, surprise surprise) as some dimwitted dope with no understanding of the inner workings of SL’s database info except what in his/hers tiny little imagination.
Hewee Zetkin
Aug 5th, 2007
Well, you’ve managed at least to use the growing reputation of a well-intentioned and effective group to garner yourself a great deal of attention, Nikola. Well done. :-/
Ian Betteridge
Aug 5th, 2007
Allana is my hero
Psychotic Writer
Aug 5th, 2007
Fully support this message. The JLU are no different than the people they supposedly fight against. Griefers and antigriefers are exactly the same things.
Yiffy Yaffle
Aug 5th, 2007
I stopped supporting JLU once they ejected me from the group without giving me a reason. Turned out later i found out they are being puppet stringed by Angel Fluffy who has some serious problems against me and my mate “Sha”. Also my investigators tell me that angel fluffy is also Mootykips from PN. I have given my research to the FBI and i hope something comes of it soon. Angel fluffy continues to Pursue my mate and i to cause drama, attack us, and cast false rumors of us. Since Kalel allows himself to be used by PN so easily, he is not fit to be a leader of JLU. I had a lot of supporters when i was a member of JLU and was around some pretty decent people, such as Nikola and the others who didn’t believe kalel when he had no story to tell of why he wanted me booted from the group. A lot of research ahs came to my attention from friends and workers, leading to my beliefs about kalel and angel, and how they work so close together.
Aug 5th, 2007
As for the exposed information on JLU that was listed here, since i was once in the JLU i can vouch for Nikola on what goes on within. Since i now know it was all just a fake alignment to distract the public from the real threat. I must add that Maldavius and i both saw the lack of logic in Kalel plan to gather griefer weapons and re-script them to backfire then hand them back. Mal even told him to his face that he was no better then those he claimed to fight against. He would be committing the same crime. And it isn’t like the griefers don’t have the original weapons safely stored someplace anyway. Soon as they catch on to it they will announce it to each other where to get the real ones and what not. When i joined the JLU i had hope of fighting against the griefers that constantly attacked my fandom. It was after i was ejected that i learned the truth and found it was the wrong place to find hope.
Aug 5th, 2007
Wow. These self-important JLU weenies have *way* too much time on their hands.
Seriously. Go outside. Read a book. Masturbate. Do *something* other than act like would-be superheroes in an increasingly irrelevant online game.
Aug 5th, 2007
To Reg Baxter:
1. I do not give out any information regarding any accounts I have anywhere which could be linked to Second Life or back to me (as in the real person behind the screen) for a very good reason: Without that information it is far more difficult for some kid to harass me on any other web page, on any other service, and within Second Life.
2. Provide proof that having an Avatar Key and knowing each and every function which can use said key cannot be twisted around to cause anykind of damage whatsoever. As a matter of fact, go ahead and test this on your own Avatar – see how many different ways you can crash your own client program, cause a glitch or two ….
3. It does not matter how many times a day a Key is sent out kid – half the time no one else ever sees it. This is not about how many times your Key is sent, it’s about the fact that a bunch of kids (their real age is irrelevant) are going around and collecting these Keys, which they have no business having in the first place.
Aug 5th, 2007
Maldy? The same nut who is continuing to fail a DDoS on my webservers is whining about people stealing griefer tools?
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 5th, 2007
I am not interested in attention, Hewee. That is something you and the rest fo the JLU seem to have no ability to understand. I do not care what anyone thinks of me. I am not seeking the adoration or approval of the people of SL. All I want to do is to warn people of the JLU’s illegal practices. And the fact that so many prominent sim owners, and even leaders of other anti-griefer organizations have come forward and thanked me for the article, and even added information i myself did not know about. You know, I hope you guys continue to post your personal attacks on me, I really do. Nothing could make you look more foolish. You know my charges against you are valid, and that you have no real way to justify your actions. So your only recourse, which you guys have proven time and again, is to make personal attacks on my character, as you have so many others.
Reg Baxter
Aug 5th, 2007
To “reality”
As to post 1) It’s your choice about revealing your true self by giving out info, just adds less credence to anything you say is all.
post 2) Me provide proof? How do you prove some mysterious non-existent “exploit” exists? It can’t be done that is the proof. Your’s is the argument of a “kid” who has no knowledge of how things work. I was probably hacking programs while you were in diapers. You are the one making the claim it CAN be done it is up to you to prove that it in CAN (which it can’t).
post 3) As you say half the time no one ever sees it, but that means half the time they do. Collecting keys they have no business collecting is not kosher, I’ll agree with, but it is harmless and if it makes them feel important then let them as I said it is ‘harmless”. To suggest anything otherwise is to ridiculous and is just spreading false conspiracy theories as to what these guys can and cannot do, or that anyone can or cannot do for that matter.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 5th, 2007
Reg, I must says is right. It is possible to sue the keys for ill purposes, but the only people with the knowledge on how to do so are Lindens, and hence, a non-threat. But I wouldn’t say it will never be a threat. It’s not impossible for company information to be leaked, or databases to be hacked, or some other unforseeable circumstance, and the maintaining of keys by any non-Lindens without permission is a potential security risk.
Ordinal Malaprop
Aug 5th, 2007
Keys are not personally identifiable information any more than names are. Keys are unique to names, and names to keys; there is direct one to one equivalence. If somebody even knows who you are they can find your key very easily – say, by getting within 96m of you or anything you own – and the only use for a key is that the few LSL functions without range can then address you. The few of those few that could be used for griefing have now had their wings clipped. Oh – and libSL/client bots can be used to do things to you simply with a name.
The only relevant point is not that some group collects keys – there are already huge public key collections out there already, far better than this – it is the whole idea of a group keeping files on specific people’s behaviour (or what they think is their behaviour). That is proper surveillance. Recording keys isn’t. The idea that knowing someone’s key gives a person some sort of magical power over them is just superstition.
Bobby Troughton
Aug 5th, 2007
Avatar keys are the same as avatar names, its just a number that identifies the av, for scripts to use. So they are harmless. The worse one could use it for is maybe weapons like homing missiles. Things that take your money require asking your permission to do so first. The only information about yourself is the things you yourself put in your public profile or publically post on the net. Like if you get a domain name and your information is on the whois listing.
I doubt the JLU are really that bad. Collecting known public information about griefers is a few way to combat them, though not necessary. Doesn’t that banlink collect griefers names, from mere reports of others all the same?
I was once in the SLPD group, not the ones that are around now, I think the group I was in has since been disbanded. Anyway we played police, had a scripted police belt where we could easily manually write a summary report of our patrols and also send griefers names to a database. It wouldn’t log chat automatically I think, as that would go against sl’s terms of service. Beyond that we’d just write abuse reports to the lindens after encountering griefers. No gunplay or weapon use was allowed. We had set areas were the property owners allowed us to patrol. But we never had many places to patrol, and most of the time nothing happened. So it was both boring and useless.
It was silly though, we had the same power as anyone else in sl, the power to write abuse reports. I think the only places that really need security are the popular ones and the ones under constant threat of griefers and gun happy kids. Even when I was admin in alot of roleplay places we hardly ran into many griefers and were quite capabale of banning them on sight without the needing a database of griefer dossiers and outside help.
It seems the PN attacks those that freak out the most about attacks and also for the fun of it (at least they do have a sense of humor, twisted as it is
). So good then, maybe the JLU will keep the PN occupied, both role-playing Superman vs Shaft.
Security forces aren’t needed by the average user who knows how to deal properly with griefers. The only value I see of JLU is if they hold classes on how to handle griefers. JLU also might good for policing vulnerable targets or big places with no money (or does JLU charge money?), manpower or time for extra admin.
Aug 5th, 2007
As I’ve noticed JLU isn’t really needed in SL since all they do is about the same as anyone else can do. File Abuse Reports? I could do that, and I have. What they do makes them a target of course. However, they themselves target people. They have attacked me, the article writer, Maldavius, and a few others. Claiming us to be griefers, spys, or trouble makers. We are normal people in SL. Maldavius and i are both sim managers who run a community. I’m a veteran SL resident who runs and manages a few sims for the furry community, and have been successful at it. It all started as Slander created by Angel Fluffy in a attempt to wipe me out of the picture for some reason that has recently been revealed to me. The slander rolled over into JLU and caused me to lose my position. Kalel allowed himself to be blindedly told what to do, allowing himself to be manipulated by the very griefers he claims to be against. My discovery of Angel Fluffy being Mootykips was enough to change my opinion of anyone who blindedly allows him to manipulate them. I remember Kalel telling me not to long ago that if i stopped bringing this up, then it wouldn’t be a issue for me and would be forgotten in time. I have tried doing that but angel once again posts group notices or starts group sessions to slander my name or my mates name. Tell ya what kalel. You shut angel up and i will think about it. The dick doesn’t know when to stop pursuing me and leave me the hell alone. I know why hes after me. because my mate is Sha. And we all know how hated Sha is by the PN. Just last week she came crying to me because they kept blitzing her everywhere she went on the grid and shooting at her, or trying to crash the sim she was in.
Yiffy Yaffle
Aug 5th, 2007
the “As I’ve Noticed JLU inst needed” message was by me, i guess i got logged out of the site when i posted it.
Bernabe Fugazi
Aug 5th, 2007
This is the biggest nerd fight I have ever witnessed
Michael Seraph
Aug 5th, 2007
I don’t know any of these people, but this story has a few things I’m not sure I agree with. First off, somebody getting information on your public past behavior really can’t be considered an invasion of privacy. And listening in on an IRC or Skype channel isn’t “wire tapping.” LOL.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 5th, 2007
“Avatar keys are the same as avatar names, its just a number that identifies the av, for scripts to use. So they are harmless. The worse one could use it for is maybe weapons like homing missiles. Things that take your money require asking your permission to do so first. The only information about yourself is the things you yourself put in your public profile or publically post on the net. Like if you get a domain name and your information is on the whois listing.”
Sure, I can agree with you here, that the keys in and of themselves are not that bad, but collecting information from outside sources is a big deal. It’s like this. There is nothing wrong with just happening to know a girl you like hangs out at the Starbucks off of I-25 at 3 on Sundays, but if you follow her around to find out her schedule, then you cross a line, and you go to jail. Just because information can be publicly seen does not give someone the right to go parading around the internet to find it. Following one person from one website to another, to another, is called cyber-stalking and it is a felony.
“I doubt the JLU are really that bad. Collecting known public information about griefers is a few way to combat them, though not necessary. Doesn’t that banlink collect griefers names, from mere reports of others all the same?”
Collecting information from within Second Life is entirely acceptable, and is a good way to fight griefers. Sneaking onto their private websites, outside of Second Life, and logging thier private chat from said website, is not ok. Ever hear of a little thing known as the Fourth Amendment?
“I was once in the SLPD group, not the ones that are around now, I think the group I was in has since been disbanded. Anyway we played police, had a scripted police belt where we could easily manually write a summary report of our patrols and also send griefers names to a database. It wouldn’t log chat automatically I think, as that would go against sl’s terms of service. Beyond that we’d just write abuse reports to the lindens after encountering griefers. No gunplay or weapon use was allowed. We had set areas were the property owners allowed us to patrol. But we never had many places to patrol, and most of the time nothing happened. So it was both boring and useless.”
And those activities are nothing wrong. In fact, that’s all the JLU’s activities used to consist of. Going around, filing abuse reports, and recording names of known griefers to pass on to the Lindens without the use of any weapons or “tools”, is a more than acceptable practice, used by most of the other major Anti-Griefer groups. But the JLU does not stop there. They do automatically log ALL chat around them, at least many of them do, and log the information and names of ALL players, not just the griefers. Furthermore, against some of their more major targets, they will sneak into the groups, gain their trust, just to get personal information on them, including private photographs. On thier wiki, there are photographs of Tizzers Foxchase and Mudkips Acronym, though his photo is aparrantly false. They have even been known to create alts just to tag along with the griefers to keep tabs on them. Just look at the PN known as Bima Escape.
“It seems the PN attacks those that freak out the most about attacks and also for the fun of it (at least they do have a sense of humor, twisted as it is
). So good then, maybe the JLU will keep the PN occupied, both role-playing Superman vs Shaft.
To some degree I must agree with this point, bad as it may be. Lacking a total blacklisting by the Lindens, the best thing that can happen is probably to keep the two griefer groups fighting each other, so they no time for the rest of us.
Aug 5th, 2007
Sean Petit: Niko is in serious need of psychiatric help. but I suspect you have a different opinion of who is telling the truth
What proof of have of Nik’s insanity I’m just…..curious.
Sean Petit: besides the dramatiztions, misrepresentations and pathological lies? an (admitedly) amatuer analysis of his avatar choices and the sheer volume of them would point to a certain degree of personality frission; i.e., he doesn’t know who he is. this is true of many people, but I see it in a disturbing degree in Niko. which is not to say that there aren’t people who enjoy making multiple avatars and constumes, I’m just saying that most pick one for regular use and don’t morph minute to minute.
Yet another bit of slander going around about me from the JLU.
Also, I have been corrected about one thing. Artemis is jsut the estate manager of Nexus, not the actual owner. The point I was trying to make still stands.
Aug 5th, 2007
To Reg Baxter:
1. Credibility based on being stupid enough to allow kids like you the ability to harass me? I don’t want it.
2. Kid, you’re the one stating that it cannot be done under any circumstances. Prove it kid – I really don’t give a damn how minor the damage is, I don’t give a damn if the only thing that can be done is to individually target an automated Blitzing weapon. Prove that there is absolutely no way for an Avatar Key cannot be abused.
3. They do not have any right to the keys – no matter their abilities in terms of abuse. Unless they store these off of their Wiki – it’s been compromised once already.
Until you can provide proof that there is no possible way to use an Avatar Key for abuse or even to cause the most minor of damage … Don’t bother responding.
Sean Petit
Aug 5th, 2007
“Yet another bit of slander going around about me from the JLU.”
No, that’s just from me and I stand by it. I think you’re a nutjob and I can’t wait till your sad lil’ 15 minutes of fame for all this manufactured drama is over and the rest of us can can get back to our lives. I think your RL monies (space or otherwise) would be better spent on counseling and not imaginary worlds that feed your obvious disassociations with reality. SEEK. THERAPY.
Oh, and apparently Niko and his so-called lawyer don’t know the difference between ‘slander’ which is oral, and ‘libel’ which is written. Might want to pay more attention in those English classes and find a smarter lawyer.
And next time you want my opinion, don’t send your friends to grill me, loser. Grow some balls.
Reg Baxter
Aug 5th, 2007
quote > “Until you can provide proof that there is no possible way to use an Avatar Key for abuse or even to cause the most minor of damage … Don’t bother responding.”
Ok mr “reality’ or whatever your name is – I tried everything that could be tried and no damage was caused. Hench I have proven that there is no possible way to abuse it so I am responding.
Case closed, you are wrong I am right.
Aug 5th, 2007
Hmm. Well, I’ve read the article, and I’ve read all of the comments posted, so I have a few things to say on all of that.
First of all, I don’t agree with, nor do I like, the JLU. They are self appointed police, much like the SLPD that Bobby Troughton mentioned. A police force in Second Life is a bad idea, and will always be a bad idea, and people like “Kalel Venkmen” are exactly why it’s a bad idea.
You have a man who loves a superhero character, and wished to model his Second Life after him. Superman, one of the oldest and greatest superheroes out there, who started out as a pervy rude son of a bitch in his early comics, but evolved into this representation of everything we as humans believe is right and just. The difference is… Superman had powers. Real powers. Kalel has sought to augment himself with things that seem to give him powers, thus completing the circle. The problem is, like the “real” Superman, Kalel Venkmen is a fake superhero, created in a false world.
I have several large chunks of the BrainiacWiki stored on my hard-drive. I’ve read through them, and it’s actually very eye-opening to read articles written by Venkmen and his people, and their mentality. They aren’t just roleplaying as superheroes, they really think they are. Other members, consistently refering to him as Superman, and turning around and refering to each other as the superhero they represent. They take the “virtual law” into their own hands and attempt to enforce it, not just by sending abuse reports, but by gathering information, and storing it, with the threat of using it against them. Developing weapons, tools to use against griefers who use their own tools. We all do that. I have weapons myself. But they do it in such a way that it makes you feel like they hold something above you. That they are somehow more than you can be, somehow special. But they are not. Men like Kalel Venkmen who soil the good name of a fictional character we all grew up reading about are delusional, nothing more.
I for one never want anything to do with him, or the JLU, and I am glad to have a list of their current members. I’ll be avoiding each of them. People who think that they have some authority over me, can tell me what I can or cannot do, while not wearing the last name of “Linden” have no place in my second life.
Artemis Fate
Aug 5th, 2007
My aforementioned problem with anti-griefing groups is that they often become, in the sense of their tactics, the griefing groups they battle against. Like the old Nietzche quote “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
The problem is, an anti-griefing group, in declaring itself to be a quazi-police force, doesn’t actually gain any more authority or powers than anyone else. All they’re able to do is talk griefers down (which for most of the real griefers is impossible) and file abuse reports. If they stuck to this behavior, it wouldn’t be nearly as much of the problem. But Anti-griefer groups are started by people who more often than not, have a vendetta against griefers, or a burning desire to stop them whatever it takes. And therein lies the problem, “whatever it takes”, since talking a griefer down and filing abuse reports just isn’t enough (after all anyone can do that), they have to move to other techniques, usually starting off small like collecting a list of known griefer names, and building up more and more under the justification of “We’re fighting an evil force, and we need to do whatever it takes to get the upper hand”, until it’s gotten far out of control. Case in point, Brainiac: I’m sure that started out as just “let’s collect known griefer names so our members know who to look out for” and slowly turned into “let’s scrounge up any real life information we can find on some of these nastier griefers and post it, and while we’re at it, keep listing and information on anyone who’s suspicious we might come across.”
This all especially comes to complications as the group expands it’s operation off of just the nastiest or most active and obvious griefers, to some of the lesser griefers, to people who’re just a part of a griefer group, to people who just MAY be griefers, till you have confused newbies getting listed on things like banlink, or getting the full force of the JLU’s counter-actions.
But really, the core of my problem came from a group that I had not elected into any kind of authority had started to come into Nexus Prime off of griefer reports, basically telling people to call them for help instead of the sim’s admin who actually had the power in that area to ban/eject/freeze.
Really, if they want to go around playing Superhero, and policing the areas that don’t have admin (like the sandboxes, god knows there’s been play of perpetrated “anti-griefer” groups developing out of there) and simply sending in abuse reports when they see griefers, fine whatever, but when they start entering other people’s areas, practicing their own self-envisioned authority in it, and diverting these problems that sim admin can handle to their group that can’t, it becomes irritating and only exacerbates things.
Aug 5th, 2007
Oh and ” mr/miss reality” as a follow up the only other pointer I can give you is that you are the ONLY one on here with claims of nefarious deeds by your Avatar key specificly – others do point out that some things are possible but only the same things that can be done using only your name. So those results i obviously left out as you want results via Avatar key specific info.
So to repeat – everything was tried using only avatar key info, no damage was caused. Point proven. You are wrong I am right.
Aug 5th, 2007
Reg – you have provided no proof. saying you’ve done it is not enough.
Link it, provide a log, whatever.
So far – I see no proof from you.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 5th, 2007
Sean, I never sent Blazingsonic to talk to you. I didn’t even know you had such an opinion of me. I just logged on and the first thing I saw was a chat transcript where you make those personal attacks. And no, in this case, slander is the proper term. Despite the fact that it may be technically written down, because ti was part of a chat transcript, it is spoken, and as such, is slander, Libel is publishing written documents outside of conversation that are inflammatory. Before you decide to make such low-shooting personal attacks, you really need to research yourself. I have had several JLU people come to me, angry at me sure but at least they took the time to debate the issues as smart people, without stooping to personal attacks. Such attacks do nothing but embarass you, and prove my points.
Sean Petit
Aug 6th, 2007
Once again, you speak without actually knowing, as this comment thread has indicated time and time again.
- Libel is defamation that takes place in a published medium, such as print, film or the World Wide Web.
- Slander is defamation delivered in a transitory manner (of which there is no permanent record) in a public forum.
- Defamation is considered the act of making an injurious statement in public which the speaker or writer knew or ought to have known was false.
Since I am convinced that a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation of yourself would prove my opinions beyond a shadow of a doubt, then my opinions do not qualify as libel (since they are recorded) and couldn’t possibly be slander as they are on permanent record. But perhaps the laws in your imagined world don’t match those of the real world.
You (and a number of others in this thread) need to learn the differences between the actions and opinions of individuals and groups. I, as an individual, think you are a neurotic loser; I cannot speak to the group’s opinion of you. SEEK. THERAPY.
Aug 6th, 2007
I have to agree with Artemis’s points. Someone starts out feeling as if they could do something to fight against griefers, then eventually becomes what they sought to fight in the first place. and those who have learned to trust them become easily mislead into believing anything. I’m sure the purpose of this article is to prevent that by telling people to keep a clear head. It’s like the story of the werewolf hunter who slain many of them in the name of his god. he eventually was consumed by it and began slaying innocent people, as he howled with enjoyment finding out he became what he fought.
Yiffy Yaffle
Aug 6th, 2007
god i wish this stupid blog would keep me logged in lol…
Why Bother
Aug 6th, 2007
Sean Petit
In my opinion you need to keep quiet yourself. You’re not helping your groups reputation by posting pot shots at Nikola. You can rebut him/her without the little insults (such as Kalel did), in fact many of Nikola’s “facts” are so flimsy on their own anyways.
Sean Petit you are very very much starting to sound like one Jim Schack employed by Intlibber of BnT whatever it’s called. He endlessly ran through these comments not too long ago in a very Prok like manner attacking and insulting anyone who didn’t agree with him or proved him wrong. Sean you are not at that level yet since you are focusing on one person, but it’s very easy to dip into the wrong side of the line. My suggestion, Sean Petit, is just to not personally attack anyone. Just let Nikola over shot his/herself in the foot all by his/her self.
Really Nikola, your arguments are so weak anyways it’s laughable.