Baby Unicorn Power!!!
by tenshi on 04/09/07 at 9:21 pm
Unicorn love is a beautiful thing
by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista
What’s the latest trend among the elite Fashionista groups of SL this week?
I’ll give you a hint.
It’s not bubble hemmed sleeves.
It’s not scarves, nor Shai’s plaid jackets.
No, no – this time we’re talking unicorns. Tiny, adorable baby unicorns that you can hold and cuddle… but they come with a price.
You can only get them by having sex with an adult unicorn (although the unicorn isn’t age verified) located at the bel Highland sim in a shop called Sensual Stoneworks. This week pictures of baby unicorns (and some pictures of the sexual act!) have been popping up on Snapzilla.
[WARNING: both super-cute unicorn babies - and not-safe-for-work unicorn sex after the jump -- the Editrix]
Nylon Pinkney and Toast Bard are gentle mothers to their unicorn babies
I took a short trip to Tableau, origin of this fad, to interview a few of the Unicorn baby caretakers. They were hard to find – because each of them denied having heard of such a thing.
An avatar gets nailed by the Nightmare
“I think….that unicorn love is a beautiful thing” says bystander Moisie Swindlehurst, one resident I found in tableau who was willing to talk about the fad. “…and that if you find a spicy sexy unicorn stud muffin and want to let him fill you with his magical glittering seed, that is just fantastic. And i support it. 100%”
After much digging and several dead leads, I came upon Marcelle DeCuir, famed originator of this cult by way of Snapzilla. “I was hanging out with Polyester (Partridge) one day and she had the baby, so I asked her where she got it. She pointed me towards Sensual Stoneworks, and I was shamelessly raped by a unicorn. I don’t mind”.
Marcelle DeCuir conceives her first unicorn prim baby
But how many tries did it take you, Marcelle? I heard the unicorn doesn’t knock you up every time.
"It does it on the first try if you make sure the poseball is set to ‘mounted’," says Marcelle. "That whole place is creepy."
The sexual statues are marvelously crafted at Sensual Stoneworks. One of the griffin-bugs actually reaches out to grab you if you sit on him, and he holds you in place as he rams you from behind. It’s frightening, morally wrong, and yet you just can’t look away for appreciation at how many hours it must have taken to get the programming just right.
be careful near the stone demon
The stone demon reached out and grabbed me without warning. I cannot say what happened next. It’s just… it’s too painful.
Minx Mousehold, creator of Sensual Stoneworks, says that people are now holding contests to see who can get the most prim unicorn babies in a row the "right" way. It’s truly become an underground movement; one of the most demented kind. She also says that out of the statues in the shop, only the unicorn (the white horse), the nightmare (the black horse) and the spider (currently down for repairs) will give you miniatures. The Xen statue, found in the main room, will give you a cute (and hideous) little larvae to keep.
Xen grabbed me by surprise – don’t make the same mistake by glancing into the gaping well!
I’d definetely put "Sensual Stoneworks" on your must-see list. However, for this fashionista reporter… she’ll be sitting at home in the corner of her attic, rocking back and forth with her painful memories.
Blinders Off
Sep 6th, 2007
Yet another story proving that when it comes to depravity, 21st century society knows no limits.
Merry Mousehold
Sep 6th, 2007
I just want to say, I DO feel you’re all welcome to your opinion. Mind you, I don’t care about your’s anymore than you care about mine, but hey, You’re welcome to have one and tell anybody who will listen about it. Heck, Even I’LL listen, if I’m bored enough.
But I really don’t care. You see, My limits are MINE. What I see as sick is MY OPINION. As to “It’s only pixels/it’s sick/it’s a furry conspiracy/normal/scary/OMFG!”… Well, there you go. NOBODY agrees about anything.
And for the record, beastiality has to be less sick than child sex. Look at it this way, do you find slaughtering cows for food as nasty as using babies for the same thing? (And yes, that’s a loaded question.)
Minx Mousehold
Sep 6th, 2007
Tenshi Vielle your right this is a funny story
. and the posts get funnier the farther it goes . Oh if you wonder.. I am not a Furry either and I was the one who actually Made those baby Unicorns. I hope everyone is enjoying them as much as I am enjoying watching people run in circles screaming about them.
RandomNumber Generator
Sep 6th, 2007
Okay… that is pretty gross.
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 6th, 2007
“Some of them involve shooting people, and some of them involve baby unicorns. Trust me, people aren’t here because of frustrated unicorn raising desires.”
Still not the same thing. I play shooter games sometimes. But this doesn’t entail a fantasy of shooting people in RL. So why do I do it? I DO have a fantasy about walking up to my RL bosses and telling them what a bunch of fat wothless shit-humping bastards they are. But that’s a bad idea so I channel that anger into shooting moving blobs of pixels instead of insulting my bosses.
Porn shit is different. I used to hide copies of Penthouse under my bed as a teenager. Sometimes I’d pull them out, look at the nekkid women, and get a good jerk going. Would I have fucked those women in RL given the oppourtunity? Absolutely.
And as Mootykips said, “You can play the “IT’S JUST FANTASY OKAY” card all you want, but by the end of the day you’re still fapping to getting raped by an animal.
He’s quite correct.
@Minx Mousehold
“And for the record, beastiality has to be less sick than child sex.”
Agreed. If knew some ageplayer was eyeing one of my kids IRL, I’d bust him in his fucking mouth. If some Dolcett freak or Gorean was eyeing my wife, I’d also bust him in his fucking lips. But if some bestiality fetishist was eyeing my dog, I’d merely tell him that he was a sick fuck and to stay out of my yard or I’d call the cops.
So if you’re saying there a different levels of psychosexual sickness, I’d have to agree.
“Look at it this way, do you find slaughtering cows for food as nasty as using babies for the same thing?”
This doesn’t concern slaughtering cows for food. This concerns people wanting to have sex with equines.
Minx Mousehold
Sep 6th, 2007
hmms.. If your going to rant.. aim it at the right person….
@Minx Mousehold
“And for the record, beastiality has to be less sick than child sex.”
not my quote
Yorba the Geek
Sep 7th, 2007
“If knew some ageplayer was eyeing one of my kids IRL, I’d bust him in his fucking mouth. If some Dolcett freak or Gorean was eyeing my wife, I’d also bust him in his fucking lips.”
Yeah, let’s get preached to about morality from a guy whose first reaction to suspicions about what other people are thinking is to “bust them in the mouth”. Yes! Violence from the morality preacher! First line of action! Not talking to the person, you know, asking about their intentions, but pre-emptively “busting them in the mouth” (which I doubt you could or would actually do – it’s quite likely that you’re a scrawny, pencil-neck pussy in RL who talks like the BMOC when he gets his Doritos stained fingers on the keys).
You just contradicted your own rather moronic argument about the difference between GTA and porn. Moron. Don’t become a writer – you suck at it.
You and all these other lulzkids who speak as if they just discovered what their genitals were for yesterday — I laugh at you and feel pity for you – thinking you’ve got life all figured out – and at such a tender age!
Have another Dew kiddo!
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 7th, 2007
@Yorba the Geek
I knew I’d out at least one ageplayer with that comment Yorba. Stay away from my kids IRL or I’ll bust you in your fucking lips plzkthx.
“You just contradicted your own rather moronic argument about the difference between GTA and porn.”
No I didn’t. I merely stated a fact…that you guys are probably eyeing up people’s kids in RL. This is what makes people hate you so much. If we catch you looking our kids up and down in a lewd manner be prepared to swallow a few of your own teeth. Doesn’t mean I enjoy RL violence dumbass. But even when violence isn’t enjoyed that doesn’t stop it from being necessary sometimes.
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 7th, 2007
@Minx Mousehold
Oops! Sorry about that, Minx. There seems to be two people with the name of Mousehold in this thread and I got you mixed up with Merry Mousehold.
Myrtyl Mertel
Sep 7th, 2007
Minx, you have a fantastic imagination! Just beautiful! What fun, this is what SecondLife is all about!
greta garbo
Sep 7th, 2007
“beastiality has to be less sick than child sex”
it really says alot about you that you even make that distinction. fyi smart ones in real life both of these things are illegal . . at least where i come from . . and in sl it cant be illegal because it isnt fucking REAL. and child porn would be an entirely different topic because it involves the exploitation of real life children. what is wrong with you people that you cant understand simple fucking concepts like REALITY vs fantasy. and not even sick pedo fantasy like what is suggested but actually bdsm fantasy which you probably dont understand because you are to square and reactionary to comtemplate anything in depth. As far as im concerned anyone complaining about what other grown ups do with their pixels are out of their god damn minds and need help to distinguish what is real. You are scary people. And im really glad i stirred the pot. i hope it takes you a long time to wash the stink off. assholes
Sep 7th, 2007
Well, well.
From unicorn sex it developed in a couple of chan nerds treatening with violence in case their kids get looked at strangely.
Ya know, the funny part of this all, is, if you look at where these ‘lulz’ people come from, 7 chan among others, which features the /cake/ Loli board.
Now, everyone here might be familiar with the term lolicon, or lolita.
Yup. It’s a board filled with child porn. Drawn of course, but still.
So I hope that mister secondluz here will make sure to punch out anyone’s teeth who even thinks of looking at his children. Can’t have strangers raping them too, of course. Only daddy is allowed to do that.
Now, we sit back and watch how people start crying that this all isn’t true. Of course, you can check, and see for yourself. Protip: don’t enter the loli board at work. seriously.
Boing Boing
Sep 7th, 2007
Baby Unicorns in Second Life – via interspecies sex
Someone on Second Life is offering “tiny, adorable baby unicorns that you can hold and cuddle… but they come with a price. You can only get them by having sex with an adult unicorn located at the bel Highland sim…” NSFW images. Link (Thanks, Kris!…
Sep 7th, 2007
It’s hilarious how outraged people can become over the movement of pixels. I thought this was immensly funny, especially the “OMG THINK OF TEH CHILDREN” responses. Lol.
Great article, Tenshi!
Sep 7th, 2007
Furthering Greta Garbo’s Comment:
Don’t forget to check as well.
Not only do they have various boards, from /s/ for “Sexy Beautiful Women Porn” to /ic/ for “Yaoi Male on Male Anime Porn” to /d/ for “Hentai Anime Porn” they have the /b/ Random board as well. For regular goers, common is the joke acout “CP” which is child porn. It is commonly posted, then eventually removed after a moderator sees it. It’s all a big joke there, so if they’re coming here ranting about screwing unicorns,they are just coming here to “trool” this board to see what kind of comments they can generate. It’s a 4chan thing to come to other places to do this. They LOVE infiltrating other people’s boards.
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 7th, 2007
“Ya know, the funny part of this all, is, if you look at where these ‘lulz’ people come from, 7 chan among others, which features the /cake/ Loli board.”
I’m not a channer. Sorry but not everyone who criticizes this stuff comes from the chans. Thanks for putting out a false dichotomy.
“So I hope that mister secondluz here will make sure to punch out anyone’s teeth who even thinks of looking at his children.”
Yep. That’s wht I’m going to do if somebody stares at my kids in a lewd manner. Hate to tell you this but a ton of other parents are also protective of their kids and would probably do the same.
“Can’t have strangers raping them too, of course.”
Can’t have anybody raping them. Which is why a lot of us hate ageplayers so much. We’re afraid that at least a few of you might do upon losing that last little shred of self control. Hell a few of you have already started crossing that line by smuggling kiddy porn onto the grid.
“Only daddy is allowed to do that.”
You agplayers always do this. When somebody says something bad about your “fetish”(i.e. psychosexual problem) you try and project your pedophelia off onto your critics. Desperate strawman argument, at the very least.
“Now, we sit back and watch how people start crying that this all isn’t true. Of course, you can check, and see for yourself. Protip: don’t enter the loli board at work. seriously.”
No doubt that the chans could probably use a good housecleaning too. But this doesn’t excuse the SL ageplayers anymore than it excuses any other net pedophiles. Personally I’d like to see you ageplayers driven off the net completely but that’s probably wishful thinking on my part because you’ve got too many places to hide already.
Anyway, stay away from our kids in RL, Skippy.
@greta garbo
“fyi smart ones in real life both of these things are illegal . . at least where i come from . . and in sl it cant be illegal because it isnt fucking REAL.”
Yes both are illegal but different crimes get different priorities. Just ask any law enforcement officer in RL. And LL CAN ban ageplay or whatever they want. It’s their platform after all.
“You are scary people. And im really glad i stirred the pot. i hope it takes you a long time to wash the stink off. assholes”
Yeah because criticising a behavior is scary stuff. lol! I guess you also find free speech scary as well. Am I correct?
Zorin Frobozz
Sep 7th, 2007
Whine whine whine bitch complain whine whine.
Seriously, people, shut the hell up.
If you like being reamed by a unicorn, by all means go there and get reamed by one.
If you don’t, no one is forcing you to go to this sim. Continue with your lives and stop finding stuff to complain about. If you MUST find something to complain about, at least make it something *worthwhile*.
Thank you, have a nice day.
Tenshi Vielle
Sep 7th, 2007
Wewt!! Thanks Mike!!
Blinders off
Sep 7th, 2007
Well, I have one thing to say about all this:
I can hardly wait until someone comes up with some competition for Linden Lab. I will greatly enjoy the mass-exodus that follows.
I just hope the competition has the good sense to moderate some of the garbage that goes on with Second Life. I am so tired of garbage-dump sims and running into multiple “security” blockers I could scream. I never visit the main continents any more and have no desire to. I fervently hope someone comes along and does a better job. They can certainly do it for far less money than LL is charging. There is no reason why a sim shouldn’t cost $95 a month instead of $295. Linden Lab is in serious need of some serious competition.
Blinders Off
Sep 7th, 2007
Oh, and to Zorbin Frobozz….
Whine whine whine complain whine whine.
Seriously, Zorbin, shut the @#** up.
If you don’t like hearing people voice their honest opinions, go read your comic books or watch your likely significant collection of porn DVDs.
No one is forcing you to read this zine. Continue with your life and stop finding stuff to complain about. If you MUST find something to complain about, at least make it something *worthwhile*.
Other people have as much right to voice their opinions as you do… and frankly, their opinions are probably a lot more intelligent. It’s always hilarious how some dweeble thinks he is soooo much more mature than others, to the point that he can tell them what they can and can’t post in a blog. LOL. Poor baby.
Thank you, have a nice day.
Sep 7th, 2007
I’d like to adress the comments of ageplay = paedophilia.
I am female.
I am over the age of 21.
I’m an ageplayer.
NO. I am not interested in having sex with children. I am not interested in looking at children. I don’t have children.
NO. I don’t believe in incest. NO, I do NOT want to have sex with my father.
I am in a real life ageplay relationship that consists of myself, and my “Daddy.” However, “Daddy” is an address of respect. We do NOT roleplay that I am his daughter.
Our relationship is based on trust and respect. He takes care of me, and THAT is the “Daddy” part.
So, NO. Every single ageplayer that is out there does NOT want to have sex with your child. Not all of us are like that.
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 7th, 2007
Hey, if you’re talking about non-sexual ageplay where the kid av flies kites and kicks beachballs around, that’s no big deal. Knock yourself out.
But the sexual ageplayers are obviously pedos.
Sep 7th, 2007
As someone who has no SL (and barely a FL) I came to this through Boing^2 and find it most entertaining.
As to the idea that doing things in SL will lead to doing them in RL, consider this idea from the book “Freakonomics”: The reduction in the number of rapes happened at the same time that pornography became very readily available. Perhaps being able to read about a fantasy reduces the need to act out the fantasy.
The effect of being able to digitally act out the fantasy is something I do not know enough to evaluate.
And then, there is “teledildonics”.
Sep 7th, 2007
Humans Get Baby Unicorns By Doing It With Adult Unicorns
When someone asks me why I think Second Life is so stupid, I normally just shrug and say “cos”. Figure it’d take too long to get into a discussion on the matter. Now, though, I can just point to this,…
Gaming news
Sep 7th, 2007
Second Life Hits New Low: Humans Get Baby Unicorns By Doing It With Adult Unicorns
When someone asks me why I think Second Life is so stupid, I normally just shrug and say cos
Tenshi Vielle
Sep 8th, 2007
If you kids don’t knock it off I’ll turn these comments around!! /me shakes fist
The Grid Live
Sep 8th, 2007
Second Life News for September 8,2007
Whats Brewin: Feds Lead a Second Life A Big Federal Second Life?
Thats the goal of key staffers at the Information Resources Management College at the National Defense University, which has a formed a multiagency consortium to esta…
Nikola Shirakawa
Sep 8th, 2007
Wow. This is almost reminiscent of something many of us have been thinking about since we first saw Bachelor Party on beta at our parent’s houses when we were twelve. At least we don’t have to to Tijuana…
Sep 8th, 2007
Reading all this makes me so happy, because it reminds me that there are people in the world I can comfortably say have even less of a life than me. For fuck’s sake, people, you’re arguing about fake digital sex with a fake digital unicorn in a fake digital world. There are far more important things to be concerned about. Get off the internet, it clearly isn’t for you.
Fred REd
Sep 8th, 2007
SL is beyond total suckage, it is a slow crappy time sink, with no redeeming values.
Most worthless waste of 2 hours to check it out. Don’t waste your time. SL is not worth checking out. Move on Folks , nothing to see here.
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 8th, 2007
@Fred REd
“SL is beyond total suckage, it is a slow crappy time sink, with no redeeming values.”
You’ve not only described SL. You’ve also described 95% of the rest of the internet. :p
Sep 8th, 2007
Haha, oh wow. That’s a long ways to go in pursuit of porno.
Sep 8th, 2007
Wow. That’s awesome.
Sep 8th, 2007
Sesso con Unicorni su Second Life!
Di stranezze su Second Life se ne sono viste parecchie, ma quella che sta facendo discutere forum e blog di tutto il mondo le supera davvero tutte. Sembra che stia dilagando la moda, in quello che più che un gioco è una chat 3D o qualcosa di simile,…
Sep 8th, 2007
I have to say this is very arousing. Sorry if you didnt mean for it to be, i’m not trying to offend.
Nice imagination to pull this off. I guess thats the beauty of a world with limitless possibilities.
Now if only i could find the place. Is it female only?
Sep 8th, 2007
HAHAHAHA Imagine being IBM or Mercedes Benz etc.. and seeing this.
Investing so much money into a platform which is full of nutters with severe mental problems.
I’m sure this is exactly what LL dreamed of when they created the metaverse
Sep 8th, 2007
shouldn’t you censor that screenshot regardless of the lack of detail on that horse penis entering the clothed woman’s rear end?
greta garbo
Sep 8th, 2007
fuck ibm and fuck mercedes benz – this is what the inside of our minds look like as human beings – ARE YOU SCARED? SCARY STUFF HUH? you big baby go suck your thumb – i also wonder if Philip had any clue but from what ive read about it him doesnt know what hes doing anyway. Hes trying to make his virtual platform work like real life . . lol sighs . .except one thing dumb ass you cant contrain thought and dreams only physical actions and i would defy anyone to try because the platform is more like a projection screen for our inner thoughts regardless of an individuals lucidity anyway about 2 people are gonna understand what i just said so i will just say fuck one more time.
Sep 8th, 2007
“fuck ibm and fuck mercedes benz – this is what the inside of our minds look like as human beings – ARE YOU SCARED? SCARY STUFF HUH? you big baby go suck your thumb”
LOL This might be in the minds of some human beings, but they’re a small small segment of society which is virtually worthless to the corperate world (people with severe mental problems dont make much money)
These people call themselves “fashionistas” and pretend they’re shopping in milan or paris, If these dillusional basement dwellers want that part of the real life experience i dont see where unicorn sex fits in.
I understand that a virtual world is a fantastic place for sick fucks to live out their bizzaro fantasies. But it should be kept as far as possible away from the public eye. Only problem is 95% of SL users are sick fucks…..
lol wut
Sep 8th, 2007
“LOL This might be in the minds of some human beings, but they’re a small small segment of society which is virtually worthless to the corperate world (people with severe mental problems dont make much money)”
Goodnight, sleepy head
greta garbo
Sep 8th, 2007
“they’re a small small segment of society which is virtually worthless to the corperate world (people with severe mental problems dont make much money)”
No actually its pretty much everyone as a human race and you can tell when you think of what dreams people have when they sleep. its simply human nature to have strange thoughts or dreams or even fantasies. i doubt very much that you are qualified to diagnose mental illness anyway. Is Stephen King mentally ill then? You are an idiot if you think your argument makes sense.
“Only problem is 95% of SL users are sick fucks…..”
which was my point in the first place so im not sure what you are debating
Sep 9th, 2007
No point in getting all righteously charged over this stuff, either it’s a joke or some eccentric individuals doing odd things which I guess would be expected in the realm of something like SL. Generally other MMO type things don’t pose conundrums quite as disconcerting as this (and other things you all have mentioned) so it isn’t a big deal. Besides people fantasizing about carnal relations with a fantasy creature are probably a very small percentage of the internet population at large..I hope. Just think how interesting user defined virtual realities will be in the future with full sensory immersion! Yikes.
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 9th, 2007
@greta garbo
“…because the platform is more like a projection screen for our inner thoughts regardless of an individuals lucidity…”
This contradicts your earlier statement that:
“btw sexual ageplay has nothing to do with rl pedophilia”
To wit, yes it does. No matter how you try to defend sexual ageplay, those sick fucks don’t suddenly lose their pedophiliac fantasies the moment they log off Second Life. Just be aware that everytime you defend sexual ageplay on the internet, your also defending the pedophile mindset.
TigroSpottystripes Katsu
Sep 9th, 2007
Everyone has fantasies, dreams they want to chase.
mine are in a magical forest where the following takes place.
Fields of rainbows, lollipop trees and no one nears forlorn.
I can fulfill my deepest desires, and fuck a unicorn. i’m fucking a unicorn. fucking a unicorn.
It might sound gay, before a bail of hay I can feel reborn.
Close my eyes, float away and fuck a unicorn. and there’s no one here to judge me, to reprimand or scorn.
No here to ask me, “john, why do you fuck this unicorn?” And i know i can’t spend my life here and my heart is truly torn.
but tonight i’ll feel alright i’m gonna fuck that unicorn. And then i’ll bid fairwell to my stallion, a mythical creature with a horn,
and one more time before i say goodnight i’m gonna fuck that unicorn.
i’m fucking a unicorn, i’m fucking a unicorn, i’m fucking a unicorn, i’m fucking a unicorn, i’m fucking a unicorn….unicorn
Stuckey & Murray’s “Unicorn in C Major”
Sep 9th, 2007
WTF is this for a game… only sick people play this… waht happend with the world???
antonia marat
Sep 9th, 2007
big in norway.
Sep 9th, 2007
LOL, thats hot, im a member wheres the location :p?
Yorba the Geek
Sep 9th, 2007
“I knew I’d out at least one ageplayer with that comment Yorba. Stay away from my kids IRL or I’ll bust you in your fucking lips plzkthx.”
RIGHT Because pointing out your hypocrisy, moronic logic, and retarded analogies = ZOMG AGEPLAYER! You prolly believe all the conspiracy theories about 9/11 too, right? Fucking paranoid, useless, piece of shit. Ruled by fear like most Americans. You try to bust me in the mouth. Hope your employer (or more likely your parents) has good health coverage. Hope there’s a trauma center nearby too. You’ll just prove my point about your paranoia as I have zero interest in children, and end up really sore for a couple of weeks.
NO GTA HAS NO EFFECT ON ME BUT I BUST PEOPLE IN THE MOUTH IF THEY LOOK AT MY FAMILY (which I doubt you even have, no one in their right mind would have a family with a paranoid, abusive, and suspicious little bitch like you). Yeah, not contradicting yourself at all there, shit for brains.
“No I didn’t. I merely stated a fact…that you guys are probably eyeing up people’s kids in RL. This is what makes people hate you so much. If we catch you looking our kids up and down in a lewd manner be prepared to swallow a few of your own teeth. Doesn’t mean I enjoy RL violence dumbass. But even when violence isn’t enjoyed that doesn’t stop it from being necessary sometimes.”
You are illogical and ruled by fear, suspicion and a bad case of an inferiority complex. Yes, break laws and preach to others about morality. Please continue. You just reinforce why society has no use for paranoid, hypocritical children-in-an-adult’s-body would-be law breakers like you. People like YOU, who feel that smacking people in the mouth because of what you THINK they’re thinking, should be in prison. All that will do is make you a proven criminal, who hasn’t proven anything, let alone guilt of a “thought crime”. Tell you what fuckface – if you like that type of world, move to a communist dictatorship. Funny thing though, it will prolly be YOU that is tried and convicted of thought crime by some other dumb asses with arrested social development.
Facts? You don’t know me. So don’t talk to me about “facts”, asshole. All you have are suspicions, and self-loathing which you try to take out anonymously on teh inetwebs.
But yes, calling you out for your paranoid, asinine and completely hysterical assumptions and excuses makes me a pedo.
Sep 10th, 2007
And to say a guy died in RL while being f***** up the behind by a horse.
Why am I not surprised the guy was American?
greta garbo
Sep 10th, 2007
yah that was by where i live – they had a farm they were using to sell animal sex – guy took a horse cock up his ass and the horse stabbed a hole in the guys ass with his cock – then the guy died because shit kept leaking into his body from the hole. Do you feel sexy now baby?