Dreamland Slams Lab Leaders

by Pixeleen Mistral on 18/09/07 at 10:58 pm

“There is no leadership evident at Linden Lab” – Master Quatro

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk

No_leadershipSecond Life’s largest land baron – Anshe Chung’s Dreamland – broke ranks with the fanboy-dominated SL media today and sent a group notice to Dreamland customers slamming the Linden game gods for lack of leadership in the seemingly endless anti-griefing battles.

The notice included instructions for land permissions settings that “go a long way in preventing griefers from ruining your enjoyment of Second Life” according to Dreamland honcho Master Quatro. These instructions are reproduced at the end of this article – but caution is advised since you could accidentally auto-return a carefully crafted water feature/pose ball collection from that special skybox hideaway. Then where would you cyber?

Mr. Quatro went on to say, “We are working on other means to minimize the impact of these attacks. This should be an effort led by Lindens. Unfortunately there is no leadership evident at Linden Lab. They won’t address the issue on a blog even”.

The Herald staff have also noticed a curious silence on the official Linden communication channels – perhaps the Lindens are busy staring up at the windlight sky eye candy they have been working on? Some might suggest that Master Quatro is getting slightly rattled, since his group message was titled “Land Settings for Minimizing Security” but the attachment talks about maximizing security. It must have been one of those days in Dreamland – or perhaps the Herald’s typesetter Audrey is moonlighting again.

True leadership could entail significant change – and even mean moving back to a paying customer-only business model – tacit acknowledgement that Second Life is subject to John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. Why it is desirable to have unlimited numbers of players with at most an e-mail address on file – then give them tools to “create content” – any sort of content – at the expense of other players remains one of the most enduring mysteries of Second Life. The office cat often seems to ponder this as she scratches endlessly in her catbox.


Land Security Settings

The recent wave of griefer attacks has demonstrated that too many land owners still do not have security settings enabled on their land. Please follow the guidelines below and encourage all land owners in your sim to do the same. Do not ever open any attachment or allow anything to animate you unless you are sure of who is asking.

For Residential and Land not requiring the use of scripted objects:

1. Right click the land, select “About Land”, and then select the “Options Tab”.
2. Do NOT place a checkmark in the “Edit Terrain” checkbox.
3. For “Create Objects”, do NOT place a checkmark in “All Residents”, but DO place a checkmark in “Group”.
4. For “Object Entry”, do NOT place a checkmark in “All Residents”, but DO place a checkmark in “Group”.
5. For “Run Scripts”, do NOT place a checkmark in “All Residents”, but DO place a checkmark in “Group”.
6. For “Restrict Pushing”, DO place a checkmark in the checkbox.

For Commerical Land and Land requiring the use of Scripted Objects:

1. Right click the land, select “About Land”, and then select the “Options Tab”.
2. Complete the settings listed for Residential Land.
3. For “Run Scripts”, DO place a checkmark in “All Residents”, and DO place a checkmark in “Group”.

To further fight griefing, you may decide to set Auto-return, which returns objects not belonging to the land owners or the group members.

Enabling Auto Return:
WARNING: Before proceding, YOU MUST “SET” YOUR OBJECTS ON THE LAND TO EITHER THE LANDOWNER’s name, OR THE GROUP’S NAME. If you do not do this, and you enable “Auto Return”, OBJECTS MAY BE RETURNED!

When rezzing an object for the first time, if you are wearing your group owner’s tag, the object will not return. For objects already rezzed, wear your group owner’s tag and “right click the object/edit/general tab/press “Group Set” Button/select the group. After ALL objects have been set to group, THEN you are safe to turn Auto-Return on.

Right click the land, select “About Land”, and then select the “Objects Tab”. You will see a white text field with the text label: “Autoreturn other residents’ objects (minutes, 0 for off):”
Enter a value of “1″ in this field.

Now your land is set to fight griefer attacks.

Group Notice From: Master Quatro

This notice has an attachment. Please save it and read it. It will go a long way in preventing griefers from ruining your enjoyment of Second Life.

We are working on other means to minimize the impact of these attacks. This should be an effort led by Lindens. Unfortunately there is no leadership evident at Linden Lab. They won’t address the issue on a blog even.

Please implement these suggestions and hopefully we will all be better protected.


54 Responses to “Dreamland Slams Lab Leaders”

  1. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 18th, 2007

    I did those attacks, LOL.


  2. General Straaf

    Sep 19th, 2007

    It’s so ironic that this comes from dreamland anyway. all the mainland in plush owned by dreamland have absolutely no restrictions at all. A griefers paradise I would call it. If they want their citizens to set restrictions on land, they should do the same.

  3. Alliez Mysterio

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Master Quatro, I sent the same info to my renters a bit ago and it has helped them

  4. Nacon

    Sep 19th, 2007

    “Anshe Chung’s Dreamland – broke ranks with the fanboy-dominated SL media today and sent a group notice to Dreamland customers slamming the Linden game gods for lack of leadership in the seemingly endless anti-griefing battles.”

    Lack of anti-griefing? Non-sense. There’s always a reason why griefers go great distance to attack, but whatever it is, it’s always one target. So if Dreamland is getting grieffed up their ass… Then Anshe did something stupid to upset these poor little-minded people. Since Dreamland’s rental TOS changes and Anshe’s (retarded) action to produce crap for 10L$ on SLExchange.com, causing too many people to get upset. So it’s Anshe’s fault for being attacked… but can’t blame LL for their “lack of leadership” if greifing action happeneds on Dreamland’s estate sims. LL will only take care of their Mainlands unless many people reported the same abuser in.

    Sure… LL COULD make SL better by pulling the access to Tools and Scripting window away from non-verified basic accounts. Personally, I blame Anshe and you for actually doing something to cause SOMEONE get upset while most of the Lindens were sitting back doing NOTHING to cause anything like that. Griefers don’t pop up for no reason.

    I can just go to weapon testing zone sandbox and stand there for an hour or 2, not doing anything, not talking to anyone…. would not get greifed up in my ass. Everyone is like a rubber ball, you chuck them, they bounce back.
    I know some people would say “but Nacon, I got griefed for no reason!”. That means you were in the wrong crowd, wrong time, wrong place, and wrong point of view. Meaning you got in the way.

    Use your god-damned logic.

  5. nobody

    Sep 19th, 2007

    “I know some people would say “but Nacon, I got griefed for no reason!”. That means you were in the wrong crowd, wrong time, wrong place, and wrong point of view. Meaning you got in the way.”

    Funny. Did the same thing you described, to test it out, albeit not a weapons testing sandbox. Wore a standard AV, stood there, did nothing since I rezzed, no-one around me who I could get in the way of. Ten minutes, then I was orbited.

    Wrong time? Perhaps.
    Wrong place? standard sandbox.
    Wrong crowd? there was no-one around on my corner of the sim.
    Wrong point of vieuw? Gotta explain that one to me, don’t understand what my point of vieuw has to do with it, nor would anyone know what my point of vieuw IS. Not like I said anything at all.

    I think that most griefers don’t grief out of ‘revenge’, they don’t need a reason, all they need is something to shoot at. Anything to shoot at.

  6. Jenny Raymaker

    Sep 19th, 2007

    “I know some people would say “but Nacon, I got griefed for no reason!”. That means you were in the wrong crowd, wrong time, wrong place, and wrong point of view. Meaning you got in the way.”

    Interesting viewpoint. (I’m still relatively new to sl and learning how the various cultures interact so please bear that in mind).

    Would you therefore say that griefing is actually a form of destructive warfare, a form of terrorism (a loaded term I know but it fits the circumstances)? By this I mean that it intentionally targets the civilian population to get them to remove support for the policies of their government and/or peer groups. “Hang out with groups we don’t like and/or support policies that we don’t like and you’ll become a legitimate target or at least collateral damage”.

    This is a genuine question that I hope someone from the other side of the fence can help me understand.

  7. Marie Swinton

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Just an attempt for dreamland to generate some press. Have to notice that they have a huge amount of vacant space. What better way to generate interest in their properties than doing something like this. Get a life…

  8. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 19th, 2007

    I attack ppl I don’t like alot more than others. 99 percent of the time I attack for no reason other than the lulz.

  9. Bobby Troughton

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Bah it’s Anshe’s own dumb leadership. Nighmareland auto set their land permissions up better. Isn’t it all group land? Can’t they require residents to set objects to group or have em returned? Either that or hire some security to ban folk. Surely Anshe can afford that. Idiots.

  10. shockwave yareach

    Sep 19th, 2007

    nacon: All Griefers need for a reason is their own perverted sense of humor – “for the LULZ” they call it. Just like a bully is a bully because he can get away with it, so too are the griefers. Why is irrelevant because there is ALWAYS some weakass reason why. You aren’t going to solve the problem by addressing the why.

    Because they are furries in a gorean area with non-canon weapons!!
    Because I don’t like the owner of the sim.
    Because they wore blue jeans.
    Because I was bored.

  11. Mytwo Cents

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Nacon wrote “Since Dreamland’s rental TOS changes and Anshe’s (retarded) action to produce crap for 10L$ on SLExchange.com, causing too many people to get upset. So it’s Anshe’s fault for being attacked…”

    Even if selling products at the lower end of the quality range for cheap prices was a legitimate reason for people getting upset, it would not make griefing a single bit more acceptable.

  12. Stallion Seven

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Don’t you just love when Pixeleen editorializes, and doesn’t label it an editorial?

    Sorry excuse for a journalist.

  13. DaveOner

    Sep 19th, 2007

    I don’t think Anshe has to do ANYTHING to get griefed these days. Just being someone successful and visible that is heavy-handed with their policies is enough. I’m sure there are “land barons” out there that aren’t dicks that still have to deal with this, though.

    Griefing for the most part is no different than shooting spitballs at the kid in front of the class. There doesn’t have to be a reason for it to happen and it’s harmless as long as you’re not stupid enough to wear an expensive hat to 4th grade. There was a reason my parents shopped at K-Mart for my clothes in grade school! ;)

    As far as the subject of the article, I decided a long time ago to stay away from Dreamland. Too many retarded rules and policies and too much ego from the owners. It’s kinda like if Wal-Mart or Microsoft owned your apartment building. I don’t want to deal with protestors and vandals outside my window all the time.

  14. jumpman lane

    Sep 19th, 2007

    nacon tha is just crap the whys don’t matter. you idea is that if ya be a goody goody you wont get sent to flight school or if ya lick enough cracks they wont crash ur sim. some tards are just tards and being nice was never the answer to any sort of attack.

  15. ^ban^

    Sep 19th, 2007

    @ Nacon:

    “There’s always a reason why griefers go great distance to attack, but whatever it is, it’s always one target. So if Dreamland is getting grieffed up their ass… Then Anshe did something stupid to upset these poor little-minded people.”

    Keep telling yourself that. It still wont be true.

    @ nobody:

    “I think that most griefers don’t grief out of ‘revenge’, they don’t need a reason, all they need is something to shoot at. Anything to shoot at.”


  16. Prokofy Neva

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Hm, well, here at Ravenglass, we are a grittier, tougher bunch on the Mainland, and we don’t think the problem is solved merely by turning OFF scripts from non-group elements or turning ON autoreturn — and users need to learn more than that, and can take charge more easily then of their experiencei. And people in Dreamland aren’t dummies, and they know that too.

    So I offer a more proactive help card to my tenants — this is the QUICK FIX/LONGER FIX but there’s also an even longer, more elaborate explanation about how to get rid of particles and even a copy of the kill-particle script, should a deeded/group item be infected. Pick these up at the Ravenglass Office in Alston.


    1. Make sure autoreturn is on “1″ — never 0. You yourself can set this without managers if you have resident power; IM Prokofy Neva or Random Unsung to get resident powers in the group if you are unable to access this menu.

    2. Get rid of the view of flying particles in VIEW at the top of the screen, then “BEACONS” and “HIDE PARTICLES”.

    3. For chat spamming in your window, minimize to just two lines to avoid filling the screen by going to “EDIT” then “PREFERENCES” at the top of your screen, select TEXT CHAT then go to CHAT CONSOLE in the middle, and set to FADE CHAT AFTER 15 (or less) SECONDS and move to 2 (or 1) line.

    4. IM Prokofy Neva or Random Unsung if you can’t seem to minimize the problem with these steps or need further intervention.


    1. Edit/Preferences/adv graphics/max particle count: 0 — this retains from log-off to relog, unlike “beacons” which can be lost — keep in mind you will no longer see flickering candles, etc. and will need to increase particles to see them again.

    2. Turn off, or ask to have turned off “non-group build, script, object insertion” although we are finding this doesn’t seem to mitigate the problem of physics-enabled objects.

    3. Abuse-report the owners of objects in the HELP/ABUSE menu at the top of the screen, but keep in mind that usually the Lindens get reports of these attacks instantly, and get rid of these day-old alts almost immediately from SL and the People List, so you can’t even find them to abuse report them.

    4. Banning these people from your land does absolutely no good — they can spawn grief objects from no-show neighbours or even Linden land that can reach your land. Do not waste your time or managers’ time trying to figure out how to locally and globally ban them. Focus on mitigation of removing the view and getting reports to Lindens and managers.

    5. If you see spam chat, make sure you have on Edit/Preferences/Communication/Send my IM to email with an email you can reach. Log off. Wait a few minutes, then read your emails and you’ll see the spam entering with obscene, racist names, etc. — that will show you a SLURL, an object owner, and a location, follow the SLURL to see if you can get the object deleted or ask a Linden to (they are often in sandboxes) and/or Abuse Report it.

    6. Chat spam saying things like “Philip Linden says fuck you” or “N–g–r Linden says I hate you all 9/11 cocks” obviously aren’t coming from real Lindens or hacked Linden accounts. These are merely *object names* that are set up to spam *as if* they are people into your chat space. The SLURL needs to be provided to enable deletion. You cannot mute them because the system is set up to disable muting of the word “Linden”. Set chat text to 2 lines and 15 or less seconds to minimize the problem in edit/preferences/textchat.

    7. Write Philip Linden at philip@lindenlab.com to tell him your experience of griefing, name your sim location, and ask what he is doing to get this problem fixed and stopped.

    Prokofy Neva

  17. Prokofy Neva

    Sep 19th, 2007

    It is not only Anshe that is griefed. Everyone is griefed. Everyone. The idea that Anshe “deserves” to be griefed is retarded and sick. The idea that the PNs should be available to be bag men for DaveOner and other losers at the Herald comments is sick.

    I think your parents must have shopped at K-mart for your brain and your manners, too, DaveOner. It shows!

    Dreamland remains one of the calmest and coolest continents. It’s a HUGE place — 600 plus sims with an enormous amount going on. A tiny handful of griefers cannot affect it. Most of the problems are controllable through user education.

  18. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 19th, 2007


    “I attack ppl I don’t like alot more than others. 99 percent of the time I attack for no reason other than the lulz.”

    Yeah, vengeance and the fact that you’re a failed SL mafia boss has nothing to do with it. No, certainly not. lol!


  19. shockwave yareach

    Sep 19th, 2007

    “Griefing for the most part is no different than shooting spitballs at the kid in front of the class.”

    Only when the guy shooting the spitballs gets bored and then burns down the school, does that analogy work.

  20. Nacon

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Nobody said “Funny. Did the same thing you described, to test it out, albeit not a weapons testing sandbox. Wore a standard AV, stood there, did nothing since I rezzed, no-one around me who I could get in the way of. Ten minutes, then I was orbited.”

    I’m sure you got in the “way”. Someone using an full-sensor range orbitor or such. But… did you pay attention to what was going on with that person causing your ass hauling into the air? Watch the people in the sim.

    Shockwave said: “All Griefers need for a reason is their own perverted sense of humor – “for the LULZ” they call it. Just like a bully is a bully because he can get away with it, so too are the griefers. Why is irrelevant because there is ALWAYS some weakass reason why. You aren’t going to solve the problem by addressing the why.”

    There’s no such thing as life without a reason to be.

    Sure, they would say “for the joke/fun/laugh/amusement” but truely because they are either lonely, sad, born loser, outcasted, and or depressed. If they are truely happy with their lives…. why the hell would they be on Second Life when they have a good first life? Therefore, a point of view. Seeing whatever may be a weak-ass excuse, you’d know even more reason why it’s a weak-ass excuse in the first place. You already knew…. just not seeing it.

    Anshe was only trying to blame a easy way out of it on LL when they can’t do their job. (weak-ass)
    I’ve already seen some good land barons dealing with griefers much better than Anshe doing the whinnying job.

  21. lulzdowner bummerfield

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Waiting for d!ddlyn0d!ck to poke his zitty nose in again and say “PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE ERRYBODY! I’M ON THE NOOTUBEZ AN I HAVE A MYSPACE!!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!”

    Damn, now I feel bad about making fun of a person with an obvious developmental disorder. Sorry about that. I’m positive that, with the current advancements in modern science, it may be possible that someday he’ll be able to lead a normal, productive life in society, yes.

    …unless he starts crying about Britney Spears – then there’s no hope.

  22. DaveOner

    Sep 19th, 2007

    I wonder if Prock knows that most people figure out a comment is her’s by how long it is and just skip over it.

    Anyway, it’s stupid to try to compare griefing to burning down the school. At best crashing sims and other more agressive griefing is more like lighting a stink bomb in the hallway. It all clears out and is business as usual after a little while…until someone does it again. Rinse, repeat.

    You give these kids WAY too much credit, shockwave.

  23. like_ummm

    Sep 19th, 2007

    ‘then I was orbited’

    what is orbiting? srsly – i have never been sure what this is. Is it when you view another avatar in a way that you are orbitting around them? If so – how is this griefing?

  24. kat

    Sep 19th, 2007

    Greifing hurts us all some cause lag some lower visitor numbers some just annoying, rude or wrecks the view.

    I had wanted an open land somewhere people can build and try things but the greif is not worth it

    I have a dark heart and was greifed twice just becasue they did not like my style. So much for your world yor imagination.

    I listed 2 greifing attacks with LL and two abuse reports and received no reply to any of them. 2 inworld people helped me for free! they would not accept money …. why am I paying LL huge amounts?

    I am over humans real or virtual we go out of our way to disturb the efforts of others its sick and no-one deserves it. For those who enjoy giving grief get a life or grow up.

  25. mootykips

    Sep 19th, 2007

    “Yeah, vengeance and the fact that you’re a failed SL mafia boss has nothing to do with it. No, certainly not. lol!


    I laughed at that picture since it is so true. PN is all just bitching and spies and furries nowadays (If anything were as low as a furry it’d be a mafiafag). I’m amazed that group can even still affect anyone since all it can do is troll itself. A note to all you fags bawwing about those guys in ur l& killin ur d00ds turning your land no-build or object entry outside of group helps keeps your land clean though it probably won’t save the sim itself, but it’d just come back up in at the most a few hours anyway and you can always go somewhere else in the meantime.

  26. humanoid

    Sep 20th, 2007

    You’re paying LL huge amounts because they have the only ball on the playground that you want to use. It’s the same reason my family shoveled money into the pockets of Prodigy Network and AOL in the early 1990s. And as with that situation, things will eventually change for the better, but it will not happen overnight.

  27. NobodyImportant

    Sep 20th, 2007

    Have you heard the term “over-analyzing”?
    That’s what you’re doing.

    Dreamland gets attacked because it’s funny, just like everyone and everything else. The more reaction, the greater the funny – see furries.

    At one point there may be an initial motive for attacking them – countless furries shoving shitty porn in your face, then screaming “fursecution” when you tell them to leave; for example – but it simply comes down to being fucking funny pretty quickly afterward.

    By the way, just to be certain, I’m not “nobody” (one of the above comments was posted by them.) I’m “NobodyImportant.”

  28. Marc Bragg

    Sep 20th, 2007


    You block me from posting on your blog and then you “grief” here?


  29. spies spies spies and furfags too

    Sep 20th, 2007

    For anyone that didn’t notice, mootykips is trying hard to spread the whole “pn in a civil war over spies” thing on slh, despite no one in pn caring about spies anymore.

    He knows there isn’t a spy problem anymore, this is his attempt at a smear campaign. This is the typical tactic that groups like the JLU, and individuals like intLibber Brautigan, tried to use, its old, and it doesn’t work.

    I’ll sum up why he’s no longer in pn now, and why he isn’t relevant. Mooty was an idiot and told his rl information to a furry spy, he was so afraid of a furry sending him a bunch of pizza’s that he left pn. In the meantime the furry spy was booted out, and we haven’t had that kind of problem since. Eventually, mooty came back and tried to disband pn, and was just booted. He occasionally went on a SECRET UNDERGROUND HACKER WEBSITE where he would go on and on about how everyone should feel sorry for him and he would generally ooz drama in a place where no one gave a shit. Now he’s doing the same here, craving attention and trying to “leak” somewhat old scripts that we were about to released anyways.

  30. Witness X

    Sep 20th, 2007

    Whats this, a griefer script?

    machwon@gmail.com is jim shack, Slim@slimscotty.com is farsuka botha

    From: w0rd 0ne machwon@gmail.com
    Date: September-08-07 10:17 PM
    To: Slim@slimscotty.com Slim@slimscotty.com

    Subject: spam test


    integer olf = 1;

    llRegionSay(911, (string) (desu));

    James Alexander IV
    Wichita, KS
    Live Free or Die

  31. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 20th, 2007


    I’m not done making those. I kinda have to give grudging thanks to the PN in a way. They’ve inspired me artistically. *chuckles*

    @spies spies spies and furfags too

    Dude, to be fair I’ve experienced PN paranoia fisthand in this very blog mainly from codec. So far I’ve been accused of being a furry, then of being an ex-PN. Neither of which are true. Hell, my friends and I have got a bet as to who I’ll be accused of being next lol!.

    So it’s not like anybody needs mootykips to smear you. You guys are your own worst public realtions nightmare.

  32. mootykips

    Sep 20th, 2007

    “Posted by: mootykips | September 19, 2007 at 11:55 PM”

    ^^^ isn’t me, obviously, I wouldn’t give tips on anti-griefing.

  33. mootykips

    Sep 20th, 2007

    Oh, and the reason I’m leaking ur scripts is because I got a bunch of requests for them on YouTube and via email, not because I’m trying to stir up more drama (lulz).

  34. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 20th, 2007

    “5. If you see spam chat, make sure you have on Edit/Preferences/Communication/Send my IM to email with an email you can reach. Log off. Wait a few minutes, then read your emails and you’ll see the spam entering with obscene, racist names, etc. — that will show you a SLURL, an object owner, and a location, follow the SLURL to see if you can get the object deleted or ask a Linden to (they are often in sandboxes) and/or Abuse Report it.”

    lulz, that technique no longer works. Newer chatspammers/IM spammers I developed check to see if you’re online before sending spam.

    Also to all you butthurt fags who cry at night either because you are jealous of the PN’s massive success or because you are a former member who got b& for being fail (or a former leader who was fail and thought the group would collapse without him, mootykips, you bitch ass nigga), or simply butthurt people who were trolled epicly and/or griefed and helpless to do anything about it- just stop crying and create your own legacy. Don’t you realize, second life vigilante, frankly, I could care less if you were a former member or a furfag. You are trollable, and the only interest we have of finding you is so we can troll and grief you more in world or IRL if possible. We get banned for what we do either way, so who gives a shit about spies? We just like to have the last laugh is all, which is why spies are found, ridiculed and banned and then ridiculed and harassed even more. Hey Mooty, with all your talk about ‘mafiafags’ you seem to forget that you knew who I was when I joined PN, and gave me your blessings personally. Meaning you are just pissed because you are fail and PN has survived and grown stronger since your pathetic fall from grace. You were sucking my big black cock from the day I joined in spite of me being who I was in SL, which was besides the point. My goal was always to create chaos and make money. I wanted to be feared and known across the grid, and I am. Whether it’s as Sil Demina or d3adlyc0d3c is irrelevant. I will say this though, I have enjoyed being a member of PN far more than I ever enjoyed playing the part of an SL ‘mob boss’. Stop baaaawing and do something about your failure. You turned even the ones who stayed loyal to you after you left against yourself. YOU LEFT US. YOU NO LONGER HAVE A SAY IN ANYTHING. PERIOD. PN IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE. Brace yourselves, fags, because this is only the beginning.

  35. Proteus

    Sep 20th, 2007

    With land owners, etc. being unable to protect themselves effectively from griefers, I guess you could safely assume that this would be the opportune moment for anti-griefing militaries to pick up the ol’ torch and start back up the old tradition.

  36. Second Lolz Vigilante

    Sep 20th, 2007

    “Hell, my friends and I have got a bet as to who I’ll be accused of being next lol!.”

    You spend your time complaining about griefers on the internets, you have no friends

  37. mootykips

    Sep 21st, 2007

    lol codec lern2read

    would I be talking about how to set land permissions?

  38. buahahaha

    Sep 21st, 2007

    “Brace yourselves, fags, because this is only the beginning.”

    So, you’re finally starting to do what sofar you only been bragging about?

    all there awful, horrible griefers, oh my…

    I haven’t seen any of these losers do anything more then take a sim offline. Oh my, such HORROR!

    Griefers are a fucking joke, and any and all who make all the drama about being greifed, are just sad.

  39. robomarx

    Sep 21st, 2007

    You know how bored do you have to be to grief the sims like some of these guys. I have some jerk with his trees growing sideways out on my property and I cant even get LL to move them or him for that matter. Anything over or on your land should be able to be removed with 1 click of the button.. Its ridiculous.


  40. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 21st, 2007

    “lol codec lern2read

    would I be talking about how to set land permissions?”


    Why don’t you learn to read, the quote I had put there was from prok, the rest was addressed to you and the rest of your band of butthurt fags gone furry, kthx.

  41. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 21st, 2007

    “Brace yourselves, fags, because this is only the beginning.”

    So, you’re finally starting to do what sofar you only been bragging about?

    all there awful, horrible griefers, oh my…

    I haven’t seen any of these losers do anything more then take a sim offline. Oh my, such HORROR!

    Griefers are a fucking joke, and any and all who make all the drama about being greifed, are just sad.”

    Then I dont know where the fuck you’ve been. Read the fucking news. We have launched grid attacks, crashed the entire grid several times since I joined, but mainly we don’t crash shit anymore, it isnt as fun. We use llexploits to attack your client, crash it and/or make A/R damn near impossible, noisespam, we get innocents banned by impersonating them with objects, money thief scripts to steal lindens (now the payto key can be updated via email after ban), self replicating particle spammers, or just plain lulzy stuff like the prok gun Im working on that shoots giant prims textured with famous quotes from prok, we have self replicating penises that run into ppl and knock them around so they cant stay in one spot, self replicating autocagers that cage everyone, then the cages use llMoveToTarget() to lift the victim up hundreds of meters in a short amt of time, invisible cubes that defeat psitec/protec shields and shit and use push to knock ppl into the next sim,etc,etc…that isnt even taking into account the skynet project used for anything from crashing sims after being banned to unleashing any number of weapons discussed above and some I haven’t even spoke publicly about. If you really thought what you said, then why dont you post your sl name, any hangouts you frequent and land you own?

    Oh and I have been working on a no-build sim crasher now too, it will be done in a couple days.

  42. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 21st, 2007


    codec, I’m starting to see a pattern to your self-contradictory statements:


    See ya around the Herald, Nature Boy.

  43. shockwave yareach

    Sep 21st, 2007

    Daveoner: Did it ever occur to you that landowners may not want to have their sims crashed, causing them to lose builds, inventories, and interrupting events? Or is it your view that everyone and everything in SL exists solely to entertain you?

    Harmless? Only in that the server will restore most of itself again later. And what’s a little inventory loss? After all, the grid crashers didn’t lose anything – why should they care?

    Until the punks started crashing sims, I laughed along with them most of the time. (The bouncing steaks in the PETA sim was funny.) Now, however, they’ve gone way past a few laughs and are causing damage, to the servers, to the people on the server and to the businesses which are barely making tier as it is. If it’s so funny, then why aren’t the landowners laughing too? I’m not giving the griefers any credit at all – simcrashing isn’t funny in the least.

  44. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 21st, 2007

    @second lulz vigilante

    mother fucker why the fuck do I give a shit what you think? I am working on four of five weapons projects for the PN at any given time, and have been since I joined. We don’t USUALLY engage in grid or sim crashing (except for newer members or when testing new weapons that sometimes unexpectedly crash a sim or the grid), we DO still develop weapons for that purpose, they DO get used on occasion. We use *ANY AND EVERY* means at our disposal to do what we are here to do. I don’t give a shit what you see, am I paying you to analyze me? Here are some facts:

    We pwn the grid, anything and everything.

    I know that, you know that

    Like mooty, you still desperately grasp at straws thinking that ZOMG if slh readers think PN are fail then we will be, this isn’t the fucking Ginko bank bitch. PN is here, accept it. You want recognition for your so called trolls? (we haven’t seen shit yet) Then do shit thats big enough for people to hear about it, dress in a fucking burka and harrass people at Intlibber’s WTC in friedman or some shit. ANYBODY can fucking troll kid, any script kiddie can run their fgt mouths all day long. Being a smart ass isn’t a skill. The shit is common. Come back and talk to me when you can actually do shit worth remembering cuz you aren’t even important enough to talk to anymore. Holler back.

  45. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 21st, 2007

    @shockwave yareach

    I personally dont usually crash sims until fuckers start caging me for shit, or if a linden is on them, or a shitload of jlufags are there. Ony other exception is when testing new weapons. All newfags go through the simcrashing phase where they crash every sim they can, but they get over it. Simcrashing can be hilarious however, when you IM mia linden from Burns at the freebie warehouse and tell her about a griefer attack, then crash the sim when she teleports in:D

  46. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 21st, 2007


    “Come back and talk to me when you can actually do shit worth remembering cuz you aren’t even important enough to talk to anymore.”


    For somebody that isn’t worth your time to talk to, you sure just did a lot of talking there, Nature Boy.

    And this just illustrates what I’ve been saying for awhile now. You’re doing this for you’rew own self-aggrandizement, not for laughs. You say you don’t give a shit what other people think about you? Contradicted yourself again there, Nature Boy. Observe:

    “I wanted to be feared and known across the grid, and I am. Whether it’s as Sil Demina or d3adlyc0d3c is irrelevant.”-d3adlyc0d3c

    You said it, not me.

    Once again:


  47. Marcy Stolz

    Sep 21st, 2007

    second lulz vigilante:

    are you like 3yo or something? This codec guy isnt much better but you just seem to sit here and post all day trying to antagonize someone grow up. you must be really lonely IRL starved for attention or whatever. You an orpham?

  48. Perry Hax

    Sep 22nd, 2007

    HAHA I totally agree with Mary or whatever her name is. Codec trolled you something awful (no pun intended) in the other threads and you are trying 2 hard 2 save face

  49. Second Luser Vigilante

    Sep 22nd, 2007

    @Second lulz

    what a fucking loser
    I don’t know how you can talk, at least the PN creates stuff
    All you do is sit there and talk about what a great troll you are and smart off to people. Big whoop. I think even people that live in SL are better off than you, sleeping eating and shitting slh.
    jesus how crappy can a persons life really be

  50. Jesse

    Sep 22nd, 2007

    just ignore them marcy, they are both idiots (though I do agree that second lulz is the worse of the two codec has made me laugh a couple of times with a few witty chatlogs he posted on another article nothing about this other guy is funny at all its a mystery to me why his comments are even posted it detracts from the herald more than anything else)

    Griefers like attention, both of these guys are starved for it

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