Op/Ed: What to do about Griefers?

by Alphaville Herald on 15/09/07 at 11:38 am

Hit them where it hurts – right in the computer

by Danielle Anders, frustrated resident

Everywhere I turn lately, griefing is on the rise. This could be solely a reporting bias – more people means more griefing targets and more griefing reports. But let’s take a look at the problem a little more realistically.

The first strategy suggested against griefers is always tools. The grey-goo fence is often mentioned as a potential defense as well as a faster auto return, no-build becoming the default or more thorough banning. However, with any tool based dispute, the conflict becomes an arms race. It becomes a challenge to circumvent the tool, whatever it is, and the griefer’s delight is heightened by being successful in spite of defenses.

A second approach suggests using social methods – and there are two fronts to this. The first is the engagement crowd. Those seeking to find out why griefers grief and what to do about it. Enlisting them in talks, turning them around to a socially beneficial way of interacting. This is counter to what we know about griefers. The griefer’s stated motive is that SL is taken too seriously so their attacks are all for the lulz, defined as defeating those who take SL too seriously with the furries generally hardest hit. It is unlikely to be be easy to reform a griefer who is hooked on furry lulz.

Another social strategy is banning of groups – or guilt by association. For some reason, this is seen as striking a blow to the griefers. The only way it would work as intended is if all groups are closely monitored to see who is joining them as day old alts and attacking the grid. You might be able to shut down the Prok Fan club, but then you would see the Prokofy Free Love Club or another group spring up in its place. Attacking their tribalism will not work.

A third strategy is involvement by the Lindens. This will simply not happen. It has already been acknowledged that the Lindens will not handle resident to resident disputes. The most that they have done is the seizing of the Woodbury sim. But the scale of Woodbury was so high and visible that if the Lindens did not take action, faith in their product would have gone down. While individual griefers might be allowed to slip through, scores of griefers sporting Woodbury tags and crashing sims could not be ignored. It has also been written that the Lindens support the griefers either as performance artists who add drama to the world or as testers of the grid. Alternatively, the tools the griefers use to create weapons, such as self-replicating objects, are too useful to the community as a whole to be turned off.

property rights

So what can be done? I’m a fan of property rights and what I’m suggesting I’m usually fundamentally opposed to, but I see no better way. Take a tip from the RIAA and the MPAA and go after their computers. Residents that have been griefed should form an LLC, preferably in California. The LLC gathers donations for a legal fund and sues Linden Research for the names, chat logs and IP addresses of any griefer and all identities associated with that IP address. If a griefer lives at home and the entire family uses SL, then the whole family gets turned over.

Now here’s the tricky part. The list of griefers are matched to the Resident’s RL location. If an affected Resident lives in New York, and a griefer lived in New York, then the affected resident would go make a complaint at their local DA’s office, alleging theft of service, hate crimes, lost income, whatever personally happened due to that griefer’s actions.

The concerned resident asks for the griefer’s computer to be seized to verify the allegations, and with the proof already in hand, the resident says the computer is also the instrument of a crime and should be civilly forfeited as well. Many states have a statute that allow for the government to take lock pick tools away from someone who isn’t a lock smith. I’ve seen online child predators lose their computers because they are an instrument of a crime. And if the DA does not want to do it, mention that it would be good publicity and the office receives a high end computer.

Granted, this strategy will not work on every griefer, mostly because of the jurisdictional issues, state and local laws vary, there is a time lag and whether every DA’s office forfeiture unit is equipped to handle a case like this. But what’s a better way to stop a griefer than to take away their Second Life and take their tools as well. Isn’t this what we want?

70 Responses to “Op/Ed: What to do about Griefers?”

  1. Greefin Oh

    Sep 15th, 2007

    Wow… sue Linden Research for names of Griefers.

    Now it truly is Serious Business. LOL I mean seriously man. Take away their computers? As if you’ll ever get that far with griefers. You won’t. Sorry. No court in the world would allow that. Your LLC would be laughed right out of the court room. Sure you could raise the funds though.

    By all means, I say do it! Do it man. Show them you mean business and you’re not going to take it anymore! ARGH! NO MORE GRIEFERS!! ARGH!

    roflcopter indeed!
    This is why I love second life… eh sometimes anyway.

  2. Artemis Fate

    Sep 15th, 2007

    “The concerned resident asks for the griefer’s computer to be seized to verify the allegations, and with the proof already in hand, the resident says the computer is also the instrument of a crime and should be civilly forfeited as well. Many states have a statute that allow for the government to take lock pick tools away from someone who isn’t a lock smith. I’ve seen online child predators lose their computers because they are an instrument of a crime. And if the DA does not want to do it, mention that it would be good publicity and the office receives a high end computer.”

    I’m sorry, but that sounds like a stupid idea.

    First off, i’m not even sure what griefers do is a crime even, or how you’d be able to attribute which “crime” to which person, since the names are so invariable.

    But most importantly, the real griefers don’t have registered accounts, they use free unverified brand new accounts, and they use fake IP and MAC addresses from the custom made ShoopedLife, and SL viewer that circumvents IP and MAC address bans.

    Best thing you can do about griefers is deal with them with the land tools you have available (You can still clear up most attacks with them), and not take them so seriously. They just want you to get pissed off and butthurt, and if you don’t, they’ll wander off and look for easier prey.

    But, everything else you said was absolutely true.

  3. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 15th, 2007

    “…then the affected resident would go make a complaint at their local DA’s office, alleging theft of service, hate crimes, lost income, whatever personally happened due to that griefer’s actions.”

    This assumes that the local DA will take any such complaints seriously. The likelihood of this actually happening is hard to say, especially when many District Attorney’s offices have RL crimes to to worry about like rape, murder, organized crime, etc. I’m just guessing of course but I’m willing to bet most DAs will prefer to focus their attention on RL because the real world really is “serious business”.

    A better way to do it would be if a lot of SL residents became “lulzkillers”, i.e. not having meltdowns when griefed. The less of a reaction these guys get, the less fun they have doing it.

    However, the likelihood of this happening is also pretty slim because most SL residents are huge dramawhores and “lulzcows”.

    But I’ve also seen what kind of lulzcows griefers can be when the table gets turned on them. We’re planning a HUGE anti-griefer operation, the beauty of which is that it doesn’t involve any fancy scripted weapons. Stay tuned! ;)

  4. FlipperPA Peregrine

    Sep 15th, 2007

    You wouldn’t need to sue Linden Lab. You could file a John Doe lawsuit (much like Stroker has) and file a subpoena to Linden Lab to release the RL info on the avatars know as X, Y, and Z. This could be done in a fashion similar to Stroker’s IP case, with the accusation of wire fraud or intentional disruption of a computer network being the charges instead of theft of intellectual property.

  5. moses

    Sep 15th, 2007

    hallo. well my first thought is public executions but this would be very hard to organize it.when they open up second life for free, they bend us over a tree stump and show us how much we mean to them. beside that, i think a lot of griefers are linden alts. i have seen acts of griefing happening and watched a linden standing by and doing NOTHING. feh.

  6. Harlequin Salome

    Sep 15th, 2007

    Hmm. Well, I can’t say for certain if I agree or disagree with your idea, as there are alot of questions, not least-wise being do we want to enter into that level of force?

    That being said, its a very interesting concept and one that bears more discussion, particularly from a legal perspective and the nuts-and-bolts side of things. Hitting griefers is what is required, though, and hitting them hard, and its become abundantly clear that LL will not act as a governmental agency. If not, we must apparently form our own in-world government of a sort, and use the RL government as our enforcement body of a sort.

    I say we storm LL’s offices and stage a coup. Start our own little E-banana republic.

    Pardon any sort of poor syntax there, I just woke up.

  7. Andrew Replacement

    Sep 15th, 2007

    Your “solution” assumes that a resident’s RL location can always be traced. Any griefer worth his salt will already be connecting to SL through an anonymous proxy, so your last four paragraphs can’t be enforced. Next suggestion?

  8. Sn4x15

    Sep 15th, 2007

    “Mr. District Attorney?”


    “I’d like to file a case where a bunch of internet teens dropped a bunch of e-penises on my e-lawn–”


  9. Corona

    Sep 15th, 2007

    some government agency taking away the griefers computer
    fine this would work
    provided a) that no greifer EVER uses someone elses PC
    and /or
    b) never ever uses an internet cafe PC for griefing

    If griefers only ever with absolutely no exception use their own PC’s for griefing attacks – then this will work fine

  10. Corona

    Sep 15th, 2007

    the situation is markedly similar to the RL ‘war’ on ‘terrorism’

    the only way to win is to ask them why they want to cause grief to people enjoying themslves

    or to take them seriously and make it impossible to grief

    the difference from the real world is that no sinlge government or group has thorough knowledge of where everyone is or has done
    SL in contrast has complete control

    if they were serious about greifing attacks LL could stop it tomorrow – all they need do is take a leaf from MI5 monitor all converstions for key words – and then if those words show up take note of the avatars cuasing them

    it would not need human monitering
    all they have to do is ask the servers to report shosen key words or actions – and they can take steps to end the childish behaviour of mindless idiots like the PN

    If LL wanted they could reset things in SL to make griefing impossible

  11. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 15th, 2007

    With faked mac addresses and a connection routed through hundreds of proxies both foreign and abroad, you sir, are retarded. But I hope it goes to court, I pray you are at least that successful. So I can grief you moar IRL in front of the judge. LOL, Second Life is a game. Get a real life now. Also, I AM A PROUD JEW.

  12. Jean

    Sep 15th, 2007

    As to why greifers grief – they have a mental defficiency. Anyone who likes to harm anyone else in juvenile ways does. They are arrested adolescents who will never become responsible adults until they realize that griefing – like public drunkeness- is not acceptable behavior for normal people.

  13. Anonymous

    Sep 15th, 2007

    Depite the arms race problem, estate and land tools remain the best way to stop griefing and other unauthorized use of sims. Since most griefing involves objects and autoreturn already exists, it would be relatively easy for Linden Labs to add a checkbox function to those tools that would immediately return to the owner all objects belonging to a banned account. Yes, new accounts can be made and used but that takes time. At least this would make the griefers have to work for their lulz and give those managing sims a breather.

  14. mootykips

    Sep 15th, 2007

    Since the leaking of my dox and shit in PN, everyone already knows my IRL identity, no subpoena necessary. Come TAEK MY COMPUTER MACHINE PLZ.

    I look forward to you being laughed out of court, and a lovely counter-suit for harassment and legal fees.

  15. Witness X

    Sep 15th, 2007

    This will all work, because we all know how pissing people off on the internets is illegal.

  16. ban

    Sep 15th, 2007

    Oh hi, this is the newest leader of the PN speaking.

    I have to say, if you think suing Linden Labs for the identity of GRIEFERS will work, you’re an idiot. Take a look at the hundreds of other games where griefers are present: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2, almost any MMO you can think of and then some. In the end, griefing is not illegal. You are taking this pitiful excuse for a game too seriously. Loosen up and learn to laugh, but not before recognizing just how disgusting the furry fetish actually is.

    My name is ^ban^, and I approve this message.

  17. Warehouse Manager X

    Sep 15th, 2007

    The only way to stop them is to buy a dog and curtains to protect against their corruption of L O L

  18. NO U

    Sep 15th, 2007

    the internet is NOT serious business.

  19. Prokofy Neva

    Sep 15th, 2007

    If a litigator or firm would like to take this on, on a contingency or pro bono basis, I’m in. I’d be happy to provide loads of testimony about griefers, their M.O.s, their groups, the actual damage they cause, the business losses.

    But going for their computers isn’t going to work, and I doubt litigation will work, either, until the Lindens decide they wish to stop this.

    I’ve watched how this culture works among young kids. They pass around lap tops on wireless — the access to which they often bum off wireless in public spaces or buildings or neighbours, so that technically, a griefer could be accessing SL through his unwitting neighbour’s wireless network, and shutting down the IP could strike the wrong person, and seizing the computer could strike the wrong person, too. Wireless is very ubiquitous now in big cities; a Mac on a wireless can get into SL and function.

    The kids also constantly log on at each other’s houses; on parents’ computers; at schools and universities, which increasingly have more powerful servers and even allow SL. Trying to get someone’s computer seems a hopeless task, but still, you can try.

    I think they need to be sued rather for the damages they cause, the disruption, lost business, etc. I think LL has to get serious, revive or restart this FBI case, let all of us provide testimony and be joined to the case. If they won’t do that (and they aren’t likely, being secretive, and also basically caring more about their company their our little companies) then we need to try to join them to our own lawsuits, if we can find lawyers willing to bother with this.

    However, litigation is costly; litigators always end up making out better than those motivated to sue; whistleblowers are never beloved, and LL might end up banning people who did this “for no reason or any reason” just to avoid the nuisance of having to be asked all the time to settle disputes.

    That’s why I think the social method can and should be used. I don’t claim it to be 100 percent, but it is effective as far as it goes, especially if used with a variety of other methods, ranging from “let’s understand their poor childhoods” to “let’s verify every one against a driver’s license and block anyone without the fullest of ID and verification”.

    And once again, my position is being misrepresented here. It’s not about “guilt by association”. It’s about demonstrable associations of the guilty being frozen, with specific actors in those groups being taken down, and their group frozen. It’s not about every single member of a group himself being banned if there is no action shown; it’s about THE GROUP BEING FROZEN as it is an accessory in crime.

    Example. Here are the names of all the people harassing and bullying me and my tenants in the last 2 days, all from Woodbury University or the Prokofy Neva fan club:

    Alyx Stoklitsky
    Blak Hax
    Apple Chemistry
    Tizzers Foxchase
    Professor Beeb
    Ralewyn Gray
    DarthBlueAfro Cummings
    Farsuka Botha
    Mia Lemieux
    Windolic Klaar
    At0m0 Beerbaum
    Jim Schack
    sky Schildauer
    JOHNNY2568 Jinn

    Each one of these goons does a whole little Eddie Haskell dance, claiming never to grief, claiming not to have done anything wrong, claiming guilt by association. Yet if that’s the case:

    1. Why are they constantly flying on to the Ravenglass sim, flying around and annoying tenants, prim-littering, taunting, etc. Each and everyone one of these people repeatedly flying to Ravenglass really have no reason to do so. They are not tenants or shoppers. They are there to grief.
    2. If they aren’t there to grief and harass, when banned from one parcel, why do they keep coming back? Why do they dance from one parcel to the next, necessitating managers having to go around to all parcels and ban them one by one?
    3. If they aren’t there to grief, why are they doing stuff like trying to repeatedly make dollar payments, send TPs, send obscene inventory, all in an infantile way of trying to make me click on something I don’t want
    4. If they aren’t there to grief, deliberately, in a group, with a plan, repeatedly, then what ARE they doing? Seriously, once you document hundreds of times this sort of trespassing, taunting, harassment, obscenity, petty annoyances like $1 payments and TPs, you declare the group as GUILTY. Indeed, some of these actions do get them little vacations from even our laissez-faire lib-lubbin’ Lindens.

    4. By the time you have hundreds of names like these out of 3 main groups — Woodbury University, b/tards, and Prokofy Neva Fan Club — many of them day-old alts tied to obscene, racist material; some of them still inworld despite being tied to those types of griefer self replicating blocks; some directly tied to presence in the sim and execution of scripts directly before a sim crash — well, what does it take?

    At which point will liberals and Herald enablers paralyzed with fretting about guilt by association begin to say, hm, this is not a matter of guilt by association, this is the association of the guilty? Anybody who came into a group like this, saw these dozens of griefers actively misbehaving would realize at some point they weren’t in a genuine Prokofy appreciation group or a genuine university, but something fake.

    And that’s why the Lindens have to freeze the groups. They need to ban both the perpetrators of the misdeeds and ban the owners of the group and freeze the group, and say, look, we won’t ban those who we don’t have recorded as doing anything, but we will ban those caught doing bad things, and when we see there are dozens — hundreds! — associated with these groups, we will ban the group owners and shut down or at least freeze the group itself. The group IS a tool for recruitment, communication, identification, and must be viewed as an accessory of the crime.

    A warning and a three-day ban should be the norm for criminal conspiracies of groups bent on griefing, and the paralysis that comes with the fear of “guilty by association” needs to be ended.

    With this approach, those who are in the group and not doing anything bad are not touched; but they don’t get that group anymore, sorry. They don’t get to use it as a badge of honour and a victory-dancing organizer. And the owners of these groups like Tizzers Foxchase and Azzu Manga, who keep using alts or remote control or tacit blessing of other accounts to grief, who keep playing the game of “plausible deniability” would get a whack where they need to get one – at their source of identity and pride, their group.

    Sure, they could come back on alts and make Woodburn University and the Prokofy Love Club. But after a time, when these griefing entities are banned, too, then they will get the message: if you want to remain in SL and create and do your thing, you cannot harm other people. End of story.

  20. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Sep 15th, 2007

    Prokofy, please do inform me of what exactly I did in Ravenglass besides fly around? I did nothing. I did not harass your tenants, I did not rez any malicious objects, I said nothing offensive or unpleasant to you, and yet you went to the trouble of banning me from every single little parcel you could find.

    Let’s address the points you have made:

    1. Why are they constantly flying on to the Ravenglass sim, flying around and annoying tenants, prim-littering, taunting, etc. Each and everyone one of these people repeatedly flying to Ravenglass really have no reason to do so. They are not tenants or shoppers. They are there to grief.

    You have a voting booth there, behind the huge refrigerator. I go to look at every now and then, and sometimes I fly about and look at the builds. EEK!

    2. If they aren’t there to grief and harass, when banned from one parcel, why do they keep coming back? Why do they dance from one parcel to the next, necessitating managers having to go around to all parcels and ban them one by one?

    I did not ‘dance’ from one parcel to the next. When you are banned from a parcel, guess what happens!? That’s right, you get punted into the next one!
    In all the time you spent painstakingly banning me from every little square of land you had, I remained almost completely still, and said nothing more than “Are you going to talk and be civil, or just ban me?”

    I did absolutely nothing in my time there. I did not ‘necessitate’ you having to go around and ban me from every parcel: You conjoured up that need all by your self, Prokofy. What horrible things to you think I would have done had you not banned me? continued looking at the voting machine and reading the notecard it gives? OH NO!

    3. If they aren’t there to grief, why are they doing stuff like trying to repeatedly make dollar payments, send TPs, send obscene inventory, all in an infantile way of trying to make me click on something I don’t want

    I’ve never sent you anything obscene, never made a payment, and never offered you a TP.

    4. If they aren’t there to grief, deliberately, in a group, with a plan, repeatedly, then what ARE they doing? Seriously, once you document hundreds of times this sort of trespassing, taunting, harassment, obscenity, petty annoyances like $1 payments and TPs, you declare the group as GUILTY. Indeed, some of these actions do get them little vacations from even our laissez-faire lib-lubbin’ Lindens.

    I was there to look at the voting machine. Ofcourse, you banned be from the parcel it’s in even whilst you protest on your blog about Angel Fluffy’s voting group. Hypocritical, much?

    4. By the time you have hundreds of names like these out of 3 main groups — Woodbury University, b/tards, and Prokofy Neva Fan Club — many of them day-old alts tied to obscene, racist material; some of them still inworld despite being tied to those types of griefer self replicating blocks; some directly tied to presence in the sim and execution of scripts directly before a sim crash — well, what does it take?

    These groups have nothing to do with the self-repicating turtle cubes, or anything else that has crashed Ravenglass over the last few weeks.

    Tell me, Prokofy: What have I actually done besides physically be on your land? I have never done a thing wrong in all my time there.

    Is my mere presence griefing???

  21. At0m0 Beerbaum

    Sep 15th, 2007

    *sniffs* I feel so honored to be on your shitlist, prok, I think we should hug!

  22. DBA

    Sep 15th, 2007

    for the last month or more ive been hanging out at a bar called tishy’s tavern. i have only seen you once in my entire time being on second life and that was 5 minutes ago when i sat down at your seafood place and talked to the rest of the “gang” as you so call us.i don’t think simply standing around constitutes griefing. or even anywhere near offensive. unless a pirate is something that you find offensive. actually all day yesterday i was at Robin Hood where a friend was playing Live. besides that. besides from 5 minutes ago, i haven’t seen you or even went to your land. why don’t you stop being so overly anal and actually TALK TO ME instead of banning me from your land as soon as you see me. you will find out im not a bad guy. but with how you treat me i doubt id want to talk to you. and as i say as always. show me proof iw as on your land for the last 2 days besides your seafood place that i didn’t do shit in but talk.

    im sick of your drama. leave me alone.

    also who is sky Schildauer, JOHNNY2568 Jinn andBlak Hax. never heard of them.


  23. d3adlyc0d3c

    Sep 16th, 2007

    Nicole Linden just made a gridwide statement, she said ‘Close the CarPool’.

    This is proof that the Lindens are griefers. See we have been trying to stop them all along. Now they are trying to close Carpools. Lawdy! She didn’t get the meme right though. Those lindens are slow learners.

  24. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 16th, 2007


    “Since the leaking of my dox and shit in PN, everyone already knows my IRL identity, no subpoena necessary.”

    WTF? Who did that to you? And was it accidental or on purpose?

  25. Inigo Chamerberlin

    Sep 16th, 2007

    I’d just like to point out to all concerned that until Lunatic Lab, in it’s infinite wisdom, removed the requirement to produce a valid CC on sign-up and pay for access to Second Life, griefing was virtually unheard of on any significant scale.

    What to do about griefers? Simple. Revert to the old system.

  26. yeahright

    Sep 16th, 2007

    Get LL to fork over griefers RL info, as been said multiple times in above comments, won’t work because of the shooped life client that by now nearly every griefer uses (if they’re smart)

    The only thing that works, is finding out how they work, not by talking to them but simple observation and lurking on their forums. Once you know how to recognise them a mile away, use the land tools and various security systems available, that’s all you need. And you’ll find out that their humor, be it disruptive and sometimes in bad taste, isn’t too horrid, some memes are actually funny.

    It’s indeed an arms race, so I’d say, enoy the ride and don’t take SL too seriously. Griefers are just as much part of the game as goreans furries and all that shit. Lighten up is the message the griefers themselves are also trying to get across :)

  27. Mitchell Henderson

    Sep 16th, 2007

    Please don’t become an hero, when I come onto your Property and steal your I-Pod.

  28. ^ban^

    Sep 16th, 2007

    @ yeahright – Wrong. It wont work because there is no legal basis for the LL to reveal the identities of griefers, because, guess what! Griefers aren’t breaking any laws, particuarlly due to LL’s jewness with the EULA (which you might want to read some time). The ShoopedLife client also does more than you think, parcel b& evading functionality is being added in coming versions.

  29. Corona

    Sep 16th, 2007

    ok thanks
    the names suplied – eg

    Alyx Stoklitsky
    Blak Hax
    Apple Chemistry
    Tizzers Foxchase
    Professor Beeb
    Ralewyn Gray
    DarthBlueAfro Cummings
    Farsuka Botha
    Mia Lemieux
    Windolic Klaar
    At0m0 Beerbaum
    Jim Schack
    sky Schildauer
    JOHNNY2568 Jinn

    are noted for those ban lists I have access to

  30. Corona

    Sep 16th, 2007

    banning on the basis of hearsay is perhaps unfair

    take it up with the PN

  31. Blak Hax

    Sep 16th, 2007

    Uhh I too am suprised you mentioned me Prok, I was merely inquiring about land rentals.

    Instead of a dialog you merely banned me for having woodbury membership, I was only inquiring about your rentals as I had read in a forum that they were some of the cheapest in SL, its also a big PLUS in my opinion to live on land owned by an SL Celebrity.

    However I now understand why they call you the crazy cat lady

    Blak Hax

  32. yeahright

    Sep 16th, 2007

    @ ^ban^

    “@ yeahright – Wrong. It wont work because there is no legal basis for the LL to reveal the identities of griefers, because, guess what! Griefers aren’t breaking any laws … (etc)”

    Ehm, I was saying… LL can NEVER reveal RL info on griefers, regardless of laws being broken or not, as they don’t HAVE RL info on griefers. ‘S why I mentioned shooped life… LL don’t have anything on you.

  33. MachineCode

    Sep 16th, 2007

    The LSL functions won’t be banned, we can make infinite alts, and all of our information is spoofed. Not to mention that you’re a complete douchebag. Think about it: all of this is done within SL’s own game mechanics. We’re not stealing your money, we’re not hacking your website or attacking anything with an army of zombie computers. This is all server side, and LL is responsible for that. We can get banned for what we do, and boy do we ever get banned. This does not make what we do illegal, it makes it hilarious.

    We’re having fun. Are you?

  34. Anonymous

    Sep 16th, 2007

    You want to sue the operators of a ridiculously elaborate Ponzi scheme for the identity of the man who “JELL-OWNED” you? Troll though I may be, I’m going to have to draw a line and advise you against throwing good money after bad. Donate to AIDS research so we have one less tasteless joke to make, or something, Jesus Christ.

  35. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 16th, 2007

    I am a dumbass and claim to know about grifers, but didn’t even know mooty was out of pn

  36. Witness X

    Sep 16th, 2007

    Professor Beeb
    Farsuka Botha
    Mia Lemieux
    Windolic Klaar
    Apple Chemistry

    3 of these names are spies from the PN, guess which ones are innocent, the answer may suprise you

  37. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 16th, 2007

    Someone stole my name lol!

  38. mootykips

    Sep 16th, 2007

    “WTF? Who did that to you? And was it accidental or on purpose?”

    Both, I don’t care to get into the specifics myself.

    PN tried to troll me with it and failed, too, because they act as if I was some furfag scared of the internet hate machine backraiding me. I had plenty of times to deny it if I wanted to, but it was more fun to let it string along and get moar hits to my website.

    The fact is this thread/comments show that both sides are a bunch of blubbering retards bent on exposing conspiracies that don’t exist. I had thought the PN could move on, but apparently not. I kept them from running themselves into the ground with drama conspiracy shit, got tired of it, and now we watch what happens. I’m laughing the whole way down, though, because this is like a bonus – I see the trolls getting trolled everywhere I turn.

    Welcome to Prokland, PN, enjoy your stay.

  39. Azzu Manga

    Sep 16th, 2007

    lol Witness X.

    1. Apple Chemistry is my alt.

    2. Professor and Mia have ZERO involvement with PN.

    3. Windowlic Klaar (Yaranaika) and Farsuka Botha (JWAN) are ex-PN and have been banned for being a furfgts.


  40. Witness X

    Sep 16th, 2007

    @Azzu Manga

    And what about maldavius?

  41. Mooty

    Sep 16th, 2007

    I Mooty am a fag. I dream of being gangraped by the PN. That is why I try so hard to make them sound so fail. Because I am a closet furfag.

  42. Azzu Manga

    Sep 16th, 2007

    What about Maldavius?

    He has been under attack by the PN on not420chan’s /i/ board all weekend. They were able to obtain his RL information and cause him some reason damage. Let’s keep Maldavius out of this right now.

  43. h4xx0rz

    Sep 17th, 2007

    Griefing. Serious buisness.

  44. craig cleghorn

    Sep 17th, 2007

    i’m laughing my balls off…. PN hacker’s or profky Neva fanclub…..
    well considering that most opf profky’s comments borderline prejudicial, racist, and generally as a load of hooey, i’d say that s/he should be honroed to attract this much attention, considering that if s/he had not torqued off people that s/he shouldn’t have, we’d never have been dealing with this. i’m not saying that profky should shut up, but i’d suggest that s/he maybe get his/her facts correct before rushing to judgements, take for example, a recent blog about the space sim in SL, he attributed it to NASA affliation, and then proceeded into attack mode, without interviewing the owner. my reccomendation is that profky jsut back off, learn to relax, and laugh at what greifers do….
    greifers, the real true ones, that profky has pissed off repeatedly, are the ones that find exploits, and force LL to fix SL. the fake greifer’s, the kids that run around using other’s stuff and demanding money in exchange for something, are the worst of the bunch, they lack the intellegence to create, they only use other’s and called it their’s. the fake’s are creative, they in fact steal in order to steal, personally, i thank god for hacker’s considering that THEY, the true HACKER, is the heart of SL. most of the client code is OPEN SOURCE, and that is a HAcker’s jungle.
    Profky, relax, enjoy having other’s put your name everywhere, you are getting publicity, and besides, frequently, they are using YOUR words agaisnt you. so sit back, relax, and take it like a man. laugh it off, pick yourself back up and be grateful your name is even in SL. because frankly, with the number of attacks that have been down that can be traced to you, i’m shocked LL hasn’t transferred your inv to an alt, and shut your old av up for good.

  45. Maximilian Goldflake

    Sep 17th, 2007

    What to do about the griefers?

    Close the Pool!

    That’s what they want after all. Make SL a private club like it was before.

  46. shockwave yareach

    Sep 17th, 2007

    principle problem: The griefers don’t use groups, they coordinate via Skype so they can’t be monitored inworld, they use disposable accounts and go through the Tor system with opensource viewers making them untraceable. So no, you aren’t going to be able to go after them or their computers. That’s a nonstarter.

    Solution one: go back to some form of verification system. Not perfect since stolen credit cards have and will be used in the game – remember that whole Furnation debacle in Christmas? You can require 10$ for every account and slow the nigfags down a bit. But LL wants growth so you’ll never see those days again.

    Solution two: The next generation viewer should use an encrypted login sequence. This doesn’t get shared with the open source community. The encrypted block reports the real MAC of the computer so bans can be made to stick. Essentially makes all open source browsers unusable and ends the use of bots and untracable accounts. This would also end the Simcrashing trick currently used since that trick requires logging in and without the new encrypted login, that won’t happen. You’ll have to change the encryption algorithm every upgrade cycle however as this will eventually be hacked through.

    Solution three: give additional controls to landowners to disable things for different classes. Settings should be owner only, group only, group and verifieds only, and everybody. These sliding scales should affect the ability to use Particles, Sounds, run scripts, build, send tport invites and rez objects. The land owner then can control who gets to do what in his parcel (the one he’s footing the bill for). This takes the PN’s toys away from them.

    A combination of 2 and 3 is ideal.

  47. Blak Hax

    Sep 17th, 2007

    Craig, a spell checker, DO YOU HAVE ONE?

  48. craig cleghorn

    Sep 17th, 2007

    I dont know the difference between a hacker and a troll drrrr im a dumbass

  49. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Sep 17th, 2007

    Spiritus dominatus,Domine, libra nos,From the furfaggotry and the bawwing,Our Emperor deliver us.From AIDS, fail, yiffing and scritching,Our Emperor deliver us,From the scourge of the Furry,Our Emperor deliver us.From the blasphemy of the Furfag,Our Emperor deliver us,From the begetting of babyfurs,Our Emperor deliver us,From the curse of the diaperfur,Our Emperor deliver us,A morte perpetua,Domine, libra nos.That thou wouldst bring them only raep,That thou shouldst spare none,That thou shouldst pardon none,We beseech thee, raep them.

  50. craig cleghorn

    Sep 17th, 2007

    @Azzu Manga

    I wrote a song about maldavius and the blizzard warehouse manager, maybe you can sing along with me

    here we go








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