Babyfur Leaders Tell-All
by Alphaville Herald on 11/12/07 at 10:58 pm
Interview with Raven Welesa and Corsi Mousehold
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
[Recently, I sat down with Second Life babyfur community leader Raven Welesa for an in-depth conversation about community, publicity, and SL politics. We were joined by Corsi Mousehold, who acts as a sort of den mother to the babyfurs - changing diapers and giving cubs cookies. If you are at all interested in how SL has changed over the last few years, Raven and Corsi's observations should be illuminating as they describe the struggle to build and maintain a virtual community. - the Editrix]
Linden Lab has created an insecure unstable welfare state – but you can still have fun pretending
Pixeleen Mistral: how long have you been playing SL?
Raven Welesa: since july 16th 2005
Pixeleen Mistral: wow! and the whole time as a babyfur?
Raven Welesa: With the exception of the very first day or two, yes
Pixeleen Mistral: so this is definitely what you have always wanted to be
Raven Welesa: actually no, on the very first day I got my first fox avatar, I went searching for others like me and happened to run into one of the original babyfur group officers and some others playing at a small building in the old continent of second life. Well to be quite honest, I had never heard of Second life until a website I went to had an article about it, and that was the only place I could actually be a babyfur and have some freedom. that is why I joined the game initially
Pixeleen Mistral: was it hard to find other people with similar interests in SL?
Raven Welesa: actually no, on the very first day I got my first fox avatar, I went searching for others like me and happened to run into one of the original babyfur group officers and some others playing at a small building in the old continent of second life
cub shootings in The Forest
Pixeleen Mistral: so have you always had problems with anti-babyfur sentiment? in the early days did people persecute you?
Raven Welesa: Within the first week of playing, I heard through the group chat of someone shooting at fellow cubs at what was then The forest
Pixeleen Mistral: so it has always been a struggle
Raven Welesa: more or less yes
Pixeleen Mistral: how do you cope?
Raven Welesa: Well we coped in 2 ways, first was my original Cubhouse and playground I had on a region called Aglia in the North Continent. The second was me creating my first island which you just came from, cub conclave. It gave others like myself a place to feel free to be themselves
Raven Welesa – our enemies have threatened us with physical violence
Pixeleen Mistral: how is that working out for you?
Raven Welesa: Quite well actually. We have a strong community atmosphere here. Many of those around here are regulars and many more come by on a daily basis
Pixeleen Mistral: these sorts of communities are what SL is really all about
Raven Welesa: SL, in my image was a place to let your imagination run free, and thats what I have done here
the need for security and stability
Pixeleen Mistral: what would make SL better for you?
Raven Welesa: Thats a long list, but first would be better security enforcement by linden labs
Pixeleen Mistral: how so?
Raven Welesa: Well we have been hit on a regular basis by some people, who I will not mention their names, and the lindens have yet to prove they are using law enforcement to take them down
Pixeleen Mistral: I see. What else would help?
Raven Welesa: Well aside from the security issue, I would like to have more stable simulators
Pixeleen Mistral: I think everyone agrees on that
Corsi Mousehold: I am head of security for a large group of sims. To help us get the sims back in order the Estate tools need to be fixed and we need the power to return both scripted and non scripted items from an entire estate – And have it work the way we want it to work.
Raven Welesa: Another thing would be for the lindens to actually listen to us about problems, the lindens seem to turn a blind eye to the furry community in general
building community
Pixeleen Mistral: maybe if you can get more people in the community the Lindens will listen. How do you recruit or find new people?
Raven Welesa: Well in the beginning when my group was small, we used a friendly website to get new people. That ended within about 3 months and from then on, people just show up
Pixeleen Mistral: publicity ought to help
Raven Welesa: Well publicity is a double-edged sword for us
Pixeleen Mistral: you get both more friends and enemies – but don’t your enemies want to stamp you out? it seems like you have to keep trying to grow – or the enemies win
Corsi Mousehold: Bring us out into the limelight and we get cubs that didn’t know we were here but also those that want to cause problems and target us now know exactly where to do it.
Raven Welesa: the enemies want us stamped out and worse yes, they have threatened us with physical violence
Pixeleen Mistral: how do you fight back?
Raven Welesa: I’m afraid I will not go into that
Corsi Mousehold: Me? Smile and feel pity for them.
Raven Welesa: I do have friends that at one time or another were completely deadset against us
Pixeleen Mistral: do you ever worry about being infiltrated? like your enemies pretending to be cubs, getting in your group and doing damage that way?
Raven Welesa: Why worry about what I can’t control from happening? No I am not worried about it because I have connections with other admins and sim owners so that when something does happen I know who it was and then I act accordingly
Corsi Mousehold: Communities all get positive and negative people for and against them. what I have noticed is the ones in the community that get upset over the negative focus their anger on others and spread the negativity. For example. We are furries all in all but we have had some bad publicity as the larger group. There are some that take a look at that negativity and focus it on certain sub groups like the Cubs and Caretakers as the ones responsible instead of realizing the individuals that caused the bad press were working alone. One group gaining a stereotype and focusing on a subgroup and condemning that stereotype.
Pixeleen Mistral: this is a problem common to all groups I am afraid – the PN guys had a lot of this sort of trouble for instance
Corsi Mousehold: exactly. They look at us as a stereotype instead of getting to know us and seeing … we’re kids and parents that really just want to have fun, goof off and just enjoy our second life.
Raven Welesa: I will not discuss them here. I know who they are, and thats all I need to know
Corsi Mousehold: Well more accurately we pretend to be kids and parents for the sake of just getting away from daily stress.
Corsi Mousehold – we pretend to be kids and parents to get away from daily stress
is ageplay a smokescreen?
Pixeleen Mistral: what message do you have for the Herald readers?
Raven Welesa: You know I have thought about a message to the Herald readers and its a rather long one. I think that they first need to realize that no group is ever perfect. You can name any group ever and you will find one bad apple in the bunch
Pixeleen Mistral: nods
Raven Welesa: We are no different and though I may wish I could control everyone’s thoughts and actions, I cannot do that. I think they just need to give us a chance, and if they don’t like us, to leave us alone and let us exist in peace. We are all different, no matter if you are most average person in the world, there are still differences between you and everyone else. And I think that those that hate us, they either have a bad impression from someone else, something they saw, or because they just flat out like to hate people for amusement. If people want to attack us based on who we are, then they need to take a long look inside themselves and see what makes them different from everyone and what makes them the conscience of the world
Pixeleen Mistral: hating another group seems to be a way some groups unite themselves – they need a common enemy. you may just be a convenient target
Raven Welesa: Well everytime someone does that, and there are instances in history of this. We may be a convenient target, but that doesn’t mean we will lay down and submit to them. For instance the ageplay ban Second Life issued. I was in compliance with the linden interpretation of it well before they came out with it
Pixeleen Mistral: I’ve been hearing people say the babyfurs are just a coverup for that ageplay thing but it sounds like you are staying away from that
Raven Welesa: That issue was a smoke screen for linden labs in my opinion.
Pixeleen Mistral: really?
Raven Welesa: They have many other issues that they could be tackling and instead went there. Now granted exploitation of children IS NOT, and I repeat IS NOT ever acceptable
Pixeleen Mistral: so this distracts people from the other problems?
Raven Welesa: Yes it does. The lindens could have been focusing on the many people that like to have fun destroying the grid for their own amusement. The damages from that has to be within the hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in expenses for linden labs and business across second life
Pixeleen Mistral: that situation is getting very bad – the Dreamland people are screaming about LL not doing anything but LL set up a situation where it is hard for them to do anything – unverified accounts and open source clients means anything goes
Raven Welesa: I have given Linden Labs suggestions on what to do, and they are that, suggestions, not orders, but whether they listen or not is another thing
Corsi Mousehold: Back in the days that you had to pay a small fee to set up an account. A one time 9.99 fee …. We had no major issues we had no major griefer attacks. We would have the occasional issue here and there yeah but …. Nothing major ever.
Pixeleen Mistral: I know – I miss those days
Corsi Mousehold: As soon as Linden Labs made this place open for free basic accounts … All hell broke loose.
Pixeleen Mistral: of course. but they went crazy wanting more “residents” at any cost
Corsi Mousehold: They could go back and have a … 5 dollar setup fee. Just 4.99 and that would stop the griefers Stop the unverified accounts Stop the big major issues that the game has.
Pixeleen Mistral: but at this point I am not sure if they can really go back
Corsi Mousehold: People buy video games all the time for 100$ a pop. Five Dollars is not a whole lot to ask. But sorry we are getting way off topic again. Oh of course they can go back. Not to 9.99 no but to five buck setup cost? Yeah they can do that and give it all back to the new account in Lindens.
Pixeleen Mistral: getting off topic in an interesting way though
the SL welfare state
Raven Welesa: Pixeleen, the problem from my standpoint is that the unverified accounts just allow the lindens to find more ways to charge folks like myself more money to cover the difference
Pixeleen Mistral: yes – you subsidize them giving away accounts, then some of the free accounts grief you – but some also come and play with you
Raven Welesa: If you think about it, they have created a welfare state
Pixeleen Mistral: exactly
Pixeleen Mistral: but the people paying the bills do not control the welfare. LL does
Raven Welesa: I’m surprised there aren’t collective farms yet. oh wait they have the infamous corn field
Corsi Mousehold: right now if I bought Five dollars … Just five in Lindens I would get about 1250 L$ …. People that get into the game spend that in the first week
Corsi Mousehold: Yes the corn fields. I asked Spike to send me there so I could see what it looked like just for the fun of ir but he said it would be a strike on my account and I have none as it stands.
Pixeleen Mistral: so if the government taxes you to give welfare to others and you have no vote – what can you do?
Raven Welesa: We do what any concierge customer does, bitch loudly when the grid goes down for a refund
Pixeleen Mistral: but they set things up so they will never pay a refund. the entire grid has to be completely down for over a day according to the terms. I looked into that over a year ago. if they bring one teeny bit up – they are off the hook
Corsi Mousehold: So as long as one sim is online …
Pixeleen Mistral: I guess until something else comes along you do the best you can
Raven Welesa: In my case, I do what I always do, rely on my friends here, who also rely on me, thats the strength of community at work
Corsi Mousehold: I would love to have more cubs. And hopefully more caretakers. I can’t make cookies fast enough already *giggles*
Dec 11th, 2007
Also I would pay 5 bucks a pop and still grief. And law enforcement won’t be taking us down even if LL did call them in. I know it, we know it, they know it. It’s all about politics. FBI would look really dumb on CNN when they have a report about how a few college and high school students were arrested for griefing in an online video game. LL has my RL identity. They know my real first and last name. I still sleep pretty well at night while you cry about your ravaged sims.
Dec 12th, 2007
Dressing up as a baby anthropomorphic fox is a sign of being fundamentally damaged.
Dec 12th, 2007
someone is already baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawing in the VERY FIRST COMMENT!
I’m gonna join in, codec mah buddy
Way more fun then having something intelligent to say. Eh, Codec?
Alyx Stoklitsky
Dec 12th, 2007
I’m disappointed to see that this article doesn’t mention Corsi’s voice mod.
Penny Sautereau
Dec 12th, 2007
Actually no, I don’t think the FBI would look stupid. I think the universal reaction to such a story on CNN would be “God what a bunch of f**king losers those kids must be if they have to annoy strangers on the interweb to be entertained”. Most people are petty and judgemental and would probably cheer the FBI for shutting up some annoying nerds, because most people have someone like you in their lives they hate for being such and ass, and would love to see taken down a peg. To believe otherwise just shows your delusions of being important in any way at all.
Dec 12th, 2007
1. SLH creates article to troll, fails.
2. PN posts at the failed attempt, lolling all the way.
3. Dramafags and slfags show up in droves trying to prove a point / prove PN member wrong.
4. Said dramafags and slfags achieve butthurt level 9001.
9. ????
Dec 12th, 2007
“Way more fun then having something intelligent to say. Eh, Codec?”
“To believe otherwise just shows your delusions of being important in any way at all.”
@codec and others
Dec 12th, 2007
Codec is very right about the FBI not going to bother with kids shooting lulzcubes at baby foxes in a computer game.
Threatening someone with physical violence, is a criminal offence, and rest assured that the police will not care wether the person you threatened is a babyfur, and in your eyes deserves a beating up, or not.
lulzcubing, no problem, no law against that. (xcept for maybe the LL TOS)
Threatening to beat someone up… that’s a different story.
Remember, remember… 7chan’s** /i/ board has been closed down a few times by the FBI already… proving that they do care for what happens on the internet only.
(that’s the board where the raids were planned and organised: and it was shut down and charges pressed exactly for that reason. Funny enough, the FBI in those cases ignored 7chan’s lolicon* and shotacon* boards back then.)
(*Lolicon and shotacon are weeaboo terms for drawn Japanese girl- and boy childporn)
(**7chan is the board that the people who got kicked off of 4chan started… they were kicked out for being assholes in a board of assholes. PN stems from 7chan: they’re the biggest assholes in a board of assholes who were kicked off of a board of assholes for being too much asshole. And have childporn boards. In short, PN are the worst of the worst of the worst
kind of childrapist assholes.)
(PS my apology for the amount of assholery. It’s hard to think of a nicer word to describe assholes. Maybe rectum would suffice. PN are the worst of the worst of the worst kind of child raping rectums. Or is that rectii?)
So please, PN, 7chan /b/tards and other assorted rectii… concider the possible trouble you are getting yourself in when threatening with violence.
Having said that, please send me a message when you want to talk about my post here with your fists, and I’ll be more then happy to provide you with my RL adress, and even pay for your plane ticket. I always enjoy beating up an afro wearing white kid or two. Shame I couldnt have made it to Anthrocon, where a few of your /b/rothers also were present. That would have made that little video of you cowering in the rain a teensy little more interresting to watch
Cause frankly, any nerd threatening to beat up another nerd over the internet, is bluffing. And entertaining. And yes, I realize just above here I’m doing the same, with the small difference that I am not a nerd, just a mere nerd wannabe.
Live long and prosper!
Cocoanut Koala
Dec 12th, 2007
Is the SLH going to be the last to cover the actual important news – again?
Dec 12th, 2007
Coco if there is anything on the intertubes more important than the plight of the babyfurs I really don’t know what it would be. Their story is the nexus — the chaotic attractor — that is the key to understanding web 3.D. It’s about your future and mine, our children’s future, and our grandchildren’s future. This is the deep structure of the new reality. Babyfurs are key to the virtual kingdom. If you understand them you understand everything. You understand roleplay, you understand psychodrama, you understand community, you understand discrimination, you understand griefing, you understand virtual families, you understand creative content creation, and you understand micro-yiffing.
I’m thinking of starting a Herald spinoff: “Babyfur Life”.
I’ll make bank just from all the PN that come to troll, because we know they Just. Can’t. Help. clicking those sexy banner ads. They try, but they can’t. I call it “Chronic PN Akrasia ™”.
Dec 12th, 2007
Dec 12th, 2007
What is the corn field?
Blinders Off
Dec 12th, 2007
Got just a couple things to say about this whole “Babyfur” concept. As I understand it, it has to do with tiny animals having sex, yes?
So first: I doubt anyone involved in these things is going to cause the next world war. It may happen because they’re too stupid to prevent it, but that’s another issue.
Second: there is no end to human depravity and stupidity. People with nothing better to do with their time than play at having sex as baby animals are best kept indoors, in front of their computers, and off the street. Mentally and socially, they’re gonners.
Prokofy Neva
Dec 12th, 2007
Uh, so could we at least get the babyfur perspective on the Cory Linden departure? Something? Anything? Hello? anyone home?
Dec 12th, 2007
Why do people that pick how they look pretend that they’re being discriminated against?
Howcome there’s much more of an outcry when a furry gets called a “furfag” or something than when a person who has a black av and is black IRL (according to the 1st life pic) gets called “n—–”?
Furry communities, Gorean communities, babyfur communities, and any community run by people that have an overblown sense of self-importance get their sims crashed and get fucked with because they make themselves the easiest of targets BY TAKING THEMSELVES SO SERIOUSLY!
If most furries didn’t play this discrimination game, if most Goreans weren’t such macho tards, if Prock didn’t react in such a hilarious and over-dramatic fashion anytime someone did ANYTHING then they wouldn’t get attacked the way they do.
It’s almost as though these people just like the attention. Hmmm…
I’ve been in SL since beginning of 2006 and have NEVER had the kinds of problems these people seem to always have…and I’ve been shaped like just about everything for at least a week at a time. How do I do it? I disarm the attacker by denying them the response they’re seeking. I either ban them, shoot them back or just go somewhere else.
I will commend Corsi Mousehold for the manner in which she tries to combat people that attack her, though. I would imagine she’s more of a victim of “guilt by association” for hanging around a bunch of other people that feign oppression and drama.
Get over yourself and everyone else will, too.
Penance Sautereau
Dec 12th, 2007
Fattest woman in Canada? At 275? Google Rita McNeil twitboy. You’re still a sad loser. Probably closeted, lashing out for lack of the actual intellect to find something constructive to do. You make me yawn. But @codec And others has a point. Technically, the “HAHA FUCKING DIKE I WILL RAPE YOU AND YOUR WIFE” could be construed as uttering threat of commiting bodily harm against me, sooooooo…. If you were worth bothering with I could actually have you investigated and conceivably charged with uttering threats. But then, you’re just so smart to brag about how LL has your real contact info.
Freedom Of Information act… lovely thing.
He who baws loudest is the one who claims everyone else is.
Have a nice day Twonk boy.
*laughs at the sad empty little man*
Dec 12th, 2007
“(**7chan is the board that the people who got kicked off of 4chan started… they were kicked out for being assholes in a board of assholes. PN stems from 7chan: they’re the biggest assholes in a board of assholes who were kicked off of a board of assholes for being too much asshole. And have childporn boards. In short, PN are the worst of the worst of the worst
kind of childrapist assholes.)”
lol, circular logic. If a is b, then c must also be a. Also, not everyone got kicked off of ebaums. I was recruited directly from it.
And Prok, you must know by now that Urizenus is a closet pedophile / bestiality lover like most furfags are. SLH isn’t going to cover any “real” news so long as he’s got to find a new article to fap to.
Oh, and hey peoples, go to our wiki and search for “Second Life Herald”. You’ll learn how to browse SLH without giving Uri more money for zetatoys.
Dec 12th, 2007
2. FBI doesn’t care about griefing in an online game, etc. There were other reasons 7chan was v&. Plus we of the PN think 7chan is FAIL.
3. Shotacon and Lolicon = DRAWN porn involving characters who look under the age of 18. and is LEGAL in the US.
4. Yiff in hell.
5. ???
6. Profit
Dec 12th, 2007
@ “@codec and others”
You know someone is butthurt when they write a 500 word comment to argue with a bunch of trolls.
Raven Welesa
Dec 12th, 2007
I just have a few things to say to the PNs
1. LOL
2. Learn to spell
3. Get an education
4. Leave your parents’ basement
5. Check the laws governing internet harassment
Dec 12th, 2007
Below comment was Posted by Lao-Tzu!
SL Herald: Please fix the confusing way you display comments. It could made so much clearer as to who has posted what. Yes, I realize the comments are placed above the name but new people that are not paying attention do not realize this and end up sending in-world messages to the wrong person based upon this. TY!
Dec 12th, 2007
Penny Sautereau: you underestimate how many people actually LIKE PN. The Edwards thing was filled with “hahah I laughed so hard” and “go PN” sentiment on various blogs covering it, The fact is, outside of SL, people actually like this kind of shit. Every time someone discusses a “virtual headquarters”, someone jokes about how the PN need to go shut it down. A quote from a discussion of PS3′s “Home”: “Think about it….imagine a group like the Patriotic Nigras on second life….nuking the “game” constantly as sony is banning people left and right”
That’s part of why people get so pissed off about the PN. Fact is, nobody outside of SL is complaining, they’re just laughing along with them.
“Anarchist hippie” & “poo slinging communist” out.
Dec 12th, 2007
Penny Sautereau: you underestimate how many people actually LIKE PN. The Edwards thing was filled with “hahah I laughed so hard” and “go PN” sentiment on various blogs covering it, The fact is, outside of SL, people actually like this kind of shit. Every time someone discusses a “virtual headquarters”, someone jokes about how the PN need to go shut it down. A quote from a discussion of PS3′s “Home”: “Think about it….imagine a group like the Patriotic N/igras on second life….nuking the “game” constantly as sony is banning people left and right”
That’s part of why people get so pissed off about the PN. Fact is, nobody outside of SL is complaining, they’re just laughing along with them.
“Anarchist hippie” & “poo slinging communist” out.
Blinders Off
Dec 12th, 2007
“1. LOL
2. Learn to spell
3. Get an education
4. Leave your parents’ basement
5. Check the laws governing internet harassment
LOL good post Raven. I have to say, in all the time I’ve read the SL Herald, I have never seen a thread which contained such a plethora of moronic, juvenile, imbecilic posts as this one. It appears the 60-IQ crowd have finally found a home. LOL
Dec 13th, 2007
I love getting a higher-than-thou attitude from an avatar that dons diapers and pretends to be sonic the hedgehog when he was 1 1/2 years old. Make the slightest off comment and he’s all over you about fursecution. You know, when we’re all grown up, we’re gonna look back on this and have a good laugh…
…I hope.
On the subject of introducing a registration charge for new accounts: As you might imagine, I am against this. But it would indeed cut down dramatically on griefing, or at least force griefers like yours truly to be a lot more creative in their duty. There may by unforeseen consequences that I won’t mention, however, as I don’t really have any concrete evidence to back it up.
Dec 13th, 2007
lol @ PN twisting n turning
Dec 13th, 2007
“3. Shotacon and Lolicon = DRAWN porn involving characters who look under the age of 18. and is LEGAL in the US.”
Might be legal yes.
Doesnt make you or anyone else frequenting those boards and crying for sauce and moar any less of a pedophlie.
Also, note the twisting and turning…
“7chan is fail”
then defending the loli and shotaboards.
Lol wut?
Ebaumsworld and baawwwwww all you want guys. those who know where you’re coming from, know very well where you’re coming from.
In another article I even saw someone calling 7chan ‘furry central’ ROFL
try posting furry porn in /b/ see what happens…
@binders off
Dec 13th, 2007
“It appears the 60-IQ crowd have finally found a home. LOL”
you’re mistaken there. They already had a home, it’s called /b/
This is their cottage in the mountains, more of
Dec 13th, 2007
“”It appears the 60-IQ crowd have finally found a home. LOL”
you’re mistaken there. They already had a home, it’s called /b/
This is their cottage in the mountains, more of
definately not anon or 'l33tsp34k'nerd
Dec 13th, 2007
yah, as if.
Someone above stated that everyone on the internet is laughing along with the PN.
If they have ever heard of PN, they’re not laughing along WITH you, but AT you.
Furries are a joke, and I’m not even going to bother finding a suitable word for babyfurs. The PN seem to be doing what everyone would like to be doing to these skunkfuckers, but the truth is, that the PN are as much as a joke to everyone as the furries they’re trying to make fun of. Why hasnt anyone shut down both groups?
cause it’s more fun to see them generate drama back and forth among eachother.
There’s a difference between laughing with, and at.
Furries are laughed at by everyone including the PN.
PN are being laughed at by everyone as much as furries are. Only the PN themselves don’t realize this.
You’re all losers and nerds, wearing a fursuit or an afro doesnt make a difference.
And before we get anyone telling us that ‘PN is the cancer that is killing /b/’…
The chans are filled with the same losers and nerds that make up the furry fetishworld as well as the PN.
PS… replacing letters with numbers has only ever been cool among nerds. And even some of them realize by now that it isnt. Some however, never got the memo.
sad? definately.
hilarious? definately.
Dec 13th, 2007
It just wouldn’t be a SLH article without slafgs relentlessly bitching about pn.
ITT another article hijacked.
Dec 13th, 2007
Basically then your accounts start getting phished.
Maldavius Figtree
Dec 13th, 2007
ITT: ageplaying furries in diapers think trolls take them seriously.
I smell something, I think Raven Welesa needs a diaper change.
Blinders Off
Dec 13th, 2007
I remember when Star Wars I came out, a relative’s kid went around all the time talking like Jar Jar Binks. Meeses loves you tooses. Even though he’s a nice kid it was annoying, but tolerated because he was a child. Eventually, he grew out of it because he realized it was childish.
So for the 1337 speakers out there who obviously don’t own a dictionary and think they are oh-so-smart… we hope you eventually grow up too. And for those who think that harassing or harming anyone, either physically, socially or emotionally, is proof of your superiority and a fun thing to do… all it proves is you’re an immature jackass who doesn’t have the social graces to live a normal life in civilized society.
Pwnd. Boy, took a lot of skill to type that word. Pwnd pwned pwnd. I’m a regular master at 1337!
Get a life. Grow up. Wise up. Accomplish something good with your life. Help others instead of trashing them. And if you can’t figure out how to do that on your own… get therapy.
Dec 13th, 2007
note to those who would take B.O.’s comment seriously: you should never accept medical advice from wolf-fuckers, only a qualified medical professional.
Dec 13th, 2007
One could say the same things about pretending to be a cartoon dog with a diaper on, Blinders off!
The truth is both sides of the “furries vs. griefers” deal are annoying to a lot of people and essentially have different ways of giving off the same impression.
How do I deal with furries? I don’t go to FurNation or Luskwood!! Problem solved!
Dec 13th, 2007
Raven, thank the gods you got out the military.
You are really living up to that stereotype, Military Intelligence.
(FYI Raven was an Intelligence Analyst until they booted him out for pooping his pants.)
Dec 13th, 2007
B.O. – 1337 speak is sooo last century. Congratulations on being the only one that gives a shit about it anymore. And here you are telling others to grow out of it.
Got any more of those classic Jar Jar Binks analogies?
Blinders Off
Dec 13th, 2007
“How do I deal with furries? I don’t go to FurNation or Luskwood!! Problem solved!”
Yeah Dave, and that’s the point. People always have that option. The arrogant jerks that condemn furries and think they should all be wiped off SL are exactly the same people that scream the loudest when LL even HINTS at adding a little more moderation to the board. These same people will march carrying picket signs when they believe their personal freedoms are being encroached on in any manner. They attend porn clubs and brothels and some of them belong to all manner of deviant garbage, but they have the hipocritical gall to condemn others for exercising their freedoms. I have one word for such people: buffons. I like that word. Perfect description.
The ones that think they’re oh-so-clever because they can actually program a computer, can attack innocent people by hacking their computers, who think themselves for some reason superior to others because they can actually break the law! LOL. I’d find them laughable if they weren’t so harmful to others. They egotistically set themselves above everyone else and look down their noses at everyone else, and the ones they so bravely attack are usually the people who aren’t hurting anyone and who are defenseless against such attacks. For such “1337″ people, I have nothing but disdain and consider them somewhat just below the level of cow dung. At least cow dung can have beneficial purposes. LOL
I’m not a fan of the furry society, but I find them far less offensive than the sociopathic hacker society. At one time it was an honor to be a hacker. Modern-day hackers have given hacking a bad rep… and those who refer to themselves as “1337″ are anything but. If they had any REAL brains they’d become successful legitimately. Any moron can hurt and steal and harass other people. Takes no real skill to be a jerk.
Blinders Off
Dec 13th, 2007
Oh, one comment to like_ummm trollboy. If 1337 is so last century… why did so much of it appear in this blog?
If you had 2 functioning brain cells, you’d be dangerous. As it is, you’re just laughable. I don’t think you could post a coherent, thoughtful, mature, non-trolling response if someone held a gun to your head. Every post I see from you is just one brainless, self-centered rant after another. How old are you, 12?
Dec 14th, 2007
wikipedia says – “Leet originated within bulletin board systems in the 1980s…”
Its like you only just discovered flares and no sir, you don’t like ‘em. Don’t be hatin’ on the cool kids just coz they won’t let you hang with them. Its your own fault for being such a nerd.
Dec 14th, 2007
“If 1337 is so last century… why did so much of it appear in this blog?”
Cause there’s always still retarded nerds thinking it’s cool.
Dec 14th, 2007
Ironic really. nerds are supposed to have above average intelligence.
Yet they still cannot type complete words and construct understandable sentences.
are not words, and they make you look stupid.
You dont have to have a Master’s Degree in the English Language, but if you want to talk along with the grownups, at least try.
Dec 14th, 2007
B.O. says – “I have one word for such people: buffons. I like that word. Perfect description.”
That word you like so much that is such a perfect description, this is what it means:
“French naturalist whose monumental Histoire Naturelle … laid the foundation for later studies in biology, zoology, and comparative anatomy.”
Dec 14th, 2007
“How do I deal with furries? I don’t go to FurNation or Luskwood!! Problem solved!”
That’s the point. That doesn’t work. They push their retarded fetish everywhere. Maybe not in SL, though I find that unlikely considering out of 5 of the starting avs, one’s a furry (and look at all the furfag shit in the SLH!)
This is much, much bigger than your stupid game.
Nina A
Dec 14th, 2007
So that group that come here for ‘lulz’ masturbate to kiddie porn in the name of freedom of speech? YUK YUK YUK! It’s just when it’s baby animals it’s sick to them? The internet is a totally fucked up world. I love it.
Dec 14th, 2007
“Technically, the “HAHA FUCKING DIKE I WILL RAPE YOU AND YOUR WIFE” could be construed as uttering threat of commiting bodily harm against me, sooooooo”
“If you were worth bothering with I could actually have you investigated and conceivably charged with uttering threats.”
Maldavius Figtree
Dec 14th, 2007
@Nina A
You call trolls pedophiles in order to defend babyfurs, paradox much?
Dec 14th, 2007
“the babyfurs are the cool kids you’re jealouse ect ect”
Dec 14th, 2007
Blinders Off complaining about internet slang while using “lol” several times in the same post.