Interview with Supercool Sautereau: Premier of People’s Soviet Communist Party in Second Life

by Alphaville Herald on 30/01/08 at 6:06 am

by Urizenus Sklar, National Affairs desk


Forward thinking Herald readers may have feared that Soviet Communism was decomposing somewhere in the dustbin of history. But take heart comrades! It is not dead, but advancing on new frontiers and has now claimed its metaversal bridgehead on the shores of the Jessie Simulator. In this interview, Soviet Prermier Supercool Sautereau informs us that while Soviet Communists today have not forgotten their traditional concerns of economic justice, in the metaverse they have new causes and new enemies. Today the enemies include not just fascists but griefer groups like the PN and other racist fucktards, and today their weapons include not just AK-47s, but orbits and other high tech tools favored by 21st century patriots.


Urizenus: Supercool, you are the Premier of the People’s Soviet Communist Party in SL. What is that and what is its mission?
Supercool: yes, I am. our mission is the liberation of the world, and a better life for the common people.

Urizenus: That sounds ambitous.
Supercool: yes, it is, but that is the nature of Soviet communism.

Urizenus: Well, if you want to liberate the world, what are you doing in a virtual world?
Supercool: the goal is to liberate the oppressed of this world — the poor, the landless, and those who cannot fight people who are begging to grief and to shoot the new or the unarmed. We wish to create a new society free of the capitalism that has sadly followed this world from the real one.

Urizenus: ic, well lets start with protecting people from griefers. that is part of your mission?
Supercool: yes, indeed. We have a set of laws, the Soviet constitution, which we use for attempting to work as justly as possible. They regulate, among other things, our behavior towards new people not yet with the Soviet cause. In terms of our land in Jessie, we try to ask questions first and shoot later. Many new people come here, for whatever reason, and we try to teach them how to get around in Second Life. We also do our best to arm them.


Urizenus: I notice that on your wall of enemies, in addition to Hitler and capitalist pigs you have the PN
Supercool: indeed; they are not a fixed enemy though, but their picture is a visual representation of all griefers. They are indeed a major problem. But in addition to them the common griefer, who harasses new people out of Second Life, is a big problem.

Urizenus: ic., have you had to take action against them?
Supercool: during our initial time here, they did harass Jessie. It’s rough tracking them down, but when we find them in Jessie, or in the sandboxes we sometimes patrol, we do our best to get them beaten. Or at least to get innocents out of there.

Urizenus: what do you do to them?
Supercool: those mutating devices, that deform avatars, we dont use them
but we give undeformers to victims. As for what we do to griefers, we try to stick to conventional guns when we are in Jessie, but in places where they are not workable, like sandboxes or something, we try to stick with tools of least disruption. If someone attacks us, or our new friends we meet, we try to stick with orbits.

Urizenus: ah yes, the old standby. So you are happy to orbit Pns?
Supercool: or any other enemies of the people. We use orbits, so as not to disrupt the whole sim, but it’s far more satisfying to use the people’s rifles.


Urizenus: Well let me get to the issue of economics. It seems that all of SL is just a hyper capitalist wet dream. Do you really think you can change that? and if you did change it what would the new SL look like?
Supercool: change the whole way the platform works? no.But we can, as individuals striving towards a new collective, work to build our own new society, one that we would run as we run this area here in Jessie. We do not sell anything, and try not to buy anything either. Land is of course a necessary evil but we work to share anything we have with one another.

Urizenus: So this is a gift economy?
Supercool: if you call “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs” to be a gift economy, yes. We all do our best to work for the cause and to create devices and tools to further our goals, and to better our Second Life experience.

Urizenus: Well is the plan to turn all of SL into a gift economy?
Supercool: ideally, communism would be the prevailing system, but realistically we want to create a smaller part of it that functions as its own system so far as possible.The platform has limits, but collective ownership and production is our goal — a democratic, communist society. Some might believe this is a contradiction, but it is not at all.


Urizenus: Were you elected premier?
Supercool:In the initial stages, no. I did have to start the group, but we have a democratic process for approving laws and we do have processes in writing for deposing the Premier, should anyone wish to.

Urizenus: Assassination? ice pick?
Supercool: hahaha no, the committee of the Soviet Marshals, who act as another ruling group, can simply elect to boot me.

Urizenus: ic. How are the soviet marshals chosen?
Supercool: through consensus notices. It’s hard to ensure that everyone votes, but we sent out notices asking for advice and recommendations.

Urizenus: How many members are in your group now?
Supercool: we have a few separate groups and have even begun helping others form charter organizations but in total, probably 100 members or so.

Urizenus: how many members do you hope you will have at this time next year?
Supercool: next year? well we hit the 100 mark a few weeks back, and have focused on research, reorganization and construction since then. But if we were aiming for membership surely dozens more, if not hundreds. We hold rallies in cities across Second Life, Grignamo as an example.


Urizenus: Do you have an education and outreach program?
Supercool: yes, of sorts. We call it the Political Brigades — communists whose goal is to spread the word of the message. I myself enjoy teaching new members personally of course, as do other longtime comrades.

Urizenus: Some people would argue that the Soviet union is a good proof of the failure of communism. How do you respond to that?
Supercool: this is not the Soviet Union.

Urizenus: you call yourself the Soviet Premier
Supercool: yes, but Soviet is a word in and of itself. A “soviet” is a worker’s council — a democratic caucus, of sorts. We do support much of the Soviet legacy though; the Soviet Union was the first engine of global communism, and the nation that most helped in destroying Fascism in World War II. But to call us Russian, or Soviet, is misinformed; our members hail from around the world.

Urizenus: And it also imprisoned and killed tens of millions of inocent people and turned the lives of its citizens into a dungeon.
Supercool: turned the lives of its citizens into a dungeon?
Urizenus: yes
Supercool: let me tell you about Western views of the Soviet Union. I do not defend it to the death, but the West has viewed it in the past as, in much the 1930s, a “beacon of progress” for the whole world to follow. Clearly true in some ways but not in all. Today the opposite is popular as a view of the Soviet Union. But the Soviet Union has done far more good than bad, and the Soviet people are owed by the history of the world a great debt for their wartime sacrifices.

Urizenus: Did you ever visit the soviet union or one of its satelite states in the day?
Supercool: those days were long ago, but no.
Urizenus: Dude, life in the soviet block sucked shit.
Supercool: in some ways perhaps, though that is a blunt view.
Urizenus: Ask anyone who lived there.
Supercool: a secure state and a progressive, brighter future was the Soviet Union’s future in the 1980s and you make a strong point but communism is by no means reviled there.The communist party, for example, is the second strongest party in today’s Russia.

Urizenus: Maybe you would be better off rejecting the soviet union and observing that it was not a true socialist state but rather an aristocracy of sorts.
Supercool: perhaps, but this is not our policy for two reasons.Firstly, it is wrong to discredit all of the Soviet Union’s policies. For example they did provide a strong social safety net, and were very advanced in t we are not all about the Soviet Union’s history. It is a part of communism; unlike the weak, decadent communists of today, we do not apologize for man’s first attempts at communist utopia. Todays communists often times are nothing more than leftists who enjoy the logos and terminology.


Urizenus: Are you familiar with other attempts to create socialist societies in SL — Neualtenberg for example?
Supercool: yes, indeed. They are very interesting. I am not too well versed in their socialism, but after visiting their lands they were well-built at the very least, and looked functional.

Urizenus: Will you reach out to such groups? — form strategic alliances with other leftist groups
Supercool: oh, of course, but many of them are disappointing. Leftists are too often just “caring” people who do not have the conviction to see things through to their end.

Urizenus: you consider them weak?
Supercool: not at all, but many of them are simply more interested in talking than in doing.

Urizenus: Do you think some day it will be possible for the people to seize control of SL from Linden Lab?
Supercool: haha, no, and this is not particularly desirable, unless the new party were interested in lowering land tier fees, which are outrageous, and lend themselves to land barons choking off creativity in the world and creating a boring, suburban world online. But I digress;
we only wish to create a new society, and to expand it so far as possible. One where rule of just and democratic law, written enforced by the will of the people, ensures fairness for all and where profit is not the end-all, be-all of life.


99 Responses to “Interview with Supercool Sautereau: Premier of People’s Soviet Communist Party in Second Life”

  1. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    *checks her family tree* Ohhhhhh so THAT’S why Gtrampa Bob had a thing for fur hats and hairy legged womenfolks.

    I read this and I’m waiting for someone to say “Alright you, you and you, out of the Gene Pool!”

  2. the people have spoken

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Quick! Send in Prokofy!

  3. L

    Jan 30th, 2008

    “Today the enemies include not just fascists but griefer groups like the PN and other racist fucktards…”

    I love Urizenus’ journalistic-caliber language there. You’re really showing that SLH is a good source for legitimate news and not just an atrocious blog. The sarcasm aside, morons like you like to default to calling us racists because you think it’s the end-all-be-all of insults, while you hide behind your own racist tendencies. Is it no coincidence that LL and your ilk ban black avatars whenever they see them, regardless of them having any weapons or not.

    And now on to the next topic: another pointless serious business group that declares PN its enemy. “HOW 2 SHOT PUSH BULLET AT GRIEFAR CUBE” is about all these groups have accomplished thus far. IntLibber’s faggery daggery doo parade loves to pretend like they actually do something, but outside of punching his own residents and making fun of Prok, he likes to stalk the Herald and take credit for things that never actually happened and spam the board with nonsensical prattle that nobody believes or cares about. Tizzers, Yara, and the rest of the Banlink Bunch were and still are a non-event. In fact, we caught Yara ageplaying with and changing diaperfurfag diapers the other day, consult our wiki for lulzy pictures.

    Then there’s all of these groups that no one cares about or ever hears about outside of them declaring war on PN or being featured on the SLH due to a slow news week. No, your feeble attempts to try and get us to declare you an enemy are fail, because you’re not relevant and nobody gives a shit about you. Stop trying. This is just another one of those groups nobody cares about.

  4. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    “Then there’s all of these groups that no one cares about or ever hears about outside of them declaring war on PN or being featured on the SLH due to a slow news week. No, your feeble attempts to try and get us to declare you an enemy are fail, because you’re not relevant and nobody gives a shit about you. Stop trying. This is just another one of those groups nobody cares about.”

    The only reason that picture is up there is because it is a strong visual representation of griefing. Furthermore, that is not the most important part. We are the Communist Party. That is what differentiates us. Not some flimsy policy on a particular griefer group.

  5. duh

    Jan 30th, 2008

    The SLH was never meant to be about news. It’s about DRAMA! If you want news, go to the LL blog and forums. The Herald is ALL about the drama. And without drama, half of SL subscribers would leave.

    I love the Herald. It provides many, many laughs.

  6. Blak Hax

    Jan 30th, 2008

    I think Supercool is penny’s alt she created after something has popped in her brain due to her recent obsession with PN

  7. Cee Ell

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Why do I sense the advent of a self-aggrandizing told-you-so diatribe on “cynical, leftist liberal extremists”?

  8. Soviet_Marshal

    Jan 30th, 2008

    “Urizenus: I notice that on your wall of enemies, in addition to Hitler and capitalist pigs you have the PN
    Supercool: indeed; they are not a fixed enemy though, but their picture is a visual representation of all griefers. They are indeed a major problem. But in addition to them the common griefer, who harasses new people out of Second Life, is a big problem.”

    The PN is not a main enemy of the People’s Cause. Merely a representation of the griefer society in Second Life. To be honest, I haven’t ever met a member of PN. But these griefers, people like IntLibber Brautigan (Furry Death Camps) should have action taken against them. Griefers in general, people. Not one fixed group.

  9. You know you love me

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Soviet Communism was no better than fascists themselves that lied to the people took everything they had, keeping a majority share, was no better than ww2 natzis was, killing millions of there own people, ruling them with an iron fist and fear. If anyone knew anything about history they wouldn’t be following a soviet model of Communism since it failed so hard that I put this group in with the neo-natzi groups. also I’d like to remind people that the Soviet union was also against Jewish people as well as committing genocide as well. the only reason the Russia was even in ww2 was because Germany was trying to take them over. Fail Fail Fail and more Fail.

    if you want to be a communist I’m ok with that, but being a soviet communist I laugh at you since your own lack of history and understand.
    also your getting my tag of neo-soviet fail, good job idiots good job.

  10. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 30th, 2008


    Why don’t you just go hide somewhere? I mean you get flamed in every single article you post in, even by regular SLers because no one likes condescending fat men who claim to have vaginas and mental problems.

  11. Penny Blowmyass

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Codec, if you think that I care that you caring about anyone caring about caring about not caring about me being fat and gay and caring about whether or not you care or believe that I have a hueg penis but I don’t care so I simply tell everyone it is a clit and if they dont care or get drunk enough not to care sometimes I get fucked in the ass but usually I just whine about you caring about me not caring….


  12. Whatever

    Jan 30th, 2008

    @L: “The sarcasm aside, morons like you like to default to calling us racists because you think it’s the end-all-be-all of insults, while you hide behind your own racist tendencies.”

    Or maybe it’s because you are racists. Just sayin’…

  13. haha

    Jan 30th, 2008

    You know nothing about the Nazis, you can’t even spell it. At least Prokofy can.

  14. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    A “soviet” is a group of worker’s councils that represent the local population. A union of these soviets made up the Soviet Union. Hence the name.

    You can talk about the millions dead in Soviet history, but those are almost all due to the invasion by Nazi Germany and their allies and an unfortunate and horrible famine in the 1930s. Sometimes, people will come to our areas and tell us that we’re horrible because the Soviet government “killed like 60 million people.” Exaggeration is not warranted or valid just because you disagree with soviet communism.

    But thank you, “You know you love me,” for making the debate about the issue of our beliefs and not of our PN picture or about racism or about genitals.

  15. Raideur Ng

    Jan 30th, 2008

    I happen to have had the chance to talk to Supercool before concerning actual Marxist theory, basic economics, and historic politics. He does not know anything about any of these topics. Therefore I see this story as a giant mistake on the Heralds part for posting a story on someone who is literally a dumb wannabe.

  16. Penis Man

    Jan 30th, 2008

    “debate about the issue of our beliefs and not of our PN picture or about racism or about genitals…”


  17. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    I’m glad, comrade Raideur, that you believe that what you think is the truth can be classified as “basic economics.” It must be nice to have that kind of self-assuredness in the face of other people’s differing ideas.

    Raideur Ng is just upset because one time, upon visiting his glorious Militant Collective, he hit me with an airplane or something, triggering my shield. I refused to take off my shield when he said “TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING SHIELD!!!!,” not because I wanted to use a shield, but because I did not think he was very nice for doing this.

    But I am glad to have been cursed out by a real expert on Marxism, economics and history, nevertheless. Honored, really.

  18. Not a hater like some of you

    Jan 30th, 2008

    To those of you ripping on The Herald about how it is stupid and unimportant…LOL, you ARE reading it aren’t you. What does that say about you?
    To those pretending to be part of PN, faker! You know you are just a wannabe PN. Go grief a sandbox.
    To those who think the People’s Soviet Communist Party of SL is stupid…go start your own group and try to have some fun. These guys have built something out of nothing and that is a hell of a lot more than you can say.
    To Raideur Ng, you have no idea what you are talking about. Your profile is even retartded “I am the eggman, I have the master plan” makes less sense than anything Supercool had to say. STFU!

  19. DaveOner

    Jan 30th, 2008

    I didn’t read the whole thing because I don’t consider cutting and pasting a chat log a valid interview or article. Needless to say I got bored and scrolled down to the comments to find the real story. I remember when Uri used to write good articles. But I digress…

    Anyway, are these guys running their own sim with a government and some sort of welfare system for all its approved residents? That would actually be a good attempt at emulating soviet practices and applying them to SL.

    But if the whole point is to “protect noobs from griefers” then you’re no better than JLU and thus completely useless to the general public.

  20. SqueezeOne Pow

    Jan 30th, 2008

    My personal opinion on how Raideur runs his group and his sim aside, the interraction between Supercool and Raideur up above here shows that Supercool doesn’t run a military group but more of a pile of anti-griefer griefers. He obviously had no purpose to be there other than to cause drama, otherwise he would have complied and made an attempt at diplomacy recognizing that he was in someone else’s territory. Instead it was “I don’t want to take my shield off because you didn’t ask nicely”. That and distributing griefer weapons to new people shows they aren’t interested in order and “peace”. Otherwise they would rely on ARs and educating new people about the tools they have at their disposal.

    Either way we already have a JLU and they’re useless as it is!

    Now for arguing about communist policies, I’d say Raideur’s fairly knowledgeable of at least the basics considering his idea of a fair fight is everyone playing the way HE thinks is best and banning you if you have a different approach to the same rules! ;)

    As for the subject at hand, the only way the Soviet Union would have succeeded is if it was to be governed by a super computer and robots that were above human tampering. Otherwise it’s WAAAY too open to power hungry individuals. That appears evident in this article, too.

    Lenin had good ideas and had his heart in the right place until he decided HE should lead. The same went for Castro and Mao. You can tell when a “revolutionary” is full of shit when they fight for “the people to be free” then decide they need to be the ones to handle the new government.

    At least Che didn’t give a shit about politics and was more interested in the actual struggle.

  21. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    DaveOner, we are indeed working to run our own sort of government, with written laws and bodies and such. We don’t have codified welfare; we simply mandate that everyone share his or hew creations or findings with everyone else, under the circumstances that everyone else does the same. We work together to provide financial support to those who need it in our cause as well.

    Creating a new sort of society – one running on some principles that to some extent don’t really exist in the modern world – is our highest goal.

    We do not (yet) own a whole sim, we operate on a large part of Jessie. A whole sim, or more than one, would be the goal at some point, but for now we as a group simply cannot afford it. We ultimately want to create our own society though, as you have correctly guessed.

    We don’t seek out “noobs” to protect. But when we see someone being griefed, we try to help them out with undeformers and the like, and try to attack the attacker back. We do not file abuse reports unless really necessary, since our group’s lack of high-paying members means Lindens don’t listen when we do, anyway. But we do not think we’re police, and mostly work on fighting those who attack us first. We’re not an anti-griefer group, but attacking people who grief us and friends we meet is just one smaller part of our much larger mission.

  22. Hey, uh.

    I think you mean a socialist democracy, not a communist democracy. I really do lol hard when you fags start prattling on about “HAIL MOTHER RUSSIA, DEATH TO HITLER AND WHOEVER ELSE WE DON’T LIKE” without knowing shit about the country you’re trying so very hard to emulate. Even the weeaboos know a minute amount about Japan, you’re just sad.

    Also, I do believe neither Stalin or Lenin would’ve stood for furfaggoty.
    Enjoy your trip to the gulag.

  23. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 30th, 2008

    “We don’t seek out “noobs” to protect. But when we see someone being griefed, we try to help them out with undeformers and the like, and try to attack the attacker back.”

    When you attack someone in a non-combat sim, whether he’s a griefer or not, you violate item 3 of the Second Life Community Standards:

    This makes you as bad as the griefer you’re attacking, and opens you up to suspension or expulsion from Second Life. There is a better way to handle griefers.

    “We do not file abuse reports unless really necessary, since our group’s lack of high-paying members means Lindens don’t listen when we do, anyway.”

    This is untrue. Linden Lab does respond to Abuse Reports, no matter who writes them, but you have to learn to make yourself heard. LL gets hundreds of ARs about “my neighbor has ugly shoes” and the like. But if they get 4 or 5 ARs on the same resident at the same time, that sets off the alarm and they come running to investigate. Instead of handing out free orbiters, teach your members how to get together for impromptu “AR parties” so they can dash off 5 ARs in a short time and get rid of the griefing. Here are some hints about writing ARs:

    - Use a descriptive title that will get LL’s attention. “Some guy is being a putz” won’t do it. “Assault with cages and orbiters” will.
    - Provide a good supplemental description of what’s happening. If the sim is lagged down by the griefer’s junk, hit Ctrl-Shift-1 and record the Time Dilation and Sim FPS in the comments section of the AR.
    - Write an AR on each violation. If you have hundreds of flying penis pictures accompanied by the sound of screaming, that’s one harassment AR for the flying particle spam, one harrassment AR for the screaming sound spam, and one indecency AR for the porn. Don’t write one AR and throw several separate violations into it. This is guidance we’ve received directly from LL.
    - If you write an AR, LL gets rid of the griefer and the stuff he threw into the sim. If you orbit the griefer, he leaves his items behind to continue griefing while he’s gone. Unless you own the sim, you can’t delete his stuff.

    “But we do not think we’re police, and mostly work on fighting those who attack us first. We’re not an anti-griefer group, but attacking people who grief us and friends we meet is just one smaller part of our much larger mission.”

    Where griefers are concerned, think of your group as a Neighborhood Watch. Don’t go out and try to apprehend the bad guys yourselves. Call the people who have the authority to do that.

    We would be happy to provide training on writing ARs if anyone is interested.

  24. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    We’ve played it your way, with your abuse reports. We file them en masse, and we get nothing for it. We’ve filed reports, complete with pictures, of visitors who come by, grief and are wearing swastika armbands, and gotten nothing of it. We do everything they say to do on those abuse reports and so do our friends and comrades. I highly doubt that the Lindens get many reports based on bad shoes because these reports are so annoying to fill out in the first place.

    Writing them is something anyone can figure out easily, and to this day the only time we ever get anything from any abuse reports is when the person who files them happens to be a high-paying customer interested in our cause.

    I’ve seen your self-appointed anti-griefing police forces. The GLC and JLU are treacherous tools of the capitalist establishment. Don’t you feel a little funny enforcing some corporations terms of service as if it were your reason to be? I hope the Lindens at least pay you; otherwise, I do not see the fulfillment in telling people around the world to abandon their own defense and file reports to those who have the proper “authority.” Like yourselves, perhaps?

    So long as there is inequality in enforcement of the rules of Second Life, we will work on our own terms to defend our own comrades in the proper capacities required by situations thrown at us. The communist vision of armed struggle in defense against unjust oppression is not compatible with merely wishing a problem away through abuse reports.

  25. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    In addition, the commitment you ask for – holding parties for writing abuse reports, for example – is dull as all hell. Who wants to participate in Second Life just so they can write abuse reports together with other people?

    This is complete bull. We have both paying and non-paying members. It takes us ages to get anything done, if ever, with abuse reports. If it takes FIVE abuse reports to get rid of some wiggling penises making a noise, then it probably would have been better to attack the griefer, especially in a damage sim like we do, before they could rez all of the wiggling penises in the first place.

    You don’t have to call the police three times for a burglary to report a broken window, case of trespassing and stolen box of jewelry for example. Maybe filing multiple abuse reports for the same thing – as you suggest, dozens upon dozens for a single incident – is clogging up the system and making it impossible for them to truly investigate every incident, like they claim. Maybe your little “AR-parties” are why those of us who only have the nerve to file one or two reports for one incident never get anywhere?

    Maybe the reason we fight fire against us with more fire is because the alternative, as you put it, is to hold a get-together and file endless abuse reports while all being simultaneously burned.

    Self-defense is an inalienable right of all people. And if your precious terms of service say otherwise, than force us all underground with your high-tech, smoothly-worded snitching as you see fit. If you can’t stop these griefers, at least those of us you harass for defending ourselves and our friends can take light in the fact that you’ll never stop us, either.

  26. Soviet_Marshal

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Yes, who DOES want to sit and do nothing but file ARs??? It isn’t needed when you can fight fire with fire.

  27. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 30th, 2008

    “We’ve played it your way, with your abuse reports. We file them en masse, and we get nothing for it. We’ve filed reports, complete with pictures, of visitors who come by, grief and are wearing swastika armbands, and gotten nothing of it. We do everything they say to do on those abuse reports and so do our friends and comrades. I highly doubt that the Lindens get many reports based on bad shoes because these reports are so annoying to fill out in the first place.”

    By your own admission, you routinely attack people you consider to be griefers. Maybe LL considers your situation nothing more than mutual combat and is unwilling to help you vanquish your opponent. Try abiding by the Linden Lab Community Standards and see if your situation changes.

    “Writing them is something anyone can figure out easily, and to this day the only time we ever get anything from any abuse reports is when the person who files them happens to be a high-paying customer interested in our cause.”

    Perhaps the person who files them doesn’t have a history of attacking other people like your folks do.

    “I’ve seen your self-appointed anti-griefing police forces.”

    We’re neighborhood watch groups, not “police forces.”

    “The GLC and JLU are treacherous tools of the capitalist establishment.”

    I thought the phrase “running dog” was supposed to be inserted in such descriptions by default. :D

    “Don’t you feel a little funny enforcing some corporations terms of service as if it were your reason to be?”

    Again, we’re not police forces and we don’t do enforcement. We observe and report, that’s all. What we do helps Second Life residents to enjoy their experience without harrassment, assault, intolerance, etc. We’re all about helping people.

    “I hope the Lindens at least pay you; otherwise, I do not see the fulfillment in telling people around the world to abandon their own defense and file reports to those who have the proper “authority.” Like yourselves, perhaps?”

    There is immense fulfillment in watching a griefer disappear and his objects be swept away, leaving the sim peaceful for residents, as a result of a report that we filed. And the only authority in Second Life lies with Linden Lab. We are merely observers.

    “So long as there is inequality in enforcement of the rules of Second Life, we will work on our own terms to defend our own comrades in the proper capacities required by situations thrown at us.”

    Do what you think you have to do, but don’t come crying to me when you get banned. And you are doing your friends a disservice by telling them to violate the Community Standards.

    “The communist vision of armed struggle in defense against unjust oppression is not compatible with merely wishing a problem away through abuse reports.”

    The communists struggled against oppression by their government. You’re running outside to shoot and kill the kid who’s spray-painting your fence instead of calling the police to deal with the situation. There’s a big difference.

  28. Razrcut Brooks

    Jan 30th, 2008

    This interview was interesting, yet why do we need comments like “Urizenus: Dude, life in the soviet block sucked shit.”

    I have nothing against cussing. However, it just undermines the legitimacy of the Herald when their own staff cannot at least pretend to be professional. Does anyone edit these articles?

  29. DaveOner

    Jan 30th, 2008

    the “fighting fire with fire” mentality only gives the griefers someone to play with. You’re fanning the flames.

    I dig the idea of a soviet-run sim, though, even though I find it ironic that you’re going to have to resort to capitalism in order to make it a reality.

    You should keep your eye on the open sim project! ;)

  30. Mandie Whitman

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Wow, I cannot believe this interview. Not only was the kind of language used by Urizenus foul, he seemed as though he may be attacking Supercool. I thought this interview was quite tacktless and very rude. Supercool did his best at defending communism. He did make a point in saying the following, “Todays communists often times are nothing more than leftists who enjoy the logos and terminology.” Most people today don’t understand what true communisim is, hence Super making the next statement, “Leftists are too often just “caring” people who do not have the conviction to see things through to their end….many of them are simply more interested in talking than in doing.” I don’t agree with the second statement, completely. I believe that people are just not informed and this is what leads to people just “thinking it’s cool to be a communist.” I just don’t like when Supercool stating most people just like to talk rather than do. Violence is not the answer, never will be. “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” – Ghandi. Think about it, we’re all humans, we all have a brain. Let’s use it wisely, yes? :)

  31. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    You want to talk about proper authorities, my good comrade Green Lantern?

    The Lindens – those are your proper authorities?

    The proper authorities shut down all scripts in Jessie today because of one spammer. They’ve been down for hours, and likely will stay down for hours. In short, thanks to a griefer, who apparently was here mouthing words of support for Adolf Hitler, they shut down our whole headquarters.

    “The communists struggled against oppression by their government. You’re running outside to shoot and kill the kid who’s spray-painting your fence instead of calling the police to deal with the situation. There’s a big difference.”

    Today, again, my comrades did what you suggested – they “called the police” on the “kid spray-painting our fence.” In response, the police blew away the fence, and the house with it. We should have just acted without the over reactive assistance of the Lindens and got the troublemaker without any delay, as I often suggest is the correct method for those of us who aren’t rolling in cash or connections.

    Your “proper authorities” are not worth calling. You put your faith in corporate justice, and like all others who do so, you too will someday get burned for it. I am only glad that in doing this, the Lindens have proved me right.

  32. Kalel Venkman

    Jan 30th, 2008

    It pains me to see such slanderous words written about our group yet again. I think our record of fighting griefers should speak for itself. But, as be seen again and again, other wannabe groups try to drag us down to their levels. I will make this as simple as I possibly can. Those of you who are truly interested in fighting griefers may apply to our group, and we will train you in the proper way of fighting griefers. Otherwise, we will be forced to sanction you as you are no better than the griefers. That goes for any wannabe anti-griefer. We welcome new recruits. All we ask is that you comply with our proper procedures and policies. If that is too hard for you to do, that is not my problem. Funny how there never seem to be neutral groups that go against us. That should speak well enough for our credibility. Those who are truly doing good are with us, and those against us, well, the record should make that clear.

  33. Tootsie Humphreys

    Jan 30th, 2008

    This is the 2nd time any Herald Article has had any sort of relevance to my SL experience personally. The only relevance in this case, was Supercool and his Comrades did a recruiting march down my street. That was months ago. I recall a semi-heated debate over the Soviet Union and communism. After 5 minutes or so, it became apparent that these people were not real communists at all, but just having fun in SL, and it became all fun and games again. They did however, recruit one of our younger members at the time. I still refuse to join if for no other reason than the uniform requirements. Red is the wrong color.

  34. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    @Blak Hax; Um….. k….. riiiiiiiight…. *raids your stash of obviously effective smack*

    @DiddlingCodork; – “Why don’t you just go hide somewhere? I mean you get flamed in every single article you post in, even by regular SLers because no one likes condescending fat men who claim to have vaginas and mental problems.”

    Careful hon, you just proved your obsession with me, AND your delusions of importance.

    A) I don’t get flamed. I get bad attempts at flaming. By silly inconsequential twits like you who have convinced themselves I care what they think. You and the regular troll crowd do it, not “Everyone”, just you low folk. And you fail. Miserably. Maybe no one does like condescending fat men pretending to have vaginas. Show me one and I’ll probably not like him either. But sorry sweetiebuns, you calling me one doesn’t make it true. It’s just your silly deluded troll opinion, stated ad nauseum in your attempts to troll me, which fail because I know what I am and you saying I’m anything else has absolutely no meaning. Besides, I thought you were retired from this sort of juvenile behaviour? *snickers* Obsess much?

    B) I posted a joke, knowing some idiot like you or blak hax would assume a relation to the Communist throwback nitwit, because it’s funny how predictable you folks’ lack of imagination is. But funny, it didn’t meantion you at all. So who’s obsessed with who there Billy?

    Bucket o Fail! Coming right up!

    @Penny Blowmyass – *just laughs*

    @Kal – Your ass is showing again. Saying “I will make this as simple as I possibly can. Those of you who are truly interested in fighting griefers may apply to our group, and we will train you in the proper way of fighting griefers. Otherwise, we will be forced to sanction you as you are no better than the griefers.” roughly translates to “You’re with or against us, and if you’re against us we’re going to hurt you”.

    And you wonder why you get slandered? You open yousrself up to it. Every time you open your mouth. I pity the rest of the JLU. If they’re decent folks, they should distance themselves from you bigtime.

  35. Anonymous

    Jan 30th, 2008

    If these guys are trolls. I applaud them. lol.

    They managed to piss everyone off, from the JLU to the PN.

    Yet Prokofy is nowhere to be seen.

    I think hell just froze over.

  36. Anonymous

    Jan 30th, 2008

    I’d also like to point out, Linden labs and the “community” does a better job than the PN at scaring new people off. The drama and that hellhole I completely avoided called “Orientation Island” are much more effective at scaring off SL users.

  37. Kalel Venkman

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Penny, or should I say Nikola, as your words so clearly reveal you to be, There is no point in trying to twist my words around like that. You continue to try to push such slanderous accusations through against us just because you find yourself so unable to get over our just actions against your villainous anti-social behavior. I am warning you for the last time now, to stop this immature childish streak, or I will call your university and speak to them about disciplinary actions for your online behavior. It’s not too late for you to turn from this dark path you have chosen for yourself. I am not a petty man. I will forgive you if you can truly repent. But by hook or by crook, this will end.

  38. Penny Blowmyass

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Hi I’m penny. I’m gigantic. My real name is Peter. I never go outside, weigh like four hundred pounds and I tell everyone I have a vagina. I also like to tell everyone about how I was gang raped in juvy, stabbed and how I bleed when I shit. I am pretty sure thats what everyone wants to hear. Even though I am disgustingly fat and male I am one hundred percent certain that everyone is obsessed with me. I’m also extremely gullible for thinking that one of Second Life’s most well known griefers is going to post his phone number in the comments of a public blog…..but you can’t tell me that…I still call him billy because I was dumb enough to call that number and find out to whom it belonged. I think I have it all figured out. If all that isn’t enough to convince you that I am completely stupid then you shouldn’t forget that I was also positive that codec was chatspamming me in world when he was in fact IMspamming me. When I ran around in circles flailing like a madman my neighbors just nodded their heads and agreed to everything I said having already been convinced long ago that I had lost my mind while I was having fake seizures and crying about e-rape and ageplaying with little boys. Since then I spend most of my time getting raged at codec whenever he is bored and decides to stop by and troll me, it provides entertainment for everyone and doesn’t hurt me that much since I am too retarded to realize how dumb I look.

  39. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    Teach us the “Proper way of fighting griefers?”
    Or else you’ll be “Forced to santion you, as you are no better than the griefers?”

    You should be ashamed of yourselves, frankly, for taking Second Life this seriously. I may have little room to talk, but your comments are just pathetic. We fight griefers in our damage sim when they attack us. You people spend your days chasing down and heckling people in sandboxes and around SL when you suspect something is up.

    Furthemore, we all know you JLU types collect information on REAL LIFE people and as a result are unquestionably lame in real life. Second Life snitches who like to prey on real life people.

    Second Life provides a lot of interesting opportuinities. For example, we are using the platform to try to build a communist society in a place free of many of the real life constraints that make communism difficult. But it’s still now, and always will be, a game. For personal enjoyment and maybe even a small bit of fulfillment in creating something great, for example.

    But you JLU and GLC – your ideas of enjoying Second Life are turning your nose up to those who would dare do anything but file abuse reports! Go ahead and pass judgment on we who defend ourselves, while you do nothing to stop those who create REAL trouble. Snitching for fun you your Linden buddies is a sad pastime to make a habit of, but unfortunately, enough people have convinced you that you’re doing a public service to where criticism goes through one ear and out the other.

    Honestly, who died and made you self-righteous comic-book fetishists the kings of Second Life?

  40. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 30th, 2008

    And thanks again – to the 3 people or so who mentioned COMMUNISM in this line of comments, which was the point of our group! Not fighting goofy griefers. We only defend ourselves from them, because as you have seen here, the alternative is to play pen-pusher with abuse reports.

    I don’t care if you think communism is the dumbest idea ever – though we hope you don’t – but just understand that this is the point of our group. Not fighting griefers.

  41. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 31st, 2008

    There are OVER NINE THOUSAND sock puppets here.

  42. Chav Paderborn

    Jan 31st, 2008

    Why do all comment threads end up with Ms Sautereau stroking her own ego?

  43. Brendan Cale

    Jan 31st, 2008

    The Soviets Completely ruined Afganistan by taking over it, turning the country completely upsidedown.

  44. Fuck You Kalel

    Jan 31st, 2008

    “Otherwise, we will be forced to sanction you as you are no better than the griefers.”

    I swear to fucking GOD between you and that sack of shit Prok, I’m getting ready to be fitted for a ‘fro myself.

    YOU are NOTHING! When will you ever get that into you withered little organ you use for a brain? Take your crypto-fascist bullshit elswhere, fuckwit.

  45. sheesh

    Jan 31st, 2008

    Yet another case of Penny talking to hear Penny talk.

    You obviously DO care enough about what people are saying about you enough to come here and remind us, over and over and FUCKING OVER, how much you don’t care.

    Go find another religion to slander, or are you out of them now that you’ve covered two?

  46. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 31st, 2008

    Our group is about creating a new simulator society that will be free, will be equal – and be safe – for all people, and free of the corporate fascism and self-righteous oppression that is the JLU, GLC and their associates in griefing, deception and snitchery. We invite anyone who is interested in communism, or just in trying something new and meeting some interesting people, to come by and check us out.

    To those self-righteous people ready to teach us about how to properly fight griefers, come to Jessie so that we may teach you how to shoot big-headed fools in Halloween superhero costumes.

  47. Supercool Sautereau

    Jan 31st, 2008

    “Penny, or should I say Nikola, as your words so clearly reveal you to be, There is no point in trying to twist my words around like that. You continue to try to push such slanderous accusations through against us just because you find yourself so unable to get over our just actions against your villainous anti-social behavior. I am warning you for the last time now, to stop this immature childish streak, or I will call your university and speak to them about disciplinary actions for your online behavior. It’s not too late for you to turn from this dark path you have chosen for yourself. I am not a petty man. I will forgive you if you can truly repent. But by hook or by crook, this will end.”

    You crypto-fascist dog! We have freedom of speech in this world and especially online and nobody, not even some middle-aged man with a childish online power-lust can take that away. You’re just the scumbag who gets his rocks off on having 15 year olds banned from the grid. If that really gives you meaning – you’re the only one who really needs to repent, then.

    I eagerly await the profile your fools will write up on me for disagreeing with your lunacy. How pathetic. Really.

  48. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 31st, 2008

    To be completely honest, articles like this give me comfort. It is nice to know that little griefer kiddies are all so busy fighting amongst themselves, that they won’t have time to harass the rest of us. Doesn’t matter if they’re PN, JLU, or these commie idiots, they all deserve to be banned in my book.

  49. DaveOner

    Jan 31st, 2008

    This article is providing some of the best quotes ever!

    “I am not a petty man. I will forgive you if you can truly repent.” -Kalel > Jesus?

    “free of the corporate fascism and self-righteous oppression that is the JLU, GLC and their associates in griefing, deception and snitchery.” -Supercool (I like the term “snitchery”)

  50. anonymous

    Jan 31st, 2008

    @ Kalel

    Haha oh wow.

    Wait, you actually describe yourself as above everyone else? haha oh wow. I think your “superhero complex” just went straight to your head!

    Given the paranoia you have, accusing everyone of being Nikola (after all, everyone loves you, right? Only your “enemies” could dislike you!) or other people you don’t like shows that you are up on a power trip and want to keep it. I knew you liked to make scapegoats up so you have some sort of point existing, but damn.

    Just to make it clear: It’s not just Woodbury, the PN, Nikola, the GLC, that dislike you, there are plenty of other SL users who have heard of you and your actions and look with disgust.

    Anyone can do your job. If you cared about anti-griefing, you’d be holding seminars for everyone, giving them pointers on how to protect themselves the right way, and how to report people trying to crash their sims. I know you already give pointers on ARing people. But you don’t give them pointers when it comes to griefers and trolls. which is very simple and it makes you useless! The trick is, you ignore them and boot them out and don’t give them any satisfaction! Did your parents ever tell you how to deal with bullies? You don’t give them any satisfaction and they go away.

    But we all know you don’t actually care about the evil griefers, In fact you need them, because without them, you’d have no point and would have no power.

    Just like how we had McCarthyism in the 1950′s, and how Terrorists have replaced communism here today. Otherwise the President wouldn’t be getting away with tons of illegal laws taking out our personal liberties. Just how you wouldn’t be getting away with spying and carrying out personal agendas on those you dislike.

    You are right though, anti-griefing groups are useless. You’re just wrong about yours being not useless. You’re in the same boat.

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