SL Grid Shutdown – Residents Need To Change Clothes

by Alphaville Herald on 06/01/08 at 11:56 am

Bland assurances a sign of bad trouble at the Lab?

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk


I was talking with Tiny Newt – a gallant SL pirate and writer extraordinaire – when he asked me why I wasn’t wearing any pants. This seemed a bit odd and rather forward – even though we are friends – since I as far as I could see I was wearing my favorite black leather pants. But it all started making sense when a notice appeared minutes later that the entire grid was being shut down to deal with “the asset server issue”. Had the asset server involuntarily de-pantsed me?

The Second Life ops team made it clear the request to log off was going to be strictly enforced about 2 minutes later when I was instantly logged off – and left to ponder where my leather pants might have gotten to. Something was clearly amiss – the web site was simply not responding at all for about 10 minutes, although was live with a comment-disabled post

At this point, experienced SL residents begin to wonder – is this a hardware problem – or has the griefing community come up with a new way to cripple SL? The net effect would be about the same: “failure to delete or take objects, move objects, timed out requests, inability to save scripts or notecards and to change your clothes”.


The clothes issues is certainly the most troubling – much of the virtual economy runs on clothing. Besides, I generally prefer to wear clothes in public. Before being logged out Tiny Newt had confirmed that my “Bad Kitty” pirate cat shirt was firmly in place, so that was one less thing to worry about. But what about my pants? Who should I complain to?


Could the theory that the “intermittent asset server issues” are griefing-related have some merit? There has been a pattern of asset server problems and other issues – many without clear explanation of what caused the “issue”. Are asset server problems being caused by ill-mannered scripted objects? This could account for the need to shut down the grid – in which case I suppose my complaints should be directed at the greifers.

On the other hand, with more or less effective defenses in place against runaway object creation filling and then crashing sims, is the asset server the new target of choice for those that wish to make a name for themselves in the stupendous ironic badass race? Perhaps I should complain to the Lindens about having my pants removed – after all it is their game. It’s nice that all systems appear to be happy again, but I wonder why we are being given bland reassurances and treated like children. Has the Lab has heard of the phrase “ foreseeable misuse”?

If the grid is happy again why not say what made it unhappy?

11 Responses to “SL Grid Shutdown – Residents Need To Change Clothes”

  1. nimrod yaffle

    Jan 6th, 2008

    The grid has been total crap for the past week.

  2. Nacon

    Jan 6th, 2008

    “when he asked me why I wasn’t wearing any pants. This seemed a bit odd and rather forward – even though we are friends – since I as far as I could see I was wearing my favorite black leather pants.”

    That’s because you and that “friend” of yours had a while goose sex or just being nude. Then you both dressed up and he asked because of common connection lag that doesn’t appear to have your pants on in time. So he’d pop that question at odd timing when SL was coming down.

    So quit having sex or being nude as total retard you are. If you never were nude, he’d say that your pants is “missing image” than saying that you’re not wearing anything.

    In other words, quit making up stories, ya Prok-wannabe.

  3. Corona

    Jan 6th, 2008

    the slightly worrying aspect is that the garments appeared on the avatar as far as the user was concerned – whereas as far as (all ?) other veiwers were concerned the avatar was lacking clothing

    Given the PG status of some sims – where nudity is frowned upon – this could create problems – if the controller of an avatar is unaware

    being banned for indeceny when not even aware of doing so would be unfortunate

    just Hope LL are taking this into account in their policing of sL

  4. A concerned parent

    Jan 6th, 2008

    “So quit having sex or being nude as total retard you are.”

    Calling somebody a retard in the midst of a sentence so badly constructed…oh, mercy!

  5. ThinksWithPortals

    Jan 6th, 2008

    hello. i came to crash your grid and take you pants. if you would kindly remove them beforehand and place them in this container, then your cooperation is much welcomed.

    have a good day.

  6. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 6th, 2008

    Nacon – Please, no one WANTS to be Prok. Even Prok doesn’t want to be Prok. And for your all-knowing info, I’ve appeared nude to people when I had clothes on, and not just after dressing or changing. I’ve had it happen after logging in.

  7. Lao-Tzu

    Jan 6th, 2008

    Asset servers serve to cover asses.

  8. Anonymous

    Jan 7th, 2008

    B-But I want to be prok!

    all hail lenin.

  9. Sigmund Leominster

    Jan 7th, 2008

    Oh, we used to DREAM of just loosing your pants! I had logged on to my last location and noticed I was still wearing the toga I’d slipped into the night before – a tangible reminder of a late-night Bacchanalia of epic proportions! To preserve some semblance of modesty, I tried to attach new clothing to myself without first removing the old. As we know, that didn’t work.

    So, Plan B was to shoot on up to 600m and rez a platform, away from sensitive eyes and snapshot-happy perverts. Bold as brass, I then whipped off all my clothes down to my devastatingly buff skin. This feature of asset usage was surprisingly still intact.

    Then came the moment of Terror. For although I could take stuff OFF, I couldn’t put any ON! I’m stark naked, 600m off the ground and with nowhere to go. I could have teleported back to my usual hangout, but I really didn’t want to give all my friends the opportunity to mock me mercilessly for time immemorial. I’m afraid the only decent thing for a naked man to do at this point is log out.

    So you think just having no pants was bad? Ha, you were LUCKY!

  10. Anonymous

    Jan 7th, 2008

    what you do is go in naked, and start hip thrusting at people if they start in on you.

    after all, it’s just an avatar, not you per se.

    plus if you want to clear a room..

  11. No Really

    Jan 7th, 2008

    Is having your avatar in a virtual world appear naked really such a big deal to you? Really? It’s just pixels, you know….

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