Ex-Superhero on Woodbury, Griefing & JLU drama
by Alphaville Herald on 11/02/08 at 4:04 am
Pierce Kronos reveals he “left the JLU in disgust” in exclusive interview
by Proper Prim, staff writer
A great deal of controversy has been circulating around the Justice League Unlimited of late raising questions about how much is real and how much has been manufactured – is someone is trying to troll and defame the JLU? To learn the truth, I created an alt and went inworld and asked the JLU for interviews for some time before Pierce Kronos finally (hesitantly at first) came forward to talk.
I went into the interview with a long list of questions. Could the teen grid allegations have any merit? Is Kalel Venkman really an ‘unbearable power hungry fascist’ as some have described him? What is the purpose of the JLU? What part did JLU play in the Woodbury University situation and Tizzers Foxchase’s permanent removal from Second Life? Near the end of the interview, Mr. Kronos announced that he had ‘left the JLU in disgust’ but also made it clear that there are still those in the JLU whom he likes, respects, even admires and that he will in no way betray their trust by disclosing any sensitive information as Nikola Shirakawa, another former JLU member, once had.
After speaking at length with Mr. Kronos about work, life in general, griefing, Second Life, the PN and the JLU. Pierce seems to be a good guy and I am convinced that not all of the allegations circulating are true – and I suspect that the ones that are true have nothing to do with him. While Pierce wasn’t been entirely forthcoming about his reasons for leaving the JLU, I admire the fact that he has shown his enemies respect by keeping his quarrels private. It is unclear if Mr Kronos intends to continue endeavors as an anti-griefer from outside of the JLU or if he simply intends to settle down and live quietly – either way we wish him the best of luck!
Proper Prim: Are we seeing a decline in griefing lately and if so, what do you think is the cause?
Pierce Kronos: I believe there have been fewer instances of organized and multi-sim griefing since just before the holidays started. It been like, “Where did all the griefers go?” Still, with over 15K sims in SL and God(dess) only knows how many residents, there’s always griefing going on somewhere.
As to why the apparent reduction … the flippant side of me would say it’s because all the griefer boys and “girls” are still playing with the Christmas toys they got from Santa Claus and haven’t broken them yet. Seriousness aside though, I don’t have any idea why it appears to have lessened but I’m fairly certain it will return, if only from a new crop suffering through the growing pains of the maturation process. I would imagine the “decline” is due to various factors as opposed to just one thing or another. Those factors could include improved SL and GTeam protocols, more folks being educated on utilizing Abuse Report procedures, griefers being busy with school and mid-terms, others getting on with their lives, the threat of real life repercussions, that sort of thing.
Proper Prim: What sort of legal implications do you think griefers may face in the future?
Pierce Kronos: That’s really hard to anticipate as all this cyber world stuff is relatively new compared to the history of real life. I imagine there will eventually be continued transition of real world laws into the cyber world; things like harassment, obstruction, slander/libel, discrimination, fraud, and so forth. Denial of Service has financial repercussions as well so there may come more corporate vs individual suing. You also have to remember Linden Lab is based in the US, home of the lawyer and land of the law suit. Besides, you know politicians and lawmakers the world over are just itching to get their mitts on virtual reality so any excuse will become justified.
Proper Prim: What is the real story about the Tizzers Foxchase and Woodbury University situations?
Pierce Kronos: Well that question is gonna open a whole big can of worms especially considering the folks who comment to Herald articles on a regular basis and all the folks who have taken entrenched positions, as it were, either for or against Tizzers.
To understand my perspective, you have to realize I didn’t join the JLU until June of ’07 so I wasn’t really involved in the whole Woodbury thing as it was already ongoing. I didn’t get to know Tizzers personally until Aree and I started setting out the Perch in Cordova to hang out on, as well as meet and talk with folks in a casual setting. That would have been sometime in October, ’07 I’d guess because it was prior to the infamous Halloween debacle.
As you can well imagine, we used to get all sorts of folks stopping by to chat and visit and so forth; Tizzers, Alyx, Windowlic to name a few and, of course, various PN in day-old avatars. The latter weren’t too hard to spot because, let’s face it, how many one-day-old new residents even know Cordova exists, much less how to get there? Anyway, over time and several conversations, when we weren’t being griefed, trolled or otherwise harassed by various of the aforementioned day-olds, I had the opportunity to hear Tizzer’s side of things and what he/she was trying to accomplish. So I gave Tizzers the benefit of the doubt despite believing Tizzer’s attempts at griefer reformation were misguided.
Proper Prim: Before you go any further, would you go back a moment and give your perspective on the Halloween thing?
Pierce Kronos: Well, I thought it was an incredibly stupid and boneheaded thing to do. I know it’s been posted in comments on the Herald by numerous folks that he/she was merely trick or treating, blah blah, but I mean … really? Anyone with a brain knows Tizzers and buddies went over there to tweak Kal (Kalel Venkman) at his real life address and they were successful even though Kal wasn’t there.
I’ve also heard that Tizzers lead a “raid” on Kal’s house after “stalking” him, tried to intimidate his family members, etc, etc. What it really was, was simply was an unthought-out, bad idea by an immature 19 year-old (or however old Tizzers is supposed to be) who was lucky things didn’t get really out of hand. But, you know, who of us didn’t do incredibly stupid, boneheaded, unthought-out things when we were that young?
I think Kal’s initial anger at the tweaking was justified — I mean it’s one thing to hassle someone in SL, but it’s quite another to take things into real life and to a person’s residence. At the same time, Kal’s old enough and should be mature enough to recognize it for what it really was and to stop referring to it as a “raid.”
Proper Prim: Okay, back to the “griefer reformation”
Pierce Kronos:Right, well, Tizzers would talk to us about just different stuff though one time he/she was all bent out of shape about something and really pissed me off by saying we in the JLU just took orders from Kal and did whatever he directed.. I proceeded to inform Tizzers that Kal was not my general, not my boss and not my father, that each of us (then) in the JLU were individuals and responsible for our own actions or non-actions. One need only read the comments here in the Herald to see how everyone in the JLU is smeared with the same tar that’s constantly thrown at Kalel — you know, guilt by association. There’s a lot of that in SL and in real life too.
Anyway, after that, Tizzers and I seemed to have an uneasy truce. Now that’s not to say that Kalel and others in the JLU did or didn’t file abuse reports for various alleged things. I was never personally knowledgable of Tizzers doing anything wrong until January 1, 2008.
Proper Prim: What happened then?
Pierce Kronos: I filed an Abuse Report on Tizzers for disclosing, without permission, a private conversation between Tizzers and myself to others in Second Life. Within a couple of hours, Tizzers Foxchase was no longer in Second Life. Now it could be that AR was the one that put Tizzers over the top in cumulative “naughty” points and resulted in a ban, or it could be that Tizzers just decided to delete the account for some reason.
By the way, for your readers information, there are three levels of disciplinary action that may be employed by the Governance Team when they determine abuse has indeed taken place: a warning, suspension (1 to 14 days), and lastly, a ban. There is no difference between ban and “permaban.” Too many people call suspensions “bans” and thus call a ban, “permaban”. There’s also an Administrative Log out but that only lasts an hour, so it’s not really an action, more of a time out. I figure, since everyone says Tizzers was banned as opposed to deleting the account, that the Linden cumulative point system is what lead to the removal of that person from Second Life as bans are on a real person, not an account name.
Proper Prim: So you got Tizzers banned from Second Life?
Pierce Kronos: No, Tizzers is the one that got Tizzers banned from Second Life. As to anything else about Tizzers and Woodbury, you should ask someone else. Let’s move on.
Proper Prim: Does JLU really have a presence on the teen grid? Is there another explanation for the existence of the near identical group that was recently uncovered on the teen grid?
Pierce Kronos: There is none nor has been any presence of the JLU on the Teen Grid. As to an explanation, well, you should know that many in the JLU are well old enough to have children, including myself, children who could easily be on the Teen Grid themselves. I suppose younger members of the JLU could well have siblings in that age range also. As I understand it, that teen group wasn’t even active at the time of the “uncovering” otherwise I’d say have a Linden IM the owner to determine the truth in the matter. I’m sure the Lindens could trace the ISPs of anyone in that teen group and compare it to the ISPs of those in the JLU to objectively determine the matter. I wonder if those folks who were so anxious to point the non-retractable finger of accusation bothered to file AR’s on the JLU or just gloried in the insinuations.
Proper Prim: Does JLU generally encounter resistance from landowners and other ‘neutral’ parties?
Pierce Kronos: Some are pro-JLU, some are thankful for any help they can get, some are neutral, some don’t like the JLU, some are anti-JLU, but really … the grid is 15,000+ sims and growing and I’d say most landowners don’t even know the JLU exists. Of those that do know about the group, the range of opinion runs from praise to condemnation, from being griefers to vigilantes, to wanna-be Lindens, to a self-appointed police force, to a public service group, to a valuable volunteer resource. Some within the group and without see themselves as being heros. Take your pick.
Proper Prim: How do you view what you did? Were you a hero, a vigilante, a griefer?
Pierce Kronos: I really didn’t view it one way or another. All I did was what any other resident of Second Life is empowered to do — abuse report apparent violations of the Term of Service and the Community Standards, try to help educate folks on ways to protect themselves and to provide information to new residents that would ease their transition into a new experience. I will say I enjoyed ARing griefers, be they a day old or two years in world. By definition, griefing causes people grief and anyone who purposefully causes grief to someone else deserves whatever penalties are appropriate.
Proper Prim: What about someone who griefs a griefer?
Pierce Kronos: ::laughter:: I do my best to abide by ToS and CS, others have their own opinions of what’s acceptable. It’s Linden Lab’s platform, they get to decide the rules. If you disagree or don’t like them, either don’t log in or try to get them changed.
Proper Prim: Tell me about Maldavious Figtree who is rumored to have been a JLU member at one point
Pierce Kronos: All I know is I saw him at a couple of meetings, then he trashed a sim, admitted to it and was removed from the JLU. He was/is a scripter or something like that I think. I’m pretty sure he’s listed in the Brainiac database as having been discharged for cause.
Proper Prim: Have there been a few cases of drama within the JLU? What are the primary causes?
Pierce Kronos: Well, having just quit the JLU last week, I’m probably the wrong person to pose that question to. Still, within any group, real life, second life or otherwise, there’s the potential for drama; it seems to be human nature. As I tried to explain to Tizzers that time, the JLU is composed of individuals not clones, not soldiers, not employees, not children either. Individuals have their own views and opinions on things … even when they band together for a common goal or purpose. Some in the JLU, for example, believe in a strict interpretation of ToS and CS, others believe in a more casual, situational application. With such wide ranging views, conflict and associated drama occasionally occurs. Sometimes it’s handled well and sometimes it’s not.
Proper Prim: What can you tell me about the JLU’s standard operating procedures?
Pierce Kronos: I can tell you all about them but I won’t. I may have quit the JLU in disgust but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in the public service aims and mission of the group. Plus, there are those in the JLU whom I like, respect and even admire for their commitment to their ideals and their efforts to help Second Life be a good experience for all. I am not going to put those particular folks at a possible disadvantage by revealing to all and sundry what can be very effective procedures.
Proper Prim: I take it there are those in the JLU that you no longer like, respect nor admire?
Pierce Kronos: Take it however you want. I was very specific in how I said what I said.
@anon AKA mootykips
Feb 13th, 2008
Well I dont care what you called yourselves before that, but the idea that the PN came along to punish LL for being unfriendly towards black AV’s with an afro, is a plain lie. Which is my point.
And yeah sure Fort Longat wasnt in Habbo… If Habbo would allow people to build I am certain you would have dredged that ageold meme into it sooner indeed.
What you personally do it for, probably isnt attention seeking then… Perhaps you have other reasons, like this being the only way you can finally be the bully yourself for once. But if you say that wanting attention isnt the reason for any PN to do it, that’s just BS.
Cause… how would you know? Anon is legion anon is anonymous. You have no idea who is who or what reasons they really have to waste their time on something like griefing.
How would I know then? Touche, I dont. But, other then a way of getting attention I can only think of one more reason to become a griefer. Lengthening your E-penis.
Cant be in it for the creativity. Truly creative folk dont rely on memes from the dawn of the internet, creative folk do things like Caledon.
Probably arent in it for the money either…. Unless Prok was wrong all the time and you’re paid a full salary by LL or anyone else she doesnt like to do this. (or by herself, masochists are everywhere… that’d be a joke)
Actually the only reason I could think of… would be if you’re interrested in psychology, to see your ‘victims’ reactions. But (most of) your PN/chanbuddies simply lack the intelligence.
“As for griefing in general, ‘serious business’, ‘lulz’, and ‘get over it’ — maybe that’s cute in the virtual worldview, but over here in RL it’s much the same as some asshole stealing my newspaper out of the tube at the street, or jamming my radio reception. It’s a theft or interference with the use of a legitimate service – in this particular case, a paid service.”
Okay, your point has total validity here… EXCEPT
that the cute virual worldvieu IS applicable here cause guess what… This IS A VIRTUAL WORLD and NOT RL.
and if you are disconnected for two hours from SL… How much does that really, REALLY cost you? Hmmm?
Lost a fortune there in your subscription money? Cause you could play your gamne for two hours less? booo-hoo. Doesnt sound too horrible to me. Of course you can shrug it off and move on…
Or as an alternative option, as what I’ve been pointing out… make a fuss, give the griefers attention, and as such inviting them back for another go of bringing your sim down. Ask Prok or any furry clubowner how you accomplish that lol
My point is again, as you havent gotten it the first few times over:
if there’s anyone out there who knows of a way to describe it any simpler, please contact me as some people here dont seem to get it still.
The world does not end when your SL does. So stop pretending it does.
Aree Lulibub
Feb 13th, 2008
“To anyone else who wants to avoid this third-rate fucktards, simply load your scanners and banlists with the following information.”
What was the point of this? This isn’t any information that can’t be gotten anywhere in SL as key loggers are legal and widely used. By the way, 3/4 of the people on that list are no longer with the JLU, so at least get your information correct before you post it.
“I don’t know your behavior but from your statements here. To call yourself a role model, then swim in the mud is hypocritical. I don’t know if you are still in the JLU, but I do know that you share the same faults as they do in this case.”
Where did I say or do anything to remotely suggest this? I stated the FACT that the JLU does not have tech to log chats and that SL’s TOS doesn’t apply to the Herald, since people were throwing around disclosure accusations without knowing what they were talking about. Get it right!
I guess I won’t wait with bated breath for that in-world IM from you. You prefer to attack from behind the anonymous safety net of your keyboard and monitor without knowing a whit of what you are ranting about.
Lawful =/= always good
Feb 13th, 2008
“If the rules haven’t been broken, then there’s not a problem. From the Second Life Community Standards:”
And this is exactly the kind of thinking that has gotten self appointed anti griefer police groups a bad name all over the grid.
You dont have to break any of the TOS rules to be as low a lifeform as griefers are. Bad cops are still cops tho they belong behind bars like the criminals they’re meant to catch.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 13th, 2008
“You were asked flat out, by your own admission, not to refer to Nikola with masculine pronouns.”
Nikola asked me once not to reveal his true gender in Second Life. And, again, the SL Herald is not “in Second Life.”
“And this is exactly the kind of thinking that has gotten self appointed anti griefer police groups a bad name all over the grid.”
Actually, what gives SL “Police” a bad name is their tendency to flaunt the CS and ToS. Following the rules is a good thing.
Witness X
Feb 13th, 2008
Aree, read carefully. I said it doesn’t violate the Terms of Service, but disclosure is not a word invented by Linden Labs. Using the definition of the word itself as it appears in the English Language, not the LL legalistic term, you JLU people are disclosing parts of somebody’s private identity they want kept private. You are not violating the Terms of service, but you are being unethical assholes. Just because you won’t get punished, that makes it OK? If you want to call yourselves role models, you should be upholding the spirit of the rules, which is Use a little class and don’t go shouting private details from the mountain top. No you didn’t break any rules, but anybody who actually had an ethical bone in their body would have still said it was not a good thing to do.
Witness X
Feb 13th, 2008
And you must be seriously fucking retarded, Aree, if you think I would reveal any aspect of my private life to you, knowing full well, you would gladly publish it here, simply because you could. I hide behind anonymity here, because I don’t want every aspect of my personal life spread over the internet by fucktards such as you JLU types. You can’t seriously say, “We can say whatever we want here” and “Trust me to talk in world” int eh same breath. When you learn to respect people’s privacy, then I’ll talk. until then take the blunt end of a mace and go fuck yourself.
Penance Sautereau
Feb 13th, 2008
Cam Mitchell – Hey leave Sen out of it. Hell leave most of the JLU out of it. Kal and GLE are the only JLU folk most people really have an issue with and who annoy people in their crusades. And Sen is cool and I know she never actually does any “Anti-Griefing” griefing because she’s too busy making Doctor Who skyboxes with DALEK Drillion for Hamds Of Omega. Only mean thing Sen Pixie ever did was steal my parking spot in Cardiff, and I can live with that because she’s cute.
Witness X
Feb 13th, 2008
Again, arguing semantics like that just makes you come off as petty and spiteful. For all you know, the repeated use of such flagrant uncivil rudeness helped push her into her suicide.
She identified as transgendered.
By your own admission, she asked you to use feminine words.
No, it’s not against the rules to do otherwise. But refusing to do so makes you a typical Saturday school.
No fucking class.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 13th, 2008
“When you learn to respect people’s privacy, then I’ll talk. until then take the blunt end of a mace and go fuck yourself.”
You’re saying some pretty nasty things to a pretty nice lady. I hope you don’t kiss your mother with that filthy mouth.
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
She has demonstrated nothing to me that would signify her to be any sort of lady. I don’t treat people any better than they deserve.
Stating the Obvious
Feb 14th, 2008
Throughout his time in Second Life, Nikola has switched back and forth between male and female avatars regularly, sometimes daily. So, is it really hurtful for someone to refer to him as a “he” simply because they don’t know what gender he wants to be today? If you spend time with someone who, for the majority of the time you’ve spent with him, has been clad in male form, referring to him as a “he” is merely a convenience; not a personal attack. Should someone really be expected to say “he/she” every time they refer to Nikola? What if I call Nikola a “she” and he decides he wants to be a man today? Am I still insulting him?
Pierce Kronos
Feb 14th, 2008
“And you must be seriously fucking retarded, Aree (…) take the blunt end of a mace and go fuck yourself.”
Dear Witless Ex, you really shouldn’t project your own emotional handicap and dark sexual desires onto others. While the Herald obviously has no moderation policy at all, I would think that at least personal modesty would give you pause to publicly sharing your fantasies.
Now if you’ve got something constructive to say about me or the article — go for it. Otherwise, I’d suggest you stick to commenting on the Post 6 Girls.
Pierce Kronos
Penance Sautereau
Feb 14th, 2008
@Witness Y
Um…. no, you can disinclude me from your little list. I only “bawed” for the first couple weeks. Then I tried ignoring them, didn’t work. (The part your parents andteachers neglect to mention when they give you the “just ignore them” speech; 90% of bullies if you ignore them, will just try that much harder to get a rise out of you.)
So now I just laugh and mock them, which seems to have worked. I haven’t been griefed in-world in quite some time. That’s what really gets the net bullies you see.
You baw, it excites them. You cry it gets them hard. You bitch and curse and swear, they cum in their seat from the nigh-orgasmic lulz. You ignore them, they try harder because ego demands they believe they really are getting to you.
You laugh and mock them as the inept losers wasting perfectly good time on you? It upsets them. Especially if you belittle their choice of targeting. Maybe every griefing victim should pretend their self-esteem is as low as mine actually is, because my pointing out to the pathetic ones how utterly fail trolling a nobody that no one gives a shit about is, they feel like the idiots they are and go find someone who’ll cry.
It works. Only griefing I get at all anymore is here on the Herald, which is equally inconsequential to everyone.
After all, I was right, only 3 people posted asking me not to quit. 5 posted good riddance, and nobody else gave a rat’s ass.
Move along folks, nothing to see here…
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
Demonstrate proof that this “daily switching” occured. Just because you say something happened doesn’t mean it did. All the evidence shows a maintained feminine presence. Her in-world profile shows female characteristics. The last time she identified herself here, she referred to herself as a transsexual woman. Yes, it IS hurtful to continue to refer to her as otherwise. By doing otherwise, ally ou JLU assclowns do is show yourself to be bigoted, intolerant, classless, tasteless, unethical douchebags.
FYI, depending on your location, intentionally referring to a transgendered individual with the incorrect pronouns will actually get you a call from the police as it is considered hate-based harassment, no different from the use of racial slurs. And the number of such jurisdictions is on the rise every day.
You are violating her privacy if you post information that is not true public record. In world, you would be banned for it. Out here, you’re just an unethcial asshole for it.
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
Penance, here is a fourth, asking you not to quit. Voices with a bit of reason and compassion such as yours are in far short supply here. Don’t abandon this site to the little PN/JLU fuckwads. Someone with a bit of decency and class is sorely needed here.
Fenix Harbinger
Feb 14th, 2008
Witness X said: “Fenix Harbinger is from Dublin Ireland, and looks just like this:
Those are some interesting conclusions listed at the ED, and then paraphrased by Witness X here… patently wrong, but fascinating fantasy. I do not now, nor have I ever, lived in Dublin Ireland.
I am not easily intimidated, nor do I care overly much who from SL has my RL information. I find it rather funny, in fact, that “outting” me here and in the Enc. Dramatica seems like such a coups to these people, seeing as my RL ID is splashed all over the internet, to include my SL profiles, posts across the face of Live Journal and Usenet, and the obvious and easily found links between my two main SL identities and my RL one. It doesn’t take some master hacker to know who I am. Hell, I am noseart on a plane that, up until a few short months ago, was flying missions in Iraq, and I receive letters to this day from all over the world. I’d be much more impressed if you figured out who my other 5 SL avs are. Does anyone have any more Q’s for me so I can just offer up the real answers (with links to anything verifiable) and spare you the cloak and dagger antics (and misinformation)?
Now… here are some SL facts anyone could go and confirm if they had the desire. I have the following people who were in past witnessed in the act of griefing/involved with griefer groups, and who have been in past, or are now, considered by the JLU to be “griefers” or “ex-PN” on my friends list: Tizzers Foxchase (plus several alts), Aminon Marvin, Windowlic Klaar, Trebesan Clary (contact them yourself for confirmation).
So, what conclusions might one come to, using just this information? Am I a spy for griefers? Am I disgruntled with the JLU and want to bring them down? Am I using my alts for more nefarious dealings? Or, does it mean that maybe you should not paint everyone in a group with the same broad brush, and maybe we actually are individuals who think for ourselves?
There is no way you could possibly know anything of any real importance from the limited information offered in this interview, or even by combining this with any previous articles… but people do judge based on scarce facts. That’s the real problem here. You can’t possibly “know” the JLU, Tizzers or even Pierce Kronos from this single interview. Unfortunately, we are in the age of the ‘fast food’ mentality. We are the soundbyte generation. We are out of the habit of delving more deeply than that which is easily garnered, and quickly obtained. Consider also that the SL Herald and its contributors are not “The Washington Post” or “Woodward and Bernstein” of the Nixon era. The SL Herald is not unbiased journalism, spending months, or even years to go into great detail and meticulously verifying facts before presenting their expose’s to the world at large. It’s an opinion site staffed by volunteers with little or no experience or training in investigative journalism, no more ‘factual’ or ‘unbiased’ than any blog on the internet.
I would very much encourage anyone reading this, or any other SL “news source”, to consider the source and go find out for yourselves what the details beyond the soundbytes are. Warning… it will take more time than it takes to order a Big Mac, so get set for the long haul if you *really* care what the truth is.
Neo Citizen
Feb 14th, 2008
Naw, Pennance/Nikola/Witness X/y/z/Cam Mitchell-whatever, go ahead and quit. I’ve got you pegged, you’re all the same person.
Penance Sautereau
Feb 14th, 2008
Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I gave my word, I’d stay only if ten different people posted asking me to, and not sockpuppets either. I don’t go back on my word unless it’s completely beyond my control. I doubt 6 more people care enough to keep me around.
Be nice if Pix posted wanting me to stay but ehn.
Anyway, if I did stay as a writer, it’d just give the trolls an excuse to call me a hypocrite after I said I was done. The writing just stopped being fun as it was.
I’ll be submitting my still-owed final column in another week. Til then, cheers.
Aree Lulibub
Feb 14th, 2008
I’m not quite sure why, but my last response to Witless X never got posted…
“And you must be seriously fucking retarded, Aree, if you think I would reveal any aspect of my private life to you, knowing full well, you would gladly publish it here, simply because you could. I hide behind anonymity here, because I don’t want every aspect of my personal life spread over the internet by fucktards such as you JLU types. You can’t seriously say, “We can say whatever we want here” and “Trust me to talk in world” int eh same breath. When you learn to respect people’s privacy, then I’ll talk. until then take the blunt end of a mace and go fuck yourself.”
Now that one made me laugh. Here you’re Witness X, but in SL your avatar name is your private life? They’re both anonymous, Silly. Unless you’re one of those that can’t tell the difference between real life and Second Life. Or one of those who doesn’t have a life and forgot where that cute little blue off button is on the computer. If you’re going to put quotation marks around what you think I said, at least quote me correctly and quit reading something into what I stated. I’ll repeat myself again. Imagine me saying it slowly so that you understand…
1. I am no longer a member of the JLU.
2. I stated that the Herald does not have to abide by LL’s TOS and CS (I never indicated any ethical leaning at all).
3. I stated that the JLU does not have tech that logs chats.
You’re wasting a lot of energy on being angry and making yourself look stupid in the process.
Have a great day. I’m done here.
Witness X/NoName
Feb 14th, 2008
It must be nice to use the Witness X handle whoever is using it for your attacks. While most of us Witnesses and NoNames use it for more covert reasons, someone else using the handle just for their personal attacks and vendettas are pretty much starting to annoy us.
Just stop it. Post under another handle. Stop using our handle and ready made rep and such that comes with it. You are not a NoName. You do not speak for us. This whole “not all Witnesses are this or that blah blah blah” is a pile of horeshit used to cover.
I have stated in the past that we are for the most part pro JLU. Those of us who actually do operate in SL are pro JLU, those of us who in sites/digital realms, against all things Chan/PN, are not really part of this SL equation and for the most part do not know what goes in SL besides periphery knowledge.
This comment is very telling:
“Naw, Pennance/Nikola/Witness X/y/z/Cam Mitchell-whatever, go ahead and quit. I’ve got you pegged, you’re all the same person.”
Though I don’t think Pennace and Nikola are tied, I do believe that Nikola is one of the false Witness Xs. Cam Mitchell is somewhat tied to Nikola and /b/tards in a way. The fact that many are starting to see a trend in some of these name posers is pretty telling.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 14th, 2008
“Demonstrate proof that this “daily switching” occured.”
No problem. Behold – “The Many Faces of The Great Nikola Shirakawa:”
Which Nikola is which? These days you can’t tell the players without a program.
BTW, I have Tizzers and Trebesan and Windowlic on my friends list as well. And I’m one of the three who urged Penny not to quit. May I vote twice?
Reiterating the Obvious
Feb 14th, 2008
To the Witness X who seems intent on calling anyone who uses such “hurtful” terms as “he” and “him” when refering to Nikola “unethcial assholes”, “assclowns”, “fuckwads”, and whatever other derogatory terms he can think of:
First of all, you’re a hypocrit for accosting someone for using “offensive wording” and insulting them with derogatory language in the same breath. Furthermore, you know nothing about anyone in the JLU or me. I personally have transgendered friends in RL, in SL, and have personally identified myself as the opposite gender from time to time. I am no bigot and I hold no prejudice over anyone.
What really confuses me is why you are so empassioned about defending Nikola’s “honor” in this way when you so obviously know almost nothing about him. Have you ever even spent any time with him? Once upon a time, he and I were friends. I don’t know what sort of proof you would expect that he switched avatars all the time or even that I’ve spoken with him. I can only tell you of my personal experience.
In the time I knew him, he was very open about being male and never tried to hide this fact. It was only very recently that he changed his profile and started putting up an “all woman” front. If he wants to be a she now, that’s fine with me. I have nothing against it. But, for those of us who’ve known him for quite a long time as male, it’s convenient and second nature for us to refer to him with masculine pronouns. It actually takes conscious effort to refer to him with feminine pronouns rather than the other way around.
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
OK, that picture is rather telling,. but if you don’t mind me asking, where did you get it from? If it wasn’t posted in SL itself, or in any general connectable profile, then, like photographs of Catherine Fitzpatrick, they are going to be disclosure. Of course, something tells me that won’t be an issue for you, so once it’s done I will concede my point there.
Fenix, I didn’t post that about you. That was posted by Cam Mitchell, whoever that is. I found its posting here deplorable and an invasion of privacy. Remember, the name under the post is is the poster. The name above is the last poster.
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
My SL name would give you my key Aree. using just avatar names, you managed to scrounge up real life info on Shirakawa and Foxchase easily enough. Furthermore, all my SL conversations would most likely be logged and posted by your group. MY SL activity would no longer be safe from your prying eyes.
Aree Lulibub
Feb 14th, 2008
“My SL name would give you my key Aree. using just avatar names, you managed to scrounge up real life info on Shirakawa and Foxchase easily enough. Furthermore, all my SL conversations would most likely be logged and posted by your group. MY SL activity would no longer be safe from your prying eyes.”
I never did any such thing. Have you gone completely off your rocker?
Again, (third time is a charm?) I AM NO LONGER IN THE JLU and when I was in the JLU, I didn’t condone the gathering of real life information on people and was actually quite verbal about it. Quit lumping me and others together in one group. The JLU is a diverse bunch of individuals and not all of them participate in gathering of real life information on people. I have no interest in tracking your SL activity. You would have to be important enough for me to care about that.
Feb 14th, 2008
No one ‘scrounged up’ any real life info about Nikola from his avatar key; that’s just not possible. Everything known about his RL was freely delivered BY NIKOLA to other avatars in SL. He liked to talk about himself A LOT.
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
I understand you are not in the JLU anymore, but you expressed here that it is ok to say things that would be disclosure in world. As long as it doesn’t break any official rules, you would be fine with it, as such I will not be giving you anything you can disclose.
Now you have a problem with my using offensive words to users of offensive words? Tough shit. You want to be offensive unethical hurtful assholes, you will be treated as such. You want to be an asshole, don’t cry when you get a bit of shit on you. “It takes conscious effort to refer to him the other way around?” It takes conscious effort for some people not to swear like a sailor around children, but you’d certainly expect them to do so. And it doesn’t take conscious effort to remember to use feminine pronouns about her when you are addressing the use of such pronouns i9n the same sentence! If it does, then you have to have an IQ of about six. Oh wait, you’ve got JLU colors, nearly forgot.
Feb 14th, 2008
witness y needs to lurk moar.
Fenix Harbinger
Feb 14th, 2008
Witness X… right you are, I stand corrected. Please accept my apologies for using your name in conjunction with that post. Indeed, I should have said “Cam”.
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
Conversations, including chat logs and IMs, shared without the consent of all involved parties is disclosure. Did she say you could use her information?
Witness X
Feb 14th, 2008
It’s all right. Easy mistake to make on quick glance lol.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 14th, 2008
“OK, that picture is rather telling,. but if you don’t mind me asking, where did you get it from?”
I don’t mind you asking. The picture was given to me outside of Second Life by someone who wanted to add to this discussion without participating in it personally. I don’t know where it came from, and I didn’t ask. Presumably it was a poster created on the Internet from screen shots of Nikola’s various avatars.
Witness X
Feb 15th, 2008
Well then I’m afraid it’s still rather disclosure, and you set a terrible role model. I mean, if it was made by Nikola herself, it would be different, but all that suggests to me is that somebody is snooping a little too closely, which I’m sure was not your intention.
Cam Mitchell
Feb 15th, 2008
The poster using Cam Mitchell is not the Cam from SL, some douche trying to tarnish my good name ROFL. I don’t even read this website as I am illiterate and
. I R famous nao. Anyways, if you have doubts about THIS post please just IM me inworld and I will confirm. I suspect the imposter to be Nikola Shirakawa or Cid Jacobs, both have grudges against the JLU, I however am over mine. Toodles
really could care less about the content. I am so happy now as I have a SL Herald imposter
Penance Sautereau
Feb 15th, 2008
@Neo Citizen – Um…. riiiiight…. keep telling yourself that there Sherlock. I’m not Nikola and that’s not only easily proven, it’s already BEEN proven. But you keep coming up with theories on your pixelated grassy knoll there.
@Greenlantern Exelsior – No, you can’t vote twice, that would be cheating.
Aree Lulibub
Feb 15th, 2008
To Witless X: This is like shouting at a parrot and I’m done.
“I suspect the imposter to be Nikola Shirakawa or Cid Jacobs, both have grudges against the JLU.”
Whoa! While Nikola is an unbalanced individual and not above any sort of smear campaign, Cid Jacobs would never lower himself to such tactics, even though he’s been given plenty of reason to. I’ve seen nothing from Cid except the best of behavior. Shame on yourself for suggesting differently.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 15th, 2008
“Hell, the original point of the PN was to troll Linden Labs for being “racist” because they started banning black avatars that were new because of their actions. Just like how with Habbo Hotel, you cant make a black avatar with a suit and an afro anymore. Dressing up as a stereotypical gang member is A-okay though! (in habbo and SL)”
It would be interesting to see an article in the SL Herald all about the history of griefing in Second Life. I’ll bet there are some fascinating insights about events going on behind the scenes and who did what to whom.
Witness X
Feb 16th, 2008
It would make sense for it to be Nikola in this case, as it seems to display insight with your group which only an ex-member would apparantly know. But to demean someone for a “smear campaign” when you continue to refuse to acknowledge someone’s identified gender, showing bigoted smearing is hypocritical to the maximum degree.
Login Report: Nikola Shirakawa
Feb 16th, 2008
For those of you so concerned about Nikola’s welfare, you’ll be vastly relieved to know that he is still alive an kicking, unless his account has been inherited by a benefactor of some sort.
According to publicly accessible data, Nikola Shirakawa logged into Second Life on February 15, 2008 at 21:03 Pacific Standard Time.
Reiterating the Obvious
Feb 16th, 2008
Witness X, you’ve completely missed the points of what I said. It doesn’t hurt my feelings any that you use derogatory slurs right and left. I was merely pointing out your ignorance and hypocrisy. You’re self righteous and close minded. You want to belittle people for saying things you apparently think are offensive, but resort to the same tactics yourself.
Furthermore, my comment about the fact that it would take a conscious effort to refer to Nikola in the feminine was simply to illustrate how natural it is for me to think of him in a masculine sense. Whether he was wearing a male or female avatar at the time, Nikola always presented himself as male to me, so when I think about him, I think of him as the way he most often portrayed himself and how I personally got to know him.
I’ve known several transexuals; I understand their mindset, respect their feelings, and support them in their decisions. I would never say something in malice to such a person simply to hurt them. The thing is, Nikola has always switched back and forth between genders. I don’t have the time and resources to always make sure I know what he wants to be at the time. So, I pick the gender I mostly associate with him and stick with it. If he were to express to me that he has suddenly decided he wants to completely identify himself as female now and that referring to him as male truly was offensive to him, I’d refer to him in the feminine. It’s really no bother to me either way. I’m only even writing here because you shouldn’t attack others just because they refer to Nikola in the way most natural to them.
Why are you so full of yourself? The only one who really seems to be offended by any of this is you. You keep dragging on and on about this one issue, yet based on what you’ve said so far, one would think you don’t even know Nikola. Sure, you’ve heard his name and you know a bit about him, but I would wager you’ve never actually spent any significant amount of time with him. If you really cared about Nikola so adamantly, you’d put at least half as much energy into getting to know him and a little less in dragging out petty arguments.
Witness X
Feb 16th, 2008
What publicly available record is that that you used to find her? Not discounting you, but it would be nice to see where you get your proof from.
As to you, Obvious, you really don’t know anything about me. You have no idea how close I might know Nikola. How well do you know here? What history would you have that I wouldn’t? Back that judgmental pendulum right the fuck back to yourself.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 16th, 2008
I just concluded an IM with Nikola in-world. I said I was glad the suicide threat didn’t come true. We discussed this article and several other topics.
Nikola Shirakawa
Feb 16th, 2008
This is the first post I have made here in a very long time, but aparrantly, I have to make it because some people are too ignorant to use their brains unless everything is spelled out for them. I logged in to withdraw my stipend, and as I am not a member of any groups, there can be no “public record” to draw on to find this information out. As they have utilized these connections in the past, it was most likely Kalel calling up MichaelFrancis or Plexus Linden to find out. Prok may be a bit off the deep end but I’m starting to think he has something with this FIC bullshit.
Obvious, whoever the hell you are, you must not know me, or you would know just how hurtful it is to see comments made by you and others here to deliberately undermine my real life decisions with regards to my transsexualism. I will state this plainly, so even you JLU retards can understand.
I am a girl.
My body is not my own, it is the result of severe birth defects.
I am female, and identify only with being female.
No matter how “inconvenient” it may be for you to do otherwise, you are being hurtful and intolerant towards myself, and I do not appreciate it.
GreenLantern Excelsior as of today was removed from my friends list and I did file abuse reports, both when he disclosed in world, and when he told me tough shit, I don’t have a right to feel the way I do if he can’t be punished.
Now you may be tempted to sue his argument that “it’s not a secret, you said it in the past”. Number one,t here was no public record of me doing so, and number two, I was lying to myself at that point. The constant switch over was not daily, as the JLU would have you believe, but happened only occasionally, when I would think it was not right for me to play as female, so for a few days I would go male again, but I went back to being female, as it was what felt right to me. You bigots may have trouble understanding this concept, but I didn’t just wake up an go, Holy shit, I’m trans! It was a knowledge that I only came to after much experimenting and questioning in this manner.
As to that private information, the only information that at least had it’s origin with me was the key and member list. I made that in world for the use in the creation of a proximity radar targeting JLU members, so as to provide myself and interested others with a little bit of privacy by alerting us to the presence of snoops like these around us. As to how it ended up on the PN wiki, I gave it out to anyone who asked. That did include a few other big enemies of the JLU including Tizzers and her friends, so it honestly does not surprise me that it ended up in their hands. With regards to the other information, I honestly don’t have a clue, and I certainly didn’t post it here.
I have not been sock puppeting anyone, I haven’t posted here since the last one with my name on it. I’ve been far too busy to play Kill Kal like that. With regards to Venkman, he is a proven liar and slanderer, with two main points regarding my Free Fandom work.
1. He continued to try to make me out to be a thief for selling items I created myself, which can be easily proven by checking the properties on the items in world.
2. He claimed to have been invited to join, when no JLU members were in the group, and I outright requested of Marcus, a personal friend, not to allow JLU to join.
I go ahead and do myself in, cut off all ties, and still I am not free of JLU attacks, harassment and slander. Surely you can see why I would advocate the use of such a radar. Now, I know you won’t get in trouble for saying anything masculine in reference to me, but it cuts as much as a racial slur. It hurts me, and if you have any compassion in your hearts, you will respect my wishes.
Login Report
Feb 16th, 2008
> What publicly available record is that that you used to find her?
There is a simple LSL function that can easily be used for this very purpose. Anyone can call it, at any time, and it takes no tricky hacks of the system or anything of the sort. In fact, it easily falls within the set of this function’s intended uses.
Penance Sautereau
Feb 16th, 2008
*hugs Nikola* Ignore the twonks luv, they’re beneath you.
Witness X
Feb 16th, 2008
A simple LSL function like chat loggers and orbiters? If it is a built in function, please, publish said script, and justify it’s use as anything less than griefing in the vein of orbiters and chat bots.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 16th, 2008
“GreenLantern Excelsior as of today was removed from my friends list and I did file abuse reports, both when he disclosed in world, and when he told me tough shit, I don’t have a right to feel the way I do if he can’t be punished.”
Nikola is a liar. I have never told him any such thing.
“I go ahead and do myself in, cut off all ties, and still I am not free of JLU attacks, harassment and slander.”
Nikola is a hypocrite, having written at least one attack article against the JLU that was published in the SL Herald.
“My body is not my own”
“I was lying to myself”
“for a few days I would go male again, but I went back to being female”
Nikola is confused. And imagine the confusion of anyone who hasn’t been keeping up with the SL Herald drama, who refers to Nikola as male and so becomes the target of an Abuse Report. Talk about a “chilling effect” on everyday conversation! Probably many of us know a guy who occasionally runs around wearing a girl’s avatar. Now, before you talk about that guy in-world using the wrong pronoun, you will need to go check to see which avatar he’s wearing that day. Or, if you’re feeling especially vindictive, you can hang around near your enemies, and when they start talking about you, you can quickly put on an avatar of the opposite sex and wait for them to drop the wrong pronoun so you can start the AR process. If you’re especially interested in making this happen, you can create a proximity scanner using the avatar keys of your enemies and supply that device to your friends so they could do some stalking, eavesdropping, and ARing.
I suspect that the motive behind this drama is not so much high indignation over a hurtful problem as it is getting back at the people who kicked Nikola out of their group.
Login Report
Feb 17th, 2008
lol. It needs no justification but I’m happy to share since you asked nicely. It is very close to those signs shop owners put up in their stores to tell customers if they are online or not. I call it “still alive”. Enjoy!
key SUBJ = “f026ab38-b4e8-4a7e-836c-80c20ca843c8″;
float POLL = 60.0;
string gSubjName = “”;
key gSubjNameQry = NULL_KEY;
key gSubjOnlineQry = NULL_KEY;
default {
state_entry() {
gSubjNameQry = llRequestAgentData(SUBJ, DATA_NAME);
state_exit() {
timer() {
gSubjOnlineQry = llRequestAgentData(SUBJ, DATA_ONLINE);
dataserver(key request_id, string data) {
if (request_id == gSubjNameQry) {
gSubjNameQry = NULL_KEY;
gSubjName = data;
} else if (request_id == gSubjOnlineQry) {
gSubjOnlineQry = NULL_KEY;
if ((integer)data) {
state done;
state done {
state_entry() {
gSubjName+” is still alive! Logged in at “+llGetTimestamp());
llSetScriptState(llGetScriptName(), FALSE);
Nikola Shirakawa
Feb 17th, 2008
I said I was confused. I am not any longer. And you try to say “How should I know which would be proper to use?” BECAUSE I JUST FUCKING TOLD YOU! You have been told over and over and over again. You are not “unsure” you are trying to hurt me to get back at me for publishing words about you and your griefer group that reveals them as just that. I am not following you around, I have better things to do with my life. Your twisting of my words to try to hurt me like this shows you to be nothing but the lowest and worst kind of excrement.
I’ll tell you what. If you can name one constructive purpose for refusing to show the slightest bit of tolerance, i will shut up. BUt you are not unsure about which pronouns are ok to use. You are intentionally and malicously acting in an intolerant and hurtful manner. Name one real reason you have to intentionally use the wrong words in reference to myself.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Feb 17th, 2008
“If you can name one constructive purpose for refusing to show the slightest bit of tolerance, i will shut up.”
Nikola, here’s an idea – why don’t you just shut up anyway? Your constant backstabbing, troublemaking, and whiny complaining are enough to piss off the Pope. You bitch about people using words that don’t meet your personal requirements, yet your own posts are full of lazy misspellings and CAPS LOCK shouting. You cry about people who are supposedly trying to injure you with words, after you’ve written salacious drama-filled hit pieces to try to cause damage to those very same people. You whine incessantly because everyone in the world won’t change to meet your demands, yet there is never the slightest indication that you are willing to compromise on anything. You are always right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.
No one here has shown any intolerance of transsexuals. It’s you, personally, that we can’t tolerate. So yeah, go ahead and shut up. That’s a great idea that will make everyone happy.