SL Military : Divided
by Alphaville Herald on 17/04/08 at 12:05 am
by Proteus Hand, war correspondent
For those of you who don’t keep up with their events, there exist two treaties, the Ascendant Initiative, and the Iron Symphony. Most people will argue against this claim, but from what everyone seems to understand, the initial catalyst started when the Merczateers scripted together a riot shield. Upon testing it in the Alliance Navy headquarters, Dorien, without really any warning, the Alliance Navy considered it a shield, and sent a notice to the Mercz labeling them as a griefer military, and they had cleared tactics otherwise considered cheap and deplorable to be used against them.
Vehemently outraged by the insult, the Ordo Imperialis, Militant Collective, and Merczateers convened to collectively ban every member of the Alliance Navy, and let them fight either their allies, or smaller, less organized groups. Their intention was simply to never have to deal with the Alliance Navy’s pomp and circumstance, and overwhelming firepower, but as a plus, many of them hope that the AN will atrophy into disarray and die.
Yet the Iron Symphony was countered by a similar move, hoping to solidify the current treaty which had been written by Alliance Navy personnel, STABLE, which was made in response to the failed Merczateer treaty, MOSCOW. (Past references from last year may be found on the Herald.) Flanking the Alliance Navy in friendship are the 39th and Sparta, among other small military groups who come and go.
I fumbled my trusty pen as my communicator flashed, and the shadowy face of Jim Herbst’s gas-mask appeared before me. The wall behind him was a sandy brown, with caramel trim about the ceiling, floor, and his hair, a similar color, smoothly lined his well groomed head from underneath his cap of Admiralty. He nodded to me, tested his voice, which sounded oddly clear from behind a mask, and my interview with the Admiral began.
Proteus Hand: So, a huge lot of them have been claiming that their isolation strategy is actually working in weakening the Alliance Navy. What do you think about this?
Jim Herbst: Our recruiting numbers have been at their highest since November.
Proteus Hand: Cool.
Proteus Hand: What about combat prowess, troop morale, etc?
Jim Herbst: Well, it virtunally left no impact on Morale
Jim Herbst: and we get plenty of time to practice maneuvers and work on new guns when the mercz aren’t attacking us.
Proteus Hand: I figured you weren’t bluffing when you all said it wouldn’t make any difference.
Jim Herbst: I’m not much of a bluffer when it comes to things like this
Jim Herbst: I thought it was apparent to everyone that I was a terrible lyer.
Proteus Hand chuckles.
Proteus Hand: I figured you were like me and were just too lazy to.
Jim Herbst: Well, the truth is normally worse than a lie.
Proteus Hand: that’s SL for you.
Proteus Hand: It’s almost like a giant white lie incarnate.
Proteus Hand: Anyhow, before I get off topic, what sort of new technology have you pioneered?
Jim Herbst: Well, random stuff, I personally like some of our new fleet ship hulls, planes, and ordinance.
Proteus Hand: AN’s specialty, in my opinion.
Jim Herbst: Lest we forget our complete Marine Armory overhaul
Proteus Hand: I’ve noticed an armor upgrade.
Jim Herbst: With guns that lurdan tried to pay our animator for the animations for.
Clearly, hostilities had not cooled since the initial ban, so I decided to change the subject.
Proteus Hand: So, last I heard, you were giving them until, was it May? Until the standoff breaks down?
Jim Herbst: I am expecting the standoff to end before June
Jim Herbst: and I don’t call it a standoff.
Jim Herbst: I call it what it is.
Jim Herbst: They bant us from their sims
Jim Herbst: there is no standoff.
Jim Herbst: If they unbant us, our initial reaction would probably be shock, then an attack.
Proteus Hand: Do you think they know that?
Jim Herbst: I TOLD a couple of them that.
Proteus Hand: Interesting.
Proteus Hand: On a final note, who out of ALL of your hostiles would you say to be the most threatening?
Jim Herbst: Hmm
Jim Herbst: This will be a tough Choice
Jim Herbst: In what way?
Proteus Hand: How about on the battlefield, and then off.
Jim Herbst: On The Battlefield – The Brazillians
Proteus Hand: Really?
Jim Herbst: They are relentless
Jim Herbst: and above all
Jim Herbst: they cannot be negotiated with easily.
Jim Herbst: There is no drama with or about them
Jim Herbst: because it falls on deaf ears as it were.
Proteus Hand: I never expected the Brazillians.
Jim Herbst: I find them to be the perfect enemies.
Proteus Hand: what about off the battlefield?
Jim Herbst: I am not concerned about Ability as far as SL combat goes, anybody can get that.
Jim Herbst: A THREAT.. off the battlefield?
Jim Herbst: Copybotters.
Proteus Hand: Like the digital worlds scam that hit most militaries a few weeks ago?
Jim Herbst: Yeah
Jim Herbst: although not a threat in the traditional sense
Jim Herbst: moreso they proved that we’re a community as a whole
Jim Herbst: which a lot of us seem to forget.
Proteus Hand: Very true.
On that note, I felt satisfied with what I had gathered, and bid farewell to the Admiral, whom saluted me over the communicator. I switched my trusty technology off and snapped it shut before stuffing it in my pocket aside my pen, wondering if the bedlam would continue.
Digital Worlds
Apr 17th, 2008
“Proteus Hand: Like the digital worlds scam that hit most militaries a few weeks ago?”
Digital Worlds Scam!? SCAM!?
Digital Worlds is no scam and provides many SL users with a place to hangout, create new things and call home without shelling out RL money. That does tend to attract all sorts of people though….
Just because Gun and Loki got some phone calls and they happened to mention Digital Worlds, doesn’t mean it is some sort of “scam”.
If you are speaking of the Copy Botting that was happening, Digital Worlds has no direct affiliation with any of those actions and any reports of Copy Botted materials were taken seriously and removed. The users who committed the offenses have been banned.
Feel free to come by Digital Worlds sim named “Modish”, everyone is welcome and Loki has been by a few times now.
Apr 17th, 2008
I shaved my G.I. Joe’s head.
I am so fucking cool.
Just Me
Apr 17th, 2008
WHY are there so many articles about the SL military factions and griefers (yes, I lump them together in my mind) ?
When will hear a bit about some other stuff? Things like new clubs that have opened? good DJs to listen to ? live performing artists? interesting builds using sculpties or great use of textures? more about new and innovative products? designers with a flair for creating nice SL clothing? new dance animations? interviews with interesting people? SL charitable and non-profit organizations? mentoring in SL? types of classes available and which are the best ones to take? upcoming treasure hunts? events? fundraisers? concerts? sales? etc ….
Pauleh Kamachi
Apr 17th, 2008
“WHY are there so many articles about the SL military factions and griefers (yes, I lump them together in my mind) ?
When will hear a bit about some other stuff? Things like new clubs that have opened? good DJs to listen to ? live performing artists? interesting builds using sculpties or great use of textures? more about new and innovative products? designers with a flair for creating nice SL clothing? new dance animations? interviews with interesting people? SL charitable and non-profit organizations? mentoring in SL? types of classes available and which are the best ones to take? upcoming treasure hunts? events? fundraisers? concerts? sales? etc”
Dont expect that from here sadly
Steve 319 Cao
Apr 17th, 2008
Im deeply saddened by what ive read here if you read between the lines this article tells us a few things mainly that the second life military world is in the gutter what I mean by this is on one side we have the Iron symphony of whom I am a loyal officer of the MC the Iron symphony isolated the AN for morally decent reasons in the hope of creating a fair standard of combat where the emphasis was focused on skill and finding a definitive way to win without all the drama and crap that goes with it but on the other side we have the AN and allies who believe that wars are there for winning and a focused on developing tech to achieve that end neither vision are necessarily wrong but at the moment both sides refusal to compromise is fracturing the sl combat scene and regardless what face Admiral Herbst puts on it this ban is effecting both Initiative and Symphony members alike I remember when I first started playing this game groups used to tear into each other enjoy themselves and put everything they have into being better than the enemy and what we have now are two sides who’s natural preference is to fight each other being kept apart by disagreements over rules when the ban first occurred I supported it I even as commander of SLSN signed SLSN up to it but I think what we need right now is to sit down with the alliance navy scrap both sets of rules and try to draw up a new way forward with all groups without bitching or insulting them maybe if both sides learn to negotiate and give a little we can restore sl combat for everyone.
Another interesting article Proteus but I felt it lacked balance you made no attempt as far as I can see to contact any member of the Iron Symphony high command for there comments surely if the article is titled Sl military divided having two sets of opinions would represent that better.
Steve319 Cao
Vice Commander MC Fleet
Please note the opinions expressed in this article are my own and in no way represent the opinions of the militant collective.
Steve 319 Cao
Apr 17th, 2008
Ive also found it really bloody annoying people posting shit like why are there sooooooo many articles about second life military so one is forcing you to read these it can be very clearly seen that this is an article about second life warfare some people choose to build some choose to script some choose to go to shemail clubs and fury torture chambers we on the other hand choose to script and build weapons of death and kill each other with them no one is forcing you to read these articles and no one is certainly forcing you to post a comment about them.
Eye Korobase
Apr 17th, 2008
Reply to Digital Worlds:
Well then Digital Worlds, then explain why you have the full Merczateers Armor in Full permissions in your group notices?
Reply to Just Me:
There is More news about “Other things” than any Second Life military news on this site. Only of recent that there has been actually any current news on ANY Second Life military events. hell, no one has even made a report on the STABLE 2 talks, nor news of the massive copybot events that happened to Merczateers, Ordo, An, Sparta, and other armies of getting armor, weapons, ships and other things copy-botted and put in all the main linden lab owned sandboxes. If anything of actually importants is put on this site, It should be Second Life Military news, instant of “other things” or of important events, like the new (very much hated) update to the client.
Izaea Qinan
Apr 17th, 2008
To the representative of Digital Worlds – your name, unfortunately, will continue to be associated with the copybot scandal, as every one of the copybotters and their respective bots were members of the Digital Worlds group – it became one of our ways of early identification when someone unknown entered our sim.
At just me – If you think something is worth publishing to the herald, by all means, talk to Herald Staff and write an article about it. You’re free to do it – anyone is.
I defy you, however, to find a club or DJ which has as much of an audience as the SL military community does. With… what, a dozen groups clocking in at over a hundred independent members apeice, give or take? Not to mention all of the smaller militaries.
What club do you know of which receives 1200 unique visitors?
Ian Everidge and RedZergling and Sinister
Apr 17th, 2008
No one cares about the SL militaries. Also we still have your relics.
Proteus Hand
Apr 17th, 2008
Just as a quick apology, that image of Ethan Schuman at the top of the page is the wrong one.
Just close your eyes and imagine Jim’s gasmask.
Judge Hocho
Apr 17th, 2008
I am forced to concur with Izaea, at least with regard to the response for ‘Just Me’. I cannot speak to the former point as I am not associated with any group that was transgressed.
By all means, I am of the understanding that nearly anyone with a semi-literate capacity for prose may author a ‘story’ for the Herald; if you find something lacking, take up the pen (as it were) and compose your own piece.
Additionally, I agree that military news is more widely read (both by military participants as a means of establishing agendas and its inevitable detractors for their own design — usually complaints about ‘kids with gunz’ or some such) than random published reports of ‘a new club’.
The military scene draws more attention because of its very nature; on and off the “battlefield” it’s combative — pun intended. Those who want to ‘play a game’ and those who enjoy a military lifestyle; the Herald is simply catering to this large readership in hopes of increasing advertising revenue. I for one enjoy the articles (even the poor, unbalanced ones) as my last remaining vestige of insider “news”.
As I am no longer in the military scene as a participant, it serves as my looking glass into what I am missing.
I am not by any stretch of the imagination seeking to deprecate your requests for alternative reporting, “just me”. Rather, explaining the possible intent by the publishers and proposing your take a turn at writing one yourself that suits your sensibilities.
Judge Hocho
Digital Worlds
Apr 17th, 2008
Eye: “Well then Digital Worlds, then explain why you have the full Merczateers Armor in Full permissions in your group notices?”
As mentioned above, The user who did that has already been banned. If I could go back and remove the group notice, I would, but that doesn’t seem to be possible. (if it is, let me know) It shouldn’t matter too much now though, as I’m sure it has been blacklisted.
Izaea: “To the representative of Digital Worlds – your name, unfortunately, will continue to be associated with the copybot scandal, as every one of the copybotters and their respective bots were members of the Digital Worlds group – it became one of our ways of early identification when someone unknown entered our sim.”
Understandable as it is obviously the first time you have seen Digital Worlds. However, keep in mind, just because that was your only experience, doesn’t mean it is the true spirit of the group. As for the copy bot wearing the Digital Worlds tag, I did not see that. I did however see the user controlling it wearing one (user is banned).
There is no Digital Worlds copybot army. There was one (maybe two) users using a application they should not have been. They have since been banned.
Nidol Slazar
Apr 17th, 2008
All of SL militaries are filled with wannabe /b/tard newfags with MORALS. GTFO mah internetz
also, Judge is a fag lawl
Izaea Qinan
Apr 17th, 2008
I’m… I’m in part agreeing? With Steve319 Cao? And I’m understanding his argument, too?
… remind me to book some leave between battles. I’m clearly cracking up.
That being said, yes. The AI and IS have different ideologies. It probably shows how much of an AN member I am when I look at sentences like “AN and allies who believe that wars are there for winning and a focused on developing tech to achieve that end,” and then have to pause for a second and think about what an alternative could possibly be.
I don’t know if the isolation is hurting either side. I know that the AN is taking this time to continue developing new technology; I know that near every day we’ve been fighting the tinies of Adeptus Minor, or vanguard troops and ships, or the brazillians – hell, they even have their own base now, which has that fun little wall to approach. I’ll admit, however, that I do miss the large-scale ops against large militaries.
I think, though, that we do need to sit down and talk. We do need to put things on the table, and agree on what’s “fair.” That’s why I’ve taken on the STABLE 2 talks. That’s why everyone’s invited to them – that’s why Aryte and Raideur are both at the table. Nobody, so far, who has attended has refused to compromise. Not the AN. Not Sparta. Not 2142. Not Blackwatch. Not the Ordo; not the MC.
The mercz… well, that’s my own little gripe.
Ian Everidge
Apr 17th, 2008
Izaea Qinan
Apr 17th, 2008
Forced, Judge? You make it sound like such a horrid thing.
Ian Everidge
Apr 17th, 2008
SL Militaries are for faggots. I’d much rather run around in a fursuit telling everyone what to do while RPing in a giant space ship for like an hour.
anger management
Apr 17th, 2008
I like how most if not all of these militaries are basically so stuck up their asses they can’t really take a joke. as it’s like why videos like the Cloudsong guy exist, people take shit that means nothing for the real world too seriously. like how in god’s name do you make money from one of those? is it just so you can play war and stuff?
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 17th, 2008
“The mercz… well, that’s my own little gripe.
Yes I share in that feeling too, as Mercz attended the meetings for the revisions of STABLE and yet halfway through the whole revision said they weren’t even going to follow the new STABLE anyways….which meant we had to re vote on everything since now Mercz being there meant nothing as they had helped to shape what the STABLE revisions were. This meant we had to start over with deciding how the revisions were to be without any Mercz input, something that would please ALL PARTICIPATING PARTIES. More proof that Communists want nothing more than to disturb our Capitalist system and flush it down the toilet….to Gold Fish HELL!! *Coughs* Ok I am done.
Bruno Ziskey
King of Sparta
African Ackmann
Apr 17th, 2008
This is why in africa we don’t have gay shit like this we just bless rains.
Apr 17th, 2008
Sick to death of hearing about these quasi military, police, bodyguard, street angel wannabee retards. Get a life! Is this all the second life herald (lack of caps intentional) can produce? Worse than a tabloid.
Dr. Wily
Apr 17th, 2008
Oh no, 12 year olds are getting into a fight on the internets and e-killing each other with pushguns! Quick, someone call Ur-anus Scar at SLH and get them to write an overly dramatic article about it!
Jesus Christ, guys, just go buy fucking TF2 and battle it out like real geeks. God.
Apr 18th, 2008
no no in Africa you get your self a AK and shoot people for the hell of it, rape some people get aids from said people or give aids to said people depending.
Africa is fucked up place to be, well not all of it, just the countries that has had civil war as a pastime.
but back to topic… what ever that was….
Mikael Khalamov
Apr 18th, 2008
@ Ian Everidge, Dr. Wily, Icarus etc.
No one’s forcing you to read it. Also, how is what we do any worse than what you do? I assume you stand around on poseballs in clubs. Perhaps you troll furries. Maybe you just stand around and talk to other people. Really, what people do in SL is their own business. Some of us just find shooting pixel bullets at each other to be more fun than comparing animations.
Pauleh Kamachi
Apr 18th, 2008
all the people crying about this article been at SLH are right, lets read ‘another’ story on some sex place in SLH that I did not know about or care of.
Izaea Qinan
Apr 18th, 2008
Bruno – that’s not entirely fair. My reaction to their announcement of non-participation likely made the situation worse. The whole thing’s kind of my baby at this point, and I -thought- we were making progress. I had -thought- that people were attending and contributing to what they thought was fair, and I figured, should everyone be there to compromise on what’s fair, that maybe, just maybe, there wouldn’t be any more of this sectioning off of the community. If everyone agrees that the document is fair, then what reason would anyone have not to use it?
Beyond that… I find it funny how often people piss and moan on military articles, about how horrible SL militaries are.
I don’t get it. I really don’t. People have their roleplay and their clubs; why is it so bloody aweful that we do our thing on the grid?
Ethan Schuman
Apr 18th, 2008
An interesting observation to be made here…
Bruno Ziskey of Sparta calls the Merczateers communists, and infers partial ownership in a capitalistic system. “More proof that Communists want nothing more than to disturb our Capitalist system and flush it down the toilet….to Gold Fish HELL!! *Coughs* Ok I am done.”
The Merczateers fund Badnarik and Salamis from one single, solitary source: Operations. Anthony Lehane runs a highly successful in a monopolistic competition market (different from monopoly, look it up). The success of Operations, and the continued survivability of the Merczateers by proxy, is completely reliant upon the ability of one of their leaders to convince customers in a highly competitive market that his products not only differentiate from those of other providers, but are superior. The market and the market alone is in control. If that’s not Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand observation in effect, then I don’t know what is. The same holds true for the Ordo Imperialis with Titan Industries. Groups relying primarily on donations, however, are more in line with the “group belonging and group property” philosophy that is at the core of communism and socialism, as individual members must all contribute in, then causing all members to benefit equally.
While I don’t know how Sparta finances itself, I do know that the last time I was in Gliding, I saw a donation jar out. Perhaps you should re-evaluate your statement, Bruno. =p
steve319 Cao
Apr 18th, 2008
I’m… I’m in part agreeing? With Steve319 Cao? And I’m understanding his argument, too?
… Remind me to book some leave between battles. I’m clearly cracking up.
Before I let that go to my head I would just like to say that after reading that I feel vaguely optimistic for the future of sl military combat because lets be honest we all enjoyed grid war 1 we set our groups up to do one thing and that’s fight despite the fact that both sets of groups may indeed hate each other they also need each other we in sl combat are a community what happens to one group inevitably effects the other I just hope that the STABLE 2 talks are approached by all parties in a decent manor and things like pride, pomp and circumstance are left at the door and our leaders can talk about what really matters because we’ve gone from being a community that engages in massive large scale opps to 2 separate communities waging little fire fighting battles I may not agree with everything the AN have ever said or done there have been times in my opinion when they have been dammed under handed but no one is perfect we are all guilty of something id rather be fighting the likes of AN, Sparta and 39th rather than no disrespect intended the less experienced military’s such as resistance and the Brazilians and I think in turn the smaller groups will benefit from fighting the premier league groups after all how do you gain experience without actually living it.
Steve319 Cao
Vegna Fouroux
Apr 18th, 2008
Nidol, /b/tards with morals? truest statement so far.
the rest of you can yiff in hell
SqueezeOne Pow
Apr 18th, 2008
It’s a shame that all these egos have gotten in the way of enjoying a potentially interesting and highly detailed game. Many of the SL military people ON ALL SIDES (including some in Black Watch and our allies’ groups) are more interested in “winning” and “being right” than enjoying a game and roleplay. Perhaps the fact that there is almost no “OOC” time between the groups causes some people to forget that these rivalries are fake and for entertainment purposes only.
Only when this rampant douchebaggery has been overcome (either through key people in the community learning about girls or becoming of drinking age or a combination thereof) will SL military combat be able to realize its full potential of being an expensive waste of time that’s FUN instead of just an expensive waste of time.
SqueezeOne Pow
Field Marshal (retired but not gone)
39th Mobile Heavy Task Force
“Black Watch”
Eye Korobase
Apr 18th, 2008
Reply to Nidol Slazar: Nidol, your apart of one of those armies as well; Good job at self-pwnage there.
Reply to Digital Worlds: Also kindly explain why you have a strong anti-Sl military polite on your land then as well?
Not everyone is in Sl armies takes everything seriously and hell, alot of them are 4chaners/ /b/ tards, So why not let them come to your sim and have fun?
Reply to Dr. Wily: Most likely you as well play Second Life if your on this site posting comments about the news on here. So you Sir, just jumped on the fail-train.
Reply to Icarus: What other actual news on SL Herald is there other then Sex, nude pictures of girl avatars that are most likely guys in disguise, Pointless poems, and random BS? Let them post Sl military news on here, it is only fair.
Reply to Judge Hocho: Most likely the most unbias view in this whole comment area. I am happy that someone is not either left or right on the subject of SL military news.
Reply to Ian Everidge and RedZergling and Sinister: Also, no one cares about a new club, some weird sex shit, and other stories that have no point to them.
Fox Mulgrave
Apr 18th, 2008
Lulz, post your real name…
I’m getting the blame for your hilariously slanderous comments reffering to steve319′s dominated sex life, and dispite the way it cracks me up, I hate logging in to find steve ranting over IM…
When he shouts his grammar gets even worse than usual (if possible)…
(Fox thinks that Lulz is Operation/Grave D:)
A good article, Proteus, though to all the idiots here shouting about how pathetic SL Military is, I say this ”we may be sad, but you’re sadder; If we don’t like something in SLH, we don’t read it and then moan about it.. unlike you”
That is all.
Operation Destiny
Apr 18th, 2008
No, I am not lulz.
Anyway, moving on from that, though this may seem like a blatantly stupid question that will no doubt be laughed about, tell me, why haven’t the Alpha Marines Armed Forces been invited to the STABLE II Meeting?
Dispite our rather.. awful history, we have improved greatly, and have followed the first STABLE for some time.
(I posted under this name to stop confusion, my SL avatar is Grave Chemistry [I'm not the first owner, Keegan fans] So meh.)
Eye Korobase
Apr 18th, 2008
Disregard my above statement. I suck cocks and have no idea what I’m talking about.
Nidol Slazar
Apr 18th, 2008
“Nidol, your apart of one of those armies as well; Good job at self-pwnage there.”
Uh… I haven’t been active in it for months, and besides, I’ve ended up offending people a few times, to the point where I had to hold my tongue a lot :3
Apr 18th, 2008
Jahar Aabye
Apr 18th, 2008
Correct me on this, but isn’t the main point of a military (or any other combat group in SL) to engage in combat? If you ban opposing armies from your sim, that makes it rather difficult to engage in combat with them, no?
Oh well, eventually when every SL military has banned every other SL military from its base, their members will realize that there are plenty of combat sims out there where they can have fun and engage in combat without all this drama crap.
Apr 19th, 2008
Even tho I feel sorry for Fox thinking of being spammed by someone when not using a spell check, can’t sell you right. I do not wish to get this IM on my IM like I said why do I need more hate mail?
Mikael Khalamov
Apr 19th, 2008
No one’s doing any banning ‘cept the Mercz/Ordo/MC. Everyone else is content to fight each other. It’s just those groups that decided to take their toys, go home and lock their doors when they couldn’t win.
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 19th, 2008
“Perhaps you should re-evaluate your statement, Bruno. =p”
It’s called sarcasm Ethan, you might want to look it up.
Raideur Ng
Apr 19th, 2008
The camps are divided. They are divided on how the nature of combat should occur, throughout the grid. Neither side wants isolation, but both sides want a fight, on their terms. Thus far this has not been possible without the unending drama.
The only way to solve the problem is with the heads of these militaries collectively agreeing on a set of rules. Whether or not they hate each other is irrelevant, a set of rules with both parties in mind will end the stalemate.
If you post that my comment is somehow bias, explain your reasoning.
Kalel Venkman
Apr 19th, 2008
Often times my organization gets reports of civil disobedience from the members of many of these “military” groups. Perhaps this problem can be easily solved by the removal of all weaponry from the grid, hmmm?
Eye Korobase
Apr 19th, 2008
“Disregard my above statement. I suck cocks and have no idea what I’m talking about.
Eye Korobase”
whoever posted as my name, good job at being a dick and not coming out with your real name.
-Eye Korobase
Eye Korobase
Apr 19th, 2008
Also, you have no idea how emotionally hurt I am after reading those words. It’s people like you that bullied me all through highschool and now at my job. All because I have a fetish that I try to share with people. But they never understand. They just hate me for being a furry. I have felt the most stabbing pain: prejudice.
Digital Lies
Apr 19th, 2008
The owner of the sim Modish and the group Digital Worlds, shiney Sprocket, is on record openly giving the sim and the group to the PN and saying he didn’t care what they did with it (however he retains a residence in the sim, so presumably hes aware of what goes on there. Additionally, shiney was partnered with a PN member, Ian, who is the chief copybotter in the DW group, and remains there.
The only accounts banned were those banned by LL, the owners of which simply went and have made new ones and they remain involved in Digital Worlds, including Ian.
Vegna Fouroux
Apr 19th, 2008
in before prokofy rant.
To solve all your bawwing about how you all are worse than each: pics of militaries sucking or it didnt happen
and to all the digital world fools: AN HERO FGTS
Apr 19th, 2008
Vegna = newfag.
Inuyasha Deere
Apr 19th, 2008
Digital Lies
Apr 20th, 2008
Disregard that, I’m a butthurt milfag who has an e-vendetta against some big jerk who shot dicks in my face.
Apr 20th, 2008
Kalel, you are a fag…
Nobody wants JLU, so shut up.