Archive for May, 2008

Chapter I- Dr. Frankenschnail by Happy Trails I’ve had a lot of cases in the big sim, but there is still one that makes me wake in the night in a cold sweat. It’s time I told the story, for my own sanity. We snails have our own med school here in town; a good [...]
Full StoryAuntie M’s Secret Linden Diary

by Auntie M Linden, noobie metaverse CEO Greetings secret friends of Linden Lab! Auntie M Linden here. I am starting my second week on the job as CEO of the metaverse and I thought I’d keep a secret diary – this is my very first entry! Today I’m covering the time from the very moment [...]
Full StorySilence of the Sims
By Kris Dibou, Poet I sit inside my pixeled house made of tortured prims; With headphones off I stare and hear the silence of the sims. I think about the path I took when I was new and green; The lives I’ve touched as carelessly as if I’d never been. Would the joy we felt [...]
Full StoryRevenge of the Snail

by Happy Trails, slick private eye As a snail, I get stepped on a lot. Usually it’s some noob who doesn’t look where they’re going. And yes, I’ve been in a lot of sticky situations. Escagot is quite a dame, though. She stands by me no matter what and doesn’t criticize me for all my [...]
Full StoryRed Light Center Exposed — Part 4: Bringing It Home

Red Light Center neko confused by SL interface, pay-as-you-go and lag a concern for GoreansThe Herald explores worlds beyond Second Life by Jessica Holyoke, virtual world explorer I’m standing in a virtual world, populated by people who like virtual sex or at least virtual relationships. The question in my mind is, why aren’t they in [...]
Full StoryIntellectual Property: A Tiny Affair

Who owns the rights to pictures of Tiny avatars? by Kris Dibou an example of the disputed illustrations As I was working on a story for the Herald (regarding a fellow who was writing a children’s book on heart health) including illustrations make from screenshots of Tiny avatars in Second Life, I received this note [...]
Full StorySL and POS Laptops from the Recyling Bin
Cheapskates cheer happy news from Linden Lab by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk According to an e-mail forwarded by an anonymous tipster to the Second Life Herald offices today, Linden staffer Dave Parks has mixed news for the Second Life development community, refusing to support new features on older graphics cards but also saying “cheapskates [...]
Full StoryReturn of the Snail

by Happy Trails, slick private detective Now something had to be done about this french cooking school, and I was just the snail to do it. I opened an office over on 5th street and hired Escargot as my receptionist. Happy Trails, Private Detective. Yeah, that’s me…gumshoe…private dick. I began by hitting every dive and [...]
Full StoryShuless – Episode Eight

The Dimension of Sound by Iona Nikolaidis Alexandra Shu: Did you say you are going to do the voice thing?Iona Nikolaidis: Yeah, I am gonna do itIona Nikolaidis: so I can whisper in your earAlexandra Shu: and I can moan in yours.Iona Nikolaidis: oooohAlexandra Shu: hehe!Iona Nikolaidis: hehe!Alexandra Shu: wow. I wonder how that would [...]
Full StoryRemnant Imperium Rising Privately — To Avoid Copybot

by Vegna Fouroux Overlord LawrenceJoseph Roffo says SL war community would be better off with more combat and less politics Deadlock. I think that pretty much sums up SL combat at the moment. Noob armies are the only forces that are fighting the more established armies (the later shunning each other with claims of cheating, [...]
Full Story
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