Archive for December, 2008
SL Military Crisis – Ascendant Iniative Splits
by Vegna Fouroux, Military Correspondent The 2nd of December is the day that will be come to be known as the Day the longest and biggest Alliance in SL MIlitary History fell apart. I am, of course talking about the Ascendant Iniative. Now it seems that the Spartans, 39th M.H.T.F. Blackwatch, the Guerilla Rebels and [...]
Full Story“La Performance” – An Interview with Artistic Director Jie Loon
‘Free’-moving SL dance performances combine animations with improvisation by Lora Constantine Jie Loon looks forward to new possibilities in interpreting new dances on Second Life. Austrian-based avatar Jie Loon founded the “La Performance” dance troupe on Second Life out of a love for performance and dance in real life. “La Performance”, in Jie Loon’s own [...]
Full StoryOvercomers Church Firebombed!!!
Rotten Core names Ex Laks as pyromania-prone accomplicePastor Samuele Shepherd vows “No matter what other form of attacks come…this church will not be moved” by Sigmund Leominster Pastor Samuele Shepherd In Flames During Attack On Sunday November 30th, Pastor Samuele Shepherd was in the middle of his Sunday service at the Overcomers Church when a [...]
Full StoryA Virtual Pilgrim’s Progress — The First Part
A newbie learns how to dance, finds a job, considers an avatar sex change by Roby Core I was reading some Google news the first time I’d ever heard about the Second life virtual world, and I thought it would have been childish stuff, but I got curious, and now I’ve picked a very basic [...]
Full StoryM Linden – Phule Statue Auction
By the time the fool has learned the game the players have dispersed by Pixeleen Mistral Some residents are speculating that by forming a virtual organization to raise funds for legal action against Linden Lab, they may be able to recover what they claim are significant monetary damages suffered due to the OpenSpace sim price [...]
Full StoryParadise Lost
by Kris Dibou It occurred to me today that SL is like a gourmet meal that you eat backwards. Allow me to walk you through this meal beginning with the dessert. 1st Course: Dessert You’ve joined Secondlife and discovered a world of beautiful women and handsome men, where there is no disease to pick up [...]
Full StoryEvan Reuters Says “Linden Can’t Be Trusted With Your Credit Card” ?
Please cancel the “Reuters” surname. It’s not worth the hassle by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Reuters names no longer worth $500 USD? Reuters may no longer be reporting from Second Life, but Linden Lab does not seem willing to let go of one Reuters staff member’s billing information, and is now enhancing Evan Maloney’s [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Grrrl – Ayumi Shinn
[It was Darkley Aeon, a former Post 6 Grrl, who drew my attention to Ayumi Shinn's profile. The petite girl in the profile pic looked extremely cute and different and I was curious to meet her. I knew immediately that there was only one place for our photo shoot – Dirty Cute, which is where [...]
Full StoryArms Race Continues – Alliance Navy Developing New Weapon Systems
Marine mech sub-division, railguns, fleet refit could lead to more immersive combat experience by Metallicoe Dezno The Alliance Navy mech being developed I was contacted today by Alliance Navy officer luca Vasilopita, who asked if i would be interested in seeing and reporting on some new AN equipment. Of course, being a gadgets and technology [...]
Full StoryReuters is Dead: Eulogy Given
by Sigmund Leominster There is a world of difference between the real world press and the Second Life press. Forgetting this can be fatal, as is evidenced by the recent departure of two journalistic organs, the Avastar and Reuters Second Life. The Herald reported the arrival of Reuters back in October 2006 and its departure [...]
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