Archive for December, 2008
Nicholas Mafia Hit Job Video Shocker!
Avatar killing, mafia webcam face painting documented on YouTube by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Christopher Cord's alt account puff Jigsaw a victim of gangland slaying?Sunday, a wise guy from the Nicholas Mafia dropped by the Herald offices with a tip about a YouTube video account of a cold-blooded Second Life avatar account killing. The [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Get A Life! Any Ideas Which One?
by Sigmund Leominster It’s incredibly easy to trawl through the Internet to find stories about virtual worlds and the Second Life experience. And the stories are typically centered on a pretty well focused set of topics: sex; sex with children; infidelity (sex with someone else’s partner); bestiality (sex with someone else’s pet); and general corruption [...]
Full StoryKendra Bancroft Moves on to 3rd Life
Maddie Blaustein, the operator of Kendra Bancroft, explores the next world By Kris Dibou Gregg Barrymore of the Antiquity sims announced the passing of his good friend Kendra Bancroft. Said Gregg, "Last night I learned of the passing on Dec 11 of a dear friendKendra Bancroft. I hereby decree her rezday June 16 to be Kendra [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Couple – Nimil Blackflag & Lucas Gerard

[If there is anything like a perfect SL couple then it is surely Nimil and Lucas, the creative masterminds behind LuNi Designs. They are wild and morbide, a little freaky and macabre but most of all they seem to be a wonderful team, both in their work and in their daily life. Though both of [...]
Full StoryMissing Mile to Rise from the Ashes of Virtue

by Lavinia Carver Serious roleplayers may know of Virtue City, a roleplaying sim based on a futuristic world with body modifications which have caused the creation of villians and heroes. Alas, Virtue City is no more. That's right, the Virtue City storyline and sim have closed permanently. In its place a new sim has been [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Griefer — N3x15

Candid conversation and explicit photos of former PN griefer [In what seems to be part of a public relations campaign by ex-griefer N3x15, Bunny Brickworks and I were recently able to conduct an in-world interview with the one-time PN leader, scripter, and troublemaker. As we marveled at the irony of interviewing a former PN leader [...]
Full StoryN3x15 Ashamed of PN Griefer Thug Life

Notorious griefer issues public apology to SL residents and Linden Lab by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Renouncing his griefer thug life with the notorious PN griefing gang, N3x15 has posted a public apology, in which he promises to make amends to Linden Lab and their customers who “have experienced a great volume (approximately 200+ [...]
Full StoryBimbo Cheerleaders of Second Life

Parties, dancing, and "fun" activities at the Bimbo Ranch House – the story of the Bimbo Cheerleaders by the Bimbo Cheerleaders Las Vegas Nevada can be a pretty exciting place to visit but even it could be improved – if it followed the model of the Vegas Sim in Second Life and had a real [...]
Full StorySidewinder Linden Missing – Permanently?

Reliable sources say Havok 4 project leader has left Linden Lab by Pixeleen Mistal, National Affairs desk Sidewinder contemplates life after the Lab After a year and a half at Linden Lab, Sidewinder Linden is missing from the in-world person search and presumed to be spending more time with his family while pursuing other interests. [...]
Full StoryNewdoll Nikolaidis — Post 6 Grrrl

[A photo shoot with Newdoll is like travelling through time and space – from pinup to cyberpunk, from Asia to India, her inventory seems to be a black hole. I wonder if it's big enough to make her log in under water so it loads at all but I forgot to ask. While quickly changing [...]
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