Archive for January, 2009
SL Hits, Admits Performance Wall
Lab puts down fatties, brings in database expertsHow to sell a stable corporate world on an unstable platform by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk January has been a rocky month for metaverse service provider Linden Lab, and the troubles culminated in severe database problems that brought the virtual world to it’s knees Sunday. The normally [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Grrrl — Ms. Database Issues

[Today the Herald presents a personality that has become very familiar to our readers - Ms. Database Issues. Ms. Issues has been around the metaverse for years, but recently has taken a higher profile - making nearly daily appearances since the holidays -- particularly when SL is most popular. We had been trying to ignore [...]
Full StoryAlien28 vs Plagiariser – part 3

The fight to recover L$50,000 and win Zilu's customers continues… by Coke Supply
Full StoryJanuary Issues Continue – Concurrent Users Drop to 29,797

Intermittent access during Sunday prime time by Argent Halide, photo journalist
Full StoryShock from Prok! Is Pixeleen Mistral the Inventor of the Interwebs?
McCahill admits self-identity by Idoru Wellman (Herald Bureau of Personal Identity) For three years now the most pressing question facing denizens of the interwebs has been the real life identity of Herald editrix Pixeleen Mistral. Is she, as Mark Wallace once surmised, actually one of Prokofy Neva’s spare personalities? Is she, as others opine, the [...]
Full StoryQuarter 4 Results – Lowest QPC on Record

Growth rates slow, spending lags residents logged in – bots to blame? by Jessica Holyoke Linden Lab has released the economic statistics for the last quarter of 2008, while also claiming the advent of new land offerings – OpenSpace, Homestead and Full sims – are a response to the demands of the majority of the [...]
Full StoryThe Philosophical Parrot Of Socrates Cafe

Authentic dialogue in a synthetic world by Alessandra Narayan Tired of contests, free sex, acoustic live music, poor roleplay… one of those days or nights when everything seems to go wrong? Ok, there might be a solution if you’re into philosophy. Check out Socrates Cafe and you might end up in an intense debate that [...]
Full StoryLaw Enforcement in Second Life: Policing or Pastime?

Some SL police lack real-life law enforcement, criminal justice, and TOS experienceby Sigmund Leominster Within the Second Life environment a number of groups designate themselves as police forces. But are they sincere attempts at providing some vague enforcement of “law” – which translates to Terms of Service for the most part – or simply another [...]
Full StoryProject Exodus
The OpenSim plot thickens… by Kaffe McMahon (Originally published in the Swashbuccateer on Jan. 3, 2009) Project Exodus (no it is not Charlton Heston does Second Life)- this project has been purportedly on the drawing boards of Linden Labs for over 6 months, prior to the new Land Pricing Policy. The plan was to enhance [...]
Full StoryAlien28 vs Plagiariser – part 2

An angry store owner, a suspicious alien face hugger — and a plot to bankrupt Zilu !!! by Coke Supply
Full Story
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