Archive for April, 2009
Metaplace Gift Economy Balloons – Subscription Fees Loom

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Adz is the lucky recipient of three gift balloons Gift balloons and subscription fee discussions have appeared in Metaplace during the last week – signs of an impending move to an open beta and broader access to the web-browser based world construction kit. Last week, the game gods of [...]
Full StoryIt’s 4/20 — Do You Know Where Your Medical Marijuana Is?

Part time griefer and journalist advocates for medical marijuana By Doctor Ocularis, Herald Medical Desk photo stolen from Metro Spirit Today being April 20 (aka 4/20) it is only fitting that we link to a story about weed. In this case we link to a story by Joshua McCracken in the Augusta Georgia Metro Spirit. [...]
Full StoryFrom EVE: More TITANic Fail
Another $10,000 USD Down the Toilet by Urizenus Sklar, at the He's Everywhere Desk. Recently we showed you the epic joy that goons and other humanoids can feel at the (permitted) destruction of $10,000 in assets in EVE Online. It involved the recording of the first destruction of a Titan. Forgot? – here is the [...]
Full StoryAnother MMO Bites the Dust. RIP Shadowbane

Details via Massively. Of course it's not like no one saw this coming. –Uri
Full StoryWhich SL Celebrity Inspired This RL Avatar?

This Second Life Avatar created by Shawn Wheeling was inspired by which SLebrity? select one answer o M Lindeno T Lindeno Z Lindeno Hamlet Lindeno Philip Lindeno Plastic Ducko Gene Replacemento Luc Bessono Leon The Professional
Full StorySHOCK! Sky News Closes Second Life News Bureau!!!
by Sigmund Leominster The Prophets of Doom can wallow in the demise of yet another major newscorporation's exit from the Second Life virtual world. Britain's Sky News has announcedthat it is formally closing down its SL island and moving to a "new'Immersive Workspaces' platform in Second Life where employees meet toexchange ideas and do business." [...]
Full StoryW-HAT Goons Protest Supports Babyfur Rights in Second Life

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A group of W-HAT goons recently staged a noisy protest in Archers sim in support of the rights of babyfur avatars in Second Life. Babyfurs – the diapered underage segment of the furry society – have had ambiguous support from the greater community, at best. However, apparently in the [...]
Full StoryNear-Disaster Delays Doily Quest – Latex Maid Suit To Blame

Isolation hoods stand in way of Second Life civilization by Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro, Second Life League of Decency Why what could be MORE innocent than a doily? At one time, these small lacy tokens of ladies’ handiwork graced the homes of the lowly and their betters. The doily was the harbinger of civilization [...]
Full StoryConservative Republicans’ Second Life Fantasy World

[Politics in the United States have not been kind to the Republicanparty of late, so it is understandable that some of the party faithfulhave taken refuge in the fictional entertainment world of Second Life. Reporting on this trend, Alessandra Narayan's interview illustrates how virtual conservatives have adopted the immersive workspaces of Second Life to meet [...]
Full StoryBrunoo Loon Spends L$ Spacebux Fortune on Ads

Half million L$s to buy top spots in Second Life classified ads by Alessandra Narayan Look at SL’s search engine and you’ll find three or four companies spending 500’000$L per week in advertising, or around 2000$USD. Whether this should be considers a large or small fortune depends on your point of view, but in any [...]
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