Marilyn Murphy — The 12 Days of Post 6-mux Grrrrls
by Alphaville Herald on 25/12/09 at 6:35 am
[Marilyn Murphy, SL Class of 2003, founded Post 6 back before most of us had even heard of Second Life. She was for years the most famous photographer on the grid as she captured it in its formative years. Her style and charm are surpassed only by her kindness, as scores of noobs she has helped over the years can attest to. I could go on and on about her, but instead I'll just say it's an honor and a privilege to have worked with Marilyn to produce these pictures, and then I'll get out of the way so that you can enjoy the 12th and final Post 6 Holiday Feature 2009, Marilyn Murphy. ~Timothy Morpork]
In proportion, as he simplifies his life…..the day and the night are such, that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet scented herbs–that is your success. (Thoreau)
At times I am become that voice in the wilderness. I am Cassandra.
In 2008, then candidate Obama stated loudly that he would bring the troops home by the end of 2009, and that we could bank on it. At the end of 2009, our drone cruisers are slaughtering civilians in Pakistan and our war presence swelled by 30,000 troops.
Our congress is currently trying to shove through a 2000 plus page bill to "fix" our health care system. Nobody who can vote for or against it understands what it does. Deals are being cut behind closed doors to buy votes for it with pork legislation. This from the administration that promised us transparency, no more pork, and no more politics as usual.
If you cannot pay your bills you stop spending money, unless you are congress and it’s just your constituent’s money. Our national debt is now 12 trillion dollars and they are printing money and spending it as if this has no concern for those of us that will be having to pay 30 dollars for a loaf of bread if they keep it up.
Here is something i was heard to say recently when i had to much to drink. "zzzzzzzz….zzzzzzz…WHA!!!???"
Social Security is going broke. Medicare is going broke. The Prescription Plan is going broke. I know, let’s do something brilliant. Let’s obligate the government with another huge medical program that they cannot describe or explain or pay for. Excellent.
The feminist movement, should have been one that supported and contributed to the success of women who dared to excel, and educated people on the feminine mystique. Lately it appears that self-proclaimed feminists demand litmus tests on our politics, our stand on abortion, and our personal views on sexuality. They no longer represent us. They have become just a minority of high minded bigots who think their way or no way.
The federal government has never taken on an enterprise and made it pay for itself. I can cite the Post Office and Amtrak. Social Security and Medicare were supposed to pay for themselves when they were introduced. A very laughable argument you hear now is that they will pay for the new health bill by cutting out waste and fraud in Medicare. My question is, well if you can point to that much waste and fraud, why are you waiting to cut it out?
When the Republicans held the congress and the presidency, they went on a mad spending spree, elevating our debt. The Dems took control of congress in 2006 and pressured banks to loan money to unqualified applicants to help the poor, and escalated the national debt over a trillion dollars and since Obama has been elected our national debt ceiling is being pushed to 14 trillion dollars. This is before passing health care. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. This is about politicians getting elected to a great job and doing anything they can to get re-elected no matter what it does to our economy or country.
My objection to all this is fiscal responsibility. I wish to help those less fortunate too. However. Even the best outcome of this current bill says that 24 million citizens will still be left without health care. So why is this being pushed through without anyone knowing what’s in it? Why are people saying we desperately need to do it now now now, we can't wait? The problem I am having is that we can't afford it, and no one is explaining what’s in it.
If you like this bill, and what it will do, can you name 3 things that are good about it? Have you seen the changes it has gone through? Do you know what it obligates the government to do?
Here is a fun fact. The stimulus package signed by G. Bush for 750 billion dollars has helped Wall Street, no doubt. The small recovery seen on the stock market is an indicator. Yesterday I heard spokesmen from the administration taking credit for this. It's as though, since they have done nothing about jobs, and escalated the war, they need to claim credit for helping big bankers portfolios to get credit for anything, and they didn’t even do that.
I hope someone noticed. In Copenhagen, when Hugo Chavez gave a speech renouncing capitalism and promoting socialism, the crowd applauded him loudly, his only real response during his speech actually. Then, these same delegates from dictatorships to socialist/marxist states, lined up to demand money to help them go green from the capitalist based economies. Does anyone wonder why that would be? Don't get me wrong, I know America has been socialistic since the days of Roosevelt, and if you really want to get picky, since Lincoln.
However, free enterprise has still been the market strategy in America even so.
Sigh. I voted for Obama because I certainly did not like what the prior administration had done. He is an intelligent and likeable man. He has not kept his promises, in fact, looking at the record, he is G. Bush on steroids. It's been politics as more than usual. I feel ripped off. I voted for change, not bankrupting our government. By the way, I hate to think this, but, since the health care debacle promises nothing good at all, the only explanation for cramming it through during the holiday season is because it gives the government nominal control over another 1/6th of your free market enterprise. Adding to the control over banking and manufacturing they already grabbed.
Oh, sorry. (giggle) I forgot to include the most important part of this article. Here you go.
I love second life and i can't wait to go dancing at clubs and exchange inane sexual banter with other gyrating avatars, and to go shopping.
Anyway, it all makes me want to join some tax revolt or something. We need real change, not lets just create as much bureaucracy as possible.
It also seems that religion has been replaced as the opiate of the people. Now it’s television and computers and the new mass media. Any point of view can be massaged any time you want it. You can google any subject and find people who agree with your point of view and feel smug that you must be right. I want you to do one little thing. When you think about issues that really matter in life, and issues pertaining to government, I hope you will at least look at,
At times, I am become that voice in the wilderness. I am Cassandra.
well, it's been just swell posing for all you wonderful people who read this I mean blog. Have a very Merry Christmas.
tammy fe
Dec 25th, 2009
[QUOTE]At times, I am become that voice in the wilderness. I am Cassandra. I am a right wing wingnut bigot who was granted a showcase to speak from. [/QUOTE]
You really don’t want to step into this fight on all day of days, xmas day? Obama has done a wonderful job with the mess that was left behind by that war criminal Bush and co.
Yeah things are going to be tough for a while. The republicans raped this country and then handed over what was left and laughed. They are still sabatoging it anyway they can.
As far as for yout layout I never even looked at it. You could be the most beautiful av in the world but now your nothing but fox news trailer trash. Good luck with that and have a merry fucking xmas.
Lum Lumley
Dec 25th, 2009
This is the way all 12 should have been.
Lum Lumley
Dec 25th, 2009
(….I disagree with Marilyn politically…. but dear god, at least she HAS opinions and can express them in words of more than one syllable.)
Skye Donardson
Dec 25th, 2009
As a gun toting, right wing, former military member who is looked upon by this current administration as a terrorist threat to their country, I applaud your column. Though I don’t know that this was *exactly* the best time or place for it, however.
And of course someone already had to come out with the “Everybody blame the Republicans” bullshit…forgetting that the Democrats had control of the Congress for what…the last two years of his tenure? And that the Democratic Congress had an approval rating of 14%, much lower than Bush’s 35%?
And I’m not saying this to defend Bush. I too was more than happy to see him go…I’m just saying that to blame this *all* on the former Republican administration is disingenuous and irresponsible. And now that reading this column has totally depressed me, I’m going to pop open a bottle of wine, and start my drinking early this year.
Merry Fucking Christmas indeed…
Mary Elizabeth
Dec 25th, 2009
Wow, a flurry of unrelated sections of text pasted from tea baggger sites PLUS bare breasts! This is a huge Christmas present for loser guys sitting in their mother’s basements. Gentlemen, start your fapping!
Senban Babii
Dec 25th, 2009
/me settles down with mince pies and wine to enjoy the Chrimble carnages that will follow this post
Dec 25th, 2009
She does have a very hot avatar, one of the hottest I have seen.
I don’t agree with much of what she says, there are some overgeneralizations (Just to pick one, the Health Care bill isn’t a government takeover — the purest evidence of that is the stocks for the major insurance companies have gone up. Personally I wish it were more of one with a public option of some kind, etc. etc. ).
To her credit she is *not* a Fox New Drone. She does blame Bush and Republicans for some things, your FND will never do that. On the other hand I see a lot of ‘everything is terrible, government sucks’ but no real alternatives. Though, on the other other hand, this is Herald Post 6 article and not a policy debate.
So forget all that. I may not agree with her politics, but at least she has some. There is nothing hotter than a killer avi with an intelligent typist. I’m straight in rl, but the inane banter of the typical sl male (“i sex u?”) caused me to broaden my horizons in here. So, with a hot avatar and a brain, all I ask for is that she likes girls. Then we can discuss bilateral approaches to stimulating the economy all night.
LeSport Sak
Dec 25th, 2009
The pics are overshadowed by the teabagging right wing wack job. I thought this column wasn’t supposed to be political anyway. Shameful.
Scylla Rhiadra
Dec 25th, 2009
/me applauds.
Marilyn, I strongly disagree with an awful lot — probably, in one way or another, most — of what you say here, but congratulations for having the nerve to say it, particularly in this venue. And, indeed, for having something to say in the first place. Prepare to get crapped on, not so much for what you articulate (as in the case of tammy, with whom I am in most fundamentals in agreement), but merely for having the audacity to express an opinion about something important at all. Naked women in fluff pieces aren’t supposed to say thoughtful things: they distract from the more important business of jacking off. Good for you.
Glad to hear that you enjoy shopping, btw. So do I.
marilyn murphy
Dec 25th, 2009
oh hello. so you appear to disagree with me in principle, but not in fact. for someone who does not know what is going on, this is the only stance you can adopt. Fox news is neo-conservative. they actually try to make polical hay out of non-issues in a partisan way. so do the other networks. im not sure why fox is singled out for this charge, when all of them do it.
the issue i discuss is the national commitment and debt. both of our political parties are equally to blame. i take issue with obama making it worse and breaking his promises. i hate what the republicans did to us while they were in power. how does this make me partisan?
one of the most disgusting shows going on in washington right now is the newly minted fiscal responsibility that the republicans are all singing about. ugh. where were these guys when our national debt was growing all out of proportion? they were right there feeding at the pork trough and enacting fiscally crazy legislation.
Jumpman Lane
Dec 25th, 2009
less words more sex! just a tip!
Dale Birke
Dec 25th, 2009
Those freckles are very HOT! Marilyn, you are truly beautiful and your intelligence adds to that beauty in ways that cannot be articulated. Too bad that many folks here are unable to comprehend what you are saying, and worse that the general population of America is blind to what is happening to them. “Who is John Galt?” indeed.
Dec 25th, 2009
I didn’t come here expecting to read a rightwing screed by a model. She needs to know that the U.S. government is NOT a business. It is a representative democracy. If it were a business, our government would be something akin to News Corp, which is more or less a dictatorship, or an oligarchy reminiscent of the boards of directors of major corporations.
Moreover, when Jimmy Carter left office in 1980, the national debt was just under $1 trillion. The Democrats passed Reagan’s tax proposals and what we would get thereafter is $10 trillion of deficits during three GOP presidencies. David Stockman, Reagan’s budget director and one of this supply side economic architects, quit in both disgrace and frustration over the way the policies he helped create were implemented.
As for government not making any money on its programs, Social Security has kept tens of millions off the relief rolls and Medicare has helped extend their lives while keeping them out of bankruptcy court. And the government made money on the Iraq War and the Chrysler and Mexican bailouts.
If you are concerned with the government making profits, you had better be ready to axe the Pentagon, which is the single biggest recipient of taxpayer dollars and whose notorious inefficiency, stupid procurement practices and inhumane handling of the very troops it is charged with guiding and defending have made it the model of a dollar gobbling state within a state. Yet, there have been no calls for a stem to stern re-examination of the Pentagon’s management and spending by either Democrats or Republicans.
Law enforcement doesn’t make money, either (well, except for the obscenity and threat to property rights that is asset forfeiture in the name of our completely loony war on drugs). You want to start shutting down police stations? Or the FBI? How about the CIA? Their budget isn’t even allowed to be disclosed to the public! I don’t think so.
I will give you that Obama seems to be doing everything he can to lose his progressive base. I caucused for him but I am livid at the way he handled health care (i.e, insurance company bailout) legislation, chickened out on ending the unproductive injunction against gays serving the armed forces, promptly closing Guantanamo and terminating the massive surveillance of the communications of regular Americans. He has also failed to really get tough with the banks or ban derivatives or mortgage securitization, both of which have either been behind major municipal bankruptcies (such as the ones in Orange County, CA and in Montgomery County, Alabama) or the drying up of loans to small businesses and consumers that has resulted in the stagnation of our economy.
The U.S. is becoming a kleptocracy and not only has Obama been complicit in that thus far, but the Republicans see the sabotage of the American economic system as a positive good. They are as bad in their own way as the Chinese Communists were during programs such as the 100 Flowers Movement, that a pie in the sky ideology will cure all if you just want it bad enough and the calling out of the failures or inconsistencies inherent in that ideology are severely punished by the party propagandists.
Unfortunately, the conservatives aren’t into pragmatism and so you get, with the collaboration of a media that is obsessed with perpetuating eyeball drawing cretinous food fights, a political conversation that resembles a verbal spat between eight year olds during an elementary school recess. And the inanity of that makes one despair of any possibility of rectifying our woes as a country.
Some Facts about Halifax
Dec 25th, 2009
marilyn murphy
Dec 25th, 2009
@keikok22. thank you, keikok22, for actually speaking to the issue, and very well too i want to add. everyone else seems to just feel surprised i have thoughts at all.
ok, sir. my ability to communicate well about this issue is appears to be low class.
essentially, i wish that some fiscal responsiblility were to be displayed. you cite the military as one of our biggest recipients of tax payer dollars. i think that medicare program is much larger. also social security and even federal pensions are more expensive than the military. last year the military, with two wars going on mind you, cost 11% of our national budget. social security is over 30% so is medicare. i just want to be sure to include all the ependitures in a fiscal year our govt is laying out.
what i want to see is a bit of wise caution. these things always cost more than projections. always. furthermore, you will never be able to shut it down. once that train leaves the station its gone.
didnt you find it interesting that the esteemed democratic senator from nebraska was paid for his vote by getting his demand that the federal govt. will pay his states portion of the cost of this bill?
we cant pay our bills now. the chinese are lecturing our president on spending. lets just kinda hold off on adding to this. thats basically what i am saying. what is the rush to add to our govt entitlements? this is not free money. we will all pay for these things. our younger generation is paying way more into social security than any of the planners foresaw. so i want, simply, not to buy that fancy new thing that looks good to us, but we just cant afford right now. then work on paying for the entitlements we already have. then go back to considering this.
its not a very deep thought, to talk about living within your budget. until your response i was feeling like cassandra. gosh, everyone was just saying, “well look at that, she can talk.”
frankly i feel angry and helpless.
Skye Donardson
Dec 25th, 2009
I don’t know why everyone thinks Marilyn’s article is so right wing. She simply sounds like a pissed off American that’s unhappy with the way BOTH parties are handling shit right now, and I don’t blame her. In fact, as I stated above, I agree with her. Part of the problem with this country is that we’re so quick to shuffle people off to the left and the right, without actually *listening* to what they have to say.
As for this country not being run like a business, I agree. If it were being run like a business, we would have had to file for bankruptcy (monetary and ethical) a long time ago. We need a President that *can* run things like CEO, and a Congress that acts as his Board of Directors, and maybe get a few accountants in here that know something about balancing a budget, instead of just throwing good money after bad.
“Oh, we have leftover TARP money? Instead of paying off part of the deficit with it, why don’t we throw it into even MORE useless job stimulus programs that aren’t going to benefit anyone! Wow, isn’t that a good idea?”
Or, “Hey, why don’t we vote in a health care plan, just because we can…to hell with reading the thing…and charge a fee to already beleaguered small businesses that can’t afford a cognitive health care plan for their employees, charge a fee to those employees because they can’t afford to buy their own health care, and fuck over the people making more money (despite the fact that they pay about 70% of the nation’s taxes to begin with) by raising their taxes even more!”
Gah, I could go on, but I know that it’ll probably just fall on deaf ears anyway, and I’ll be criticized for for having an opinion that’s unpopular with the status quo. Because the status quo is doing *such* a good job right now…
Let’s just say that the more the government screws us over as a country and people, one of the plot points from Tom Clancy’s book “Debt of Honor” sounds like a good idea. I let y’all look that one up, and figure it out.
At0m0 Beerbaum
Dec 25th, 2009
@Lum Lumley
of course, she is a he.
marilyn murphy
Dec 26th, 2009
@dale burke: who is john galt indeed. i wonder at times, since information is so easy to get and any of us can know just about anything on any subject, let me begin again.
hey, ty for your kind comments. now, since i can see the debt, and i can see the problem, i assume those in power can also. therefore, the amount of cynicism brought to bear by these people when it comes to clinging to personal power is awesome. earlier someone said we are becoming a kleptocracy. i dont think we are becoming, i think we arrived there years ago. obama was supposed to throw a wrench in the works.
for the longest time i went along thinking to myself, “the people in power know more than i do, so what they are doing must be founded in some need that i am unaware of.” i dont think that way any more. i think instead that once a person arrives in washington, some sort of euphoric haze settles over them and they go along with any program that pleases their elders and they lock step with those who seek more personal power. i want term limits, and to abolish the fat retirement plan for congressmen. lets see who runs for election then.
hows this for dumb. i was thinking we dont know enough about the wmd in iraq to declare military neccesity. then hillary clinton voted for it. i thought, “well, she knows way more than i do, so we really must need to do this.” ugh.
i am really trying hard to just look at the facts when i can find them now.
Dec 26th, 2009
Tom Clancy is a brilliant political guru and his fiction books are the bridge to a better future.
I can fart. .
Persephone Bolero
Dec 26th, 2009
Marilyn, it’s nice to see I’m not the only female on the grid who can articulate an opinion without regurgitating liberal dogma.
Every single innovation that has saved, enhanced, or made our lives easier — from cell phones, to transplants, to refrigerators — has all been created by someone working creatively to prosper in a free market system. Government, on the other hand, just wastes enormous amounts of resources while serving only the wealthy and politically connected. Why do people think Obama is going to solve any problems by making inefficient, ineffective government even bigger?
You’re not a lone voice. Not by a long shot.
P.S. I like to shop and dance too.
Corona Anatine
Dec 26th, 2009
The spelling perhaps well illustrates the excellence of faith based home education in America
‘I thought this column wasn’t supposed to be political anyway.’
where does it state so ?
Dec 26th, 2009
“i was thinking we dont know enough about the wmd in iraq to declare military neccesity. then hillary clinton voted for it. i thought, “well, she knows way more than i do, so we really must need to do this.” ugh.
I wouldn’t pin this just on Hillary (who I like), although neither congress nor the press looked at this “evidence” presented by the Bush administration with much critical thought. There were exceptions, but for the most part our institutions failed us on this big time. I agree with on that.
I think you swing too libertarian for my political tastes but, I can live with that. Of course I have been known to engage in inane sexual banter, lol. Smart and hot, can’t do better than that.
Dale Birke
Dec 26th, 2009
Marilyn, It appears that your post has achieved the momentum I believe you had hoped that it would. Quite an interesting discussion here, and it is refreshing that it is far more intellectual than the normal rant that appears in post 6 articles. But then again, post 6 is meant to be a display of the most beautiful form in SL, the female avatar, not a political discussion. Regardless, the out of context discussion you have generated is interesting, and in my opinion you are quite striking in your beauty both physical and intellectual.
Your analysis of “those in power…” is spot on and it was THE reason that the charismatic megalomaniac was able to be elected. He effectively duped a majority through false promises by keying on “hope and change” while in reality only desiring absolute power at the cost of freedom. Sorry that you and too many others were fooled, but glad that you and so many others are beginning to see what is really happening. Unfortunately, the damage that he and his puppets (Nancy and Harry) are doing to this country as they yield their perceived “power” is so debilitating that it is going to take a monumental effort and great sacrifice to repair.
As far as the inept, and as Skye alluded “ethically bankrupt” Republicans go, they are as much at fault but in my opinion not for the reasons mentioned in these posts so much as the complete and utterly depressing inability to field a true leader that is able to compete with the Democratic demigods.
Do not despair young lady, you can find the answers you are searching for by reading and studying the most compelling document our government has ever produced, The Constitution. This simple but precise road map is all we need to adhere to in finding our way. If “we the people” can insist on having our “leaders” simply follow this as intended all will right itself.
Angry is good, it will promote action. Hopelessness is not good and will only lead to inaction. Try to really study the Constitution, learn its history and understand its words. Apply it to things that you doubt in your search for truth from our government. It will serve you well if you take the time to learn its effectiveness.
Looking forward to further interaction and discussion.
Senban Babii
Dec 26th, 2009
Hey, does anyone remember when the Second Life Herald used to report about Second Life? Or even once it reverted back to the Alphaville Herald, how it would report on other virtual worlds like Metaplace? I mean, those things *are* why we’re here….right?
So in the last few days or so, Metaplace (once touted by the Herald as the greatest thing since the self-wiping arsehole) has announced it is to close down on the 1st January. And yet rather than report and discuss this news and its reasons/effects, we instead give a platform to Marilyn Murphy to have a rant about politics in a country that we’re not even all citizens of. Hell, I was a Post 6 Grrrl. I enjoyed it for what it was, I moved on from it. I never used it to make political statements.
Can we now please get back to the actual reason we’re here?
Debi Dastardly
Dec 26th, 2009
I applaud you Marilyn I may not agree with everything you say but I do agree with most of it and I think it is great you expressed you beliefs as an informed US. citizen. You have a very lovely avatar as well.
Congratulations to you and Timothy for a wonderful Post 6.
Debi Dastardly
Dec 26th, 2009
It also amazes me that you libbs out there say things aren’t political when its not your liberal swill that someone is propagating. Or how anyone that has a brain and sees clearly what is going wrong in our country is called names like Trailer trash. Interesting to me that most people who still dwell in trailer parks are largely Democrat and liberal or at least co opted by the socialist AKA Communist that are trying to take over and destroy the US. once and for all.
Stephan Peck
Dec 26th, 2009
Well done, when poor pics of oddities and freaks fails to get page hits. Politics always will.
Dec 26th, 2009
***********************Beck/Reagan 2012*******************
Stopping the Communists who want to Socialize your Nazism
But no seriously, fuck poor people, I earned this goddamn money I inherited from daddies trust fund!
*Opens bag of cheetohs, buys body pillow online*
marilyn murphy
Dec 26th, 2009
hi. i notice many people have commented here saying they disagree with me politically. i really wonder if you bothered to read what i am talking about. its not about politics really. its about being smart with money. its about doing the right thing with a budget. off to the side a bit i imagine i am saying that i believe a free market economy prospers best.
stability counts. the stable us govt is the reason the american dollar became an international standard. over 200 years with one constitution. i do not know as much about european history, but i cannot think of a european country that can say this, maybe the swiss. it has become common to think of the usa as evil. i think it does evil things at times myself. mostly it does evil when it strays from the constitution. its general intent should be to keep a good atmosphere for business so we can have a strong economy, and to defend our nation. it has started telling us here lately that we dont know what is good for us, and that the government will take our money and decide for us. i object.
@senban babii…wow. ok. sorreee. they let me write what i wished and i wished to talk about what has been bothering me the most for the last few months. check back next week i am sure things will return to normal.
@dale burke…i have read the constitution. as barney frank recently said, “oh? the constitution? thats just a document that limits government power.” no kidding, thats a quote. i am excited about ron paul. everyone should listen to this guy. not enough people have heard him or read him. i found out i am a libertarian and didnt even know it. ha ha. the media poo poos him because he is not photogenic and doesnt give superspeech. what he says is terrific. what he does is exactly what he says. how fucking refreshing is that?? you know, i would think the liberals would love this guy, unless they are just dead set on having cradle to grave government care and we all drive the same car and have the same house sorta thing.
@debi: ty for your support. i would caution you against getting down on the same level as name callers by saying something like dems live in trailers or some such. plenty of republicans in trailers too i imagine.
@inniatzo: ha ha. you know, people say they disagree with me but dont say in what way. so you dont think we should carefully consider working to fix the programs we are already running into the ground before buying a new one? you dont think we should fix the budget so we are not paying billions to foreign nations every month on interest from our loans? you think that congress has been acting responsibly and that bush and obama did well by us? what are u saying?
@persephone: ty. thats nice of you to say.
@skye: ty skye. i haven’t read tom clancy. arent they sorta military action kinda books? look, i don’t think we need like some insurrection or any of that. we have the vote still. my hope is, that people will become more aware and pay more attention, and most importantly, educate themselves on the issues, and in their own self interest vote idiots out and credible people in. foolish? maybe. but thats my hope.
my fear is that future historians will look back at this time in america and it will be called the “wtf?? years”.
Dec 26th, 2009
This is naked politics taken to the extreme but where is the Herald on the big virtual world stories of the day? For example, the collapse of Metaplace and how the Herald’s shilling for them didn’t prevent their early demise.
Dec 26th, 2009
” i am excited about ron paul. everyone should listen to this guy. not enough people have heard him or read him. i found out i am a libertarian and didnt even know it. ha ha.”
Libertarions are horrible, sad little people who feel like they should never ever have to pay any taxes because they think everything they have has been earned purely from their own hard work. In a Libertarion world everybody would own their own little compound and every road would be owned by companies that would charge you fees to use them.
Libertarions believe that everybody should “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”. THey falsely beleive that anybody can overcome their situation through nothing but “good old american hard work”. This is a load of farts. FARTS.
Libertarions are either dangerous wackjobs living in compounds in Texas or sad fat men living half their lives online and living off daddies trust fund which they think they earned.
In summation,
butte farts.
Skye Donardson
Dec 26th, 2009
Marilyn, hehe…yes, pure insurrection really *isn’t* something I condone, though it’s fun to think about sometimes. I’d just be happy with putting a term limit on Senators. That would be a good start.
And Dale…I hardly single out the Republicans as being ethically bankrupt. The Dems have proven over the past 12 months to be just as lacking…
Melissa Yeuxdoux
Dec 27th, 2009
@keikok22: You’ve fallen for the deception of the Ben & Jerry’s crowd and that stupid pie chart. The deceit is that it is SOLELY the discretionary part of the US budget–which is dwarfed even now by the non-discretionary part of the budget, i.e. the ever-growing entitlement programs, which GWB added to with the prescription drug benefit, and which the Obamessiah is well on his way to making grow exponentially via health care “reform”.
Reverse Writer
Dec 27th, 2009
As soon as you said you’re excited by Ron Paul, that negated any relevance your opinions might have had. That and the fact that your deep political thinking was accompanied by pixel tits. And that you apparently have nothing better to do on Christmas but to post both.
Dec 27th, 2009
you cite the military as one of our biggest recipients of tax payer dollars. i think that medicare program is much larger.
In 2008, Medicare was 386 billion to the defense’s 612 billion (a href=””>source). That isn’t counting how much was paid out in the Iraq and Afghanistan Military Operations (Ironically, Congress has not declared war since the Second World War, and since Congress is the only entity which can declare war, at least according to the US constitution, a whole lot of people are obfuscating furiously about Iraq and Afghanistan), which was $915.1 billion, with $687 to Iraq and $228 to Afghanistan (source). 183.0 billion was in 2008 alone, bringing the 2008 total alone to 795 billion for defense, as opposed to 386 billion to Medicare.
Oh, yes, Medicare is SO MUCH LARGER than defense it’s amazing.
Dec 27th, 2009
The links aren’t working, so I’ll include the second source here:
We can supply the best quality Wooden Chicken to you
Dec 27th, 2009
Obama is going to personally come to everybodys house and steal their tv and then date their pure as the fallen snow virginal white daughters. It’s a terrifying world we live in and I just thank god every day for the shelter from the storm that is my anime collection.
Dale Birke
Dec 27th, 2009
Skye, I didn’t mean to imply that you were singling out the GOP, I was merely attempting to credit your post with the point that all major party politicians that are currently in power are ethically bankrupt, although I agree that my argument was made poorly. Concur that term limits would be great and true patriots, those with the courage to actually do what is right for the country, would be even better.
Marilyn, most people do not know that deep down they are more Libertarian leaning than any other political philosophy, even those here who attack at the mere mention of the word.
“If you are young and not liberal, then you have no heart; but if you are old and not conservative, then you have no brain,” Winston Churchill. applies in most but I prefer to be Libertarian throughout if for nothing more than consistency and it just feels right to me.
We can supply the best quality Wooden Chicken to you
Dec 27th, 2009
“Marilyn, most people do not know that deep down they are more Libertarian leaning than any other political philosophy, even those here who attack at the mere mention of the word.”
Nope, sorry. Most people have a soul and aren’t deathly afraid of ever having to help or talk to anyone ever. But feel free to comtinue lying to yourself! If it weren’t for libertarians and aspies I’d get bored of furries.
marilyn murphy
Dec 28th, 2009
@deoride: ok. i looked up these numbers as put out by medicare itself and the dept. of defense and they say in 2009 its, defense 629 billion and medicare its 743 billion….but who is counting? are u really seeing these numbers? billions here, billions there. we have become numb to it. you dont seem to grasp that i deplore the war and i dont want to spend billions on the war. i dont want to spend 10 cents on the war. i am weary of perpetual war.
why are we carrying the ball on the iran nuclear issue? china and russia share the same continent with these people and supply them with the goods and services to create their oh so needed arsenal and we have to stand up and say this is not going to happen? we are marching into more conflict with people who dont want us over there at all. i dont want us over there.
you also seem to miss the whole point to my thesis here. i want fiscal responsibility from our legislature. period. i dont want us to be buying new entitlements until the government has our budget in some kind of manageable order. people keep saying this makes me some right wing crazy. wow. so managing OUR money wisely is a wierd outlandish desire? if only the clinton budget had been adhered to. but bush and congress destroyed that as fast as they could.
some guy earlier listed his view on libertarians and it sounds pretty whack. i wonder who told him all that? not that it matters i guess. he is obviously pretty whack himself. he listens to fox news to much it would appear.
Lum Lumley
Dec 28th, 2009
Marilyn, on the off chance you are still following this thread, I recommend the writings of Bruce Bartlett. He is a Reagan-era economist who is writing about the fiscal irresponsibility of both parties, but chiefly the obstructionism of the right.
Specifically, this column explains very coherently, and far more succinctly than I can why the budget is out of control and why calls for spending cuts are simply political grandstanding:
Pie Psaltery
Dec 28th, 2009
…and not a single mention of how hawt Mari is in bed. Criminal, I tell ya.
Marilyn Murphy; forever sexy, forever pissing someone off. It warms me to know somethings remain constant.
Ditch all this politcal shit, baby. What you realllllllllllllllly need to do is write a tell-all expose on the early days of SL. Name names… hell half those Lindens aren’t even at LL anymore. Go ahead, you know you wanna.
Beautiful as always, Mari. Kisses.
tony danza
Dec 28th, 2009
Nobody gives a shit about the Lindens or the “early days” of SL.
It’s a game. A buggy game run by terrible coders full of sexual deviants and idiots.
marilyn murphy
Dec 29th, 2009
yeah, like that tony danza guy for instance.
marilyn murphy
Dec 29th, 2009
@lum lumley: omigod you have depressed the hell out of me. i read that article at it rings true. so debate is pointless, educating yourself about it is just a downer and useless. i might as well go stockpile gold and toilet paper and guns and be happy eh?
Prof. Archie Lukas
Jan 2nd, 2010
Not being a yankee – most of the words just flowed over my non-political head.
(Spoken on behalf of the rest of the RL world – There ain’t no RL politics in SL)
However just a thought.
There have been some bloody awful photographers in this column, just fecking awful actually.
There was only ever one good ‘un
Marilyn Murphy.
However Timothy Morpork has gained the crown in a very agreeable manner.
Damn fine work old chap, what!!!???
Mar 25th, 2010
Obama take note! I found these opinions much more convincing when mixed with pictures of a naked woman.
marilyn murphy
Aug 8th, 2011
heh. when i tried to talk about the real life issue of the economy and where it is headed, practically everyone who responded said they disagreed with me. they disagreed with my desire for fiscal restraint and wiser monetary policy.
at the time i said i felt like cassandra, and no one was listening. good luck to us all.
hobo kelly
Aug 8th, 2011
I think its a case of Gen-X and Gen-Y being basically stupid and lazy. They don’t want to do the hard work for crap pay like previous generations have done to build this great nation because they think they are all special or something. Probably from watching Mr. Rogers on commie PBS all day telling them “you’re special just for being you” what a load of crap. You are not special. You are a load of walking talking protoplasm that the world and its Nature wants to put in a hole so that your flesh can putrify and be recycled back into the ground. Unless you use your damned brains and start studying and learning every technical thing you can about this world we live in. The days of Wine and Roses are over. You dolts have mortgaged your useless lives right out to the max. People who go around with their crotch on their minds all day are going to be the first to go. Wake up. You and your body are insults to the world. You have no right to exist. The only right ANYONE has to exist is if they work for it. This will become more and more apparent. Listen to your police scanners. Its already happening. The Gravy Train has left the station. The drugs have run out. Low life scum are being evicted and now have no house to smoke or shoot their drugs in and you can hear it every night now even in this small town. Stabbings, Suicides (4 or 5 a day now in a population base of say 80,000) Robberies, Domestics… some really weird crap starts up after dark… really weird… The withdrawal symptoms when coming off of a drug are the opposite of the high you get when you take it. So there are a lot of low life stupid scum out there who have been going along watching TV or playing their XBOX or sitting like a mindless zombie in front of their SL screen playing with virtual breedable pets or pretending to be some kind of high culture jerkwad, smoking their dope or whatever, totally oblivious that they are operating at the lowest level of human existance. You try to give them the 411 and tell them to wake up and knuckle down and crack the books, learn a technical trade, like programming, and you get some happy-slappy reply from this typical low life operating level where they will float some 5 line lame attempt at humor in 40 year old basic. with line numbers for god sake. Just get used to the idea that unless you become a guerilla warrior in this world, armed with as much advance knowlege as you can put into your brain, well you’ll see. This Gen-X / Gen-Y head-up-ass syndrome is also a big part of failing economies around the world due to its effect on Madison Avenue, ie Marketing. I’ve seen marketing go from its very conservative roots back in the mid 50′s to blossoming on Television in the 60′s and onwards, but I have never seen the kind of STUPID MINDLESS HALLUCENATIONS that pass for advertising today, and its coming from the new inhabitants of Madison avenue, this Gen-X and Gen-Y brainless mindless video-game like crap where stuff is always morphing into other stuff and really REALLY stupid memes are having to be generated graphically BY these morons FOR these morons. I cannot even watch them anymore. They have that same kind of smartassed attitude to them like gays forcing their self-shame down into their shoes while over compensating by flaunting their failure in other people’s faces. Bottom line: It aint working. Stuff isnt selling. Just because Madison Avenue has been balkanized like the coasts have been, with commies, doesnt mean that the rest of the country, older than Gen-X, is buying any of it. And there is the problem. You little jerkwads better get off of your butts and get an education and get to work…
Aug 8th, 2011
Nice trolling.
I’m gen-x and I make over 100K and I have multiple degrees and yes I have a trade too.
Here’s a tip for you: the high end bankers etc who bankrupted this country are *not* gen-x, they are *boomers*.
Get it right fool.