Plexus Linden Gives Second Life Superman Copyright Dance Lessons?
by Alphaville Herald on 20/01/10 at 8:08 am
Cozy, classified relationship and implausible deniability
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Did Plexus Linden encourage Second Life's copyright-challenged Justice League Unlimited to tap dance around potential IP infringement issues with a wink and a nod, while promising the JLU in-game super powers? JLU leader Kalel Venkman's vigorous pursuit of whack-a-mole takedown actions against sites hosting the leaked JLU wiki are beginning to make sense, as a picture emerges of wannabe game cops desperate to gain favor with the Linden staff, and at least one Linden playing copyright favorites over the objections of his co-workers.
Readers are cautioned that it is possible the leaked chatlogs have beensubject to tampering – or revisionist history and wishful thinking on the part of the JLU.There is certainly no lack of misinformation in the JLU’s formerlysecret wiki. But Herald researchers point to troubling chatlog passages in several files (BrainiacWiki_Mal-W/default_260.html, BrainiacWiki_Mal-W/default_261.html, and BrainiacWiki_Mal-W/default_286.html) that suggest a cozy secret relationship between the volunteer virtual crime-fighters and the Lab staff charged with enforcing rules in-game.
The first clue that Plexus was deeply invested in the JLU’s existence, despite potential trademark and copyright problems, is found on the page where Kalel Venkman discusses the JLU’s copyright problems and possible solutions (Periwink-whatmall/default_475.html):
“We have been asked by Socrates Linden to take steps to comply with rules about trademark and/or copyright infringement. We have also been told by Plexus Linden to please continue just as we have been, explicitly with respect to our use of well-known characters, as it may be used as a way to get DC Comics and other publishers to take a positive business interest in Second Life. These are directly conflicting instructions.”
Why would Plexus advise the JLU to continue despite the Socrates' copyright concerns? Kalel Venkman mentions that “other GTeam members are taking notice ofhis 'use' of us and considering the same” suggesting that during thefall of 2007 Plexus Linden had hopes of forming an unpaid player-basedjunior GTeam to assist the Lab employees. But Plexus was aware that the Lindens should not be seen directly endorsing the JLU, based on both charges of player favoritism and copyright problems – so with a wink and a nod a thin gauze of plausible deniablility was to be constructed.
According to the JLU chatlogs, Plexus asked the JLU to set up a second “mentors” group to insulate Linden Lab from the appearance of encouraging copyright infringement – while secretly encouraging them to continue to play as they were. Is this typically how the Lab handles others' intellectual property? The recent trademark and copyright class action lawsuit brought by Stroker Serpentine and Munchfower Zauis suggests that the issues may be endemic to the Lab's culture.
JLU members appear to believe they would receive special powers not available to regular players – although it is unclear if the superhero group ever achieved demi-game god status. Perhaps one of the adults at the Lab noticed the potential for abuse of power? Reading over the JLU’s leaked incident reports suggests a certain lack of judgment on the part of the superhero vigilantes as they pursue their in-game faction wars with those they believe to be griefers.
The disagreement between Socrates and Plexus Linden also implies there are faction wars inside the Lab – we can only hope the good guys win in the end.
BrainiacWiki_Mal-W/default_261.html – " I have a loophole … LL has no interest in pursuing copyright
laws with JLU" – Plexus Linden
Meeting of October 07, 2007 morning
[9:40] Plexus Linden:Ok…just for clarifications sake
[9:41] Kalel Venkman: Yes?
[9:41] Plexus Linden: We are not saying that the JLU needs to disappear
[9:41] Plexus Linden: Its the Group who reports to us… that cant be JLU
[9:41] Samantha Lowell: How about "Just Lemmings, Us"?
[9:41] PlexusLinden: Get my drift? ;-)
[9:41] Kalel Venkman: Yes.
[9:41] Pierce Kronos: got it
[9:41] Pierce Kronos: "Sexy Nurse's Legs"
[9:41] Kara Foley: Just Us League
[9:41] Kalel Venkman: Ourunderstanding was that the group would have to be a LL
created andowned group.
[9:41] Micheru Mathys: It would be better to beworking under our own
trademarks, though.
[9:41] SamanthaLowell: Heee
[9:41] Plexus Linden: So, JLU is -ok- LL has nointerest in pursuing copyright
laws with JLU
[9:42] PlexusLinden: ahhhhhh….seeeee
[9:42] Samantha Lowell: The AbomibalbleSeven?
[9:42] Plexus Linden: I have a loophole
[9:42] Micheru Mathys: Oh?
[9:42] Pierce Kronos: oh?
[9:42] DianaPrince Carter: ?!
[9:42] Plexus Linden: JLU operatesperfectly under LL TOS
[9:42] Samantha Lowell: O, I have it!League of Monsters!
[9:42] Kalel Venkman: Sam.
[9:42] PlexusLinden: we dont enforce copyright law
[9:42] Plexus Linden: so…
[9:42] Samantha Lowell: Sorrry-being silly
[9:42] Plexus Linden: as anyGreat superhero goes…..
[9:42] Kara Timtam: Heroes' League
[9:42] Plexus Linden: they never want recognition right?
"asecret identity for our secret identities" – Pierce Kronos
[9:43] Pierce Kronos: Right
[9:43] Sean Petit:there's the effort involved in maintaining two separate sets
ofcharacters. it would be easier to support one moving forward.
[9:43] Samantha Lowell: True indeed
[9:43] Plexus Linden: So, the JLUpersona as it stands can operate in SL
[9:43] Plexus Linden: whatyou all need to do…. is come up with a group…
totally yourpersona
[9:43] Plexus Linden: that protects the grid
[9:43] Kara Timtam: So the League of Legionnairs or whatever is our Secret
Identity.Bwa ha ha.
[9:43] Plexus Linden: but just so happens to know theJLU and takes info from
them as well
[9:43] Kara Timtam: clol
[9:44] DianaPrince Carter: :D
[9:44] Plexus Linden: as the -new_ grouprelays that to LL
[9:44] Plexus Linden: as a Mentor group
[9:44] Pierce Kronos: ahh, a secret identity for our secret identities
[9:44] Sean Petit: and since our intensed goal is the actual protection of the
metaversein this case, I think Metaverse League may be the most appropriate,
[9:44] Plexus Linden: Exactly
[9:44] Samantha Lowell: Vellyinterrresting………
[9:44] Plexus Linden: secret persona… whothemselves can be super heroes made
by u
[9:44] Plexus Linden:who still have a strong presence in SL
[9:45] Plexus Linden: but,the -new-group is who reports to Gteam
[9:45] Kalel Venkman:Here's rather what we thought might happen: LL creates a
group,perhaps the GTeam Mentors. Eventually this group will need to contain
peopleother than just the League members it started with.
[9:45] KaraTimtam: Kara Timtam can still be the Most Hated Entity in SL? Kewl.
[9:45] Plexus Linden: JLU still operates, but they report to the mentor team
[9:45] Plexus Linden: who is the -new- persona of JLU
[9:45] KatarSupercharge: woo hoo Kara
[9:45] Samantha Lowell: I'd be in forthat
[9:45] Kalel Venkman: Well – the problem I see there, Plex,is one of
[9:45] Samantha Lowell: I have a Brideof Frankenstein avatar ready\
[9:46] Plexus Linden: Its about whoLL puts in the meida that matters.. not who
gathers the info
[9:46] Plexus Linden: catch what I am saying?
[9:46] Samantha Lowell:Yup
[9:46] Kalel Venkman: I do.
[9:46] DianaPrince Carter: apublic face and an SL face?
[9:46] Plexus Linden: Scalabilty ofthe new perosna Kalel?
[9:46] Kalel Venkman: Scalability of theGTeam Mentor group.
[9:46] Kalel Venkman: If the goal isself-governance, it needs to be expandable
beyond just us.
[9:47] Plexus Linden: ahhhh….but it can scale infinitly.. with the newpersona
[9:47] Kara Timtam: It's not the Just Us League.
[9:47] Kalel Venkman: And that means it should be owned by LL, not us.
[9:47] Plexus Linden: Right.. but there were only so many DC super heroes
[9:47] Plexus Linden: no no no
[9:47] Plexus Linden: we dont own mentorteams
[9:47] Pierce Kronos: ahh
[9:47] Kalel Venkman: Youdon't?
[9:47] Plexus Linden: they are volunteers ;-)
[9:47] Plexus Linden: noooooooooooo
[9:47] Kara Timtam: Look around,we're not just DC – some are Marvel, some are
[9:47] Plexus Linden: LOL
"so JLU can operate atfull steam…. ;-)" – Plexus Linden
[9:47] Plexus Linden: I see the confusion here
[9:47] KalelVenkman: Well the group is founded by a Linden.
[9:47] PlexusLinden: we might make the name
[9:47] Kalel Venkman: And then youget volunteers to join it.
[9:48] Aree Lulibub: yeah and a yearwaiting list!
[9:48] Plexus Linden: right
[9:48] PierceKronos consoles aree
[9:48] Plexus Linden: so……..
[9:48] Aree Lulibub sniffles
[9:48] Plexus Linden: yo utell me… thename u want.. when u decide
[9:48] Plexus Linden: it becomes agroup made by LL
[9:48] Samantha Lowell: Okay
[9:48] PierceKronos: yea!
[9:48] Plexus Linden: we train u.. you make yourpersona
[9:48] DianaPrince Carter: coolness!
[9:48] PlexusLinden: and u gather your info however u get it
[9:48] bartelbyPegler: very cool
[9:48] Katar Supercharge: also, the grou namedoesnt have to be te characters
team name
[9:48] Kara Timtam:Think real fast – let's grab this opportunity while it' shot
[9:49] Katar Supercharge: where do i sign up?
[9:49] Kara Timtam: it'sHOT
[9:49] Samantha Lowell: The Wrigley Goats! *sorry, Cub fans)
[9:49] bartelby Pegler: same
[9:49] Micheru Mathys: Question, if I may?
[9:49] Plexus Linden: so JLU can operate at full steam…. ;-)
[9:49] Samantha Lowell: I think that is workable-=I;'m in
[9:49] KaraTimtam: G-Men
[9:49] DianaPrince Carter: =)
[9:49] SeanPetit: sexist
[9:49] Kara Timtam: Golden Age, I can't help it
[9:49] Samantha Lowell: The "Wait Til next Year" League
[9:49] KalelVenkman: There's another factor, Plex – one we're wrestling with.
[9:49] Pierce Kronos: Sam
[9:49] Plexus Linden: The idea with this"idea" of a mentor group is the Self
Governance factor
[9:49] Aree Lulibub: Why can't it simply be the G-Team Mentors?
[9:50] Kalel Venkman: We've got a good year and a half plus invested in the
avatarswe courrnetly have.
[9:50] Kalel Venkman: *currently.
[9:50] Pierce Kronos likes G-team Mentors
[9:50] Kara Timtam: G-Mentors
[9:50] Kalel Venkman: We're known as much by our individual names as the suits
wewear, possibly more so.
[9:50] Plexus Linden: as in the mentorgroup will become the governing body in
SL.. trainers of all newresidents
[9:50] DianaPrince Carter: O_O
[9:50] Kara Timtam:D-Mentors
[9:50] Kalel Venkman: :/
[9:50] Samantha Lowell:Kara.
[9:51] Kara Timtam: OK that was silly, it's the creativeprocess at work
[9:51] bartelby Pegler: as long as it isnt G-Pers
[9:51] Kara Timtam: G-Mentors was a serious suggestion though
[9:51] Aree Lulibub: Mich had a question I t hink
[9:51] Kalel Venkman:Moving back and forth between new avatars will be somewhat
hobblingbecause of that.
[9:51] Micheru Mathys: Yes..
[9:51] PlexusLinden: You have all put in a lot of work . indeed.. and has beenrecognizedall over SL for sure
"mentors will have the extra abilitieswhile JLU will be the brute force scaring thebejeebus outta griefers" – Plexus Linden
[10:01] Plexus Linden: so, some of u would be mentoring..the others patrolling
[10:02] Sean Petit: be safer if we kept the mentor group clean and
[10:02] Kalel Venkman: Sam, what was it that person from FurNation said two
[10:02] Plexus Linden: the mentors will have the extraabilities… while JLU
will be the brute force scaring the bejeebusoutta griefers…LOL
[10:02] Samantha Lowell: Oh-
[10:02] PierceKronos: woo
[10:02] Plexus Linden: I mean , the mentors will bescary too
[10:02] Plexus Linden: LOL
[10:02] Samantha Lowell: Hesaid, IIRC, "Superman, cool!"
[10:03] Samantha Lowell: They see redcapes and know things are going to be
[10:03] PlexusLinden: Kalel… how does this sound to you so far?
[10:03] KalelVenkman: This seems to be the right approach.
[10:03] Kalel Venkman: This seems to be the right approach.
BrainiacWiki_Mal-W/default_260.html – "without appearing to endorsetrademark infringement"
[17:58] Kalel Venkman: But we'vebeen asked to come up with a new group name -
not a REPLACEMENT groupname, but one we can use as our new official identity in
[17:59] Kalel Venkman: The reason is that Linden lab wants to be able to refer
tous in press releases and in-world discussion without appearing toendorse
trademark infringement.
[17:59] Kalel Venkman: So we'velooked at a few names.
[18:00] Kalel Venkman: My favorite, whichnobody liked (I'm okay with that) was
"The League". Which turns outto be taken, by a fairly large group of steampunk
"specialabilities to be given to that group" – Kalel Venkman
[18:07] Kalel Venkman: Anyway, we looked at Legion of Heroes – too close to
Legionof Superheroes – Second League, which limits us if we want to moveoutside
SL at any point in the future – Justice Legion Unlimited -which is a lawsuit
waiting to happen -
[18:07] Kalel Venkman: AndGuild of Heroes or Heroes' Guild, which makes us
sound like justanother gaming clan, which we certainly aren't.
[18:08] KalelVenkman: Remaining were Heroes' League or League of Heroes, and
mostseem to prefer the latter.
[18:08] Kara Timtam: 2 words is strongerthan 3
[18:08] Sean Petit: Hero League, I believe
[18:09] KalelVenkman: Plexus asked for a name to be chosen, so that a LL group
calledthat, with the addition of the word "Mentors" on it, and specialabilities
to be given to that group.
"ourcurrent situation with respect to the Lindens is classified" – KalelVenkman
[18:40] Kalel Venkman: Otherthan that tidbit, there's no more new news – except
for the fact thatthe relationship between the GTeam and the Justice League
Unlimitedis progressing rapidly.
[18:40] Kalel Venkman: I don't know if it isor not.
[18:41] Kalel Venkman: But it's something to ponder.
[18:41] Sean Petit: Socrates SPOKE with me today!
[18:41] Pierce Kronos:lol
[18:41] Hewee Zetkin: Pierce, we are generally concerned withwrongdoing here
and elsewhere. If SL is used to cause RL harm, I'd beconcerned about it
personally for sure!
[18:41] Kara Timtam:There is a group called Austistic Liberation Front, based
[18:42] Kalel Venkman: Before we close, Pierce hasreminded me to remind you all
that our current situation with respectto the Lindens is classified.
[18:42] Kalel Venkman: Nobody needsto know any details of this for now.
[18:42] Hewee Zetkin:Certainly.
[18:42] Tracy Laszlo: Good meeting Kal
[18:42] KalelVenkman: The ramifications are deep and wide.
[18:42] Kalel Venkman:Mum's the word for now.
BrainiacWiki_Mal-W/default_286.html– "JLU rocks in my book!" – Plexus Linden
EaseyWriter: Finally got Plexus to sit down for an interview. While it wasan initial interview, generic in nature, he has agreed to furtherinterviews as well once this one is puplished. It was edited and iswaiting for Plexus's approval before publishing. Mentions that Plexushad very nice things to say about the JLU and that the other GTeammembers are taking notice of his "use" of us and considering the same.Plexus is building an office and will soon have office hours. He isalso planning a GTeam welcome area.
[10:01] Kalel Venkman:The one other thing is, and I'm sorry Barbara isn't here
to sharethis with us herself, is something from Plexus.
[10:01] KalelVenkman: 20:16] Barbara Onomatopoeia: is there anything that jlu
coulddo to materially assist?
[10:02] Kalel Venkman: [20:19] PlexusLinden: Actaully what JLU does now is
awesome ;-) Since they do nothave the tools that Lindens do, there isnt much
more they could do…aside from making residents aware how to avoid attacks,
settings forowned land, basic awareness for the "non- griefers" ;-)
[10:02] Kalel Venkman: [20:19] Plexus Linden: JLU rocks in my Book! ;-)
[10:02] DianaPrince Carter: WOW!
[10:02] Kalel Venkman: [20:20] PlexusLinden: .. and of course putting in the
AR's is a HUGE help forsure ;-)
[10:02] DianaPrince Carter: WOOT!
[10:02] Kara Timtam:*sparklegrin*
[10:02] Kalel Venkman: [20:20] Barbara Onomatopoeia:gee, thanks!
[10:02] Kalel Venkman: And now here's the kicker.
[10:02] Scotty Piedpiper: wOOT
[10:02] Samantha Lowell: oooo-"JLU rocks inmy book!"
[10:02] Kalel Venkman: [20:21] Barbara Onomatopoeia: i'veasked this question
before, but no answer. is it possible for jlu -or some subset of the group – to
have perms to delete stuff insandboxes at least?
[10:03] Kalel Venkman: [20:22] Plexus Linden:hmmmm
[10:03] Samantha Lowell: May we quote that in the communique?
[10:03] Kara Timtam: shhh
[10:03] Kalel Venkman: [20:22] Plexus Linden: Icould bring that up at the next
meeting… to see what the technicallogisitics would be… many attacks do start
in the sandboxes
[10:03] Kalel Venkman: [20:23] Plexus Linden: as far as a definitive answer, i
wouldntbe able to give one right now ;-) but I can check to see
[10:03] Kalel Venkman: [20:25] Barbara Onomatopoeia: may i share that with kalel
venkmanand other members of the group?
[10:03] Kalel Venkman: [20:25]Plexus Linden: Certainly ;-)
Jan 20th, 2010
Is’nt the Justice League Unlimited copyrighted by Warner Bros?
Tuomy Boa
Jan 20th, 2010
Justice League Unlimited is copyrighted by Warner bros.
Anyone who has been forced to stop selling their movie based apparel by lindens should complain with link to this page.
Jan 20th, 2010
I take it that Plexus or other LL staff are unavailable for comment on this matter?
Jan 20th, 2010
More BAAWWW from teh usual suspects. Every single post on the JLU stuff for the past week has been Woodbury asshats, who engineered this whole thing in the first place from what I can tell. This isn’t news, it’s just character assassination.
Tuomy Boa
Jan 20th, 2010
The wiki contents and the quotes on this website has been confirmed real by several members of JLU. It’s not character assasination, it’s Kalels and Plexus’s dirty laundry rumbling down from closet full of skeletons.
Both are public figures by their own doing so SLherald has every right to report on them as seen fit.
Jan 20th, 2010
If you try to talk to a Linden about this you’ll get the run around, I was told to do everything from sumbit a ticket for review to contacting LL directly via mail. I im’ed and submitted a notecard to Plexus when the story first broke, and he has yet to respond. I hope the guerilla harboring ass was fired.
Jan 20th, 2010
I’m not going to slog through someone’s boring chat, but there is no way in hell that anyone at LL blithely told someone “please continue just as we have been, explicitly with respect to our use of well-known characters, as it may be used as a way to get DC Comics and other publishers to take a positive business interest in Second Life.”
I suppose it is true that if a copyright holder saw a lot of violations (for instance with all the Gorean stuff and Gorean sims, much of which come straight out of those Gor novels) they might see there is a large group of people who can either be made to pay or as a means of promoting their materials.
But I have a very difficult time thinking that DC Comics would do this. These guys are very protective of their trademarks because, among other things, they can sell these for use in moves and tv shows, etc.
I note that quote up there is a paraphrase of what someone says a Linden told them. But geez, they are not going to go running around telling people to willfully violate all these trademarks. That’s absurd.
Jan 20th, 2010
“Kalel Venkman: Scalability of the GTeam Mentor group.
Kalel Venkman: If the goal is self-governance, it needs to be expandable beyond just us.”
It sounds like they want to set the JLU up as a state within a state like the KGB in the old Soviet Union, the Knights Templar or the Zetas of the Gulf Cartel in Mexico. It’s a kind of Twilight of the Nerds or APackofDorks Now. Way hilarious.
Darien Caldwell
Jan 20th, 2010
Very disturbing indeed. It’s true that LL doesn’t enforce copyright. The copyright holders must do that. But certainly can only be seen as condoning the abuse of copyrighted materials by LL, and by JLU. Which is ironic, given the JLU’s attempts to use copyright to prevent these very damaging documents from circulating. Woefully failed attempts I might add. The wiki has spread far and wide.
Most amusing though is the fact that Plexus is basically playing the JLU, playing to their vanity and hunger for power, to get them to do his job for him. In a way, the JLU are also victims here. Plexus is the real snake in the grass.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 20th, 2010
Ooh, this one’s a juicy one, ain’t it?
Plexus telling ‘favoured’ residents they can skirt the ToS and become little hitlers. The cries of ‘FIC!’ are sure to be bouncing around somewhere.
Also, did anyone else find it amusing how even in this short collection of chatlogs, there are two instances of someone cracking a joke, Kalel gets butthurt, and then the joker rapidly apologizes? Srs bsnss.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jan 20th, 2010
The “GTeam Mentors” idea was for LL to create a Second Life group of volunteers like the Second Life Mentors who would help residents with governance issues. LL could not be seen to endorse a specific SL group like JLU, which was why a new group would be required. There was also a perceived problem with the JLU name, since it was already in use in the real world. LL didn’t want to deal with a potential copyright problem in the future, with a GTeam Mentors group that they were running, but they didn’t care if we continued to use the name to do our day to day patrolling, charity work, etc.
There was some previous JLU discussion about this concept during this time period, and that’s referenced in these logs but not explained too well, so it seems confusing. LL was thinking about creating a new Linden-owned group for the GTeam Mentors and inviting some of the senior JLU folks to staff it at the start. HOWEVER, LL and not JLU would have control over the membership, and it would NOT be comprised solely of JLU members. JLU, because of our long experience with griefing, would be the charter members, and would train the first new members as they applied. The GTeam Mentors may have been given “expanded abilities” beyond those of a regular SL resident. The discussions never went far enough to define what those abilities would be, but logically they would include at least the ability to return a griefer’s objects from Linden-owned land. The group would also participate in training residents and parcel/sim/estate owners about security.
The idea of the GTeam Mentors made good sense to everyone involved. It was great for us, because finally we would be able to stop the griefers right away rather than having to write ARs and wait for a Linden to arrive. It was great for the Lindens, because at that time they were overloaded, so it might take a long time before they could respond to an AR. A volunteer group helping them would have been ideal. And it was great for the residents, because there would be another LL help group to answer their questions and provide education and training and assistance.
The discussions ended abruptly, and we never heard anything else about it from the Lindens. There was some speculation about why the concept wasn’t implemented, but it was nothing more than speculation. I believe that LL decided that giving residents power over other residents wasn’t something they wanted to do after all. The liability would have been huge for them if some Mentor clicked the wrong thing and deleted someone’s build that they had worked on for two hours. I can understand the feeling, although I believe they should have considered the long experience of the peacekeeper community and the great amount of good they could have done.
I hope this solves the mystery of Socrates vs. Plexus. Both Socrates and Plexus wanted a new non-copyrighted name to be used for the GTeam Mentors, but Plexus told us we could continue using “JLU” for everyday operations. So…bring on the next issue!
Jan 20th, 2010
I like how all the not alts are still doing their mental gymnastics to reason how whole wiki including that phantom ban thing was fake and built from the ground up by griefers, while kalel is still pulling all-nighers filing dmca’s.
JLU needs to organize their shit better, they’re all off doing damage control in different directions and contradicting each other.
Also the it’s already on a few torrents so dmca’s are pretty futile at this point.
Jan 20th, 2010
It is in my experience that the people who want power are the worst people for it. Thus the people who make their own group, assign themselves as SL police, and voluntarily go around the grid in their free time trying to put themselves in positions of authority in sims they don’t own are in fact the worst people for a Linden-sponsored “Mentor” group. The original SL Mentors group was a good example of this, a lot of the people who joined did it because they thought the connection to a Linden-owned group would put them in a position of power over other residents, thankfully this was not the case. Making a new “Mentor” group, sponsored by LL, staffed by people who’ve proven themselves to be power-hungry and dramatic, and with some actual modicum of power, is a bad idea of titanic proportions.
The Linden Lab Governance team seems to often have wildly varying and even contradicting opinions and rulings on various issues, since this whole thing seems to have fallen through, I would guess that Socrates and Plexus took this idea to someone higher up, and it was mercifully shot it down. Still the fact that a Linden promised a group like JLU all this power and official backing is an embarrassment for Linden Lab’s governance team.
Aree Lulibub
Jan 20th, 2010
I’m not a Woodbury asshat.
I’m also not afraid to put my own avatar name on my posts.
“but they didn’t care if we continued to use the name to do our day to day patrolling, charity work, etc.”
The JLU was not involved in any charity work at that time. I do recall one seminar about land security but I wouldn’t classify that as charity.
“The discussions ended abruptly, and we never heard anything else about it from the Lindens. There was some speculation about why the concept wasn’t implemented, but it was nothing more than speculation. I believe that LL decided that giving residents power over other residents wasn’t something they wanted to do after all.”
The real reason was quite different from that and as a result, the G-Team Mentor idea was immediately scrapped and Plexus withdrew all connections to the JLU.
I think it’s important to keep the blame where it belongs and not on those that were merely trying to do something good for residents in the public sandboxes. At the time and in the griefer climate of 2007, the idea did seem like a good one. Now, three years later, we’ve learned so much about the JLU’s leadership, the grid has changed, griefing is nothing more than an annoyance and the Lab is more efficient at dealing with the griefers quickly without any help from vigilante groups.
Jan 20th, 2010
There is no governance team anymore, “We” is full of it. Check your facts before you insert your foot in yer open mouth.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jan 20th, 2010
@ We
“The original SL Mentors group was a good example of this, a lot of the people who joined did it because they thought the connection to a Linden-owned group would put them in a position of power over other residents…”
As a long-time member of the SL Mentors I can tell you this is wrong. I’ve never seen or heard of a single Mentor who tried to exercise power over anyone, and I would be willing to bet you haven’t either. What you would have seen if you had bothered to look was a group of people dedicated to helping SL residents in whatever way they could. That’s why they joined and that’s why they stayed – to help people.
“The Linden Lab Governance team seems to often have wildly varying and even contradicting opinions and rulings on various issues…”
Yes, we saw at least two examples of conflicting information delivered by different LL employees. IIRC, both cases contradicted the same person, so I guess he turned out to be steering us wrong. I’m not sure he’s even around any more.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jan 20th, 2010
@ “Aree”
“I’m also not afraid to put my own avatar name on my posts.”
You can’t be the real Aree Lulibub. She’s a GLC member, and Cathy Gray asked GLC members not to post in these threads.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 20th, 2010
GLE, therein lies the problem. I recall trying to join the JLU once. Yes, I tried. My reason wasn’t more to infiltrate them, fuck with their stuff. No, it was because one main factor they did was help newbies to the game and that was pretty much the only thing the JLU supposedly did(supposedly, I’m saying)that I held particular interest in. I was willing to join for the sole factor of educating newbies(personally, I have no real interests in the other stuff you do, like secretly talking about who you want to claim is a griefer next), and asked Kalel about it. He pretty much told me….actually, hang on, I’ll just paste the bits that matter(in the tiniest modecom)from our convo.
[8:31] Kalel Venkman: Being a member of Woodbury is, frankly, a problem. In most cases, the people we help would rise up in violent opposition if they knew we had any Woodbury’s in our lineup.
[8:31] Kalel Venkman: We wouldn’t be able to function.
[8:32] Kalel Venkman: So – the fact that you came from there, even if you left the group, would make an application for you unworkable.
[8:33] Kalel Venkman: Woodbury membership is tracked like security issues are.
[8:33] Gaara Sandalwood: Of course the would know, you have spies in us. I can do what it takes to join if you want.
[8:34] Kalel Venkman: Not just the JLU – LOTS of groups have spies in Woodbury, because Woodbury makes everyone nervous.
[8:40] Gaara Sandalwood: So because of the place I hang out at, because of the people around em, not myself, you have the right to flock and harass me? I don’t think so. That in and of itself is worthy of reporting, and I can of course provide my own side as to what happened last night(trust me, I wouldn’t fabricate anything and risk a ban)
[8:42] Gaara Sandalwood: I mainly IMed because I do feel like helping people, but now I felt it reasonable to express my opinions n how you were in the wrong last night
[8:42] Kalel Venkman: Look, the chatlog of you participating in the planning of a raid has already been sent to LL, so I wouldn’t go there.
[8:43] Gaara Sandalwood: So you’re threatening me to not send a complaint in?
[8:44] Kalel Venkman: You can file whatever you wish, but you should know that false reports end up on your record, not the person you filed on.
[8:44] Gaara Sandalwood: Like I said, I never fabricate things to my liking
Considering the JLU is basically a bunch of bullies, and I wasn’t allowed to join even that simply due to group affiliations, you seriously think I’d be allowed in this group that will have some actual power? I recall someone saying the irony of a 5 year old avvy being rejected from joining the JLU simply for past affiliations that were long ago yet accepting a younger avvy that happened to penetrate your shitty defenses. So yes, I do want to help the newbies and such in SL. No, I don’t raid and grief, I’m just a WU member. According to the earlier statement of irony, even after a couple of years if I was ever once a member I wouldn’t be allowed into the JLU, let alone a sub-Gteam with power.
So no, the whole thing about broadening the horizons and letting more than JLU members enter this sub-Gteam may be true, but there are obviously no intentions to let anyone they see as a ‘risk’, ‘griefer’, or just someone with a bad past record in. They want people who will help their side, who will give them more loyal subjects to bark for them on command, and all around to suit their own needs and wants. Stop trying. You fail at even that. You fail at explaining yourself and trying to win things over logically on your side in public. So just go back to having secret meetings with Kalel and rest on which local innocent to blatantly point out as a griefer, or which sim to harass next.
As for the whole Plexus thing, this is my view: Plexus is basically trying to increase his own power, or at least standing. He’s obviously, at present and past, just the guy the JLU bark to to ban people they claim are major griefers. Plexus complies even when they aren’t such. Considering Linden Labs knows these things(come on, they run the damn game after all, of course they’d know all the talk about Plexus), part of this, and this is of course pure speculation, is so LL sees he has a somewhat tame sub-moderator group going to work with and for them free of charge. To the Lindens this would be a plus, so they’d get over some rumors and easily overlook what they already know for a fact.
Of course I could be completely wrong about that. Still, this is obviously favoring the JLU considering they(as GLE said)would have control over the charter and membership of the new sub-moderator group(basically even if it’s not comprised entirely of the JLU members, they’d have full power and control over it), have powers above an average resident’s in-game under a different more open identity, and have a better standing with LL under this identity.
In short, Plexus, by my view, is or was trying to give the JLU banhammers or something similar, and that makes everything less fun.
Jan 21st, 2010
@GLE: Aren’t you being a little naive claiming that there are no corrupt SL Mentors? I got got a one day suspension and needed age verification because an SL Mentor wanted to flex-nuts in front of his hoochy-mommas.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jan 21st, 2010
@ Gaara
“I was willing to join for the sole factor of educating newbies…”
Helping newbies is very rewarding. There are plenty of groups that you could join to help newbies. Here are three that have many of the former SL Mentors as members:
Mental Mentors
Mentors !
White Tiger Mentors
Of course Woodbury members wouldn’t be welcome in JLU, but I’m sure the reverse is also true, so things even out.
“Considering the JLU is basically a bunch of bullies, and I wasn’t allowed to join even that simply due to group affiliations, you seriously think I’d be allowed in this group that will have some actual power?”
Strangely enough, LL might not have discriminated against Woodbury members who wanted to join the GTeam Mentors. I’ll bet they would do a background check to see if you’d ever had an AR written on you though. Imagine that: JLU and Woodbury working side by side. Dogs and cats living together. Wow.
Also, it’s interesting that you consider the JLU to be a “bunch of bullies” but you wanted to join anyway.
“Still, this is obviously favoring the JLU considering they(as GLE said)would have control over the charter and membership of the new sub-moderator group(basically even if it’s not comprised entirely of the JLU members, they’d have full power and control over it), have powers above an average resident’s in-game under a different more open identity, and have a better standing with LL under this identity.”
This was not the plan as I understood it or as I explained it earlier. JLU would be the first members of the new group, but LL would control the membership and the rules of engagement, and the GTeam Mentors who happened to be also JLU members probably wouldn’t have any special standing any higher than any other group member. And I don’t believe Plexus was trying to “feather his own nest” by talking with JLU about the group. I believe his boss told him to see what it would take to get this concept implemented, so he was doing a little preliminary brainstorming with the JLU folks. He probably would have receive some good ratings on his annual performance review if the idea had succeeded, but I don’t believe he was doing it all on his own, just to gain power or standing.
“Stop trying. You fail at even that. You fail at explaining yourself and trying to win things over logically on your side in public.”
Nobody directed me to come here and write messages, but I’ve always enjoyed posting in Herald threads. These topics looked very one-sided to me, and I was concerned that a visitor might have a bad opinion of JLU due to what they read here in the Herald. JLU isn’t a bunch of bullies or griefers, we don’t have any special powers or any special Linden friends, and we don’t do any of the other bad things we’re being accused of here by some people. What we do is help with event security, do charity and fund raising events, help new residents, educate property owners, and oppose griefers. As for my attempt to “win things over,” I haven’t lied to anyone here, I’ve answered almost all the reasonable questions you guys asked, and I think I’ve been pretty reasonable considering some of the things you guys have said to me. I see the efforts on the part of some to distort and twist the wiki content to make it seem like JLU has dark nefarious purposes and monstrous plots that are being fulfilled, when all we’re doing is trying to help people. It doesn’t matter to me how many threads about the wiki are started here – I’ll come in and explain what they’re really about and clear up all the questions and suspicion. I kind of feel like that’s my job now.
Imnotgoing Sideways
Jan 21st, 2010
@GreenLantern Excelsior
“As a long-time member of the SL Mentors I can tell you this is wrong. I’ve never seen or heard of a single Mentor who tried to exercise power over anyone, and I would be willing to bet you haven’t either. What you would have seen if you had bothered to look was a group of people dedicated to helping SL residents in whatever way they could. That’s why they joined and that’s why they stayed – to help people.”
I was also a SL Mentor to the end and I remember many times when I faced someone with an official Mentor tag in Hanja, Ahern, Waterhead, and even planting their haughty butts in NCI Kuula to posture themselves over the “general residents” of SL. (>__<)
You can play blind all you want while you continue to toss around accusations and determine guilt by association. Mentors were never “good” by default. JLU is not “good” by default. Just as WU and W-hat are not “bad” by default… And, hay, I don’t even liek W-hatz. (=_=)
Keep SL fun. You’re doing it wrong. (^_^)y
Jan 21st, 2010
“There is no governance team anymore, “We” is full of it. Check your facts before you insert your foot in yer open mouth.”
My mention of “The Governance Team” is referring to whatever entity in Linden Lab that handles the Abuse Reports. Whatever name it goes by now or form it takes doesn’t matter, unless you’re attempting to suggest there is no longer anyone in Linden Lab who handles abuse reports, which I would find not all hard to believe, but ironic since the JLU’s major means of “peacekeeping” is filing abuse reports.
“As a long-time member of the SL Mentors I can tell you this is wrong. I’ve never seen or heard of a single Mentor who tried to exercise power over anyone, and I would be willing to bet you haven’t either. What you would have seen if you had bothered to look was a group of people dedicated to helping SL residents in whatever way they could. That’s why they joined and that’s why they stayed – to help people.”
I would say that it’s your perception, and as a stringent member of a group which I would label as the types who volunteer for authority because they desire authority, I would suggest that you are biased and therefore unable to differentiate between someone who wants to help, and someone who wants authority over others. There are certainly no polls or statistics to back a statement like that up, so I’m simply stating my perception of the matter as you are stating yours.
“Yes, we saw at least two examples of conflicting information delivered by different LL employees. IIRC, both cases contradicted the same person, so I guess he turned out to be steering us wrong. I’m not sure he’s even around any more.”
I’ve also seen the Lindens contradicting one another and showing no cohesion in opinion when it comes to the ruling on Zyngo and other illegal Gambling machines: whether they go after it as a violation of the Gambling rules, or let the violation continue to exist.
Senban Babii
Jan 21st, 2010
“we don’t have any special powers or any special Linden friends”
See below
“our current situation with respect to the Lindens is classified” – Kalel Venkman
And when you add this:-
“[10:02] Plexus Linden: the mentors will have the extra abilities… while JLUwill be the brute force scaring the bejeebus outta griefers…LOL”
Then you suddenly have the new version of X Force; Cyclops’ secret black ops team kept hidden from the rest of the X Men. And the problem is that you JLU boys and girls are getting your jollies from the thought of being that special secret (indeed “classified”) “brute force”.
Also, this made me giggle.
“[10:02] Kalel Venkman: Sam, what was it that person from FurNation said two
weeks ago?
[10:02] Samantha Lowell: Oh-
[10:02] Samantha Lowell: He said, IIRC, “Superman, cool!”
[10:03] Samantha Lowell: They see red capes and know things are going to be
Or maybe whoever it was just liked the Superman avatar? Did they actually say “OMG Superman is here! We’re saved from the evil menaces”? No, they simply commented on an avatar they apparently liked and you all decided to interpret that as “DEY SEEZ US RED CAEPS N FEELS SEKUREZ”
Hero Complex. You have it. Seek help.
Wyrdwolf Legion
Jan 21st, 2010
Just to throw in my two cents worth on Mentors..
I have met only a few “good” mentors, the vast majority I met were purely seeking self agrandisement.
On one occasion, I came across a Mentor in Sandbox Island pontificating to a group on methods personal grief prevention. He was much less than a year old and spouting what can only be described as bollix. When I pointed this out to him he responded “oh, i suppose you think you know better than me, a Mentor, do you?”
When i replied “Actually, yes, I do.” He teleported out of the sim.
This particular Mentor’s attitude was, in my experience, the norm rather than the exception.
Dont get me wrong, i have met Mentors who were effective and motivated from a genuine desire to help, but they were far fewer in number.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 21st, 2010
“Also, it’s interesting that you consider the JLU to be a “bunch of bullies” but you wanted to join anyway.”
“I was willing to join for the sole factor of educating newbies(personally, I have no real interests in the other stuff you do, like secretly talking about who you want to claim is a griefer next)”
Or if you can’t, explanation: The JLU is in good standing with the people who have power, and therefore even if everyone else whines about it(like I frequently do), not much would happen to them. I just figured for the whole part about educating I’d join one of the groups that have the longest reach.
And as for mentors, I actually considered applying to be a Linden once, but the work that comes with the job just seems a bit much.
Anyway, I’m still sticking to my guns on this one. Plexus wanted JLU to have banhammers. I don’t particularly care about why, because there could be a great many reasons, I simply care that he tried to give them to them.
Aree Lulibub
Jan 21st, 2010
Regarding SL Mentors. I was one until the end as well and I saw a lot of abuse by some of the less honorable ones. The SL Mentors received very little training regarding how to help residents, conflict resolution or how to deal with griefers.
Robble Rubble
Jan 21st, 2010
@ Gaara
The GLC has a newbie helping program, you can track someone down on new oa. Or if you want you can take the volunteer job I’m doing at my university’s sim. Be aware the profs can be jerks ;~;
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 21st, 2010
Been to New OA before so I guess. And what kind of jobs at your uni’s sim?
Jan 21st, 2010
The GLC also accuses former members of cyberstalking and harassment, because the get bent out of shape when soembody tells what happens in there and sends out fake restraining orders. So, your best bet is if it has spandex on its ass, stay away from it.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 22nd, 2010
[8:34] Kalel Venkman: [...] Woodbury makes everyone nervous.
What a bunch of pussies.
Nelson Jenkins
Jan 22nd, 2010
@ We
The G-Team does still exist under the name “Community Relations and Support” or something along those lines.
A friend which knows a good chunk of G-Team folk and a Linden friend both agree – the MAJORITY of Linden Lab has JLU on watch as griefers and impersonators. Again, this is direct from both the Linden and the friend, who knows a lot of G-Team Lindens and has access to the tabs that are kept on disciplinary measures and reports filed on avatars and groups.
She also told me that the official Linden line is:
While Linden Lab does encourage its customers to enjoy and build Second Life into the world they wish it to be, true enforcement of policies and the community standards rests completely on Linden Lab employees. No one without the last name of “Linden” may enforce or make policies related to Second Life.
And believe me, she’s a trustworthy source. After one gal sent in a fake report on me of disclosure, I got banned for a day. By the time I was unbanned, she let me know the following:
- The gal that sent in the fake report had literally hundreds of abuse reports on her and countless bans (as I expected, since I used to know her personally).
- She was currently in the process of being permanently banned (an investigation is ongoing to finish everything up).
- The employee that banned me was on his second day on the job.
- He was reprimanded for the mistake.
Needless to say, she’s knowledgeable about the G-Team culture.
So yeah, I wouldn’t put stock in JLU members training this new mentor group (if it even starts, my source hasn’t even heard of it). And I definitely wouldn’t bet on JLU being given any god mode abilities.
Tuomy Boa
Jan 22nd, 2010
Im more concerned by being falsely mass AR’ed because some guy in spandex doesnt like me than I am of couple of W-hats coming by and having their lulz on me.
Jan 22nd, 2010
This is interesting. According to the leaked incident reports there is the following:
Report: 4035
Griefer: Aree Lulibub
Reporter: DianaPrince Carter
Date: 2009-10-19 14:36:03
Place: Antiquity Texas
Note: This person represents a clear and present danger to the League. Setting as Griefer
It’s really easy to find. It’s the second-to-last incident report on:
And yet, here in this log, we find Aree Lulibub participating in the supposed collaboration with Plexus?
Jan 22nd, 2010
Oh, P.S. There’s an entry for Pierce Kronos too, and we also find Pierce in the log
Yes, “Clear and Present Danger”
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 22nd, 2010
I find it ironic that Kalel told me what he did. WU makes everyone nervous. This coming from the header of an group that makes so many in SL either nervous or just PO’d
Senban Babii
Jan 22nd, 2010
I was visited in the night by an mysterious stranger who whispered the following words…
For those who haven’t yet seen the leaked wiki files for themselves. As this was literally shouted in open chat for everyone to know about, I feel it should be fine to post the link here.
Pierce Kronos
Jan 22nd, 2010
@ Ester Moy
If you’re going to quote something, at least quote it correctly: “… clear and present danger to the League.” One can but wonder how little old me is such a danger to the mighty and righteous. The Herald published an interview with me after I had quit the J-loos in disgust some two years ago. It shouldn’t be too hard to find. If the Herald would like to do another interview, I think two years is long enough to have kept ‘loo secrets to myself, and, considering what they and the former lantern Excelsior have been saying about me,
maybe it’s time to share with all what I know.
Oh, and if anyone wishes to claim this is not the real me posting, they are welcome to contact me in world for verification.
May the farce bewitch you all.
Jan 22nd, 2010
@Nelson Jenkins
There often seems to be a lot of Lindens doing things on their own, that’s why I’m not surprised one of them contacted the group and made all these promises and suggestions of more power and official status, and even less surprised when it was suddenly and quietly dropped. Considering they dropped the official SL Mentor group, I doubt they have any plans of starting a new one based around JLU standing. They never used the SL Mentors, and as I saw it, most of the Mentors just abused their power and made newbies uncomfortable. A Mentor group filled with JLU members with actual power would inevitably be even worse.
@GreenLantern Excelsior
The problem with the JLU is that they’re just, by nature, ineffective. They can either use push weapons and tools to do their “peacekeeping” which makes them no better than the griefers, or they can send abuse reports which makes them no better than anyone else in the sim at the time.
They tend to make things worse even. Put it this way, a lone PN griefer (or whatever group is popular these days) shows up in a sim and hits some house. In normal situations the person gets bored after a little bit and leaves, but let’s say this day the person getting griefed has one of those JLU emergency signals. JLU members show up, in full uniform, and start sending abuse reports. By this point, the Griefer is laughing his ass off and wondering how he got so lucky to have them show up, and calling in friends to check this out. Before you know it, you have a whole group of JLU and griefers, JLU uselessly sending abuse reports on every move they make, and the griefers slamming the crap out of the sim and everyone near it. Without the JLU this would have been a momentary annoyance as most griefing is, with them, it turns into the JLU’s holy crusade and the Griefer’s dream of getting to grief their favorite target. JLU won’t want to leave until “the job is done”, and the Griefers will be too entertained to leave so long as the JLU are there.
I think you JLU people still fail to understand, and maybe it’s ego or ignorance, that griefers aren’t afraid of you. They don’t take anything in SL seriously, and their targets are the people who do and are ready to make a big dramatic stink about it. You have a group that takes itself WAY too seriously, while at the same time dressing up like superheroes: you’re entertaining them more than anyone else could.
Griefing is a minor annoyance at worst, if you’re a land owner, you ban them, turn off object entry or scripts, and call it a night. If you’re not, then you file an abuse report and mute them or if they’re crashing the sim; go to another sim. They want a reaction, the best way to be an “anti-griefer” is not give them one. When a bunch of people in superhero costumes show up to prattle about justice and peace with a straight face in a virtual world, you’re giving them one hell of a reaction.
A little birdie
Jan 27th, 2010
Re-indexed JLU wiki dump, removes a buttload of screwed-up links and removes a bunch of dupe files, in addition to redacting remaining links to Kryptonians to prevent people from pinging their damn server.
Jan 28th, 2010
@ Tuomy Boa
Definitely agreed. Groups such as W-Hat and the PN can be annoying, but they never really ruined the experience of SL for me. When I started playing, I knew I would run into groups like these because this is, after all, the internet. The thing that nearly made me stop playing wasn’t a bit of cube spam, it was JLU harassment. I know I’m not the only resident who would like to see the JLU removed once and for all.
Linden Lab Censors Critic of JLU Gang Leader | The Alphaville Herald
Mar 11th, 2010
[...] and leave Venkman’s misinformation in place? We can only speculate – perhaps JLU fanboy Plexus Linden is in charge of comment moderation at the Lab. Perhaps the JLU are holding abuse report parties [...]
Casual Observer
Mar 15th, 2010
“I’ve never seen or heard of a single Mentor who tried to exercise power over anyone,”
I have. Plenty.
Following the proven true Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory, absolutely nobody should have any powers over others, as long as SL remains an anonymous game.
I havent met a single avatar on SL, that disproves the theory.
Cheergirl Allen Smacks Justice League Unlimited | The Alphaville Herald
Sep 11th, 2011
[...] Another possibility is that one or more Linden Lab staff are passing information on the the JLU – perhaps without the knowledge of Concierge support. This sort of situation is believed to have occurred in the past based on a previous set of JLU wiki leaks. [...]