Skills Hak Tags Over 4000 Copybot Capable Avatars
by Pixeleen Mistral on 23/03/10 at 12:09 pm
Skills Hak is claiming significant success for the Gemini Cybernetics CDS anti-copybot system, and recently told the Herald "we looked up the number of uniquely flagged avatars using malicious viewers, the number is 4424. There have been around 70 appeals of which we granted 11, none of them were false posities, but extenuating circumstances".
When we first covered this story Hak’s database of digital rights management agnostic avatars there were around 1200 avatars tagged as dangerous, so the claimed growth since the system was launched is impressive, suggesting large numbers of players who are armed and potentially dangerous to Linden Lab’s DRM controls.
The CDS system detects the Second Life viewers of avatars in the vicinity and forcibly ejects anyone who has ever been found with client software which has to potential to make unauthorized copies of Second Life content. With a zero-tolerance policy for naughty client use and a centralized database of suspicious avatars, the CDS system provides a convenient way for subscribers to pool their resources in the fight against content copying.
However, significant concerns remain about the transparency of the process and potential for abuse. Because the banned avatar database remains secret, there is little if any public oversight possible, and the possibility that those running the database might add enemies to the ban list is at least a theoretical concern. Skills Hak told the Herald that Linden Lab suggested that Hak keep the list of copyright capable avatars private saying, "believe me i’d love to publish the names, but people will read it as a list of known thieves which it isn’t".
Are the copybot client users running on throwaway accounts? Aparently not, although Skills has yet to run an in-depth demographic study of players in the CDS database.
In Skill’s words, "from what i see it’s totally random. some 2005 accounts who "tried" cryolife, mostly clubbers and people interested in sl party with alot of ascii in the profiles, lots of fashionistas. the hottest places are the clubs. i gave out a good bunch of free relays to club and sandbox owners and asked them to set them to message only/no ban. these places are like nests, especially the clubs"
Mar 24th, 2010
@Sandrina: Skills has nothing to do with NeilLife
The amount of bullshit and FUD spread by copybotters and people who have clearly no idea how things work on the intarwebz is amazing.
OMG it reads my harddrive! It must be banned and ban the creators too, oh wait it doesnt, wait – no quicktime exploit? damn – but it still invades my privacy, ban it! oh wait it doesn’t do that either? but it certainly must be against TOS, no? Oh crap – but it doesn’t ban all the copybotters, so boycott it !! Oh wait you knew that?
Oh well fuck it i’m just going to tell people skills is working on neillife lolol, everybody will believe me.
Mar 24th, 2010
Tnx for the info guys. I know know how to use and defeat this system.
A) I install my O.S. on an external HDD.
B) I install Fucklife on the external HDD
C) I use my neighbors or any other free wifi signal that I can pick up after I boot windows to my HDD.
Why would I want to do this?
in the event Second Life takes this direction, I am able to take what I have bought in Second Life with me to another grid that has import abilities.
I am not going to lose what I have bought like these people did.
I bought the items and they are going with me. What are you going to do? File a PMS DCMA or WTF else you call it with a dying company that has laid off most of it’s employee’s? Take me to small claims court over no existent losses for a business that vanished should Second Life close like
Go ahead, talk about deaf ears. They are more worried about their own Real Lives not your petty claims.
I bought it, it is mine and it is stored in a safe place far from skills prying eyes and there is not a damn thing you can do about it..
Mar 24th, 2010
that is C) I use my neighbors or any other free wifi signal that I can pick up after I boot windows to my external HDD.
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 24th, 2010
@Darien Caldwell
I just tried PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT thing and as long the play media checkbox remains unchecked, there seemed to be nothing that could make my viewer send a single packet.
If you have it enabled (or if I missed a way – possible, because I didnt really investigate) and its requesting information from the attackers server directly (read: without a proxy) there is a lot of information revealed. But the proof of concept of this one has been done years ago already (with packet level OS signature detection a la PF being just one) and I’ve noticed some guys trying to exploit it while traveling the grid (dear attackers: its rather stupid to run nmap from the very same host the media url is pointing at, lol).
What you want to do (and I’m not talking about this CDS toy but about a general threat thats been always there), is: disable automatic stream/media play. Use a proxy that will clean out information (read: headers, including agent), change packet signatur and maybe IP Address – privoxy is great, squid with the right settings is better than nothing).
I’ve patched my viewer so its not even capable of playing mp3 streams anymore. Instead I’m parsing the log in real time with a little perl script – feeding the stream url to a media player. (yes, it would be still capable of playing parcel media, Im just talking about the mp3 streaming music).
If you wan’t to try make using SL really secure, you’ve put in a lot more efforts. You’ve got to jail it, implement a mandatory access control policy and have a well thought firewall in place (a single packet filtering machine between you and the internet is not a firewall – even more if its only filtering on ingress).
And even then, the answer may be: if you wan’t to be secure, don’t use SL, because its insecure and violating your privacy by default.
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 24th, 2010
PS: don’t forget the to disable autoloading web profiles – I used to have a page there that said “So long, and thx for your IP adress, Mr.” – If you wonder how to relate the IP to an avatar: its the next one calling you and +#@!!!!1 in IM
Darien Caldwell
Mar 24th, 2010
“I just tried PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT thing and as long the play media checkbox remains unchecked, there seemed to be nothing that could make my viewer send a single packet.”
That’s true. Which is why the CDS system is kind of lame. Skills is truthful that every detection is valid. However, the amount of missed detections due to simply having media off is probably huge.
Mar 24th, 2010
they said 80% which makes kinda sense?
Mar 24th, 2010
means they only miss 20%, so it works as advertised and looks like they are catching thousnds of people that way, just sayin
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 24th, 2010
How do they know how much they missed? Where is that number of total copybot users coming from?
Mar 24th, 2010
They aren’t being “truthful” about every detection being valid. Try messing around with the -channel parameter.
Mar 24th, 2010
Calif: Sure. But the 20% are the retards who really had no clue what they were doing to begin with.
As for the 80% and the unaccounted percentage that have been able to evade the CDS, this system only good enough to catch the slow people who aren’t the big threat to begin with.
If this really just relies on the parcels media settings, then I coded this same thing years ago and they already exist around the grid.
Mar 24th, 2010
@failingatlogic you are failing at logic
they are actually catching over 80%, you are confusing the numbers. nobody claimed it is a magic bullet, it works as advertised and as you can see at the statistics it is pretty damn effective and will stay effective for quite some time i bet..
Mar 24th, 2010
of course you didn’t come up with the idea, so this system automatically sucks right? I take it everybody who actually does something against copybot instead of whining must be a fool in your eyes.
Mar 24th, 2010
Calif: Fine. Reverse all my bulllshit, whatever.
Point was, you are stopping the average kids who downloaded a CB client, but not the ones who you should really worry about stealing and reselling/sharing.
Are those 80% caught actually copying something, or just having the ability? My (all) clients can fly on land with No-Fly on. Doesn’t mean I’m using the feature.
Mar 24th, 2010
Calif: Straw man attack and all, I wasn’t even saying the system sucks. I was just saying it doesn’t detect those who I really wish it would/could stop.
What other fake situations do you want to present as a position I would hold?
Mar 24th, 2010
They say this system uses urls and cookies , clearing cookies and turning off media will probably make it ineffective…
Mar 25th, 2010
headzup is correct, turn off streaming media to completely bypass CDS.
Obvious Schism
Mar 25th, 2010
They say this system uses electricity, shutting down your computer and turning off your power will probably make it ineffective…
Mar 25th, 2010 is a pretty good overview over the anti-anti-copybot hysteria
Obvious Schism
Mar 25th, 2010
Or you might like to look at this for an appraisal of the system from a more technical perspective:
Mar 25th, 2010
Just curious,
I can understand if you’re employing the CDS system simply out of spite or if you want to be an internets vigilante and “catch the copybotters.” If you’re making a statement or a stand, that’s your prerogative.
Otherwise, why else would you pay L$700/month for a system that in effect is no better than that stupid anti-copybot system that goes “!quit”? So some av tp’s into your store and copies your… vendors. And this does what? Just gets a copy of your vendor’s shape, without content or scripts. So what have you done except to line Skill’s pockets? Isn’t this the same as in late 2006 during the height of hysteria over Copybot v.1?
@Ari. You try to make yourself appear as a voice of reason in SL and have taken to task content creators who fall for this copybot hysteria but it seems that you yourself have fallen for it. LOL. So who is taking SL too seriously now, Ari? Spend too much time with the inmates in the asylum and you become a patient yourself.
Mar 25th, 2010
“ is a pretty good overview over the anti-anti-copybot hysteria”
Unfortunately, she addresses all the idiot comments, but not the real comments that make actual points like:
How do we know there are no false positives, we have only Skills word on this, and the fact that she is more likely to call you a liar than accept that her system may get false positives makes it even more dangerous.
Any client can be turned into an undetectable by CDS copybot viewer with little effort, including Skill’s supported viewer: Emerald, which was in part made and currently worked on by the creator of Cryolife.
Skills is a convicted, banned, and admitted copybotter who stole and sold another’s creations as her own, is she really the person we need in control of a no-accountability and no-transparency CDS-wide ban list?
Mar 25th, 2010
If you use a third-party viewer, you might use –channel “Second Life Release” to be kept up-to-date with the official channel. And if you do, you will meet a ban with this idiot system.
Mar 25th, 2010
I find this copybot controversy extremely silly. The value of SL content is rapidly going down anyway as there is more and more competition and people create cheaper (and eventually free) versions of initially overpriced content. You won’t get rich making content for SL. And your content is not an “investment”, it’s rapidly depreciating. That’s the way technology and content works, in RL and SL.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 26th, 2010
@ We
If you believe insignificant slers that feel the need to rant over somone skillfulled enough to make a system that works and nobody else thought of in all the years SL is operational.
Sure go ahead, the more reason you should post under your avatarname makes it easier for ppl like me to ignore the bs you spill in here.
@ the rest with there tips to avoid CDS..
Totally wrong…CDS uses more methods to detect, did you really believe it would be that easy. One other thing? Why you desperatly try to find holes…
CDS ( i was one of merchants that had the beta version before release) protect my work, and it is not about cash, or like BJO here says
quote “I find this copybot controversy extremely silly. The value of SL content is rapidly going down anyway as there is more and more competition” unquote
What you think is not important to me at all. Because i know what i earn and what i can do and that im still in business after 3 years. No you will not get rich here in sl but i surely wont let a fool walk of with something ive build that easy.
It is called pride in th work i do as a content creator, and it has nothign to do with the cash it brings in. I find ppl pathetic for stealing others work. It is not only a lack of creativity, its dishonost to sell other ppl content and label is your own. And then even (see SOH copybot article) pretend like there the original creator towards the orginal creator!
And that the have rights and such…disgusting! Makes you less then a dog iff you ask me to pull a stunt like that. How would the ppl here feel if i stole your work and claim and PROFIT over it well knowing it is yours. And tell you to fuck off that it is mine..
$ got nothing to do with this all, it is matter of being a normal human being instead of a filty thief!.
CDS works, ive banned few in total now on my land. And if there legit or not, i dont care i wont risk it period. I can live well without 1 customers or 10 for that matter. Im here for the fun of it and creativity, im not here to to debat in im if it is legit or not.
The system banned over 4000avs, i would say that its working, disspite the experts here *sneezes* thats try to find a way to disable it. I hope Skills keeps ahead of those, correction i know she does thats the funpart of it all.
:Note: this comment has been based on my own personal expierence and thoughts.
Mar 27th, 2010
I dont know where the problem is.
I like that new system. when i heard that akeyo had it, i grabbed, my ultra-thief-copybot-rape-viewer, and teleported in.
-well, nothing happend. crap! i forgotten to turn media ON.
then it worked.
And now im protected forever from giving monney to people like Muziekfreak1980… I dont trust people with numbers in theyr names anyways, those are mostly griefer alts.
So listen people, dont forget to turn media ON, to get the full protection!
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 27th, 2010
been here since 4/4/2007 and use the CDS myself…
Aswell as i run business in sl..
So keep you shortsighted opinion to yourself, or reflect it without using my name in vain here.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 27th, 2010
@Doc griefer alts or saps.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 27th, 2010
@Mustyfeak fuck your name, punk. you aint no god damn body. Who ever heard of you. Say what ya will, I’m the man on this grid. My name ring bells. Love it or hate it, I’m the most famous Lane of all. Bitch! hehehehehehe
Mar 27th, 2010
So now that we know a few ways that CDS detects things, rather then speculation, how long do you think it’ll be before one of these “malicious client authors” writes up a client that automatically registers throwaway alts for the purpose of logging in and tping to a CDS protected area repeatedly, while IDing themselves as a malicious client… and operates on a botnet
I’m sure I’m not the only one who wonders how well her database would hold up to being clogged with that garbage
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 27th, 2010
I tend to avoid idiots…and yah your famous, the ring bells..that of a every cow not human.
Enjoy your boxed in world idiot
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 27th, 2010
Talking about insignificant ppl…
Jumpman Lane
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 56
SL Join Date: 5-5-07
Business: Slut Mag Inc
On secondcitizen your being spit at aswell as any forum or blog or website i can think off.
Congrats, with your slutmagazine i makes me a happy puppy knowing that your the kind of guy ppl only can LAUGH about
I bet your a transexual or wait even better a little boy that never know real love. But now feels the need to use the internet as his personal domain.
So sad really, that a kid like you get spit at everywere he goes. Hiding behind his little keys, and even think he is famous looool!
Guess what…so was Ted bundy he died…matter of time that your will die everywere. Your world is shrinking with the day and thats something i found so amusing. And yes my english sucks? But heeij ppl do understand me atleast, and the do talk in normal fashion way. You really believe that the louder you scream the more votes you get.
Sure…that is why your getting banned all over the place. And all that you have to show for it, is a unreadable (flash) website that gets visited by ppl that want to have a good laughter. And not even because of the content you have on that site no kid. Because of the idiot behind it all that thinks he can make a point by formulating himself like a complete and utterly ignorant little cunt that you are.
To me your cannonfodder, and yes im insignificant, but guess what im nowere banned. I know ppl aswell as you do, in fact the ppl you rant over most i know personally aswell. And no im not protecting those, the earn 100x more then me, atleast there not so full of themselfs like you are (and you got dick to show for it FACT) compared to them.
I will stop writing now because you frankly not even worth the effort to talk about. Keep on ranting and pretend your a gangster with your lack of decent english. Its hilarious aswell as pathetic to even suggest/think that ppl take your seriously in your wildest dreams moron.
Maybe ask Coke supply or read the SOH case about my involvement atleast i try to make sl a better place, ppl like you are the toothacke of our society in sl and RL.
And nextime you feel the need to put out a racist comment. Do it inworld not on a blog were i cannot file your sorry ass.
Cowards like you are the ones that run the fastest in rl and sl alike.
Well this is it..enjoy your life HUMPBOY rolfmao!
Do not bother reacting i wont even read it (i properly cannot even read your shit)
Sorry for this bs ppl, but ppl like him are just trolls..
Senban Babii
Mar 27th, 2010
You know, I’m only skimming at the minute but I did notice this and thought it ironic.
“And nextime you feel the need to put out a racist comment. Do it inworld not on a blog were i cannot file your sorry ass.”
Says the person making transphobic comments.
Pot? Hi, this is kettle. You’re black btw
We now return you to your regular scheduled programming…
Mar 27th, 2010
“Copybotting….much?!! ”
No I just do not like snoops in my computer.
Then I could join the other botters ripping and inserting the files into e-mails and trading them back and forth like trading cards just to hurt the idiots who buy this spybot device. Why not? skills wants to rip my private info from my computer. It’s all fair in love and war. One thing I have been wondering, why the quick take down of the cds device failing videos on youtube? Don’t bother to answer, we all ready know. Your device is fail and only catches the kids who could care less about what they are ripping.
Another fascinating thing I read, the emerald team was also responsible for the development of the other bot viewers. Go figure, create a problem then sell a solution. Reminds me of the drug companies in RL that would rather make money selling the drugs to treat an illness than one to actually cure it.
What ever, it’s all about business and all about the money at the end of the day.
muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 27th, 2010
@ Senban Babii
You have no clue what your talking about. In a other article here he attacks me for being dutch (BEFORE I attacked him for anything he is/represents in or outside sl) .
Before you comment or protect mr jumpman. Get your facts up and up..
So far you fail. just like your friend.
I can relate to what you say! Up to the point that you think the collect data of you. Let face it you IP gets logged by simple sites as ectra.
So its not that big of a thing really. If the breach your security and/or acces your comp. Then why does LL condone this entire system?
I believe the would be banned allready if it really was harmfull.
Or are we all a victim of LL ?? So far i get your point and it makes sense to me (see jumpman this is how you CONVO with others)
no harm done.
Senban Babii
Mar 27th, 2010
“You have no clue what your talking about. In a other article here he attacks me for being dutch (BEFORE I attacked him for anything he is/represents in or outside sl) .
Before you comment or protect mr jumpman. Get your facts up and up..
So far you fail. just like your friend.”
So two wrongs make a right? You do know you just proved my point for me, right? Splendid! 8D
Mar 27th, 2010
take ur meds and get off the interwebs.
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 27th, 2010
“Totally wrong…CDS uses more methods to detect, did you really believe it would be that easy. One other thing? Why you desperatly try to find holes…”
As far as I am concerned its for the sole reason of knowing how things work and thus not having to fear them. You seem to be driven by anger and fear. You could use a little bit of education as well.
Mar 27th, 2010
I finally realized what the problem is here. All of you people are completely nuts.
Mar 27th, 2010
Why sould i keep your name out of it?
you offered yourself as the perfect examlpe of people i dont want to give my money.
So your name Muziekfreak1980 fits perfectly in my post.
you shouldnt tell anyone here that you dont give a shit about his/her opinions, and expect that others are interested in yours
you could baw about my bad english and all my terrible typos instead.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 28th, 2010
OMG you ppl are really slers? Or just CNN idiots…i see now how it works.
I beg your pardon, but i wont be a part of complete idiots like i see right now in here it is just to hilarious.
I do not need your money, why do you even suggest i need it. All good tho. Amd i do value opinions just keep my name out of it i got little to do with youre paranoid behaviour mate.
@Gundel Gaukelei
Education, you fear the CDS that more then met,just obvious seeing the previous postings. Then your start about education? LOOL your got to be kidding yourself here mr marketing (i dont forget) I just wonder why you try to find holes. Because you did not come to the idea to make this system? So i can conclude your not educated aswell then…
Please….go join Jumpman in your ranting just as laughable argumental value..ahh shit you allready do says enough about you as a person.
Your right, and no two wrong does not make right. But tell me this how serious should you take a man that keeps on calling ppl names (not even me) that have a other opinion about the subject at hand then him?
Then start over were i come from out of the blue (racist remarks) and i quote “I HATE FUCKIN DUTCH ” while i did not even call him ONCES names or put him down in any of my posting besides the one reacting to that one.
As i said get your facts straight…then tell me to piss off. GLADLY too btw because i see what kind of ppl there hanging out here. I will keep that word to myself before the start there shit again lolz.
Mar 28th, 2010
OH, is my english really so bad that you didnt understand?
im really sorry for that. (im learning every day)
let me explain.
i used your name Muziekfreak1980, because you showed in your posts, your answers here on this page, the you are one invidual out of a group of a certain kind of people.
understand? i used you as an example.
if i would like to make a example about people with big noses, i would mabe use walter matthau or gerard depardieu.
but because i was writing about unlikable, paranoid sellers that lost me as potential customer, i used your name Muziekfreak1980.
also because you showed with the stuff you wrote so far, much better wich kind of people i ment.
much better than i ever could explain it.
so when i said: “And now im protected forever from giving monney to people like Muziekfreak1980″
i didnt mean YOU personaly.
i ment people LIKE you.
People that are like you.
And i know you dont give a shit about me as your customer.
but im sure there are others that think like i do.
and i hope for your buisnes that there arent to many.
i realy hope that was understandable.
if not, im sorry, and maybe someone else could explain it. (im in vacations next week)
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 28th, 2010
“Please….go join Jumpman in your ranting just as laughable argumental value..ahh shit you allready do says enough about you as a person. ”
You always seem to be a little tense, given everything is working so well for you? Just lay back and watch the CDS do its job
Formerly Orion Shamroy
Mar 28th, 2010
Tense is an understatement. These guys are having a nervous breakdown over a freaking video game. I’m glad I left SL given this attitude is indicative of what, a good 80% if not more of SL’s population?
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 28th, 2010
@Formerly Orion
There is no such thing as an SL population. Its your neighbors with added anonymity. Nowhere to hide …
Senban Babii
Mar 28th, 2010
“Your right, and no two wrong does not make right. But tell me this how serious should you take a man that keeps on calling ppl names (not even me) that have a other opinion about the subject at hand then him?”
Funny, I disagree with Jumpman on occasion and he’s never ranted at or about me (that I know of). Maybe it’s because you’re antagonistic, dismissive of the opinions of others or simply easily-trolled?
As Gundel has pointed out, you’re always tense and on the verge of another rant. That makes you ideal for trolling. I know someone on another forum (unrelated to SL) who is wired that way. People deliberately throw a comment in occasionally just to watch him explode into another frothing rant and honestly, he brings it upon himself, just like you seem to here.
“As i said get your facts straight…then tell me to piss off.”
Well let’s see. I do have my facts straight, I always did. Therefore, please consider your instructions followed with relish and gusto
Also, this.
“I finally realized what the problem is here. All of you people are completely nuts.”
Oh my yes. Wibble.
/me sticks two pencils up her nose and puts her knickers on her head XD
Jumpman Lane
Mar 28th, 2010
@MustyfreaK1234 You dutch, punk. keep my name out ya mouth before you end up with my foot in ya ass! You get by on sarcasm (like in RL) caws U know ya soft ass bite ya tounge RL. I talk cold cash shit in SL just like RL. My daddy taught us all how to fight when we were little caws you can say w/e you want 2 anybody you want if U can beat their ass. Don’t cry now. Dutch punk.
Formerly Orion Shamroy
Mar 28th, 2010
@ Gundel
By population I mean users. You know, the brain dead social networking types who took over what used to be a fictional fun world inhabited by creative and brilliant people and turned it into a pyramid ponsie scheme based on fake currency? The ones who when things don’t go their way they throw a temper tantrum by tossing some half assed insults at each other that resemble two spoiled brats arguing over a $0.99 toy?
Your typical debate, conversation, discussion, whatever between two SL users:
Idiot One: You big doodey head!
Idiot Two: I’m no doodey head, you’re a poopey pants!
*Continue childish ranting and screaming from both sides for months on end, neither side compromising or even attempting to understand the other, ending in a half assed resolution by the game gods which pisses off and further alienates the SL user base as a whole.
What pissed me off to the point of finally killing off my SL accounts was this. While you guys are carrying on like children, nobody seems to be paying attention to the real issue. Is it acceptable for someone other then the service provider (Linden) to build a system which has the capacity to track the movement / usage habits / system configurations of users on a massive scale across a rather large chunk of the game?
Gaara Sandalwood
Mar 28th, 2010
“Before you comment or protect mr jumpman. Get your facts up and up..”
For some reason I read this and thought “Administratively up and up”. Ah, networking……
Anyway, Muzie, I just wanna say this:
Those obsessive topics on the bikes stopped a long while ago. Get over it.
And I love how you claim someone must be a copybotter to be so against this system. Typical, the same’s been said by multiple other pro-DCS people. Ugh…..and did you seriously ask Senban to go in-world and do this so you could report him?
Gaara Sandalwood
Mar 28th, 2010
CDS no clue why the hell I said DCS