Skills Hak Tags Over 4000 Copybot Capable Avatars
by Pixeleen Mistral on 23/03/10 at 12:09 pm
Skills Hak is claiming significant success for the Gemini Cybernetics CDS anti-copybot system, and recently told the Herald "we looked up the number of uniquely flagged avatars using malicious viewers, the number is 4424. There have been around 70 appeals of which we granted 11, none of them were false posities, but extenuating circumstances".
When we first covered this story Hak’s database of digital rights management agnostic avatars there were around 1200 avatars tagged as dangerous, so the claimed growth since the system was launched is impressive, suggesting large numbers of players who are armed and potentially dangerous to Linden Lab’s DRM controls.
The CDS system detects the Second Life viewers of avatars in the vicinity and forcibly ejects anyone who has ever been found with client software which has to potential to make unauthorized copies of Second Life content. With a zero-tolerance policy for naughty client use and a centralized database of suspicious avatars, the CDS system provides a convenient way for subscribers to pool their resources in the fight against content copying.
However, significant concerns remain about the transparency of the process and potential for abuse. Because the banned avatar database remains secret, there is little if any public oversight possible, and the possibility that those running the database might add enemies to the ban list is at least a theoretical concern. Skills Hak told the Herald that Linden Lab suggested that Hak keep the list of copyright capable avatars private saying, "believe me i’d love to publish the names, but people will read it as a list of known thieves which it isn’t".
Are the copybot client users running on throwaway accounts? Aparently not, although Skills has yet to run an in-depth demographic study of players in the CDS database.
In Skill’s words, "from what i see it’s totally random. some 2005 accounts who "tried" cryolife, mostly clubbers and people interested in sl party with alot of ascii in the profiles, lots of fashionistas. the hottest places are the clubs. i gave out a good bunch of free relays to club and sandbox owners and asked them to set them to message only/no ban. these places are like nests, especially the clubs"
Senban Babii
Mar 28th, 2010
“Ugh…..and did you seriously ask Senban to go in-world and do this so you could report him?”
/me checks in a mad panic
Thank the Little Baby Linden!
Yes, I still sit down to go wee wee. Writing my name in the snow would be messy and indecipherable. XD
But Gaara brings up a good point. When I do get time to go in-world, I avoid getting involved in discussions with people, no matter how apparently good natured, about subjects from the Herald. Firstly, I want to have fun and not be dragged into drama and secondly, there are too many people who would take my words and post ARs or similar or pass them on to third parties or whatever.
/me checks again just to make sure
See Gaara? Now you’ve got me paranoid XD
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 28th, 2010
My gosh it it so funny to read all the bs here, and the one laughing….
And for the record you guys did precisely what i allready anticipated..
Stop talking to me mate (impresses me 0), your father raised you to be a mongloid with a lousy english “accent”
At the rest that so funny react to my postings.
I could not even remember one of you to be so intelligent to simply ignore my ranting (well it is what you call ranting)
One sounds like a fag on a high horse, the other mixes is with HER ( seems like a girl) bs about the SOH (not even mentioned here at all) certainly not towards you guys outside jumpman.
No please comment more, because IQ average here is that of a fishstick way below 0
Amusing…very,very amusing..clap clap. Keep on posting here on the Alpahville Herald and for sure pretend you got all the anwsers to something you cannot even understand (so obvious)
ROFL! LOSERS! ahahahahahah predictable losers….
I hope the CDS stays intact, and yes the ones against it are SAD LIL COPYBOTTERS, or simply idiots that think the provacy got breaced. Well stop writing here simply AR. And go wine with LL for there incoherent behaviour towards you guys. .
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 28th, 2010
Wanted to comment on this one
“Ugh…..and did you seriously ask Senban to go in-world and do this so you could report him?”
READ…i never said shit about her, that how good you ppl interpetate text ment for JUMPMAN…
Fucksake now it suddenly strikes me!! Your like the HERALD groupies that hang around here 24/7 to guard uhhh what precisely?
Enjoy need me im inworld! Im me or just write here i wont even react here because its to laughable (my belly hurts from it)
Senban Babii
Mar 28th, 2010
@Dr Robert
Sorry, I missed this earlier
take ur meds and get off the interwebs.”
Aww, where’s the fun in that? Anyway, I don’t like the meds, they make the voices too quiet to hear properly. Honestly, I think I’d lose my slender grip on reality if it wasn’t for the voices and the friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes…
However I’ll try to use less big words and fewer coherent sentences if you think it might help me fit in better.
lol t3h suXx0rs or something
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 28th, 2010
Has your unique ability of eloquent wording been part of the circumstances which forced you into the career of a huckster in a computer game?
Mar 28th, 2010
@ muzie
“One sounds like a fag on a high horse, the other mixes is with HER ( seems like a girl) bs about the SOH (not even mentioned here at all) certainly not towards you guys outside jumpman.”
LMAO A dutch moron complaining about gay people. Most of their military is nothing but a bunch of drag queens and bull dikes.
Maybe if their military would have put their purses down and was man enough to fight the Silbertanne their country would not have been occupied.
Mar 28th, 2010
@Muziekfreak1980: “I hope the CDS stays intact, and yes the ones against it are SAD LIL COPYBOTTERS, or simply idiots that think the provacy got breaced. Well stop writing here simply AR. And go wine with LL for there incoherent behaviour towards you guys. .”
Copybotter? I think not. If I was why would I have just spent a couple days making my own pair of scripted phat pants not just to wear, but to sell too? I’d just have copybotted someone else’s at a club.
And don’t even begin to try to insult anyone else’s intelligence when your insane post reads like it was written by Prokofy on PCP. Seriously. Learn to write in proper english. The words are spelled “Privacy” and “Breached”. “interpetate “? That’s a word? Try “Interpret”
Do you really think LL cares to even follow up on an AR regarding comments written on the Herald? It’s not in world, and it’s not on a LL controlled system. Does the word “jurisdiction” have any meaning to you?
Oh wait, I’ve used big words. Sorry for confusing you.
“No please comment more, because IQ average here is that of a fishstick way below 0″
Nice self analysis fuckwit. Oh, and “fish stick” is two words, not one.
I’d call you an inbred product of the public school system, but from the way you spell behaviour I think chav is possibly a bit more fitting.
A prime example of why voice chat is so popular: People are truly becoming too stupid to express anything in writing.
Mar 28th, 2010
LOL Dan!!! Talk about Muziekfreak1980 being the pot calling the kettle black. Now I know why the bath houses are so popular in the Netherlands. Or is the never never land with Peter Pan flying around in tights with his little fairy
Mar 29th, 2010
How can he claim success when it made more false detections than legit detections and banned innocent residents. People have figured out how to bypass it next day. One way to bypass this is to use SLPE and you can get it here I use modded Second Life viewer coz the regular SL viewer is so limiting. They are so paranoid about copybots that the honest builders and script writers gets punished too. INF has been cracking all the best viewers and handing out most of them for free, even though towards the end they cracked a very well renowned viewer SLPE and decided to sell that one instead, but others like neillife private 3.51, HXO, and Chocolate viewer are free. Love em, hate em, either way they are breaking barriers down for all.
Mar 30th, 2010
@wowowie: Skills can claim success because the real purpose of the CDS is not to protect content, but to pad her pockets with L$700/mo from anyone stupid enough to think that CDS is actually protecting anything at all. Sadly there are a LOT of stupid fashionistas in SL that buy into this crap.
The advert claims over 1000 sales. If 1000 people subscribe for 12 months, then Skills gets L$8,400,000 in those 12 months.
If she cashes this out at the end of that 12 month period, and the exchange rate is L$260 to $1 USD, she has made $32307.69 USD.
If she cashes out, I hope she plans to report this income on her taxes, it’s more than some people make in a year. Sure she will have to spend some money on keeping the servers that run her little scam up, but she can (at least in the USA) legally write that off as a business expense. If my observations on her so far are correct, she’s already planned to do just that, and if not I would tell her that she should, even though I dislike her.
The thing I’ve noticed observing Skills is that she’s a lot of things (none of them nice words to call her and I’m feeling civil tonight), but stupid is NOT one of them. She’s been smart enough to only claim “The Gemini CDS detects all known viewers with copybot/griefing functionality”
I’ve worked for more than one ISP before and I’m pretty keen at spotting careful wording that can later be used to tell an unhappy customer to shove it. The key word in that phrase? “Known”. Just like ISP’s promise you “Up To (X) mbit/sec”.
So, if someone writes a custom version of a client that CDS can’t detect? Well it wasn’t a “known viewer”, and could not be distinguished from a legit version. Therefore CDS has stood up to it’s marketing claims despite whatever damages may occur.
All the privacy concerns about the CDS aside, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. If you were worried about your privacy with CDS, you should be even more concerned about her and her Emerald dev team friends having a custom viewer that queries an external database to associate alts with each other. How? Same way the CDS works.
We already know what is sent to the bogus media server. Avatar UUID (encrypted, but poorly), Avatar name, and some other information about the client. The IP address comes along with the connection.
From there all you need to do is write up some code to scan those logs for different names coming from the same IP address within a certain time frame and you know that those two names are likely to either be alts of the same person, or people living together and sharing an internet connection.
Coding such a feature into a custom viewer is an extremely trivial matter for anyone able to understand Linden Lab’s viewer code the way the Emerald devs do. I may not be a C programmer but even I can come up with the basic flowchart of how it would be done despite being unable to personally translate that flowchart into code that can be executed.
How do I know they’re either piggybacking on this system to harvest this data, or using similar methods to do so? A few days ago, a certain Emerald developer used said custom viewer to obtain this information and then attempted to use it to intimidate the owner of a popular club and mall in-world. What had this club owner done? Played around with the client tags in his viewer for shits and giggles.
Not exactly trustworthy behavior that builds a positive reputation, but when you’ve got 1/3 or so of the grid drinking your kool-aid and not caring what the person making it is doing… you don’t really have to care about your rep.
Am I against open source viewer projects? Hell No. Without Nicholaz Edition back when I got started I would have to restart SL once an hour or more depending on what I was trying to do. It made things better. Thankfully LL has caught up and surpassed that bar that was set. Emerald on the other hand, is a viewer I would not recommend to anyone, simply because it’s developers can not be trusted, and it introduces non standard features that cause display issues with other viewers.
At this point in time I would recommend *all* SL users (including those on LL’s viewer, or even Emerald.) disable media in the options, and hit the stop button on streaming audio prior to teleporting from location to location, unless the location is under your direct control, or you completely trust the people running the establishment you are about to frequent. If Skills and friends can do it, so can anyone else with the programming knowledge. You don’t need these features turned on unless you are about to knowingly make use of them. Period.
Taking it a step further I’d recommend anyone with the ability to do so block the bogus media servers used by CDS by redirecting them to in their hosts file, just in case they forget to disable media at some point. Let’s make them have to switch domain names on a regular basis to make their data scraping a little less convenient for them.
Are Skills and her fellow members of the Emerald dev team a threat? Maybe. Their recent behavior towards someone who was once one of their supporters (and in fact, a potential CDS customer) suggests so.
If not, and they’re just a bunch of coders with shitty attitudes who like to wave what they can do to invade your privacy in your face just to show you they can… Well there are plenty of others out there who can do the same things that are a threat. At least their misconduct at Emerald Point casts light on the problem, if nothing else.
Mar 31st, 2010
Hmm funny how the tables turn and now Emerald is a copybot viewer now. Make me think of the phrase” let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone.”
Mar 31st, 2010
The new TOS speaks clearly against this device. TY LL
“8.3 You agree that you will not post or transmit Content or code that may be harmful, impede other users’ functionality, invade other users’ privacy, or surreptitiously or negatively impact any system or network.
You agree to respect both the integrity of the Service and the privacy of other users. You will not:
(i) Post or transmit viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that may harm the Service or interests or rights of other users, or that may harvest or collect any data or personal information about other users without their consent;
(ii) Post or transmit unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, or promotional materials, that are in the nature of “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation that Linden Lab considers to be of such nature;
(iii) Use robots or other automated means to increase traffic to any Virtual Land;
(iv) Engage in malicious or disruptive conduct that impedes or interferes with other users’ normal use of the Service;
(v) Attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other user’s Account, password, Virtual Land or Content; or
(vi) Violate our Second Life Mainland Policies, each of which is incorporated into this Agreement.
Any violation by you of the terms of this Section may result in immediate suspension or termination of your Accounts without any refund or other compensation.”
Let me post this line again
“(i) Post or transmit viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that may harm the Service or interests or rights of other users,
” or that may harvest or collect any data or personal information about other users without their consent;”
Bye Bye CDS
Ari Blackthorne
Mar 31st, 2010
@ Huh?
…who quotes “” or that may harvest or collect any data or personal information about other users without their consent;””
How convenient that you reiterate only the part that you *think* serves your benefit. When in actuality, this part trumps you:
“(i) Post or transmit viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that may harm the Service or interests or rights of other users, or that may harvest or collect any data or personal information about other users without their consent;”
I reiterate the “trump”:
“hat may harm the Service or interests or rights of other users”
Hence, any viewer capable of downloading ot replicating another users’ works by circumventing the system (permissions or grid as a whole) is violating the “service, interests, and rights” of others.
Hence, CDS is a vetted tool that, by the way is blessed and authorized by Linden Lab.
So all you whiners are crying and barking up the wrong tree. This tabloid is all about your rhetoric getting them page views so they make a few pennies here and there off Google Ads!
Holger Gilruth
Mar 31st, 2010
You forget Lindenlab will and have never approved anything
Mar 31st, 2010
“Hence, CDS is a vetted tool that, by the way is blessed and authorized by Linden Lab.”
Really? where is this blessing by Linden Labs posted? I would like to read this for myself.
Mar 31st, 2010
@Ari Blackthorne
I would like to see proof of this “Blessed and authorized by Linden Lab” because I’ve never heard of Linden Lab officially “blessing and authorizing” anyone’s products, especially ones so controversial and shady in operation. Though I know many people like to claim it’s been approved, especially when their products are suspect. Case in point, half the gambling machine makers claim that their products are approved by Linden Lab, when they’re little more than slot machines in clear violation of the gambling ban.
Here’s a hint: One linden saying they like it in IM does not count as actual approval, the Lindens are notoriously contradictory and one may approve something while another may say it’s ban worthy. “Blessed and authorized” would mean no less than an official post on the site or blogs saying that Gemini is great by them and it does nothing against the ToS and everyone should get one.
Incidentally one of those viewers “capable of downloading to replicating another users’ works” would be Emerald, the client that Skills Hak works on.
I notice that the fact that Skills is a known and banned ripper is constantly swept under the rug: having knowingly ripped and sold other people’s work as her own. Either it’s completely ignored by the ones who think CDS was brought unto earth by a choir of angels, or quietly and quickly excused as “some minor drama years ago”, which is an interesting viewpoint considering that getting caught even logging on to one such viewer as she would use on CDS is worthy of a 1 strike ban with no appeal.
I don’t really care about the IP address collecting, and Quicktime exploits (though it’ll be amusing if said exploit gets fixed and all her functionality is broken), all that stuff is shady as hell but peanuts to do. The thing about CDS that should be deeply thought over is that whoever is in charge of CDS is basically in charge of the ban lists on every lot who owns CDS. And currently the person in charge is a perma-banned ripper with a history of abusing power. I wonder how many of Skill’s enemies and public detractors for the system have already turned up on the list as “using ripper clients” with no appeal.
Mar 31st, 2010
I do not give consent for my personal data to be harvested by anyone not employed by LL.
Any Victims who have had their personal data stolen by CDS should AR both the Creater and the sim using it. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Miss J
Mar 31st, 2010
I hope someone copybots this cds system. Linden labs are taking care of the ones who log on to these viewers, not the residents. Let linden labs do their job.
Apr 2nd, 2010
*laffs at cds and skills hak*
get rid of your pos tard system
everyday you keep it around
i’ll deliberately copybot another store.
tards and losers
Apr 2nd, 2010
I think your new site is broken
This name and email were automatically filled in
And it is not me
“Email (required) – will not be published”
Jumpman Lane
Apr 2nd, 2010
@musty freak, my daddy raised me to put my foot in the asses of punks just like you. caint make it no more plainer! you dutch bitch you!
Holger Gilruth
Apr 2nd, 2010
@jumpman lane
your dad had besser kill you because he was to stupid to tell you how to speak with other people without fighting
Holger Gilruth
Apr 2nd, 2010
Oh sorry i dont know you are just a idiot
Her Profile looool
” The King Of Second Life
Founder, CEO: Jumpman Lane’s Slut Magazine, Incorporated™
Publisher: Jumpman Lane™ ‘s Slut Magazine ©
Couturier, Chief Designer: House Slut™
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 2nd, 2010
“See Gaara? Now you’ve got me paranoid”
lol. Insanity can be a good thing sometimes.
“the other mixes is with HER ( seems like a girl) bs about the SOH (not even mentioned here at all)”
Since I was not actually named, I’m assuming this part was about me for two things:
1. I mentioned the articles about SoH.
2. People tend to confuse me for a chick(no seriously, a guy even asked me if I was really a dude just last night).
“It is called pride in th work i do as a content creator, and it has nothign to do with the cash it brings in. I find ppl pathetic for stealing others work. It is not only a lack of creativity, its dishonost to sell other ppl content and label is your own. And then even (see SOH copybot article) pretend like there the original creator towards the orginal creator!”
“I will stop writing now because you frankly not even worth the effort to talk about. Keep on ranting and pretend your a gangster with your lack of decent english. Its hilarious aswell as pathetic to even suggest/think that ppl take your seriously in your wildest dreams moron.
Maybe ask Coke supply or read the SOH case about my involvement atleast i try to make sl a better place, ppl like you are the toothacke of our society in sl and RL.”
“My gosh it it so funny to read all the bs here, and the one laughing….
And for the record you guys did precisely what i allready anticipated..”
Saying others did what you anticipated: The surefire way to argue without and actual argument.
Visual explanation:
“READ…i never said shit about her, that how good you ppl interpetate text ment for JUMPMAN…”
“And nextime you feel the need to put out a racist comment. Do it inworld not on a blog were i cannot file your sorry ass.
Cowards like you are the ones that run the fastest in rl and sl alike.”
Ah, you’re actually correct about this one. meh, regardless, it’s still unimportant bullshit. I admit though I must’ve been tired or struck dumb that day.
“If not, and they’re just a bunch of coders with shitty attitudes who like to wave what they can do to invade your privacy in your face just to show you they can”
Sooooo………………non-Linden Lindens?
“This tabloid is all about your rhetoric getting them page views so they make a few pennies here and there off Google Ads!”
Yay let’s play the assumption game!
….I have had way too much Dr. Pepper today.
So, back onto the topic at hand.
My IP is probably already logged by anti-griefers(hint-hint), so I really don’t give a shit. As of yet, I have not been banned by this CDS system so I’m thankful at least for that, but the factor that a known ripper controls the bans against assumed rippers? Not cool.
Apr 3rd, 2010
But you think that we will abide the “shit” rules of “Thief Lab.” I’m still not crazy. While they steal without asking and without right to defense, as like a bitch from now I will do the same things they have did to me, steal and give away the loot. How many terrorists they say there? multiply this quantity from now, because people like me are not going to let live. By the way, I give a shit about the creators, these guys enrich to “Thief Lab” then don’t deserve my respect.
Resign of you SL Premium account; Don’t write SL tickets is only loss your time; Take care!, the money you introduce in SL is not your money becomes to be the “Thief Lab” money ; Don’t use official SL viewers, they have an internal ID then LL knows always who you are; and so on.
Apr 4th, 2010
There is always some newb coder creating something for all the paranoid freakoids in SL. They love to use the word “copybot”.
From my understanding, Linden is harboring GNU/GPL and other types of licensed works such as Creative Commons on their servers. According to what I understand, they are insisting that the items not be taken off the servers as they are only a “licensed product of Linden Lab” for use on their servers.
Linden has over rode every licensable type by insisting that the residents are only recognized as a “user of linden license based on the Terms of Service” for the works stored on the Linden Servers.
Skills Hack is a nut job defending, attempting to defend, and making money defending these practices, and moreover shows his complete disregard for real legitimate licensing and terms.
Always a newb that incites these practices. They lack common understanding of license issues and the companies that write illegal Terms of Service contracts that wouldn’t hold up under scrutiny of the court system.
content creator
Apr 9th, 2010
well i’m a content creator and i also use ( according skills ) a blacklisted viewer, thus i’m a copybotter
and yes indeed i’m a copybotter but only with the items i create myself
i do run a standalone sim here on my own server at home where i create stuf and when its finished i export it and import it to SL.
my question to skills: am i guildty ?
only for not using emerald but an viewer the emerald devs and skills dont like, a girlfriend of mine use only SL viewer and kirsten viewer and is also banned on sims with the CDS system only by using the only viewers LL aproved as legal thirth party viewers
and as you can read emerald is NOT on that list
the only thing the emerald devs and skills are trying to do is playing BOSS
with CDS and
and what not many ppl know is that the PHOXSL viewer is made by some of the emerald devs
but i got news for them Linden research is the real BOSS
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Apr 9th, 2010
My spelling sucks, nothing new. Im not a native english fucktard and you still understood perfectly what i wrote.
So yah its save to say, stop pretending to be a “beautiful mind ” or is it only possible that you get that status here by showing how fucking jealous you really are about skills?!
WTF you know how she makes her income and how much..idiot.
At the dude about dutch bath houses?!
We dont have any of those here so please…go back to the 80ties cave you came from. And peter pan ? I thought that dude lived in neverland in the states.
Wrong country fool…
And for the CDS
Fucktard here that complain about it i laugh so hard now. It is pathetic, you all feed this “newspaper” with humbled opinions. In fact it is simply a complain section of retards (ME INCLUDED) difference tho.
I dont care about SL this much even to even suggest or start discussing this matter so vigoursly
It is funny why not simply use a LEGAL viewer DONE. No problem at all…
I really do not see the problem or ranting on Skills for her work, you should thank her on your godamn knees.
And what she makes on income KTD, wtf is that of your consern amoebe lol.
Oww yah some spelling for yah sorry ass
FORENSICS: A S S H O L E there you go. (i love to feed)
Ps: do not hate, makes you even less then me ahahah..loser.
Apr 10th, 2010
What gives Skills Hak, or anyone else the right to hassle others for using TPV’s to backup, use, export, import, or in any way interfere with a persons right to use such or gain access to such information that is licensed under the gnu/gpl, creative commons, or other like licenses just because they don’t like my viewer or just because of Linden’s illegal Terms of Service?
Does their scripts only work if you are indeed copying something that is not licensed under such requirements? Or does it judge you based on your browser identity, search your hard disks, and otherwise make the software writer an idiot of illegal script writing?
Such people don’t think before they provide stupid scripts promising to work on behalf of those that want to protect their data. It protects nothing. All it does is spam people entering a sim and shows educated people how uneducated they really are.
Any false sense of security this software script might give is to your own detriment. I personally won’t purchase anything from anyone that spams me with their garbage on their sims. Or advertise they are protected by a script that detects copybot or copybot clients.
If they are that silly, I wouldn’t trust their judgment on what is, and what is not “good” content in the first place. They are irresponsible people that don’t deserve a sale. And certainly don’t understand that there are laws that protect the consumer against Linden’s concepts of usage licenses.
Apr 10th, 2010
@Muziekfreak1980: Go light the fuse on your tampon, cunt.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Apr 10th, 2010
Wow is that all you got you got to say now lil pathetic inbred lol!
And cunt? Tsssskk dont talk dirt about your own mother fucktard looser.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Apr 10th, 2010
Again for the idiots here, i read aobut how the violate TOS and blabla.
Do you noobs even know the full understanding of a tos? IT is A SERVICE, nobody forces you to join sl, nobody forces you to do anything.
The CDS does NOT i repeat NOT collect any data from you, certainly nothing more then your average website would do. Your all crying and bitching about it. Why the CDS by now is updated to leave it up to the MERCHANT/USER themselfs if it will ban or simply report in IM.
If you ranters even tried the system you would have known this aswell.
As i said before the ones with the wonderfull stories here. You do have not even a clue how the system works or its options thats obvious.
There has been even a nice review by some dude that looked at the system of a more technical view i suggest you guys READ upon that. Then come back here to this lameass “newspaper” then scream your head off.
Thanks for the attention, do have a nice day..
PS: dont hate, makes me laugh even harder
Apr 10th, 2010
Feel free to spend 700 L$ a month on it Muziekfreak1980 miles, you can get an anti-copybot script with equal protection though. Go to any prim, and press new script. Then press save. Then name it “Anti-Copybot Protect Mark IV v 3.8272″ (This step is actually optional). Congrats you now have made an anti-copybot script with the same level of protection that CDS offers for free!
Danziel Lane
Apr 10th, 2010
@ 20 yo Muziekfreak miles
“Again for the idiots here, i read aobut how the violate TOS and blabla.”
Good to know, who the idiots are.
Thanks for the information.
“Do you noobs even know the full understanding of a tos? IT is A SERVICE, …”
Yes, it’s a service.
Well, not tos is a service, but SL.
Hope that is, what you meant.
But service contains the word “serve”, so a service business should offer some customer service besides the service. A service it an offer to customers to use the services.
The TOS is not law. The TOS is a text that the service provider gives to the customre to tell him, how he understands the service.
TOS very often conflict to the law and if a customer understands TOS different from the service provider or two customers have different interpretations of the TOS, first to ask is the service provider, and if I do not like his answer I can still ask a judge.
Yes, law is above TOS, if a part of the TOS is not according to law, a judge can force the service provider to change that.
In this case: if you say “the CDS object” is ok and I say “the CDS object connects my viewer with the private server of Skills and this is not ok with the TOS” then we disagree and if we find it it worth, we could ask a judge to decide for us (including all costs of a claim at courts and for the lawyers).
However: not the one is right, who laughs loudest and hardest or calls all others idiots.
“… nobody forces you to join sl, nobody forces you to do anything.”
If I work in a business or for a business that wants to be representated in SL … well, it’s not really forcing, but it’s something that makes using the service of SL as much a desire as someone standing behind me and forcing me by offering some good punches if I don’t use SL.
“The CDS does NOT i repeat NOT collect any data from you, …”
Maybe you are right just know.
Too many people watch, what this thingy is doing on the networks.
However, we know for sure it is calling a script called youtube.php on a server that we know very little of.
As soon as the discussion might calm down, there is no need to change anything in SL. All they need to do is to change their php script that has already made a connection to my computer.
” … certainly nothing more then your average website would do. ”
Certainly … means you are not real sure.
That php script might be an average php script like so many others.
But it is subject to change to a script that does more than the average.
So, what you tell us is: Trust Skills, she will CERTAINLY not do worse things than an average website. Certainly …
“Your all crying and bitching about it. Why the CDS by now is updated to leave it up to the MERCHANT/USER themselfs if it will ban or simply report in IM.”
Which is even worse in my eyes.
If they had evidence of copying content, they should really ban.
But it’s a smart thing to pass all responsibility to the shop owners and together with that they give an endless list of customers that come with a “bad” viewer.
Shop owners were promised safety from being copied and an easy to use device. Now they have to decide about every customers tping to them.
Of course they all switch to automatic if they are not smart enough to see that all work and responsibility is left to them
“If you ranters even tried the system you would have known this aswell.”
Many have tried.
I will not.
I will not put an object on my land that connects my friends to some unknown server that I mistrust.
And I will not pay 700 Lindenbucks for such a test.
If someone tests the system, that I trust and they tell me the results of network sniffing etc. … why should I pay Skills more money only to tell you: I tested it too.
“As i said before the ones with the wonderfull stories here. You do have not even a clue how the system works or its options thats obvious.”
All I see: it does not detect an avatar when they copybot content.
It does not offer safety against content theft.
On the contrary, it allows content thieves to work right next to the system, while the owner sleeps and dreams about the promise of their shop being safe now.
It does nothing about detecting a content thief red handed.
That is all I need to know.
As We said, I can have that for free within some seconds.
“There has been even a nice review by some dude that looked at the system of a more technical view i suggest you guys READ upon that.”
All I need to know of that report is that it confirms the connection to a script called youtube.php on a server that we do not know the owner of.
“Then come back here to this lameass “newspaper” then scream your head off.”
Well, I see some guy named muziekfreak screaming a lot, calling all others idiots and this website lameass …. while others offended by that guy stay calm and courteous.
So, I know how to think about that.
“PS: dont hate, makes me laugh even harder”
What an awful good argument.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Apr 10th, 2010
The mark protection have been useless since YEARS, your way behind on facts here. Its a RELIC…
Finally someone with a brain, NO it does get the thief redhanded.
Whenever that happens many ppl would be thrilled rl and sl alike since a thief RARELY GETS caught redhanded.
Example given, your in bed, dude steals your car…after a week the find your car by a nice guy. Mr nice guy says all good and well but i bought it on ebay!
Guess what (here it is really like that) you WILL NOT GET YOUR CAR BACK.
The thing is, CDS does protect by simply ignoring it based on that argument is foolish. How about the way it protects? Oww easy it PREVENTS from getting in ppl on unwanted places (shops in this cases)
that USE or USED a copybot capeable client.
Sure i do believe that some get pissed of because the “tried” neillife,cryolife,chocolate ectra. But ask yourself this, those clients you will need to SEARCH for them in order to get them.
And i want to bet my last penny on it, the KNOW what it was capeable of before the downloaded it. Thats what i find important information you know. The CDS system is for me and many merchants that do not even bother to react in here
A very WELCOME system! It banned yesterday 2 avs that tried to tp in.
For weeks it has been silent and all good. The system works, and if ppl im me mad. The can appeal, i rather ban 20 good avs then to let 1 copybotter into my shop im sorry fromthe 1201 visitors in few weeks now 3 got banned in total.
I can live with that really! Again the merchant has that control the story should end right here allready. If i choose to ban the flagged avs thats my choice and free one. Most mayor shop in sl uses this system by now with succes ..
As i said the dont react here because it is useless to convince ppl that so far have little know how of this system how it works/options are (not talking about the technical bits)
And in the meantime your putting a nice essay about how it works.
Do you use it? Did you test it? do you know what options it has?
No….or your just being cute here
Did you guys actually took the time to talk to Gemini industry?
I totally rest my case here..
And i dont scream my head off, you do with pseudo sience about a system you obvious never used. As you said i will never use a system like that..
Then stopped right there pass on this topic. Keep on guessing, keep on speculating. I do not care add value TRY it atleast for yourself..
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 10th, 2010
Christ, you people are still blithering on about this?
You should all kill yourselves.
Gundel Gaukelei
Apr 10th, 2010
@Alyx Stoklitsky “You should all kill yourselves.”
non ex transverso sed deorsum
Danziel Lane
Apr 10th, 2010
“Finally someone with a brain,”
Thanks a lot
And sorry for my miscalculation about your age.
“NO it does get the thief redhanded.”
If not, the judge who is asked to ban the thief into prison wants some real good evidence.
Judge Skills says: they got hands and fingers, so they are able so steal, ban them!
“Guess what (here it is really like that) you WILL NOT GET YOUR CAR BACK.”
Oh, I will.
At least if they bought it on
“Oww easy it PREVENTS from getting in ppl on unwanted places (shops in this cases) that USE or USED a copybot capeable client.”
That is, what it does today.
However: they promise: “We got much more data than you think of”.
They don’t act like a business.
AND … as you used USED?
How can that be?
How can they decide that I USED such a client, if they do not collect data from my computer?
You told they don’t.
Now you tell, they detect when I USED a bad client.
Whatever that system does, if they suggest to ban me, when I use a LL client, but had installed a bad client (maybe for a test on my stand alone open sim on my own computer) they MUST look on my harddisk, no matter how hard you laugh about that idea.
If they don’t detect that, why then do you tell it, and why do/did they promise that?
“But ask yourself this, those clients you will need to SEARCH for them in order to get them.”
Yes, I find many of them, when I google after SL viewers. No problem to get one.
And some of them are quite smart by NOT telling “don’t download me, cause I am not in the TPV list of LL”.
Also, as a programmer I might be interested in what they really do and test that on my own private open grid.
CDS promises to have me in their list, when I return to SL with the original LL viewer. How can that be?
“And i want to bet my last penny on it, the KNOW what it was capeable of before the downloaded it.”
I think, we have different experiences with people. Last week I had a new class with new people. It was extremly interesting how many of them tried to download stuff and what crap they allowed to come to their computer.
You and me might understand, what exactly we download. Most people don’t.
It’s like me driving a car without knowing how to exactly set the top dead center of the motor.
“It banned yesterday 2 avs that tried to tp in.”
I myself do not take pride in banning other people.
As a teacher I lose a student, as a shop owner I lose a customer.
Communication is the better way, I found many nice people in all parts of SL, who did great work, but very often others suggested to ban them, when we first met. Most bans are misunderstandings … if you provide a shop or any other business you should think of losing customers by banning.
“The can appeal,”
I’ve seen some mails that came as answert to an appeal. I would not call that an appeal.
” … i rather ban 20 good avs then to let 1 copybotter into my shop im sorry fromthe 1201 visitors in few weeks now 3 got banned in total.”
If I would ever feel to have 20 avas banned I would stop business in SL.
Well, and the copybotter …. they know how to hide and not being detected by the CDS and they better copy somewhere else, but not in my shop, where they only can copy boxes or vendors. Or small models of my stuff.
That is the main fault of the CDS: it’s placed where vendors and boxes can be copied, not where the real creations are.
Knowing that, there is a much easier way to make it difficult to copy.
“Most mayor shop in sl uses this system by now with succes ..”
Success … 700 L$ from every mayor shop in SL?
Yep, that is success.
I heard of many who find success by telling: we DO NOT use CDS.
Customers come there and buy.
I like that idea.
“Do you use it? Did you test it? do you know what options it has?”
NO, I don’t use it.
And I will not test it.
It’s like with a phishing mail: as I feel that they do not tell me the truth and find there is an URL to some mystic server, I will not try the offered link or URL and test, what will happen if I really type my CC data there.
I don’t feel the need to really test phishing mails with my CC data, only to be allowed to tell my students about some misuse of the mail system.
“Did you guys actually took the time to talk to Gemini industry?”
Why should I try to talk to them? I don’t want their system. They are free to contact me, if they feel the need to tell me where I am wrong. But I will not give them my money to find the truth and I will not contact them “Hey, I feel your system might not be ok in all points, would you tell me more so I can trust you?”.
“Then stopped right there pass on this topic. Keep on guessing, keep on speculating. I do not care add value TRY it atleast for yourself..”
As I said: I also refuse to TRY what happens if I follow phishing mails or if my anti virus program warns me about an incoming backdoor worm. Yes, there ARE examples when I refuse a test.
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 10th, 2010
Ah……..I’m not even responding anymore to this one, just watching as Muzie bitches everyone else out in a retarded fashion. No point anyway when Muzie is one of those “you’re wrong no matter what you say as long as you’re against me” fags.
Good fun.
Apr 10th, 2010
@Muziekfreak1980 miles
“The mark protection have been useless since YEARS, your way behind on facts here. Its a RELIC…”
And you completely missed the point of what I was saying.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Apr 10th, 2010
@ Garaa
Your a lil cunt that properly has no life to begin with (seen your responses ) so far obviously a sl herald only groupie.
Your not even worth dick you got spitted on everywere and got banned as such. Hopefully soon you join your lil cunt employee in the recycle bin of the i-net vault
Like i care…
@ the rest
Keep on being a dumbass and keep on posting here till kingdom come.
90% here clearly has not EVEN A SO MUCH TRIED IT AT ALL but form a opinion based on what again?
Fucktards lol, See GAARA iyour absolutely right because lil cunts like you did not even as so much tried the entire system. But yet wonderfully know how it works based on pseudo sience.
Im a bad speller, an gram, and my god im so dumb *ahum* Atleast im a dumbass that uses the system and knows wtf it does for me.
So go ahead assholes make my day its nothing but fun and i laugh even harder then hard looool!!
Apr 10th, 2010
“Im a bad speller, an gram, and my god im so dumb *ahum* Atleast im a dumbass that uses the system and knows wtf it does for me.
So go ahead assholes make my day its nothing but fun and i laugh even harder then hard looool!!”
Nevermind, I think you’re the perfect customer for CDS. Speaking of which, I have a cure-all tonic I’d like to sell you for the low introductory offer of 2,000 USD, interested?
content creator
Apr 11th, 2010
The CDS does NOT i repeat NOT collect any data from you, certainly nothing more then your average website would do
end quote
are you sure Michel????????????
well I can tell you, YOU ARE VERY WRONG because if skills dont colect any data from us THEN YOU MUST TELL ME HOW HE KNOW WICH VIEWER WE USE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you ranters even tried the system you would have known this aswell.
As i said before the ones with the wonderfull stories here. You do have not even a clue how the system works or its options thats obvious
end quote
WRONG AGAIN well i do know how the system works and for me its very easy to make such a system because i’m a Software Engineer/application developer.
and i have made the lsl script en the php and it does work perfect, so i can use the same system but dont have to pay 700L$ each month like you do, but let me tell you that a lot of innocent people are on skills list
and i think that everyone who use the CDS system is indeed a dumbass.
CDS gives their user the feeling of false security your items are NEVER yes NEVER save for a copybotter
if i was a copybotter and i want to copy a bike or a skybox you made then i can do that on the grid i dont need to come to your store
and i can tell you some more about skills, he is a member of the emerald team
and if anyone uses the source from emerald to build a viewer then they will know
and they will add every user directly in the database because the emerald viewer does the same as the CDS system does
even when the viewer you build cant export you still become in the database
the emerald viewer make contact with the emerald server in nurnberg germany, the viewer sent a lot of your info to that server, and that server also upload an .xml to your computer during the start of the viewer.
its up to you if you trust them, i DONT, i WILL never use the emerald viewer because i love my privacy
quote from your website
Well my name is Michel, in SL Muziekfreak1980 Miles. I was born in the Netherlands, ‘s Hertogenbosch (near Amsterdam/Rotterdam for you USA and other country readers)
end quote
even with the last quote you are very wrong lol, ” ‘s Hertogenbosch near Amsterdam/Rotterdam ”
i didnt know they moved ‘s Hertogenbosch more to the north of the Netherlands.
maybe they did because they rebuild the highway A2
i always thought that ‘s Hertogenbosch was near Eindhoven in the south of the Netherlands.
en ik kan het weten ik woon in Eindhoven en rij elke dag over de A2 langs den bosch.
Apr 11th, 2010
Pretty much all of the 3PV’s are making connections in one format or another. I use all of them. Just grab the IP, block them at the firewall. Or better yet, grab the source and remove the connections, recompile. No biggie.
I’m wondering why those insisting that the skills script does any good? The client source is freely available for the SL. Anyone with the simplest of skills can work with the permission files within the client and recompile. This will appear to be the standard SL client.
I assure you that you will not have a script that detects whether or not I’ve removed the permission settings in the code. All you are doing is grabbing client headers and basing assumptions off of what client people are using. That is moronic. Right along with believing that all data on the SL servers deserves to be protected from being copied in the first place.
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 11th, 2010
Actually, fuck what I said before, this is just too good. I mean yeah, he’s gonna bark back anyway but who really gives a shit?
“Your a lil cunt that properly has no life to begin with (seen your responses ) so far obviously a sl herald only groupie.”
Well in a sense yes, I do support what the Herald does in their own right.
Seen my responses, have you? So you saw how I pointed out that you prattled on about the SoH here, before saying they weren’t mentioned as some contradictoral way of insisting you were trolling me when I told you to shut up about the old bike stories? You saw how I expressed my complete disgust for a system such as CDS because of its system and, more importantly, the person who runs its ban list?
And be more specific, have you been watching my comments in other topics here as of late as well? Just wondering.
“Fucktards lol, See GAARA iyour absolutely right because lil cunts like you did not even as so much tried the entire system. But yet wonderfully know how it works based on pseudo sience.”
What little bit of knowledge I could manifest from this obscure mangle of mis-used grammatical symbols was something along the lines of “you’ve never even tried CDS yourself, stop basing everything on rumors”.
1. I do not own a shop
2. I do not build/sculpt/script/animate
3. Even if I did I would never get something like this because I’ve already come to understand who Skillz is as well as the factor that Skillz herself has full reign over the ban list, and tends to trust her system more than those who say their bans were unjust. I would never consent to the use of a system made for use against rippers that was created by a ripper, someone who by public knowledge seems to be obsessed with the power of weilding some form of mighty banhammer, or was just ANOTHER non-mod/admin player who felt they needed power over a banning system, and Skillz is all of the above.
I know enough at least. CDS works by streaming media(which can easily be turned off), it works only in places CDS is used, it’s just soem novelty to make creators who feel they can trust it feel safe from content theives.
Anyway, really looking forward to the next “lol, no you’ fuckign retard, you still don’t get it” comment Muzies. I really enjoy reading your responses(even though you claimed you’d stop respong here because in your eyes we’re all a bunch of brainless trolls, hurrrrrr).
Gundel Gaukelei
Apr 11th, 2010
@ Muziekfreak1980
“90% here clearly has not EVEN A SO MUCH TRIED IT AT ALL but form a opinion based on what again?”
Low level traffic analysis, a degree in computer science and about 20 years of experience in IT business. Whats been your expertise again?
Tux Winkler
Apr 11th, 2010
I was concerned about the privacy issue of this system (and was quite vocal about it too). So I visited Skills (and her team), I learned a lot without being told as much.
But I needed more info. I bought the CDS and deployed it on a sim. I then spent a while taking it apart. After I saw exactly how it works (and made my own version for giggles), I realised privacy was not an issue.
I congratulate Skills for making a profit.
!quit comes to mind.
BTW – Why isn’t Emerald on the TPV list yet?
Apr 11th, 2010
“You do have not even a clue how the system works or its options thats obvious. ”
Well, i dont know 100% how it works. for example im not sure what the bots are good for…
But i know how i can bypass that system, like every other “bad guy” does.
And thats what counts.
Thats what makes that system useless.
Oh btw. i really really hope anyone that uses this system never downloaded a mp3, never took a texture from the web, and never stole a RL design for their SL products.
Apr 11th, 2010
emerald not on the TPV cause they have features not allowed by LL.
Like exporting full perm items not made by the botter. Maybe a detection system needs to be made to detect emerald and ban their users too.
Apr 11th, 2010
Much of the so called freebies are licensed under the BSD,GNU/GPL,Creative Commons, and other like licensing.
Linden should not be keeping people from taking freebies or full permission items. And their own code says so.
// Correct for fair use – you can never take away the right to move
// stuff you own, and you can never take away the right to transfer
// something you cannot otherwise copy.
void LLPermissions::fixFairUse()
How many times need I say this?