Archive for May, 2010
Squattin’ Life Part 4: Home Decor

by Pappy Enoch, Shiftless Bum With Good Taste Well, I done escaped the horrible fate my rotten sister Jezzybell done prepared for me. Now that she am out o’ the way for a few days, I can return to cornsiderin’ the finer points of prettying up your squat. Ol’ Squat 2.0 done hung in for [...]
Full StoryKellie Ryba — Post 6 Grrrrl

[It’s an interesting thing that sometimes I hear from a prospective model, have a couple of initial conversations and then don’t hear from them again for weeks. Such was the case with Kellie Ryba. Finally, our schedules meshed enough that we got the following pictures, which I really hope do her justice. It is my [...]
Full StoryEmerald Site Security Broken! Data Mining Shocks Linden Lab!!!

According to documents that appear to have been leaked from ModularSystems, the developers of the “Emerald” Second Life viewer have compiled a database of avatar names, IP addresses, and geo-location information for players who created Second Life accounts at the site. In addition, visitors to the developers’ land in the virtual world have been [...]
Full StorySephora Mafia Means Business – Challenges Nicholas Family

The Nicholas and Sephora mafia war continued over the weekend – a conflict fought with YouTube videos, Second Life client hacks, Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks, SQL injection exploits and web site security vulnerabilities — a sort of Internet-enabled alternate reality game for hackers with bragging rights among the families of Second Life at [...]
Full StoryIslamist Gangs Terrorize Facebook!
The biggest MMO of them all – Facebook – is being terrorized by gangs of Islamists, filing mass abuse reports against those they target for removal according to ReadWriteWeb. Using tactics similar to those of the Justice League Unlimited, a notorious Second Life vigilante group, the Islamists "single out users they consider ideologically unorthodox (a [...]
Full StoryNicholas Mafia Patch Illicit Viewers — Trash Sephora Gang Site

The Linden Lab crackdown on third party viewers may be having unintended consequences — at least one in-world mafia has released a collection of what are claimed to be patched illicit viewers that can circumvent the Linden blocks on banned Second Life client software. Apparently, to be a gangsta means running a viewer with extra [...]
Full StoryBrandie Glas – Post 6 Grrrrl

[One of the things I like about Post 6 is that often times the models have a good enough experience that they refer their friends to me. This is the case with this week's model, Brandie Glas, who is, I think you'll agree, as beautiful as she is a great person. It is an honor [...]
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