Staff Killer Plague Decimates Linden Lab Governance Team
by Pixeleen Mistral on 27/05/10 at 11:55 am
What is behind the sudden disappearance of former Linden governance team staff members? Colton Linden and Plexus Linden are no longer found in the Second Life search people tab, and a reliable source informed the Herald that Teagan Linden will succumb to the staff killer plague within 2 weeks now that she has given her notice to the Lab.
The departure of Teagan will mark the removal of half the former governance team – a group charged with swinging the ban hammer to keep unruly residents in line. Downsizing the G-team may be a cost saving measure brought on by sagging interest in Second Life – we note that the median player concurrency levels continue to swoon despite the Lab’s new Second Life viewer software — but it is also possible the staff plague is simply a case of office politics taken to its logical conclusion. Linden Lab is well known for factional infighting within the game god ranks.

the Justice League loses a true friend
The passing of Plexus and Teagan Linden are likely to be mourned by the Kalel Venkman and the Justice League Unlimited – a group of vigilantes known for filing frivolous DMCA takedown notices, gang abuse reports, and courting game god favors. Plexus in particular appears to have been a reliable ally for the spandex clad vigilante group. The Herald previously reported JLU claims that Plexus leaked player identity information to the Justice League and his on-going encouragement of what seems to be trademark infringement. Sadly, the death of Plexus makes it unlikely that Herald requests for an interview to verify the JLU claims will be answered.

Jeska reincarnated
In what may be related news, community manager Jeska Linden also perished, but was then miraculously reincarnated under her real life name and now plays Second Life as Jeska Dzwigalski.
Speculation that the slow progress on organizing the Second Life Community Convention for this summer is related to the departure of the community manager is likely to follow. While some will hail the continuing removal of staff from Philip Linden’s reign as proof that M Linden is fixing Second Life, the ongoing loss Linden Lab’s corpoate memory dos not bode well for improving player relations with the Lab.
What can be done? Now that Jeska is out of action, the most logical choice to help bring the community together at the SLCC this year may be none other than noted community organizer Prokofy Neva. Seriously.
Jun 2nd, 2010
Seriously folks, after reading Perse’s posts, I can only come to the conclusion this is an unbalanced person. She is attacking people just for the sake of attacking. Her arguments are without foundation or logic, she contradicts herself regularly, and attempts to vilify her victims. That is frankly psychotic behavior– and not one I intend to mess with any longer. So I for one am going to turn off my subscription to this one and let her rage on to empty air. I think it’s pretty obvious by this point she is just here to fight, and sensible discussion isn’t in her agenda. We’ve all said about as much as we can; dealing with her any further is an exercise in futility. So logging out on this one. My best to you all. To Perse: I recommend getting some help. Honestly, no insult intended. Your posts are not rational. Get some therapy, and some meds if necessary, but get your head back in balance. Whether you realize it or not, you are a seriously messed up person.
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 2nd, 2010
@Kiddoh: Choice does not exist and everything that is put in front of us is merely situational.
There is always a choice. It’s just that you may not always like the consequences and/or you’re not in control anymore as a consequence of a past decision.
Jun 2nd, 2010
@Gundel Gaukelei: No-no, what I was trying to say is a bit more complicated and rather hard for me to explain. Like… Cause and effect? Pretty much we have everything but ourselves to blame for everything we do in life because of what has happened, what was been said or done influences us in every action we do. It’s called wisdom.
Example: Would you make the same choices as you would have when you were 5? If not, then why? The answer is usually because an external factor convinces us to make different choices.
So I-dunno. I was thinking that the only people who really have choices were people with no experiences, but then again as living organisms we are forced to eat and sleep to stay alive.
I guess my whole point being is… there’s not always a choice.
Just from a technical point of view.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jun 2nd, 2010
Of COURSE Perse is is mentally deranged. I mean, beyond the whole “I am Trap, hear me bawww” drama llama ding dong, you have someone who buys the Prokofian Lie hook line and sinker, as well as the JLU/Angel lie (only cause they are so similar), plus their whole narcsissistic ecocentrism and victimological, “bawww is me, you people are trolls” horse shit, and dumber than a bag of hammers to boot. All sorts of crazy…
Persephone Bolero
Jun 2nd, 2010
@Gaara “Also, the manner in which this is said is like putting words in my mouth, so to speak. You’re adding your opinion to the end of what I said as if that’s what I meant. Whetehr or not that was intentional, it kinda does look like it.”
I’m not sure what I said that you felt was altering your opinion. In the quote you provided above this statement, I was merely stating my own position.
“You call it defending yourself, even though you did come in and land the first blow,”
Actually, the author of this article landed the first blow. I just responded to it in comments open to the public. The Alphaville Herald is notorious for a very left-leaning, one-sided narrative on criticisms of Linden Labs. While, as a customer of Linden Labs, I’m generally in agreement with many of the complaints themselves, I’m not in agreement over the demonizing attitude toward the company. And I think that attitude is undermining effective communication with them on how to fix problems and generally undermining progress for everyone. So, I’m thinking it might be time to challenge it and provide another way of looking at things.
“what I am saying is not only are you being a voice of dissent, you’re almost completely disragarding any view by the looks of it that doesn’t immediately fit yours.”
And so are those that disagree with me. We are equally disregarding each other here. You seem to think this is behavior unique to myself.
Consider this. I made fun of Wayfinder for suggesting I might be a Linden in disguise, an absurd accusation. I told him sarcastically, “Everyone that disagrees with you is a Linden. What other explanation could there be for someone not sharing your viewpoint, unless they’re part of that evil conspiracy called Linden Labs?”
He responds with, “Well, another possibility is they’re just plain goofy. ;D”
Perhaps I am unyielding in the defense of my position and dismissive of other opinions. But, come on, who hasn’t been?
“That’s basically, in a manner, stating that I should either enjoy the way LL does things or gtfo. No matter how much you may try to refute this now, that is the way you said it yesterday.”
If that’s the way you understood what I said, then I was misunderstood. Hopefully, we’ve cleared that up.
“I’m trying to intelligently refute this.”
And hopefully you understand now what I’m trying to do. Yes, I’m poking holes in a whole perspective. I may not be convincing to a majority of people here, but that does not deter me in the least from expressing myself.
“lol, I feel attacked in no way, honestly.”
Good. I’ve no intention of doing so.
Persephone Bolero
Jun 2nd, 2010
@Wayfinder “I can only come to the conclusion this is an unbalanced person.”
Of course. Anyone that disagrees with you must be crazy, a troll, a Linden, or just “plain goofy.” What other explanation would there be for not realizing your brilliance?
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 3rd, 2010
I made several attempts to come up with an answer that actually makes sense and every single one turned into a narcisstic name-dropping fest of a who is who of philosopic history.
We could take this to the extent the herald would have to buy additional storage solely because of our discussion.
Even so, the question, whether there is true original choice or not in life would remain unanswered.
But what I can say from experience is, taking ordinary questions of every day life to a philosophical level is in the majority of cases the educated flavor of escaping a simple truth by drowning it in an ocean of complexity.
Tizzers Foxchase: Linden Lab is Linden Lab’s Worst Enemy | The Alphaville Herald
Jun 3rd, 2010
[...] to WU group for something other than several grid crashes and some tasteless chan humor. The recent purge in the ranks of the G-Team not only confirms this suspicion, but also may be indicative of some kind of a change in direction [...]
IntLibber Brautigan
Jun 3rd, 2010
Persephone said:
“Actually, the author of this article landed the first blow. I just responded to it in comments open to the public. The Alphaville Herald is notorious for a very left-leaning, one-sided narrative on criticisms of Linden Labs. While, as a customer of Linden Labs, I’m generally in agreement with many of the complaints themselves, I’m not in agreement over the demonizing attitude toward the company. And I think that attitude is undermining effective communication with them on how to fix problems and generally undermining progress for everyone.”
Lets first examine the claim that the Herald is “notoriously left leaning”. This publication has frequently been critical of furrys, of she-male clubs, BDSM, pedophiles, age-players, diaperfurs and basically every other extreme sexual perversion that is embraced as “normal” by the progressive left.
Furthermore, it was previously highly critical of the economic dependence SL had on the gambling market.
It also has regularly published business articles about the SL economy, criticizing Linden Lab’s bungling and self-sabotaging policies along with their consistent faking of economic data in order to paint rosy pictures (Jessica Holyoke being the primary author of most of these). The Herald has been consistently pro-business and pro-consumer, but anti-socialist big government. Doesn’t sound very left wing to me.
The Herald also seems to embrace a strong ethic of preferring individual rights and Constitutional protections versus heavy handed big government by Linden Lab.
Where the Herald doesn’t agree with traditional “conservatism” is that it seems to disagree with the sort of “war on e-terrorism” attitudes typical of neocons today, and also with the lab’s lack of due process gestapo state tactics which can only be described as neofascist. Being opposed to fascism and neoconservatism doesn’t make one “left wing”.
The fact is, that , however much you may try to deny it, Linden Lab is “The Man” in SL, a de facto state in the world they created, the sovereign creator of a virtual polity. Standing up for the rights of the people, (whether you call them “customers” or “users” or “residents” or “citizens” is immaterial in this) does not make one “left wing” any more than Tea Party members standing up to left fasco-socialism of Obamacare is left wing.
I realize that to fascist neocon types like yourself, if someone isn’t 100% for a war on e-terror that permbans people you don’t like to a Gitmo of nonexistence without any due process, that that someone may seem like a crazy liberal left winger, but I’d have to say that idea of “left wing” went out somewhere around the time of Nero or Ghengis Khan.
As for “effective communication” with the company, sweetie (and I use this term rather loosely), I for one tried for years to communicate effectively with the Lab. So did Woodbury. So have many others. It is a Sisyphusian task and a waste of time, because they generally won’t communicate back except in form letters that say absolutely nothing, and in the rare occasion that you actually do start to build some bridges with them, as Woodbury was doing right up until the day they were banned, like a snake, LL will turn around and bite you and shut you down for no apparent reason, but if you investigate it usually turns on one or more of their staff corruptly getting you shut down to protect some side business of theirs, or to shut you up about their own nefarious criminal activities.
We have far more experience in dealing with the Lab than you imagine. Your pollyannish blind faith in their inherent goodness belies either a naivete of newbish ignorance, or else the kool-aid sipping drone of a Linden insider.
Jun 4th, 2010
I made several attempts to come up with an answer that actually makes sense and every single one turned into a narcisstic name-dropping fest of a who is who of philosopic history.
We could take this to the extent the herald would have to buy additional storage solely because of our discussion.
Even so, the question, whether there is true original choice or not in life would remain unanswered.
But what I can say from experience is, taking ordinary questions of every day life to a philosophical level is in the majority of cases the educated flavor of escaping a simple truth by drowning it in an ocean of complexity.”
Of course. I mostly only threw it out there as a means to counter Persephone’s technical argument of choice being an absolute with a technical argument of choice’s opposite being an absolute– Wasn’t quite expecting to have to explain it. Kinda fun in a way.
Breen Whitman
Jun 5th, 2010
Yep, want to know about an organisation, just look at their staff turnover. It tells the story.
Haney Armstrong
Jun 26th, 2010
Ack! Not Jeska! What has the second world come to?
Rational Person
Jan 2nd, 2012
I don’t understand any of these posts, but it looks like the fewer there are, the better.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jan 4th, 2012
and THAT, “Rational Person” is your major malfunction. A truly rational person would have no problem comprehending.