Archive for January, 2011
Big Asses and Little Perverts – Adoption in Second Life Part 2

Justine Gets Grossed Out by Justine Babii A couple of days after my initial trip to investigate adoption in Second Life, I grabbed a friend and dragged her into my plan to scope out an adoption agency and go through the adoption process- stopping, of course, before the part where we actually end up with [...]
Full StoryJeela Juran — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Three years ago I went out in search of the best wet t-shirt in SecondLife and happily found Jeela Juran's wares at Boingo. I was instantly a huge fan and it didn't take me long to collect one of everything as Jeela is a tremendously skilled graphic artist with a genuine and unique artistic vision [...]
Full StoryAdoption in Second Life

Part the First: Justine gets judgmental by Justine Babii Justine and a pregnant friend A friend of mine is pregnant in SL. I popped in to see her this morning and “Surprise!” she has an adorable little baby bump on her avie. Now, immediately I started grilling her, because this is a normally sensible woman, [...]
Full StoryBoinks Nitely — Post 6 Grrrrrl

[ From Timothy- I'm taking the month of January away from Post 6, as I did last year, to recharge the batteries a bit. In my place my friend Shyayn Lusch has agreed to take the Post 6 helm for the month, and as you'll see, her work is such that I'm quite afraid you'll [...]
Full StoryAngry Elf King to LL: Stop Blocking Our PG Events!!!

Wayfinder Wishbringer of the Elf Clan is very unhappy with Linden Lab – and believes that the struggling metaverse service provider may be attempting to drive PG sims out of the walled garden of Second Life. The angry elf’s evidence? The shocking inability of PG sim owners to post to SL Events due to what [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Party Wrap Up: Tambourines & Dance Poles

by Socialista Butterfly On Sunday, the Glitterati, Illuminati, Post 6 Models and all creatures great and small of Second Life gathered at Sinister’s for a houseparty for the ages. The sim filled to near capacity, but didn’t falter or crash – though it did send Post 6 Photographer Timothy Morpork and Herald Editrix Pixeleen Mistral [...]
Full StorySLebrities To Throng Sinister’s Club – Post 6 Party January 9

by Timothy Morpork This Sunday, January 9, at 11:00am SLT, Post 6 will host a “Welcome to 2011” party at Sinister’s Club in Idia. Slurl: Senban Babii dances to DJ Someone Sinister Post 6, the longtime Alphaville Herald feature, has hosted two parties previously, both were very well attended by gorgeous Post 6 Models, [...]
Full StoryGeneration W: WikiLeaks Ignites a New Generation of Hacktivists
While the traditional media and the United States government continue to fixate on the individual Julian Assange, a not so subtle cultural shift is taking root worldwide: Hacktivist culture is rapidly morphing from a small underground subculture into mainstream culture for a younger generation, not just in the United States, but worldwide. Julian Assange and [...]
Full StoryAnd from the ashes…TSO Restoration plans to bring back The Sims Online!

Will Uri and the Herald return to (emulated) TSO? In this interview we meet, Ghost, a former resident of Blazing Falls on TSO. He is currently involved in a project called TSO Restoration, which is a team of developers that are working to build a version of TSO on private servers. He claims it will [...]
Full StoryA Post 6 Grrrrrl New Year: Carine Ceriano, Debbie Hazelnut, Joan Philbin

To end another wonderful year with Post 6, I thought I would grab three of the models who were kind enough to share themselves with us this year and feature a more stylized version of their beautiful avatars. Debbie Hazelnut, Carine Ceriano, and Joan Philbin were all great enough to step up and pose a [...]
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