Go Support Relay for Life, Bitches.
by Alphaville Herald on 16/07/11 at 9:35 pm
Second Life land squatter takes a virtual walk for charity
by Debbie
My friends told me that my first article was so good you'd like more. Here. Me and a friend went to check out the Relay for Life in Second Life. It's pretty cool. I recommend you check it out, but don't go there and be a douche, or plug up the track because this is about cancer, which is not funny.
They give you a pedometer and you walk around a track. We were there for the survivors and remembrance laps. If you've ever been to a Relay for Life Walk irl, you know it's pretty powerful stuff.
They also have a buddy walking thing, like a chim so that one person actually walks and everyone else gets dragged along like a collared slave. It's handy so that you can type and shit while you're logging laps. You can see how many avatars have walked laps here: http://slrfl.maintree.com/
Like the real life Relays for Life, Relay for Life in Second Life has areas where teams can camp. I hung out at the weenie wagon while my friend walked a lap in remembrance, and then went on about some typhoon she saw. I missed it, because I was taking pictures of myself. I did also get one of the people walking.
Check it out. The welcome area is here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/RELAY%20FOR%20LIFE/93/130/22/
The track is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RFL%20Courage/12/139/23
I got a notecard that lists all the activities going on and I was going to copy/pasta it here but it's insanely long. There's like everything happening; dances, concerts, yacht races, art shows- you name it they have it.
Go to one of the in-world locations above, or their website
http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=entry&fr_id=34810 and for God's sake give them some lindens to help make a difference.
It's this weekend only, get your asses moving!
Jul 31st, 2011
What does Debi think socialism is, if its the same as communism and if its immoral in her views? Please explain what form of socialism you are refering to. (Really want to know I’m not trolling)
Orca Flotta
Jul 31st, 2011
(coughs) That was satire, once again. Laugh with me it would be good for you.
Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not laughing with people who are trying, and badly failing, to insult me and who think they are superior in any way. I laugh when something is funny, not when you tell me to. C’mon now, why should I laugh with some insignificant person who claims to kick my sorry ass?
Neither your helpless aggression nor your warped sense of satire is funny by any definition. So I don’t laugh. Not WITH you but ABOUT you.
Dontspill McGinnis
Jul 31st, 2011
Hey Debi,
Just as an aside, what are your views on In world privacy?
Do you think Alts should remain private or should we be able to see who the main account is?
And what do you think of the JLU’s continuing attempts to gain the ability of Alt recognition?
I bet you have interesting views on this subject?
Senban Babii
Jul 31st, 2011
@Dread Judge
“As for the debt ceiling. They will raise it, don’t be so naive.”
Well here’s the thing, you’re correct on this. There’ll be a lot of huffing and puffing and making making political points and at the last minute, they’ll pass the increased debt ceiling. They have to. But that hasn’t actually helped anything. In fact all it’s done is postpone a situation which is now going to be worse when sooner or later you actually have to face it.
Just imagine what will happen when the US government turns round and introduces austerity measures like Greece had to. Massive tax rises, huge spending cuts and so on. Let’s be honest here, it’s coming to America and you’re all going to be in for a rough few years. Hell, we all are if we’re honest!
“In a sign of the level of anxiety over the issue, troops in Afghanistan asked Adm Mike Mullen if they would be paid.
The admiral, who as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is on a visit to southern Afghanistan, said he did not know whether that would be the case if the US fails to raise the $14.3tn (£8.7tn) limit by 2 August.”
Senban Babii
Jul 31st, 2011
@Dontspill Mcginnis
“Do you think Alts should remain private or should we be able to see who the main account is?
And what do you think of the JLU’s continuing attempts to gain the ability of Alt recognition?”
Debi Dastardly
Jul 31st, 2011
“(coughs) That was satire, once again. Laugh with me it would be good for you.
Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not laughing with people who are trying, and badly failing, to insult me and who think they are superior in any way. I laugh when something is funny, not when you tell me to. C’mon now, why should I laugh with some insignificant person who claims to kick my sorry ass?
Neither your helpless aggression nor your warped sense of satire is funny by any definition. So I don’t laugh. Not WITH you but ABOUT you.”
And that makes me laugh even harder than before.
Germans can be funny.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 31st, 2011
@Dontspill McGinnis
“Hey Debi,
Just as an aside, what are your views on In world privacy?
Do you think Alts should remain private or should we be able to see who the main account is?
And what do you think of the JLU’s continuing attempts to gain the ability of Alt recognition?
I bet you have interesting views on this subject?”
Haven’t even thought of that at all really. It was a long night for me, so I’ll have to think about it some, when I’m not so tired.
Obvious Schism
Jul 31st, 2011
@Dontspill McGinnis
That is an heroic attempt to bring this thread (vaguely) back on topic. And do you know, I think it might have worked – for at least 5 minutes.
Orca Flotta
Jul 31st, 2011
And that makes me laugh even harder than before.
Germans can be funny.
Ya, some germans can be very funny indeed, we’re famous all over the world for our sense of humour. But what we are even better in is figuring out bad eggs and bad misdirected attempts of being humorous … such as yours.
Orca Flotta
Jul 31st, 2011
@ Senban: Correct, rising the debt ceiling is just a postponement, not a cure and will essentually make everything worse once the financiers will switch off the monetary flow.
@ Dontspill: I think alts should remain private. I mean, who’s to judge who’s an alt and who isn’t? Every avie in SL is on its own account, so we’re all the same, main or alt. When I log in with an alt I’m that avie, not Orca. I also know enough mains who started out as alts once but took over more and more and are the mains now.
Not anyone’s concern tho.
Orca Flotta
Jul 31st, 2011
@ Ob: /me waves …
\o/ Hoohoo!!! \o/
Dread Judge
Jul 31st, 2011
Yes, of course China is a big player. India will be too. You may laugh at this but I believe that Canada will be as well. Their oil, clean water and natural mineral resources have been largely untouched.
I agree that raising the debt ceiling is a temporary measure, but I’m not alarmed by the debt. It only becomes an issue when one of the parties wants to make spending and tax cuts a major election issue and has the opportunity to get everyone’s attention with a dramatic oh-noes date like this one.
As for the drastic Greece-like austerity measures, I don’t think we’ll have that here, or need it anywhere. The US has been fighting at least two wars continuously for ten years, that’s a lot of clams, and ending them during a major recession is not a good idea, so the money pit continues until the economy can absorb significant numbers of veterans coming home.
The US has carried scary debt since WWII, and, arguably, much longer, as Keynesian style deficit spending has been part of our lexicon since the Depression. With an end to those wars, the natural rebound of the economy, and the income from the money we invested in the bailout, the US will have its debt to what it deems a manageable level again by the next recession.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 31st, 2011
Germans can be funny.
“And that makes me laugh even harder than before.
Ya, some germans can be very funny indeed, we’re famous all over the world for our sense of humour. But what we are even better in is figuring out bad eggs and bad misdirected attempts of being humorous … such as yours.”
O.M.G. You know, I have to go back to what I said at first. Really I do pity you a lot.
Just a guess here, but you haven’t been able to wear a two piece out in public for………..maybe at least ten years?
Obvious Schism
Jul 31st, 2011
@ Orca
Waves back!
Is everything under control?
Debi Dastardly
Jul 31st, 2011
Are you the one in the pink?
Skye D.
Jul 31st, 2011
Delurking to say…
This “debate” has now resorted to fat jokes? Really?
Might as well close the comments on this thread and stick a fork in it.
had enough
Jul 31st, 2011
@Debi, Baby Orca http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6j6GcP3-uQ&NR=1&feature=fvwp
Jul 31st, 2011
lol yep. fat jokes. oh well. Can it get any lower?
Orca Flotta
Aug 1st, 2011
Oy, that was sposed to be a debate??? I thought all the time I was just being troll fodder. Particularly when I noticed that boss-troll and klu klux clan leader “had enough” joined in it was quite clear.
Aug 1st, 2011
I asked something about what kind of socialism you’re talking about which is communism and so immoral. While I wait for Dredd to reread my post carefully and realize he read it wrong the first time around.
I could use another laugh, work is boring.
You do realize there’s more then just one form of socialism I hope?
Dread Judge
Aug 1st, 2011
@FFS said:
While I wait for Dread to reread my post carefully
Jun 11th, 2013
Relay for Life is coming around again. Would live to see more images of that big t$%ed squatter at this year’s walk.