Archive by Author
Jumpman Lane – The “Kang” of Second Life

Last week, well-known virtual world entrepreneur Stroker Serpentine threw in the towel on Second Life after a long running series of feuds with Linden Lab and the notorious Jumpman Lane. Mr. Serpentine announced his departure in a series of tweets that caused alarm among his friends at the news that he was apparently exiting the [...]
Full StoryNext Up for Linden Lab: 2D Text Games for iPads?
At AOL’s DailyFinance site, Dawn Kawamoto reports that Linden Lab is working on a 2D game platform that seems almost completely unrelated to Second Life as we know it – except for a crowd-sourced approach to content creation. Citing sources familiar with the plans, Kawamoto tells us the new gaming platform (which some inside Linden [...]
Full StoryLab Breaks Vehicle Brakes – Causes Hundreds of Fatal Accidents

AnnMarie Otoole suspended after Q&A-challenged Lindens nerf prim-physics switch Linden Lab’s unfathomable player disciplinary actions scaled new heights of absurdity with news that AnnMarie Otoole was slapped with a 3 day suspension after her vehicles were broken by an error in Linden Lab’s latest “upgrade” to Second Life server software. Apparently the Lab’s latest server [...]
Full StorySLCC 2011 Drama!!! Avatar Identity: Privacy and Transparency in Social Media

Mysterious threats leads to last minute SLCC program revision – a pattern of harassment? The first indication I would be playing another round of Second Life as a real life alternative reality game came a few hours before the SLCC 2011 panel discussion on Avatar Identity: Privacy and Transparency in Social Media. I was eating lunch, [...]
Full StoryCheergirl Allen Smacks Justice League Unlimited

Anti-vigilante war in Second Life escalates I’ve known Cheergirl Allen for years, but never thought of her as particularly active in the Second Life political scene. However, that changed recently – a development that cannot be good news for Kalel Venkman and his Justice League Unlimited faction. Cheergirl’s organizational skills and connections have never been in [...]
Full StoryCosbycoin Hack Pops Bitcoin Forum Bubble

CosbyCoin “zing” takes offline Bitcoin - a peer-to-peer virtual currency – has reached the point in the media hype cycle were the inevitable backlash takes hold, and the Bitcoin ecosystem becomes a target for high visibility hacks. The latest incident took place yesterday, when the forums were converted into a Cosbycoin ad site, complete with pictures [...]
Full StoryInterview With Green Lantern Excelsior of the JLU

Green Lantern Excelsior in the Bronyville sim before Bronyville was deleted (file photo) This evening I chatted with JLU spokesman Green Lantern Excelsior hoping to discover why Kalel Venkman has been unwilling to discuss the JLU’s Brainiac wiki leak situation in anything other than heavily moderated forums. While Green Lantern could only speculate on Kalel’s [...]
Full StoryJacon Cortes Slams Justice League Unlimited!!!

Prime Minister of Antiquity: “It is the responsibility of Linden Labs to take action immediately” Former allies of the Justice League Unlimited are taking pains to distance themselves from Kalel Venkman’s vigilante gang as revelations of an apparent on-going program of Second Life player stalking and black ops continues to unfold. Over the weekend I was lucky [...]
Full StoryJLU Shamed – Green Lantern Excelsior Turns His Back on SLUniverse

Superheros “standing in front of a monkey cage and being pelted with waste products” For almost a week, a particularly ugly chapter in Second Life’s social history has been playing out on both and the forums. While it is impossible to know if all the claims being made are true, the sheer body [...]
Full StoryMeeroo Food Supply Safe At Last Thanks To Cordon Sanitaire?

Scammers denied access to sim-edge no-rez exploit Roo sim – the home base for in-world access to vital Meeroo food supplies – is now encircled with a quarantine corridor in hopes of blocking scammers from using an exploit to create objects in unauthorized areas. Will this novel parcel configuration become a “best practice” for those [...]
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