Archive by Author
Meeroo Scandal No Surprise – LL Hides Behind Privacy Shield

Linden Lab doesn’t fix exploits or provide customer service – it’s business as usual, then? A predictable scandal erupted over the last few days as Meeroos began abandoning their owners to wander the grid in search of food. Meeroos are a popular form of virtual pet that require continual petting and feeding with scripted food [...]
Full StoryShocking ‘Man-of-Steel’ Incident Mars SL SciFi Convention

Kalel “Steely Dan” Venkman griefed with his own path light prims I’m not sure why anyone would think it was a good idea to invite the Justice League Unlimited to the Second Life Science Fiction Convention 4 held earlier this month – and further compound the problem by placing the JLU plot directly next to the [...]
Full StoryGoogle+ Suspends Pixeleen Mistral – Nerfs Data Liberation Front

Exactly who owns my G+ social graph – and why won’t Google let me download it anymore? I was a relatively early Google+ user and spent the last few weeks adding friends to Google+ circles. In doing this I implicitly promoted Google’s seriously over-hyped circle-centric Facebook clone by sending invitations to friends. This was probably [...]
Full StorySHOCK!!! Rez-Anywhere Exploit P0wns No-Rez Land!!!

For at least the last two months, a permission system exploit has allowed anyone – even those unauthorized by Second Life landowners – to create objects on “no-rez” or restricted land. This surprising news suggests players wishing to limit use of their virtual cyber-paradise may need to set aside time to patrol their holdings, or [...]
Full StoryRandy Filmmaker Reveals Cyber-secrets!

Sunday screening of “My Avatar and Me” proves arrow button key to Second Life bliss!!! Actor/director Mikkel Stolt will host an online presentation of the “documentary fiction” My Avatar and Me Sunday on The film is billed as a journey into cyberspace which becomes a magic learning experience. Based on the trailer, the story seems to revolve around [...]
Full StoryBlack Cloud: “Brutal and Long Lasting” Mafia Wars Coming

I had just stepped off the plane on my way back to the Herald offices in Jessie sim after several weeks of intensive training on “The Bonnie Situation” – the newest Herald racing yacht – when my iMojowire 4 started buzzing. There was breaking news from a mysterious source who calls himself “The Black Cloud”. [...]
Full StoryNational Geographic Channel To Feature SL on ‘Taboo’

More publicity for Linden Lab – what could possibly go wrong? Second Life’s well known sex-bed entrepreneur Stroker Serpentine, his Second Life virtual family, and his real-life family are to be featured Monday May 2 on the “Fantasy Lives” episode of National Geographic Channel’s Taboo series. Stroker Serpentine and his real life typist In addition [...]
Full StoryWhy The New Signup Site Is Not Helping SL

Hubris and sensipoo Iinden follow the path of the SL noob to displayname nirvana Hoping to counter a worrying trend of declining interest in Second Life, the Lab unveiled a new signup/orientation and dumbed-down “basic” viewer a week ago. Is mass acceptance of the walled garden of cyber delights just around the corner? Perhaps not. [...]
Full StorySL Population Crash Continues

How can player concurrency sink to 2008 levels despite 10,000+ new accounts per day? According to Tateru Nino’s SL statistics charts, the last 12 months have seen a 12% drop in concurrent online Second Life players, with concurrency levels falling to July of 2008 levels. Sadly, there is no sign of a turnaround in sight. [...]
Full StorySLCC 2011 — Lab Prepares For Repeat Resident Chalk Assault?

Will the news that the 2011 Second Life Community Convention is to be held in San Francisco sometime in August lead to a run on water, buckets, brushes and other cleaning supplies as Linden Lab shores up it’s defenses against a shrinking customer base? The Second Life mainland in real life – SLCC 2009 The [...]
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