Archive by Author
Almost Linden-less to Completely Freebie Fabulous!

by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Okay, I’d hate to beat a dead horse – I’ve heard they have a faint smell – but there’s always a need for the current best freebies for all the unverifieds and newbies out there – plus Jeska and Robin Linden might even want to update their look – so [...]
Full StoryAlternatives To Second Life
by Onder Skall, courtesy of Second Life Games Let me start this off by stating that I have no interest in the “world vs. platform” debate. It’s boring and played out, so don’t you dare try to draw me in. What I’m trying to do here is answer the simple question: Where are the best [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The New Priests

by Fiend Ludwig Last night I was chatting with Pix about the furor over Tenshi Vielle’s article. I asked her why she published it, because surely she must have foreseen the – more violent than average – storm the article would stir up. Pix replied, “Do you understand the Magic Circle concept – that when [...]
Full StoryThe Devil’s Labyrinth

by Onder Skall I find myself faced with a monstrous build. The castle looms above me with the massive portcullis open, flames leaping upwards, and a pedestal that beckons me to enter after, apparently, harvesting my soul. I set the sun to midnight and step into the Devil’s Labyrinth. The foyer features a brain and [...]
Full StorySL Nude Mod – Virtual Strip Search for the Metaverse

Any resident can be a metaverse TSA security screener by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk For those who feel the need to examine other residents without their clothes – or their permission – a metaverse virtual strip search is now available. According to the secondtoys production description and the SLexhange page: SL Nude Mod is [...]
Full StoryThe Elf Maiden and the Drow Prince
as told by Morgdah Graves[This story was told around a campfire in Avilion. Magical Affairs correspondent Curious Rousselot was given permission by Morgdah Graves to bring this story to our readers - the Editrix] Once, a long long time ago, there was an Above Ground Elvin family of the Sidhe. They lived in peace and [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: RL/SL Fashion Faux Pas

Why is Sabrina Doolittle’s RL typist is rocking a faded red shirt and a drooling dog in print? by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Dear Second Lifers, I have a rant to make. Besides my intolerance for Linden Lifestyle’s Miss Sabrina Doolittle and her “never do wrong” attitude, her “fashion princess” facade, herein lies the truth. [...]
Full StoryCamp Chair Toilets – Metaverse Just Keeps Getting Better!

Even more improvements likely in the future by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Critics of Linden Lab’s betaverse metaverse were gobsmacked today as news of the latest innovation in camp chair technology – camp toilets – spread across the grid. Camp chairs pay residents to park their avatars in one place to inflate land popularity [...]
Full StoryWizard Alley Opens on Time – More Magic in SL

Residents pleased with magic wands, school uniforms by Curious Rousselot, Magical Affairs Department Wizard Alley now open Excited students and teachers of the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry were celebrating Friday as the recently closed Magic Alley re-opened in Oahu as the new Wizard’s Alley. Students, staff, and vendors crowd the new Alley chatting [...]
Full StoryAnshe Chung Takes Flight

SL’s business girl has a business life on British Air by Onder Skall Wonderland’s world-travelling gaming guru Alice reports that “business life”, an in-flight magazine for British Airways, carries a cover story featuring our own Anshe Chung. Unfortunately, as she puts it: “no mention of flying willies.” I guess you can’t have everything. That cover [...]
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