Archive by Author
Cole DeSantis – Post 6 Man

[This week we have a super special treat - our Post 6 Man is Cole DeSantis - a proud figure in Second Life, as photographed by my dear friend - Marilyn Murphy - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. Cole definately raises the bar on what is possible for the men of SL [...]
Full StoryWhat the Hell is a ‘Transgender Lesbian?”

Get A Lifeby Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist. HEY HEARTUN ~ I was hanging out in Waterhead the other day and someone invited me to join this group called Hot Lesbo Accountants. Well, I’m not a lesbian.. I’m just a dude. Thing is the person who invited me is a dude too! So I ask [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: I Really Don’t Like The Sound Of This

by Inigo Chamerberlin Last night I caught Philip Linden in-world and was able to raise what is to me, personally, the main issue of voice – the cost to me. You see I own a grandfathered class 4 island and it seems likely, from the original blog post, that there will be a charge for [...]
Full StoryJohn Edwards HQ Owner Claims Goon Texture Theft

Jose Rote “hopes they don’t get banned”HQ may move to Sundance Film Festival’s island in a week by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs deskJose Rote Tuesday evening, Jose Rote – the owner of John Edwards’ Second Life campaign headquarters – had his hands full. A strikingly similar headquarters next door supporting a TV psychic was mocking [...]
Full StoryBunny the Huntress

by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate Bunny the Huntress Under the cloak of midnight Bunny stirsHer eyes accustomed to the darkAwaiting in silence, sleek and edgedSeeking her newbie mark Swiftly and surely the hunt is doneHer prey no longer in this simAnd on she goes through darkened woodTending her business, grim So beware, oh newbie, lest [...]
Full StoryJaded Wizard Makes Metaverse Spritual Quest

“Our second lives are as empty as our first” by Superfluous Pharaoh, Wizard of Extraordinary Talents Ah, Second Life! Repeatedly hailed as the usher of a new era, a land of infinite variability, where the curious can fills their eyes and minds with limitless wonders; where the creative can pour the brimming excess of their [...]
Full StoryRussian Roulette

by Onder Skall, courtesy of Second Life Games After several hours we realize that there is just no way to kill each other here. My hatred for that bastard Rudy is as strong as his for me, but hatred alone won’t settle this. We quit blasting each other with useless push guns and look for [...]
Full StoryEdwards Faces Edward In SL Presidential Race

Psychic John Edward supporters build HQ next to politico John Edwards HQBaku goon swing vote likely to go Edward – Edwards supporters silent by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Edward and Edwards campaigns running side by side Potential perils awaiting earnest politicians in the metaverse became real Sunday evening. Given the mainstream media’s breathless excitement [...]
Full StoryCommunity Page Message Sets New Record!

January 17th message of the day will not die by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A friend pointed out Sunday that the message of the day on the Second Life web site’s community pages warned of an upgrade coming “on January 17th”. Since then, the Herald staff have watched in wonder as the message [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: A First Look at Second Life?

Software written by kittens in a feather factory by Inigo Chamerberlin I’ve been engaged in testing the ‘First Look’ Second Life viewer since it first became publicly available and I think its development process tells us a great deal about why Second Life is so flaky. My system is fairly high spec and is capable [...]
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