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Epic Google Translate Fail: Goat-time with Wind, Pole, Dragon

An insult to father’s stones? Working at the Herald, I have cultivated an appreciation for broken english robot haiku comments submitted by non-anglophone entrepreneurs looking for just one more link to web sites featuring vital lifestyle accessories. After all – gaming Google search ranking is what passes for marketing in the Internet age and it is [...]
Full StoryTizzers Trolls Twitter: Microsoft <3 Second Life

Media depends on echo chamber for "news" 24 hours after Tizzers Foxchase placed a single post on Twitter – a little birdie told me that Microsoft may have silently offered tp buy Linden Lab this week – the outstanding quality of reporting in the internet age is all too apparent. Tizzers Foxchase Trolls Twitter While [...]
Full StoryUrizenus Sklar’s Real Life Avatar Appears on The Aloyna Show

Hactivism hard to stop — chances of Lakers / Celtics rematch unclear Earlier this week, Herald founder Urizenus Sklar sent his real life avatar – Peter Ludlow – into the television studio to chat up Alyona Minkovski on RT. Ms. Minkovski – who was born in Moscow but raised in California – took time away [...]
Full Story“Punk Ass Pranksta” p0wns Digital Worlds Sim

Prokofy Neva Suspended – The Wrong Hands Banned – Rancor Sim Trashed By Linden Lab? Friday afternoon, all homes in the Digital Worlds sim were destroyed, the Digital Worlds group membership was decimated, and Chainsword Audion gifted L$103,000 – his entire account balance – to the ever-popular Prokofy Neva. How was this possible? According to [...]
Full StoryThe Cat, the Reverend and the Slave

Those outside France interested in a view of the real life players behind the Second Life screen can only hope that The Cat, the Reverend and the Slave documentary moves into wider availability after last week’s opening in Paris. Perhaps the Oprah Winfrey Network will be interested in a companion piece to Life 2.0? Markus [...]
Full StoryBan Hammer Smashes Emerald – Phox Threatens Linden Tell-All

Eshi Otawara Creates Protest Nazi Deathcamp — Soviet Woodbury Celebrates Linden Lab’s ban hammer struck the Emerald Second Life viewer Wednesday, as all versions of the formerly popular client were locked out of Philip Linden’s user-generated-content cyber paradise. Meanwhile, two high profile members of the Emerald gang – Lonely Bluebird and Arabella Steadham – discovered [...]
Full StoryEmerald Gang Implodes – Viewer Ban Hammer Next?

Jessica Lyon has resigned from the Emerald viewer team and published the formerly secret requirements Linden Lab made of the group – which include the expulsion of Skills Hak, Discrete Dreamscape, and Lonely Bluebird (a.k.a. Phox) from the development team – previously Fractured Crystal resigned from the group. Emerald meeting M Linden, Marty Linden, Joe [...]
Full StoryWas Vivox Chat p0wned by Emerald Developers?

LindenWorld staff meetings an open book to ban-proof Fractured Crystal, Lonely Bluebird? Did two Emerald developers – Fractured Crystal and Lonely Bluebird – taunt Emerald critic Hazim Gazov after using the Vivox voice chat admin portal disable Gazov’s Second Life voice? Were the rogue developers able to track Lab staff on private Linden-only islands? It [...]
Full StoryEmerald In Disgrace!!! Philip Linden Warns Against Malicious Viewer!!!

Philip Linden took pen in hand today to warn Second Life players the controversial Emerald Viewer has been removed from the official list of third party viewers stating "We will not tolerate a viewer that includes malicious code, nor will we tolerate development teams with a history of violating users’ trust or disrupting their lives" [...]
Full StoryEmerald Viewer Mutiny – Fractured Crystal Thrown To Sharks

Second Life Emerald Viewer + DDOS Platform Ownership Changes Hands The scandal-plagued Emerald viewer development team has undergone radical change with the resignation of Fractured Crystal Sunday morning. Although Mr. Crystal had previously controlled the web site distributing the Emerald viewer, he was forced out in what appears to have been a mutiny by other [...]
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