Archive for 'Building a Better VR'
The MMORPG within the MMORPG: Part 1

While TSO remains all atitter over the fact that EA has introduced a new server/city (Dianastan, or Tigger Town, or Dragons Hangnail or whatever it is), Second Life had the idea that people should be able to buy their own servers in the SL grid (avatars can actually move between servers freely in SL) and [...]
Full StoryFrancis Chung: Hugs and Guns

Kudos to Hamlet Linden over on New World Notes, for his two part story on the legendary SL scripter, Francis Chung, who not only has made the best guns in SL (the Seburo Compact-Exploder) but now has made the best hugging animation too! Erm, as you all know, I?m not down with hugging, but I?ve [...]
Full StoryFinally, Skewl is Kewl

I took an hour off from war reporting yesterday to drop in on a course being taught by Ancient Earth (AE) member Archaegeo Platini, and while I was AFK and up to my neck in IMs for much of it, I have to say that for the first time ever I had the impression that [...]
Full StoryAre Social MMORPGs Doomed to Fail?
Well, are they? The answer given by Randy Farmer in this very interesting paper appears to be …well…maybe. Not good news. This is coming from someone with development and gaming background in The Palace, TSO, Second Life, and Habitat. Among his comments about Second Life: “I loved it when I was unemployed.” There is also [...]
Full StoryWired News Investigates EA’s Ineptitude with MMOs
Daniel Terdiman, who broke the story of the Alphaville Elections into the infosphere not long ago has recently written a story on the string of failures that EA is racking up with online games. Casualties now include Motor City Online, Earth and Beyond, Ultima X, a scrubbed plan for a Harry Potter Game, and of [...]
Full Storyinterview with david pierce
- by montserrat tovar llewlyn david pierce, alphaville’s answer to lord richard attenborough, took some time out of his hectic schedule to discuss recent changes to the diamond theatre. he also shared some of his ideas about the future of the arts in alphaville.
Full StoryWhy Friendster Sucks
Not sure how many of our readers use Friendster, but I really liked this rant by Amanda Egge detailing the idiocy that is Friendster (“My dog could build a better website than Friendster, granted my dog has an IQ of 130, but still he’s a fucking dog for crying out loud.” ) The interesting beef [...]
Full StoryEssay: On Online Artistic Expression
David Pierce recently posted the following essay on Stratics and invited us to repost it here. It’s q good read in prep for his upcoming in world production of Waiting for Godot (in tso).
Full StoryFree Will! Viva La Liberation!
I was gonna save this one for Bastille Day, but it looks like I’ll be in Geneva pondering the reformation wall and who knows if I’ll have a chance to post this. Several months ago CNN tried to interview Will Wright about the Alphaville Herald Incident, but they were DENIED by that lovable gladhanding shill, [...]
Full StoryGameSpot on SL v. 1.4
Nice little description of Second Life’s new version 1.4 in GameSpot. There are some new screen shots up today too. The part I found most telling was the summary, however: “This game is like The Sims Online but in 3D and with user creation built in and central to the gameplay.”
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