Archive for 'Building a Better VR'
Exclusive Pix from the Developer Grid: SL’s New Zone Concepts Interface

The next version of SL? by Pixeleen Mistral, food critic Zone Concepts Interface: brighten the corners I considered having another glass of wine while waiting for the wild coho salmon filet slathered in finely chopped fresh organic parsley to finish steaming over a what I hoped would become a Grey Goose vodka and sicilian blood [...]
Full StoryLA Times Joins the SL Hater Parade
The Hate Just Keeps on Comin’! It seems like just last month (well, ok, it was last month) that Forbes did its 180 and started hating on Second Life. Now the LA Times joins the hate parade with a story of its own. Herald Summary ™: Businesses came in, saw, and decided it was a [...]
Full StoryHere Comes Second Earth! Or not.
WTF? 120 Servers (480 new sims) per Week? MIT’s Technology Review has a (registration required) disappointingly fanboyish, hyperventilating story about Second Life and the possibility of linking up worlds like Second Life with Google Earth. Oddly, while the article talks about how swell and kewl this would be (and includes interviews with developers who live [...]
Full StoryOpen Letter to Linden Lab

Metaverse residents ask LL to fix the game by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In an attempt to entice game maker Linden Lab into fixing problems with Second Life, an open letter asking that long term problems with the virtual world be fixed before more new features are added has been signed by over 600 [...]
Full StoryVirtual Worlds 2007, Report #5: Venture Capital and The New School of Athens

by Urizenus Sklar As I reported Wednesday, much of the Virtual Worlds 2007 conference reeked of the anxiety of marketing guys and gals trying to catch up with the next wave. The fear was palpable. Why else would those people be sitting in that auditorium taking notes like they were Gorean slaves pressed into service [...]
Full StoryVirtual Worlds 2007, report #1
By Urizenus Sklar All quotes guaranteed to possibly be accurate. I climbed out my cab in Battery Park, eager to take in Virtual Worlds 2007 conference and hear the latest developments in virtual worlds. But what is this? The other taxis pulling up are not yielding scruffy game devs and virtual platform development geeks, but [...]
Full StoryJulian Lombardi: Second Life’s Technical Problems “Inevitable”

Second Life not Scalable? Image stolen from Lombardi’s blog.Julian Lombardi, one of the six original architects of Croquet and executive director of the Croquet Consortium AND the original designer of ViOS (Visual internet Operating System) has posted a rather sobering assessment of the scalability prospects for Second Life. Lombardi observes that ViOS went though similar [...]
Full StoryAlternatives To Second Life
by Onder Skall, courtesy of Second Life Games Let me start this off by stating that I have no interest in the “world vs. platform” debate. It’s boring and played out, so don’t you dare try to draw me in. What I’m trying to do here is answer the simple question: Where are the best [...]
Full StoryHell is Other People: The LA Times Gets to the Bottom of SL’s Growing Pains
If you are coming from the Feb. 22 LA Times article… I dunno…just know that we really really hate the Lakers. Or as we call them, the Hollywood Fakers. If you already read the article, then let me save you some trouble, and suggest that you use this link for sex, cybersex, and beyond. If [...]
Full StoryLudlow Joins Shirkeyjerk

Hotspur, Glendower, Mortimer and Worcester arguing over the future division of the kingdom at Bangor, in ‘Henry IV’. Painting by Henry Fuseli. Let’s see if we can reconstruct what happened. First, there was all the fluff and hyperventilation about Second life having 100k then 1 million then 2 million “residents”, followed by much ridicule in [...]
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