Archive for 'Building a Better VR'
Pop Bots of Second Life

e-Business demands bots! by Idoru Wellman, e-business consultant bots done right – a stylish addition to any business A flair for witty and artistic placement of population boosting bots — pop bots — can enhance not only your in-world shop’s traffic, but is also crucial in projecting a professional image. The Herald visited several [...]
Full StoryNew Torley Linden Documentary Features Mitch Kapor

An all too accurate picture of the state of SL by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Mitch Kapor promises less novelty, less freedom, uneasy transitionas Torley Linden signals disapproval with bad sound, gray textures, low framerates Noted virtual filmmaker Torley Linden’s latest production is a documentary of the closing keynote address from the SL5B 5th [...]
Full StoryNetwork Culture Challenge
by Jessica Holyoke Cory Ondrejka and Doctor Ludovico recently announced the Network Culture Challenge from the International Island sim. The University of Southern California’s Network Culture Project, in conjunction with the MacArthur Foundation, is inviting the residents of Second Life to imagine new ways that virtual worlds can be used to make contributions to the [...]
Full StoryPrimjackers Trash LL’s Digital Rights Management
Copy “protected” prim hair, motorcycles now easy to copy -In-world economy threatened? by d3adlyc0d3c, ex griefer video demonstrating use of a prim replicator for potential customers on onrez Recently it came to our attention that certain devices have begun to circulate inside Second Life that allow object owners to circumvent Linden Lab’s digital rights management/permissions [...]
Full StoryPixel Clothes, Virtual Fashion Summit, IMVU, and HiPiHi

The Celebrity Trollop interview by Pixeleen Mistral, fashionable reporter IMVU fashionista Recently, Celebrity Trollop took time from her busy schedule for an interview about the pixel clothes scene in SL, IMVU, HiPiHi and elsewhere. Celebrity also mentioned what promises to be a very interesting event – The Virtual Fashion Summit – a conference for virtual [...]
Full StoryAd Farmers Face Game-God Induced Drought!

Resident urged to conserve ads as abuse reports fly!!!Visual Spam cleanup – or ban on unreasonably land value increases? by Jessica Holyoke fewer roadside attractions? Jack Linden announced a new ban on Ad Farms this past week. While advertising is still allowed, it will be an abuse reportable offense when “it crosses the line into [...]
Full StoryIBM Jilts SL – Now Dating ActiveWorlds!?

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Activeworlds, conference calls, and interactive web pages – but no SL It is hard to know exactly what to make of this, but a reliable source pointed us to the Kauffman foundation’s web site where this page announces a “3-D Internet for Learning Summit” hosted not on Second [...]
Full StoryScrooge McSheep Cans 22 ESC Employees One Week Before Christmas

Tiny Tim despondent – lumps of coal and company restructuring for the holidays by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Jeremy Vaught reports on the Second Life Podcast blog that 22 employees of the Electric Sheep Company will have a permanent holiday this Christmas – leaving them plenty of time to select and wrap presents and [...]
Full StoryLife 2.0 Summit Receives Royal Reproach

Unexplained avatar bans draw imperial frown by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Dr Dobbs Life 2.0 fall summit concluded yesterday, but was marred by what may become an international incident – Princess Manqo of Yaximixche’s expression of pleasure at meeting virtual world experts is mixed with strongly worded warnings to event organizers about how [...]
Full StoryWhich SL Software is Best? – 4 Viewers Reviewed
An expert’s guide to SL client software – including the Nicholaz Beresford options4 great ways to a better SL experience! by JayR Cela, SL viewer connoisseur After living in the Second Life metaverse for 2 years, I have seen quite a few changes take place. Sometimes it seems to me the Lindens are hell bent [...]
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