Archive for 'Herald Literary Suppository'
Under the Pixel Sun
by Kris Dibou In the virtual life you’ve ledYou’re neither living, nor are deadYou’ve met them all but met no oneDrifting under the pixel sun. And as you tire of this placeThe sun that doesn’t burn your faceThe water that won’t make you wetThe death that never will be met The wind that cannot touch [...]
Full StorySo Dark the Con of Jack
By Kris Dibou So dark the con of jackDaggers digging in my backUnder cloak of negotiationLies the lies, premeditation Change the name keep the pricePacify us into miceOh the destruction being wrought!The lack of humanity in thought As the societies passed beforeOur death waits at Linden’s doorsFor profit commits genocideAnd the seas disappear on the [...]
Full StoryThe Invincible Military’s Demise: Drama
by Vinzenz Fiertze The wars of many,the invincible crew,her army at the ready,Vanguards strength proves true.With insults some squeeze our necks,until our faces turn blue, but it seems that their armies names, we always outdo.They have no clue,What they have gotten into. Let us have a mighty spar,from parcels, regions, and sims afar.Put their pickled [...]
Full StoryOde to a Hug Attachment
By Kris Dibou, Warrior Poet To show how much I love herIn the good ol’ SL wayI bought a hug attachmentAnd I put it on today I typed the slash and h-u-g andWaited for responseAs she raised her arms and moved in close;SL only taunts! For I became a poodle dog whoFound himself a leg;My [...]
Full StoryThe Pearl:Victorian Brothel/Promiscuous Mermaids

Inventory server mishap creates inseparable siamese-twin stories Something went horribly wrong when I put the prims holding the notecards for these two stories on Pixeleen’s piano at the Herald offices in Jessie sim – I crashed and when I relogged the prims holding the stories were fused – along with the stories! My interview at [...]
Full StorySlouching Toward Bethlehem: The Anti-Poet
Spam filter fails — critic battles emo poetry outbreak by Sigmund Leominster, new media critic Following the tragic failure of my spam filter to do its job, I recently received an unsolicited email containing a piece of poetry from what was described as someone with “a poet’s heart and pen.” Here’s a clip from the [...]
Full StorySon of the Snail: The Mock Snail

By Happy Trails, Private Dick Night was falling on the big sim. It was another warm evening, with few if any clouds. As a matter of fact, I can’t remember the last time it rained here; maybe the night Frankenschnail disappeared. I was out pounding the pavement, looking for clues on Amos Anon’s disappearance. Earlier [...]
Full StoryPostals From Strange Land: The Awakening

Real romance and the virtual world by Mony Markova Jan opens his eyes and tries to shake off that dream he just had. Now he needs to find her. See what she is up to. Why the odd messages and the odd words from her mouth; the long pauses in conversations? Even the times she [...]
Full StorySweatsocks of Gor
by John Norman-Greenbaum In another world in the days of yoreI snuck a peek inside the world of GorI thought I’d seen all I abhoreUntil I saw them lying on the floorThe vile Sweatsocks of Gor. Wove of the wool of an abus’ed sheepThey stunk of her masters wet slimey feetI ran far away, but [...]
Full StoryFurry Love Poem
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate My love is a little furry thingWith whiskers long and paws so thinHer tail swishes as she sighsWith lovelight pouring from her eyes Her pointed ears twitch to my touchAs I scratch them oh so muchAnd she lays on her back with paws curled upWith 6 small breasts for all [...]
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