Archive for 'Sights and Sims'
Second Life Geisha Gardens: Get your Geisha On

by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting a place in Second Life via Cherry Tokyo called the Geisha House. If you wish to experience a great, culturally subversive build in second life, definitely check this place out. When I teleported in, I was immediately amazed with the [...]
Full StoryLindens Name New Sim after African Goddess of Lag

“she slows down the day and night, and everything around here happens in a time outside of time” Special to the Herald by Economic Mip As I was cruising the new continent, I had the misfortune of running across a sim named “Mbokomu” which certainly brought back memories. According to several African tribes, Mbokomu was [...]
Full StoryDesperately Seeking Family: Ageplay Adoption Agencies in Second Life

by Muffin K. Smith Jaelle Akula of New World Adoption Ageplay in Second Life has received a lot of media attention ever since early March, when Linden Labs distributed notecards to places that cater to people who seek sex with child avatars. The wording of this notecard, as reported in the Herald, includes the line [...]
Full StoryThe Medicis of Second Life

The Magic World of Leo Burnett; Big New Tree of Media Life By Prokofy Neva, Virtual Corporation Watch The big corporations that have entered Second Life are a rough analogy to the Medicis of medieval Florence – avidly (avariciously) engaged in commerce, yet sponsoring art and architecture. I haven’t worked out all the analogies yet [...]
Full StoryOn Board the Endeavour

[Editor's Note: The Herald HQ occupies a landlocked plot in Second Life's Hyperborea sim, so it was with great surprise that we found washed up on our non-existent shoreline a waterlogged book, in the pages of which we found a sketch of Tiny Newt's barque, the Endeavour, as well as the scrap of a diagram [...]
Full StorySearching for Nirvana

God and the weather (channel) in Second Life by Jimbo Quality, on temporary assignment to the Herald spirituality extreme sports desk Jimbo Quality and friend [Editor’s Note: We had hoped feared that correspondent Jimbo Quality had been lost forever in his ramblings around the grid, until we received the following dispatch, scribbled on cocktail napkins [...]
Full StoryFear and Loathing in Second Life Part 9: Gideon Stays in Starwood Aloft!
[Yes yes, I know, we last left Gideon Television in the Big Brother contest, but that was so long ago and we at the Herald are so in the now, and more than that I'd like to think that Gideon was still there getting decorating tips from the Gorean mistress. So today we fast forward [...]
Full StoryFear and Loathing in Second Life Part 8: the sordid history of the Big Brother fiasco part 2
Ah, yes it was so long ago — centuries by the high speed adrenaline rush passage of time that is Web 3.D, but we keep up as best we can, and you *do* want the skinny on what *really* happened in the Big Brother in SL hypervent don’t you? What if I told you it [...]
Full StoryThe Last Word In *ingo

Special to the Herald, by Onder Skall of Second Life Games Never underestimate casual games. The video gaming industry is buzzing about them lately, billing them as a fast-growing frontier where indie shops are king. While many oldbie SL residents may look down their noses at Tringo, Slingo and the like, the fact remains that [...]
Full StoryYAAR! The Pirates of Sanchon, Parte the Fourthe

by Tiny Newt HMS Endeavour [Editor's Note: Though the Herald navy had lost sight of Captain Tiny Newt's crew on the Endeavour in recent weeks, we rejoin them now as they commence their original mission: the exploration of virtual parts unknown...--Walker Spaight] Parte the Fourthe: In Which We Are Nearly Able To Begin The crew [...]
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