Archive for 'Clubs, Casinos, and Events'
Black Hand Mafia Opens Club in SL
by Gina Fatale Former denizens of TSO remember the Black Hand Mafia. Sonny Satriale, as the Godfather of the BlackHand Mafia was known in TSO, has been spending his days in SecondLife under the name Santino Molinari. Santino has started a chapter of the BlackHand mafia in SL his first family operated business is the [...]
Full StoryClub Euphoria Grand Opening

Pat the Rat has been pretty much shirking his/her duties of late, but s/he did manage to drop in on the the grand opening of Club Euphoria earlier this week. Pictures follow.
Full StoryThe Vampires of Second Life

By Miravoir Psaltry (reprinted from Players, volume 11) In this story Miravoir, our intrepid chronicler of Second Life dancers, escorts, and furries meets some of the local vampires, and gets a great story, but also gets tapped! I warned her, I warned her?
Full StoryBedazzling Gravity Space Station

I gather that the Gravity Space Station is just a place to chill while the Bedazzled group works on their development of Unreal Tournament (or a version of it) inside SL (and with Francis Chung’s Seburo compact exploder no less), but it is noteworthy for the texturing and all. While I was visiting Phillip Linden [...]
Full StoryOne Song’s Poker Table

Infamous land baron, strip club/escort service operator, and virtual arsonist One Song (aka Mr. Fairplay) has finished his long awaited poker table — and the result is one of the most complexly scripted single objects in Second Life. We have seen it in operation at The Edge, and at the Red River Valley Saloon. Following [...]
Full StoryCamping Noobs in Second Life

In combat based MMOs, when players camp newbies they hang out at entry points and slaughter them — n00bs being such easy kills and all. Now in a social MMO like Second Life it’s the same basic idea only more subtle. Club officers pounce on n00bs, drag them to their clubs and entertain them to [...]
Full StorySecond Life Boxing to Reopen

By Gina Fatale After all the drama from Boxingmania, SLB is once again opening its doors for Friday Night Fights only this time around Tommy Rampal is the one and only manager of the complex, leaving out his former business partner/drama queen, David Jacobs. I was able to catch Tommy while he was preparing for [...]
Full StorySL Escorts: Good Times or Virtual Sex Slavery?

In a topic recently opened on the Second Life Forums, Hiro Pendragon has raised the issue of whether the escorts in second life are not being exploited by club owners. As Hiro framed the problem: ?I think there are many clubs that exploit players, most of them new players, many female, that are “escorts”. Let’s [...]
Full StorySL Boxing Partnership Implodes. David Jacobs demos complex.
By Gina Fatale After the success of SLB’s Boxingmania it comes as somewhat of a shock to learn that one half of the partnership that owns Second Life Boxing has become a traitor and demolished the boxing complex. David Jacobs (for whatever reason we cannot confirm yet) has backed out of SLB cursing his long [...]
Full StoryViolence erupts at Park/Fatale Wedding Reception

Seems Pat the Rat was busy covering Elite drama before and after the wedding and hence missed the big shootouts. Ms. Fatale, the reporter/mobster/bride was kind enough to file the unbiased report herself. -Uri By Gina Fatale Before the grand ceremony at the home of Bad-Boy Don Reno Parks and crew, the Bad-Boys received a [...]
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