Archive for 'Clubs, Casinos, and Events'
Streaming the Prez Debate in SL — sort of
Hamlet Linden has a story in New World Notes about tonight’s presidential debate that is catching air time in the blogosphere. Some folks are gonna stream the debate into the game via NPR, hang out, yak about it, and in Hamlet’s case blog it (yes another Linden sucked into the blogspace vortex). I guess that’s [...]
Full StoryOne Song Wins Boxingmania! But not without Controversy?

By Gina Fatale The results from Friday?s Boxingmania at SLB in the One Song vs Tank Levy match are in, and as I predicted, the winner was One Song. The night started off with alot of trash talking between the two rivals and jumping in on the One-Song-hater band wagon was none other than one [...]
Full StoryBlood Fued: One Song and Tank Levy to settle their score in Second Life Boxing

By Gina Fatale Most Second Life veterans are already familiar with Second Life Boxing (SLB). Run by Tommy Rampal and David Jacobs, these two men combine boxing and WWE style matches, bringing some high octane entertainment to SL. With the nearing completion of their new arena/mall/amusement complex the two impresarios wanted to have a boxing [...]
Full StoryTwo Parties while the Wizzards work late

Was a busy night in SL last night. Two club grand openings: One Song’s new Club Erotic, and the new Club Elite on Elite Island. But no sooner did I get done doing my paparazzi thing at those events but I was summoned back to the SimCast dev tower. Seems the latest SL update induced [...]
Full StoryClub Elite moves to Private Sim

Big John Jade flies over Elite Island Long at or near the top property for dwell, and an important site for entertainment ranging from lap dancing to parties for SL gang leaders, Club Elite has also long been plagued with hellish lag. With the recent move to a private island — Elite Island– all that [...]
Full StoryCyber-escort as power gamer: Interview with Daphne Molinari

One thing that we?ve learned from observing social MMORPGs like TSO, There, and Second Life, is that power gaming is alive and well in these games, albeit in a different form than in EQ and SWG. In this interview we talk to an impressive example of this phenomenon ? Mistress Daphne Molinari. She tells us [...]
Full StoryEntertainment Jessie Style: The Ultimate Dive Bar

After a rough day of working on the Bedford Sim, I decided to go to Jessie and relax at my shipyard — recently acquired at auction when the Lindens booted Falcon and seized all his property. I was pleasantly surpised to see that my neighbor Davvy Knox had opened a classic dive bar named “Dirty [...]
Full StoryFallen Angel: AVG Groping Victim Falls in with One Song

Many of our dedicated readers will remember the case of the young Aphaville Government intern Gina, spoiled in the flower of her youth by the salacious advances of Mr-President. Sadly that incident has precipitated a moral decline in the young woman to the point where she has now taken employ as a dancer/camera girl with [...]
Full StoryThe Virtual Burning Man
There is a tribute to Burning Man in Second Life. I haven’t had a chance to get there yet, so I refer you to the ever excellent reporting of Hamlet Linden in New World Notes. And Hamlet even usese the phrase “temporary autonomous zone”, which basically guarantees that I will blog the story.
Full StoryErotic Dance Club Opens in Lieu of Controversial Stanford Mega-Mall

The twists and turns surrounding the Stanford simulator in the past weeks have made it hard for us to keep up, but here is a recap. Originally, Tank Levy and One Song of the Associates bought up 2/3 of Stanford to build a mega-mall. This led to all sorts of conflagrations with residents of the [...]
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