Archive for 'Featured'

Joan Philbin — Post 6 Grrrl

[I met Joan Philbin back when I was blogging in fashion and was instantly impressed with her talent and her smarts. "You never know until you try" is an old but true adage, and in my case it was especially true as I took a shot and asked Joan to pose, and she not only [...]

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Worlds Collide at Virtual Pet Memorial Service

by MIllennium Sands, Urban Riots Desk Danny06 Aya is a grown up guy in First Life, but in Second Life he’s a boy. His real life typist suffers from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and it seems likely that his avatar reflects the true state of the way he experiences his life. When Danny06 Aya’s [...]

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The Epic Fail of Second Life Groups

The hypergrowth needed to create an online mass media continues to elude Second Life – but why? If Second Life is meant to be more than a 3D Potemkin village construction kit, one might expect the group and chat systems to be top priority – yet chat remains perma-gimped due to basic architectural flaws which [...]

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Obvious Schism — Post 6 Box

[During the comments last week, one of my favorite avatars volunteered to pose nude for Post 6 and I immediately jumped at the chance. I met Obvious Schism at one of the Post 6 Parties and have been a big fan ever since, so it is an especial treat to present this week's Post 6 [...]

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Mayor of Victoriana: $30,000 Wasted, Lindens Killed The Dream

LittleBlackDuck Lindsay – mayor of Victoriana and Tinytoriana – announced his departure from Second Life in a scathing pair of notecards distributed to residents of Victoriana’s 13 sims over the last two days. While this is a sad day for Linden Lab partisans, fans of LittleBlackDuck’s communities remain hopeful that Victoriana and Tinytoriana will be [...]

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Skills Hak Tags Over 4000 Copybot Capable Avatars

Skills Hak is claiming significant success for the Gemini Cybernetics CDS anti-copybot system, and recently told the Herald "we looked up the number of uniquely flagged avatars using malicious viewers, the number is 4424. There have been around 70 appeals of which we granted 11, none of them were false posities, but extenuating circumstances". When [...]

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Superman In Disgrace – JLU Mole Haruhi Thespian Tells All

In an exclusive interview, Haruhi Thespian describes the infiltration of Kalel Venkman’s Justice League Unlimited of Second Life – a daring mission that led to the exposure of the JLU’s formerly secret wiki. The publication of the wiki resulted in revelations of the virtual superhero’s coordinated program of secret surveillance and harassment of other community [...]

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NeilLife Blog Blown Up – Copybot Client Claims Script Exploit

Emerald faction claims partial victory in Second Life open source viewer wars as NeilLife blog is shut down – NeilLife blog claim script exploits with the rogue client – Zyngo scripter Aargle Zymurgy says the most recent script security problem was closed by Linden Lab in November

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LadyDeath Rockswood the Club Manager

by Meleth Oakleaf I wandered into the familiar stone hallway of a dear friend’s club. I was again struck by the tall ceilings and strong architectural features of the club. Unlike many of the clubs I’ve visited, there is no eye blinding laser show, dim lighting nor the typical barrage of gestures. Instead, a provocative [...]

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Pathfinder Linden’s Lab Position Poofs

Pathfinder Linden announced today that his game god position has gone missing, leading the longtime Linden Lab staff member to consider other opportunities. The unfortunate news was made public in a post to the Second Life Educators mailing list, continuing a pattern staff turnover as game emperor M Linden’s cadre  consolidates their positions of power [...]

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