Archive for 'Scammers, Griefers and Goons'

About Freaking Time! Lindens Threaten RL Legal Action Against Global Attackers

Hopefully, this means I don’t have to write that editorial tearing the Lindens an new one for fiddling and diddling while griefer organizations openly organize denial of service attacks on the grid. For some reason, the Lindens have been treating these attacks as “geez aren’t these kids clever” little pumpkin smashing and toilet-papering exercises, forgetting [...]

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New evidence of griefer being feted by Linden Welcome Wagon.

The smoking gun! Click on the picture for full sized screenshot. Thanks to a friendly W-Hat for passing this along. — Undercover Hat

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Philip Linden: “Welcome to Second Life, Griefer!”

By Prokofy Neva, posted and edited by Undercover Hat Through one of those strange set of circumstances that make you cry, “Only in SL!,” the very first person to make it from Orientation Island to the newly-launched Help Island the other day was an avatar sporting the name Griefer Overlord. So I am told on [...]

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Anshe Declares War on Ginko: “It”s a Ponzi Scheme!” (Lindens block discussion. Transparency is first casualty.)

SL Power Player and Business Girl, Anshe Chung By Dow Jonas A fierce debate about trust in financial institutions is rocking the business community of SL, pitting SL’s largest land baron, Anshe Chung, said to own SL properties valued at U.S. $200,000,against Nicholas Portocarrero, SL’s largest savings and investment bank owner, reportedly holding more than [...]

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Ho Hum… Grid Crashed Again…Yawn

For the second time in the ever shrinking envelope of my Cristal-addled long term memory, the grid went down thanks to apparent griefer action. Or, if not griefer action, the then functional equivalent of it. As the Linden’s put it … … the grid was been taken down due to an IM object in the [...]

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Ludium Scandal Spreads, engulfs Dibbell and Rickey

In this rapidly developing story, the Herald has learned, via Damion Shubert’s blog, that there was a conspiracy to subvert the judging process at the Ludium recently hosted by Ted Castronova at the University of Indiana. Such underhanded means were necessary to defeat the Sysland guild, led by Raph Koster, which was begining to dominate [...]

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Invasion of the Virtual Body Snatchers

Most sorry for the delay in reporting this, but I was up at the Herald duck blind in Canada when the story broke and only just found it. Many of you will recall Chipsen Queso’s highly positive review of Asri Falcone’s fashion show. Now it seems that her account was hijacked and another mystery typist [...]

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Bad Bots! Computer characters mugged in virtual crime spree

There is a really interesting article in New Scientist about a guy in Japan using bots to mug other players on Lineage II and then of course selling the loot for RL currency. The culprit running the bots — a Chinese exchange student — was arrested. By RL Police. Cool.

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Defending the Beachheads of Second Life–or Just Griefing the Griefers?

by Clarence Calliope Jim Herbst, defender of SL’s sandboxes, snaps a salute Sandboxes have always been an important part of Second Life culture. Free for all to use and with practically no restrictions on prims or content, sandboxes are the preferred stomping grounds of landless newcomers and experienced builders alike. These unsettled simulators are scattered [...]

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Gods and H4x0rs: SL Exploit Aims at Virtual Businesses

In what was probably the first effort aimed at SL’s vibrant business community, a Second Life client was hacked earlier this week to allow ‘god’ mode–in which a user may access copy-only scripts and make account balance adjustments, etc., that are usually available only to Linden Liaisons. Linden Lab moved quickly to patch out the [...]

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